阅读下列短文,请根据每段文章的内容从短文前面的方框中选出代表其段落主旨的最佳选项符号填入相应的空白处。选项中有一项为多余选项。A. Responding to

阅读下列短文,请根据每段文章的内容从短文前面的方框中选出代表其段落主旨的最佳选项符号填入相应的空白处。选项中有一项为多余选项。A. Responding to

A. Responding to emotions.
B. Emotions and memory.
C. Emotions and your brain.
D. What emotions are.
E. How good it feels to be understood!
F. How we can be happy.
Everyone feels happiness, surprise, fear, sadness and anger at some time—these are the basic emotions. It’s normal to have these feelings sometimes! There are over 600 words in English to describe them and we use the muscles(肌肉) in our faces to express them.
  Emotions enable us to react to situations—for example, anger will set your heart racing, and feeling happy will make you smile. One of the key areas of your brain that deals with showing, recognizing, and controlling the body’s reaction to emotions is known as the limbic system (中枢边缘系统).
 When remembering an emotional event, you recall not only what happened, but also how you felt. Both sorts of memory can be caused by something you heard, saw and even smelt, at the time. Scientists think that you store early emotional memories, even if you can’t remember what actually happened.
Taking the time to recognize, understand, and express how we feel is the right thing to do. When we are able to express our emotions properly, we think hand act in a better way. We have better relationships with our parents, family and friends. We understand ourselves, and others understand us. And it feels so good!
  The way we feel affects our thoughts and actions, and it is impossible to separate our feelings from the things we think and do! Therefore, it is important to be aware of our feeling and to respond to them in the right way. Feelings like anger and fear are not our enemies! We should not keep them deep inside. Instead, we should understand them and direct them in the proper way.


小题1:根据第一行Everyone feels happiness, surprise, fear, sadness and anger at some time—these are the basic emotions可知,这一段主要讲述的是情绪主要有哪些。
小题2:根据内容One of the key areas of your brain that deals with showing, recognizing, and controlling the body’s reaction to emotions is known as the limbic system 可知,该段主要讲述的是情绪和大脑之间的关系
小题3:根据该段的remember ,memories可知,该段讲述的是情绪和记忆之间的关系。
小题4:根据该段的We understand ourselves, and others understand us. And it feels so good可知,
小题5:根据该段的Therefore, it is important to be aware of our feeling and to respond to them in the right way可知
此行多一个词:把多余的词用()划掉,在右边横线上写出该词,并用() 划掉;
We all know that healthy is very important to us. Both
study and work depend by strong bodies. Doing sports
and games help us keep strong and healthy. If we do not
take any exercise, we may feel tired but get sick easily.
There’re many different kinds of sports we can do them,
such as playing ball games, running, walking and swim.
However, now we have too much homework to do in
every day. We hope that we’ll be giving less homework
and have more time take part in sports. We also hope
that our school can hold a sports meeting every term.
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小题1:It didn’t occur on me that you would be against it. ____________________________
小题2:We could hardly believe the high price marking on the goods          
小题3:The fact which he had not said anything surprised everybody. ______________________
小题4:We are discussing whether we should team up other students to hire a car.         
小题5:Cotton take in water.                 
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小题1:A valuable dog was taken while being walked by its owner in City Park yesterday afternoon. Police wish to talk to a man seen nearby at the time, described by witnesses as short and fat with short light hair and clear glasses.
小题2:Yesterday morning at 9.30a.m. a man armed with a gun entered the National Bank and demanded money from the staff, before fleeing when confronted by bank security staff. Security cameras show the man as being short and thin with shoulder length blonde hair.
小题3:A tall, strong built man with blonde hair, a thick black moustache and wearing dark glasses knocked a woman to the ground and stole her purse on Main Street last Saturday afternoon. If you see this man, do not approach as he is considered extremely dangerous.
小题4:At the football match between Manchester United and Liverpool, several people had their wallets stolen while waiting in line to buy food. The victims did not see or notice the thief but bystanders describe him as very tall and thin, clean shaven with short light hair.
小题5:A car was stolen from the supermarket carpark on Friday, June 23 this year by a man described as very young, 1.7 metres tall with thin dark hair and carrying a blue backpack. A reward of $500 is offered for the car’s recovery.

Name: Ziggy Nizott
Height: 1.82 m
Weight: 90kg
Age: 35
Details: Long history of violent crime including robbery, assault and car theft.

Name:Dennis Tsokas
Height: 1.95 m
Weight: 70 kg
Age: 28
Details: Well known to local police having been arrested several times for pick-pocketing.

Name:Michael Clarke
Height: 1.7 m
Weight: 65 kg
Age: 20
Details: Arrested as a youth for car theft and the selling of stolen goods.

Name:Mark Hughes
Height: 1.6 m
Weight: 60kg
Age: 29
Details: Is wanted by police for several armed robbery of grocery stores, banks and post offices.

Name: Herb Elliot
Height: 1.6 m
Weight: 90kg
Age: 22
Details: Recently released from prison where he served 2 years or selling stolen goods.

Name: William Daniels
Height: 1.6 m
Weight: 90kg
Age: 32
Details: Arrested 4 times for the selling of drugs and car theft.

