VI. 短文改错找出下面一段文章中的错处并改正。如该行缺一词,在文中缺词处标上“  ” ,并在相应的横线上写上正确的词语;如该行多一词,在文中用斜线划掉多余的词

VI. 短文改错找出下面一段文章中的错处并改正。如该行缺一词,在文中缺词处标上“  ” ,并在相应的横线上写上正确的词语;如该行多一词,在文中用斜线划掉多余的词

VI. 短文改错
找出下面一段文章中的错处并改正。如该行缺一词,在文中缺词处标上“  ” ,并在相应的横线上写上正确的词语;如该行多一词,在文中用斜线划掉多余的词,并在相应的横线上写上该词,用斜线划去;如该行错一词,在文中用横线标出,再在相应的横线上写上正确的词语。如该行无错,在相应的横线上打上“  ” 。
Betty wants to be  nurse and works with sick people        a      
who need her helps.                                help     
Last summer Betty  had  broke her leg.                had    
The pain was very great and she couldn’t walk.                   
The telephone rang and I picked out the receiver(话筒). “Hello,”   69.____________
I said.  “Hello,” said the voice. “Bill here, is Betty there?”         70.____________
“I’m sorry,” I said, “You have got the wrong number.”             71.____________
A few seconds late, the telephone rang again. Just                 72.____________
as I expected he was Bill, “You have made a mistake again.”        73.____________
I explained. The telephone rang a third time. This made I           74.____________
angry. I speak in a big voice, “Hello, Bill, Betty here.”             75._____________
For a moment there was a dead silent. Then someone said,         76._____________
“What’s the wrong with you, Tom?” It was my mother.            77._____________
I could do anything but say sorry to my mother.                  78_____________

69.   up   70.    a   71. 正确    72.   later 73.    it    74.    me75.   spoke
76.   silence  77.   the       78.   nothing


提示:后天是Alice 的生日。她的父母商量着给她买礼物,最后说定买一张唱片送给她。
M: It’s Alice’s birthday the day after tomorrow.            79           ?
W: Yes, of course. Shall we give her some flowers?
M: Flowers are lovely. But I think it’s better to buy her a nice box of chocolates.
W: Alice doesn’t like sweet things. Didn’t you know that?
M: You’re right. Er…I know.           80           ? She loves music.
W:              81         .  Let’s go to the music shop and choose one for her.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
71.I am trying to make up the time I lost _______________________ (在我生病期间). (while)
72.My bicycle isn’t where I put it. Who ________________________ (可能移动) it? (move)
73.It was only when I had finished reading the novel once again ____________________________ (我开始) to like it. (begin)
74.When _______________________________ (问到他的秘诀) of his success, he said he owed much of his success to his family. (ask)
75.So _______________________________ (这本书非常有趣) that I can hardly tear myself away from it. (interesting)
76._______________________________ (我们生来具备的) is a general ability to learn and adapt, not a language specific part of the brain. (born)
77.The house _______________________________ (他付了) a large sum of money last year is now worth twice as much. (pay)
78.The head master responded to the parents, saying their kids were _________________________ (太小而不能) attend school. (too)
79.They spent a lot of money ___________________________________ (装备学校) new computers. (equip)
80.My eye fell on the letter she _______________________________________ (留在) on the table. (leave)
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

