情景对话根据对话情景和内容,从对话后所给的选项中选出能填入每一空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两个为多余选项。A: Excuse me, can you tell m

情景对话根据对话情景和内容,从对话后所给的选项中选出能填入每一空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两个为多余选项。A: Excuse me, can you tell m

A: Excuse me, can you tell me where the nearest restaurant is?
B:   __1__
A: Where is the nearest restaurant, please?
B: Oh, the restaurant? The nearest one is the City Restaurant.    __1___  
A: I"m - er - I"m afraid I don"t quite …you see, __3__  
B: I see. Simply walk two blocks straight ahead, then turn left, and the City Restaurant is about 10
metres ahead. __4__  
A: Can I take a bus?
B: Of course you can. But __5__ It"s only a few minutes"walk.
A: Thank you very much.
B: Not at all.

A. What did you do?
B. I"m a total stranger here.
C. You can"t miss it.
D. I beg your pardon?
E. It"s just opposite the No.5 Department Store.
F. I don"t think it is necessary.
G. It"s not very nice.
1-5: DEBCF
情景对话     Marry: Tom, I"ve just moved to a new house.
     Tom:    __6__  
     Marry: Thank you, and I"d like to buy a new television set.
     Tom:    __7__    
     Marry: A color TV set, of course.But I"m not sure about the size.Maybe we should buy a big one.If we buy a small one, we might have to change it in a few years" time for a big one.  __8___  
     Tom: In my opinion, I don"t think it necessary to buy a very big one.
     Marry:    ___9__    
     Tom: Yes.As we know, your sitting room isn"t very big.If you put in a very big television set, it will be
bad for your eyes.Besides, a smaller TV set can have clear pictures.
     Marry:     __10__   I"ll think about it.
     Tom: You"d better make a quick decision because the price may go up soon.A.Wow, how I envy you!
B.What is your opinion?
C.What kind of television do you want to buy?
D.Mm, that"s quite true.
E.Why do you think so?
F.Is there any reason?
G.Really? Congratulations!
题型:陕西省同步题难度:| 查看答案
情景对话-Hi, Sir.Can I help you?
-Yes.I want to fly to Chicago on Wednesday the seventh and return on Friday the ninth.  __1__
-OK.Sir, you know tickets are cheaper if you stay over Saturday night.
-Thanks, but unfortunately I"ve already arranged some business   __2__So I"ll just have to pay the extra
-What time of the day would you prefer, sir? Morning or afternoon?
-Morning,   __3__     Is there a meal?
-Yes, sir.They will be serving breakfast as well as drinks, and you"ll also see a video program.
-It sounds good.__4__  
-Eight hundred and fifty dollars round trip.
-__5__A.because I have to be there early evening.
B.for I have to be there early morning.
C.How much is the ticket?
D.That"s more than I expected!
E.But what"s the total cost?
F.there that Saturday.
G.here that Friday
题型:陕西省同步题难度:| 查看答案
根据对话情景和内容,从对话后所给的选项中选出能填入每一空白处的最佳选项.选项中有两个为多余选项.   W: Welcome! What can I do for you?
   M: I"m looking for a necklace for my wife.   __1__
   W: That is so sweet! I"ll help you to find one that she"ll love.
   M: Really? Thanks!
   W: Sure.  __2__  
   M: I think a crystal necklace would be better because it stands for purity, and my wife likes crystals very
   W: OK.  __3__  
   M: Hmmm. Let me take a look. It"s very pretty, but why is it special?
   W: You see, normally a crystal pendant(吊坠) is on a gold or silver chain, but this one is on a fabric
string.  __4__  
   M: Yeah, I see what you mean. I think I"ll take it.
   W: No problem. The wrapping will take a little while. Please wait a moment.A.Can you wrap it for me with purple wrapping paper?    
B.I think this heartshaped one is special.
C.The crystal one is much more expensive.
D.So which would you like, a gold or crystal necklace?
E.How would you like to pay for it?
F.Tomorrow"s our wedding anniversary.
G.This makes the necklace special, so it will stand out from the crowd.
题型:陕西省同步题难度:| 查看答案
A:①_________(我不打算)attend the poem class on Sunday.②_________(你将如何)inspire
    yourself this weekend?
B:③_________(我打算)write a poem this weekend.④_________(你呢)?
A:⑤_________(我计划)go for a hike in the countryside and sit quietly somewhere by myself.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案

A: __1__(你更喜欢哪个)to spendthe weekend, studying or going shopping?
B: __2__(我喜欢去购物).What about you?
A: __3__(我宁愿)study, for wewill have a test on Monday.
B: __4__(如果由我决定,我将选择)

题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案


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