


31.-Sleep well last night ?
-Far from that ! My next door neighbour_________________ (放音乐) pretty loud. (play)
32. If you want to do the experiment again, you"d better be more careful _________________ (你犯过错误的地方) . (where)
33._________________(困在) in the collapsed coal mine for more than 70 hours, the workers survived by eating newspapers. (trap)
34.He_________________ (一定完成了) his work; otherwise he wouldn"t be enjoying himself by the seaside.  (complete)
35.The boy dived into the water and after_________________ (好像很长时间), he came up again. (what; seem)
36.Last year, Liu Xiang succeeded _________________ (创造世界记录). ( set )
37._________________(尽管他很聪明), he needs others" help to overcome the difficulties. ( as )
38.The green house is said _________________(装上了节水设备)with water-saving systems recently. (equip)
39.We tried to comfort her, but she would rather we_________________(别管她).(leave)
40.The party meeting made a promise _________________(中国将构建和谐社会) a harmonius society. (create)

31.was playing music                   32.where you made mistakes
33.Having been trapped               34.must have completed
35.what seemed a long time                 36.in setting the world record
37.Clever as he is                        38. to have been equipped
39.left her alone                          40. that China will create

When Joe left university, he got a good work in a bike factory.         76. ____________
But after he had been worked there for some years, he decided          77. ____________
to have change, so he put a notice in several newspapers,           78. ____________
saying what experiences he had and the kind of job he would       79. ____________
like to have. One of the answers he accepted was from a man       80. ____________
was looking for a job, too. This man wrote to him, “Dear, sir,       81. ____________
when you get a new job, be kind enough to give your name and     82. ____________
address to your present boss as I have been trying to find           83. ____________
a position like yours for a long time.” After he reads the letter,      84. ____________
he suddenly realized that what he had done was real foolish.             85. ____________
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
In         , when he was in       , he went to California to seek his fortune.
A.the 1980s; his twentiesB.the 1980s; the twenties
C.the 1980s; twentiesD.1980s; the twenties

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That Saturday when I entered into an underpass, I      86.      
heard a beautiful sound. It makes me very happy.              87.     
It was darkness there, but I could judge where the sound    88.     
came. I walked towards a corner. An old man was sitting    89.     
there, wears shabby clothes. He was playing erhu, “Oh, it is       90.      
a beggar,” I thought. On that moment a man came by and dropped    91.     
one Yuan in the beggar box. The old man stopped              92.     
to say “Thank you”. He then groped (摸) on the ground.    93.     
While he found the box, he picked up the money. He felt   94.     
it and smiled. What beautiful the music was! It was    95.     
played by a blind person. I just admired him.            
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
I was used to complain about my English teacher                   
for his bad English. I was also tired with his teaching methods,          
it were always slow and boring. However, my attitude towards           
him began to change after one afternoon. It was raining                 
heavy and I didn’t attend school. Around 5:30 pm I received             
a phone call. “Are you all right?” asked my English teacher in quiet       
voice. On hearing her words, I was shocked and my mind was           
flooded with mixed feeling. He was showing his concern               
for me, though I have not been happy with him! Was he just              
acting and should I smooth away my past misunderstanding of him?       
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第二卷 书面表达(35分)
第一部分 对话填空(10分)
Jane:Mum,What will the weather be like tomorrow? Have you heard the weather report today?
Mum:Yes, why do you pay much more (76)a        to something about the weather??
Jane: Oh,we’ve planned to go for a (77)p         .
Mum:The radio gives us the (78)i          that there’ll be rain..
Jane: What a (79)p         ! Our plan can’t be (80)c         out.
Mum:You know sometimes the (81)w         makes mistakes.
Jane: I hope he’s made a mistake again this time.
Mum:Why not play computer (82)g         at home if it rains ?
Jane: I"m afraid I (83)p         to go to the (84)m         rather than do that.
Mum: OK. It"s good to see an interesting film on (85)r         days.
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