My husband and I are young parents (He’s 25 and I’m 23). He has a job that he loves and I am a stay-at-home mom and I love it. We are the proud parents of our three children, and plan to have more. We’ve got a lot of comment, even from strangers, which is very upsetting to us. Any advice not to let people speak ill of us behind our backs?
My wife has two grandchildren whom she seldom gets to see. Her daughter married, and the new husband is trying to keep the kids away from our family, only allowing them to stay with his family. Is there any other way to deal with this problem other than sue(控诉)for grandparents’ right?
My 20-year-old daughter is very pretty, but always gets treated better by men than “average” people. Once she was getting gas and another customer (male of course) bought it for her. I told her it was wrong to take advantage of her good looks, but she said if men wanted to do things for her because of her beauty, she would let them do it. What do you think?
What do you do with a neighbor who doesn’t care about her yard? She leaves useless things outside, doesn’t ever paint the house and her lawn is always in an untidy state. The rest of us work hard to have homes that are attractive to the community. This person’s neglect is bringing down our property values.
My husband is patient, lovable and caring. He packs my lunch each day with a handwritten lovely note, mows the lawn, etc. But when he packs my lunch, he uses a piece of paper to wipe his hands, and then throws it on the floor. It’ll stay there forever. But I’m not his mother. How can I get him to clean up after himself?
A. If you like, throw a lawyer into the middle of a family conflict—and prepare for war. I highly recommend giving peace a chance. What you are describing here is a serious disagreement between your wife and her daughter that is blamed on the husband. Your wife and daughter need a good heart-to-heart communication with no kids or husbands around.
B. The mother has an additional influence on her sons: she not only gives them clues to what they will find attractive in a mate, but also affects how they feel about women in general. So if she is warm and nice, her sons are going to think that’s the way women are. They will likely become warm-hearted and also be cooperative around the house.
C. There are so many possible reasons for your neighbour’s neglect. Perhaps she is a millionaire; maybe she’s physically unable to do the work and can’t afford to pay someone to do it; perhaps she likes her home the way it is. I’m afraid the best you and your neighbours can do is go to her, share your feelings of worry about what effect she’s having on your properties and you may not like this! Offer to clean up her yard.
D. You don’t need to show that your choice are reasonable to anyone, especially to rude people .If you’re lovable and responsible parents, next time you get a comment on your family, laugh it off and tell them, “I was born to love babies.” If a stranger pipes up with an unsolicited(未经同意的)opinion, say dryly , “How kind of you to be concerned about my family .Excuse me.” And move on.
E. Controlling is cruel and taking advantage of one’s appearance is ugly. If she cares about maintaining her beauty and her self-respect, she needs to stop taking things for free from men. Remind her that nothing in life is free.
F. You want help? Most women would love to have your husband. How about this? While your husband is packing your lunch, composing handwritten lovely notes and mowing the lawn, why don’t you pick up the newspapers, wipe the floor and then leave him a note telling him what a treasure he is. On behalf of women everywhere, embrace this man!  
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

Recently I have learned from the internet that traffic accidents were happened frequently, which mainly resulted from drinking driving.
Many drivers think they are luckily to avoid accidents. As the matter of fact, no one could afford to risk their lives driving after drinking. Drunk driving will not only threaten the life of the drivers as well as other people, and also make their family suffer from anxiety caused by it. In addition, drunk driving against the law and more and more people are punished for them.
In a word, for the sake of the safety of all people, please not drive after drinking.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

Going up to university to study for a degree means you have decided to study professionally, rather than as an amateur; so being a student is now your profession for at least the next four years.
This involves a change of attitude in many ways. Now, instead of taking several subjects, you have chosen one major subject because you find it interesting and worth exploring further. You also have before you the goal of getting a degree. The degree and the stages you have to pass through to achieve it give you motivation. You are no longer forced to stay in school all day, and apart from your class time, you organize your own time and place for studying.
Another change is in the relationship with those who teach you. You are there to study actively rather than to be taught passively. Your teachers may or may not urge you, but they do want you to share their interest in the subject and they want you to succeed. If you get work back with a poorer mark than you expected and with various criticisms, don’t feel discouraged by this; if you don’t understand what is wrong and how to improve, ask your teacher to explain and don’t be satisfied until you do understand.
Professionalism involves training and practicing. Some activities, like reading, note-taking, speaking and discussing are basic to studying. Make sure you can do these effectively. You have to use time well, and practice to improve your skills.
Effective reading is part of your training. Since it is a learned skill we can change the way we did since in primary school and relearn it. Learn how to read fast—how to read with your eyes rather than your throat, how to ignore words like “of” and “the”, and how to keep what you read.
You take notes in class for yourself, not for anyone else, so make your notes easy to read, economical and pleasing to the eye. Vary the arrangement on the page to suit the material (diagrams, columns, underlining), use colored pens for different topics to catch the eye and make things stand out. Work out your own shorthand speedwriting.
Group discussions give you a chance to train your ability to express yourself. Don’t be the non-speaking member of the group. Take an active part in the discussion. In the future you are almost certainly going to have to be good at speaking, so get into the way of talking about your subject now. This is actually more fun than sitting being silently uncomfortable. Nobody will think what you say is foolish. Everyone will be thankful not to face embarrassed silence.

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