A Lesson in Caring It was a cold evening. My daughter and I were walking up Broa

A Lesson in Caring It was a cold evening. My daughter and I were walking up Broa

A Lesson in Caring
It was a cold evening. My daughter and I were walking up Broadway. I didn’t notice a guy sitting inside a cardboard box. But Nora    . She wasn’t even four, but she      at my coat and said, “That man’s cold. Daddy, can we take him home?”
I don’t remember my    . But I do remember a sudden     feeling inside me. I had always been delighted at how much my daughter noticed in her    , whether it was birds flying or children playing. But now she was noticing     and beggary.
A few days later, I saw an article in the newspaper about volunteers who picked up a food package from a nearby school on a Sunday morning and     it to an elderly person. I signed us up. Nora was     about it. She could understand the importance of food, so she could easily see how     our job was. When Sunday came, she was ready, but I had to     myself to leave the house to fetch the food package. On my way to the school, I fought a(n)     to turn back. The Sunday paper and coffee were waiting for me at home. Why do this?    , we phoned the elderly person we’d been appointed. She    us right over.
The building was in a bad state. A silver-haired woman in an old dress received us. Nora ran inside. I     followed. However, when we talked, I was moved by her struggle against the hard life and realized what our little help meant to her. When the time came to say goodbye, we three hugged. I walked home    , touched.
Professionals call such a     “a volunteer opportunity”. They are opportunities and I’ve come to see.     else but as volunteers do you have the opportunity to do something     that’s good for others as well as for yourself? Nora and I regularly serve meals to needy people and     clothes for the homeless. Yet, as I’ve     her grow over these past four years, I still wonder – which of us has benefited more?
A.image  B.dream   C.memoryD.world
A.sent  B.appliedC.devoted  D.posted
A.encourageB.expectC.allow   D.push
A.ThereforeB.But  C.Anyhow  D.Instead
A.in tearsB.in disappointmentC.with tirednessD.with anxiety
A.reliableB.fairC.difficult D.enjoyable
A.hadB.feltC.watched  D.noticed



