根据提示,翻译下列句子(共7小题;每题2分,最后一题3分,满分15分)。91. 不要信任Bob,即使他没撒谎,也并不意味着他说出了所有的真相。(trust, m

根据提示,翻译下列句子(共7小题;每题2分,最后一题3分,满分15分)。91. 不要信任Bob,即使他没撒谎,也并不意味着他说出了所有的真相。(trust, m

91. 不要信任Bob,即使他没撒谎,也并不意味着他说出了所有的真相。(trust, mean)
92. 世界杯每四年举行一次,就像奥运会一样。(hold)
93. 一到达山顶,我就体验到了一种幸福感和成就感。(upon)
94. 我生日时她给我买了一些羊毛、酒和瓷器。总而言之,她很爱我。(as a whole)
95. 很多因素使得英语发展成这种新的类型。(contribute)
96. 女生的友谊通常建立在共同的情感和相互支持上。(base)
97. 他真后悔浪费很多时间打电子游戏,现在他决定努力学习各门功课。(regret, determined)

91. Don’t trust Bob. Even if he didn’t lie/tell lies, it doesn’t mean that he told you the complete truth.
Or: Don’t trust Bob. Even if he hasn’t lied, it doesn’t mean that he has told you the complete truth.
92. The World Cup is held every four years, just like the Olympic Games.
93. Upon reaching the top of the mountain, I experienced a feeling of happiness and a sense of achievement.
94. She bought me some wool, wine and china for my birthday. As a whole, she loves me very much.
95. Many factors contributed to the development of this new type of English.
96. Friendships between girls are usually based on shared feelings and support.
97. How he regrets wasting/having wasted so much playing computer games! Now he is determined to work hard at all his lessons.

1. As a small child, I would often listen to grandpa telling____ (古代的故事).
2.___ (古代的士兵)used escutcheon to fight.
3.___ (何时何地开会还没有决定)
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案

(1) 他唱了一首歌来鼓舞大家的情绪。
(2) 听到那动人的消息大家情绪高涨。
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案

1. Please include me in the list.
2. He listed all the things he had to do.
3. He was angry to find his name taken off the list.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案

2. 翻译句子,每空一词。(共10个空格,每个空格1分)
(6) 我们应该意识到学习外语的重要性。
We should ________  __________  of the importance of learning a foreign language.
(7) 她要是早有预见、计划就好了!
 If only she _________  ___________ and planned better.
(8) 他没有能让老师相信他是诚实的。
He failed to _____ the teacher _______ his honesty.
(9) 玛利上课记了很多笔记,以免会忘记。
Mary put down many notes in class _____  __________ she would forget them.
 The weather ______  ________ to get better tomorrow.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

AT a pet shop, a woman tells the shopkeeper what she wants. After thinking for a moment, he says: 61  "I"ve got just the thing for you, madam. I"ll go get him."
A few seconds later, he returns with a lovely little puppy. "This is a special dog," he tells her. "He can fly." He throws the dog into the air. The puppy begins to float (浮动) beautifully around the shop.
"There is one problem with him, madam. 62        Whenever you say ""my"", he"ll eat whatever you"ve mentioned. Watch. ""My apple""!" The lady watches in surprise as the dog flies over to the shopkeeper and finishes the apple like a horse.
"He"s cute, and so unusual. I"ll take him," she says, and a few minutes later 63 她和这条小狗已经在回家的路上了.
"Darling, look,64 我今天买了一条多么可爱的小狗啊!“ she says to her husband when she gets back home. "He can fly!"
The husband takes a look at the dog, and then says: "Fly eh? Ha! My foot!"
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案


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