______earlier, I" d have told you.A.If I would have known itB.Had I known itC.If

______earlier, I" d have told you.A.If I would have known itB.Had I known itC.If


______earlier, I" d have told you.
A.If I would have known itB.Had I known it
C.If I knew it.D.Should I know it


I’ve been working for over twenty years and seldom           so tired as now .
A.I have felt B.I had felt C.have I felt D.had I felt

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Among the films being nominated(提名)         directed by Zhang Yimou.
A.is a popular film B.is as popular
C.a popular filmD.one is popular

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No sooner ________ themselves in their seats in the theatre _______ the curtain went up.
A.they have settled; beforeB.had they settled; than
C.have they settled; when D.they had settled; than

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—I’d like to play football with you, but I have an important thing to attend to.
—If you don’t go, __________.
A.neither do I B.so will I C.nor will I D.so do I

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________ that we can’t afford to waste it.
A.So precious is timeB.So time is precious
C.So is time preciousD.So precious time is

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