—What a pity that he missed his final shot and ended in a tie!—Yes, but he didn"

—What a pity that he missed his final shot and ended in a tie!—Yes, but he didn"

—What a pity that he missed his final shot and ended in a tie!
—Yes, but he didn"t lose it ________! It just wasn"t his day.
A.for funB.in preparation
C.on purposeD.after all

C 句意:“他射门没进最后以平局收场,好可惜啊!”“是的,但他不是有意那样做的,只是那天他不走运罢了!”for fun意为“为了消遣”;in preparation意为“准备”;on purpose意为“故意,有意地”;after all意为“毕竟”。根据语境可知,应选C项。
I don"t agree with your plan. You should never put your fortune ________ luck.
A.in honor ofB.at the mercy of
C.in charge ofD.in memory of

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(2013·辽宁五校第一联合体高三考试)—I think London is the best place for us.
—I don"t agree ________ your opinion, for the climate there doesn"t agree ________ us.
A.to; toB.to; with
C.with; withD.with; to

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Her efforts resulted ___ her success while her brother’s failure resulted __ his laziness.
A.from, fromB.from, inC.in, fromD.in, in

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Your performance in the driving test didn’t reach the required standard -- ___, you failed.
A.in the endB.after allC.in other wordsD.at the same time

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_________the phenomenon of “bystander effect”in the Yueyue event, most Chinese strongly believe that there still exist love and warmth in people’s hearts.
A.In spite ofB. In addition toC.Because ofD.On behalf of

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