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Hobbies: reading, listening to music and watching birds
Purpose: asking for spare copies of textbooks, teaching materials or journals
Hobbies: reading, singing and traveling
Purpose: learning about ideas of teaching professionals in the world
Hobbies: role-playing, listening to music and collecting nice things
Purpose: communicating with new friends among English teachers from the UK and the USA
Hobbies: reading and exchanging fancy gifts and ideas about local customs and conventions
Purpose: exchanging ideas on teaching methods
Hobbies: listening to western pop music, exchanging gifts and collecting things
Purpose: making friends with both fellow teachers and students of English around the world
Hobbies: swimming, cycling and raising cats and dogs
Purpose: finding pen friends all over the world and communicating in English
Dear Editor,
I am a secondary school teacher of English.  I would like to have pen friends all over the world for my students.  They are aged 15-19 and good at swimming, cycling and raising cats and dogs.  If students in your country are interested in corresponding with Turkish students in English, please tell them to write to my address, so that I can distribute their letters to my students who are willing to have friends and are in need of practice.
Ms.  Imbat
81030, Istanbul
Dear Editor,
I am interested in corresponding with other TEFL teachers and researchers about issues of professional development.  I would like to share ideas with fellow teachers from English-speaking countries throughout the world.  My hobbies are reading, listening to music and watching birds.  Since I live in a rather isolated area, I would appreciate any spare copies if text books, teaching materials or journals that other teachers would be able to send me.
Ms.  Juliana Sirait
Dear Editor
I am a 33-year-old secondary school teacher of English in Hungary.  I would like to make new friends among English teachers mainly from English, the USA, Switzerland, and Scandinavia.  I am interested in role-playing and team work, I would also like to correspond with colleagues all over the world with the same hobbies as mine: collecting nice things, listening to music, reading and traveling
Mariann Nyari
6724, Szeged , Tavasz1/B
Dear Editor,
I am a 23-year-old Peace Corps Volunteer teaching secondary English in Equatorial Guinea.  This is my first experience teaching formally, so I would like to know some of the ideas of all you professionals out there in the world.  Letters do not have to be all business.  When the school day ends, I would enjoy hearing from you.  I enjoy reading.  Singing, traveling and so on.
Kury W. Cobham
AP Box 456
Equatorial Guinea
Dear Editor,
I’m a 30-year-old teacher of English at a middle school.  I’d be happy to make friends with both fellow teachers and students of English around the world. I also wish to find penfriends for my students between 13 and 20 years old. My interests are letter writing,listening to western pop music,exchanging gifts,and collecting stamps,maps,picture postcards and coins.
Mr. S.  Thevachandra
47/1,Kalm Unai
Sri Lanka

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Made In The USA: An Export Boom
In his State of the Union address two years ago, President Obama argued that in order to recover from the economic recession, one of the few things the U.S. needed to do was to export more goods around the world. That night, the president unveiled a new goal: to double U.S. exports over the next five years. It would be an increase that the president said would “support two million jobs in America.”
Most economists dismissed the promise at the time as something unrealistic, but two years later, the U.S. is on pace to meet that goal. American exports are up 34 percent since the president gave that speech, and the number continues to rise.
Competitive In A Global Market
Marlin Steel, a metal working business in Baltimore, makes parts that ship all across the world.“We export to 36 countries,” owner Drew Greenblatt tells All Things Considered Host Guy Raz.“We"re working around the clock, and we"re growing.”
It"s not just advanced manufacturing exports on the rise, but pork, cattle and all kinds of agricultural exports are up as well. Even American craft beer has found an export market.
Flying Dog CEO Jim Caruso says that increasingly, people all over the world are trying the beer from the Maryland-based brewery. Caruso says,“Even in those top beer-producing countries, a competitive American product is finding a market.”
Services Are Exports, Too
Another place exports are coming from is New York City—in particular, the 30th floor of a Manhattan skyscraper on 5th Avenue and 52nd Street. That"s where the consulting firm Kurt Solomon lies. It doesn"t actually produce a product for export; it provides management advice and strategy.
“Four out of every five Americans is now employed in the service industry,” the nation"s top trade official, Ron Kirk says, “Services are a significant part of our exports, and make up about a quarter of our exported goods.” These services can include everything from legal consulting, finance, information technology and even engineering.
And There Are Other Factors
So why has there been an increase of more than 30 percent for exports in almost everything? Part of the increase, at least for the manufacturing side, is due to better technology, says Tyler Cowen, an economist.“A lot of it is being driven by smart machines,” he tells Raz,“The U.S. has high wage rates, which is a disadvantage, but if machines are doing a lot of the work, that doesn"t matter.”
China factors a lot in America"s export economy, too.“Wages in China have been going up as the country becomes more productive. Thus China is losing the cheap labor advantage it has held for some time.” Cowen says.
Will Jobs Grow, too?
“Companies have become more productive by dismissing workers and lowering costs.”Cowen says.“So I don"t view exporting as a way of creating a very large number of jobs, but it will create more profits.”
So not every business or worker is necessarily benefiting from the export boom in the U.S., and Cowen says that could ultimately lead to a polarization(两极) of economic outcomes.
Made In the USA: An Export Boom
The purpose of  increasing exports
*To help America make a (1)______ from the economic recession
*To help raise the nation"s (2)______ rate
The current situation
*American exports have risen (3)______ thirty-four percent up to now
*There has been an increase in exports in everything
*The export boom does not necessarily (4)______ every business or worker
(5)______ contributing to the export boom
Even in those top beer-producing countries, people try craft beer from Flying Dog, a brewery (7)______ in Maryland
Various products
A variety of products are provided around the world,services (8)______ for 25%
Lower costs
*(9)______ take the place of labor, helping companies reduce wages
*China, who used to take (10)______ of cheap labor, has given way to America in exports to some extent because of its increasing production

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