小题1:考查动词辨析:句意:我没有注意到一个人坐在纸板盒里面,我女儿注意到了,这里用did指代notice a guy sitting inside a cardboard box ,选A
小题2:考查动词辨析: A. pulled拉,B. stared凝望,C. pointed指,D. aimed瞄准,根据语境,女儿拉了一下我的衣角说…,选A
小题3:考查名词辨析:A. debate辩论,B. reply回复,C. explanation解释,D. expression表达,我不记得我的回答是什么了,选B
小题4:考查形容词辨析:A. light轻的,B. funny滑稽的,C. heavy   沉重的,D. magical神奇的,从下文可知女儿过去只在意孩童的美好世界,但现在开始关注苦难,赤贫。所以作者突然有一种沉重心情。选C
小题5:考查动词辨析:A. image想象,B. dream梦想,C. memory记忆,D. world世界,下文提到提到鸟儿嬉戏,小孩玩耍等均是童趣,是女儿的她的孩童世界。选D
小题6:考查名词辨析:A. coldness 冷淡,B. kindness善良,C. suffering痛苦,D. sharing 分享,本空和beggary是并列关系,行乞与苦难有关,选C
小题7:考查动词辨析:A. sent 送,派遣,B. applied申请,C. devoted奉献,D. posted邮寄,根据句意,自愿者把食物包装盒收集起来送到一位年迈的人。选A
小题8:考查形容词辨析:A. concerned关心的,担心的,B. curious好奇的,C. satisfied满意的,D. excited兴奋的,从第一段可知看出女儿很有爱心。Nora对此很兴奋,选D
小题9:考查形容词辨析:A. attractive有吸引力的,B. valuable有价值的,C. creative有创造力的,D. lucky幸运的,在此活动中女儿可以理解食物的重要性,因此我们的工作很有价值。选B
小题10:考查动词辨析:A. encourage勇气,B. expect   期待,C. allow允许,D. push推动,逼迫,从下一句可以看出,到了星期天,我想呆在家看报纸,喝咖啡,因而是“逼迫”着离开家,选D
小题11:考查名词辨析:A. urge强烈要求,敦促,B. effort努力,C. hurry匆忙,  D. must必须,从下文的:The Sunday paper and coffee were waiting for me at home.可知我和强烈的想转身回家的***做斗争。选A  
小题12:考查副词辨析:A. Therefore因此,B. But但是,C. Anyhow不管怎样,D. Instead代替,不管怎样,我们还是打电话给了指定的那位老人(准备把食物包装盒送去)选C
小题13:考查动词辨析:A. requested要求,B. promised许诺,C. invited邀请,D. thanked感谢,从下文可知我们走进了老人的住处,说明他邀请我们过去,选C
小题14:考查副词辨析:A. happily快乐地,B. cautiously谨慎地,C. eagerly渴望地,D. unwillingly不愿意地,根据上文Nora跑进去了,我不情愿的跟着进去,我一旦进去,我便看到了属于某个穷人的公寓。选D
小题15:考查词组辨析:A. in tears含泪,B. in disappointment失望,C. with tiredness疲劳地, D. with anxiety焦虑地,从下文的touched可知他们被感动的流泪了,选A
小题16:考查名词辨析: A. stay逗留,B. visit 参观,拜访,C. reception接待,D. challenge挑战,专业人士把这样的拜访(去老人家)叫做志愿者的机会。选B
小题17:考查疑问词:A. How   怎么,B. Where哪里,C. When 何时,D. What什么,除了自愿者,还有什么地方能做一些对别人有好处,自己也高兴的事情呢?选B
小题18:考查形容词辨析:A. reliable可靠的,B. fair公平的,C. difficult困难的,D. enjoyable愉快的,做既利人又利己的事,当然是令人愉快的事,有乐趣的事,选D
小题19:考查动词辨析:A. collect 收集,B. order预定,命令,C. make制作,D. design设计,从上文的I saw an article in the newspaper about volunteers who picked up a food package from a nearby school on a Sunday morning可知是募集衣物给无家可归的人。A
小题20:考查动词辨析:A. had 有,B. felt感觉,C. watched观看,D. noticed注意,过去四年,通过在百老汇做志愿者活动,看着我女儿不断成长。选C
Hercule Poirot looked over the small gate which gave admission to Pine Crest. It was a modern nicely-built house. It was on a hill top, and the hill top was planted with a few sparse pines. It had a small neat garden and a large elderly man was watering with a big tin.
Spence’s hair was now grey all over. He had not shrunk much in girth(围长), though. He stopped watering and looked at the visitor at the gate. Hercule Poirot stood there without moving.
“God bless my soul,” said Spence. “It must be. It can’t be but it is. Yes, it must be Hercule Poirot!”
“Aha,” said Poirot, “you remember me. I’m grateful.”
Spence abandoned the watering can and came down to the gate.
“What brings you down here?”
“What has brought me to many places in my time,” said Poirot, “and what once a good many years ago brought you to see me. Murder, Spence.”
“I’m done with murder since I retired,” said Spence, “except in the case of weeds. Killing weeds is never easy as you think, something’s always wrong. How did you know where to find me?” he asked as he opened the gate and Poirot passed through.
“You sent me a Christmas card. It had your new address on it.”
“Ah yes, so I did. I’m old-fashioned, you know, I like to send round cards at Christmas time to a few old friends. I’m an old man now.”
“We both are.”
“Not much grey in your hair,” said Spence.
“I take care of my hair with a bottle,” said Poirot. “There is no need to appear in public with grey hair unless you wish to do so. By the way, why have you come to live in Woodleigh Common?”
“As a matter of fact, I came here to join forces with a sister of mine. She lost her husband, her children are married and living abroad. So I moved in here. Pensions(退休金)don’t go far nowadays, but we do comfortably living together.”
小题1:From their dialogue, we can learn about _______.
A.their common friendsB.Spence’s sister’s characters
C.their relationshipD.Poirot’s recent life
小题2:Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Spence used to deal with murder.
B.Poirot didn’t care about his appearance.
C.Spence moved to join his sister for lack of money.
D.Poirot came specially to reunite with his old friend.
小题3:From the passage we can infer that they might _______ next.
A.meet Spence’s familyB.discuss about a murder
C.visit Spence’s new homeD.water the garden together

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Yesterday was my stepmother’s birthday. I haven’t been home for a long time, so I wanted to stop by the house to see her on this special day.
I have been struggling on a low income so I was afraid that I couldn’t afford the long trip. Gas is so expensive nowadays! Anyway, I filled my tank with gas and set off. 
I stopped at a shopping mall and found a present. It was the perfect gift and I knew she would love it. But when I got to the cashier, my card wasdeclined! I didn’t have enough money in my account to pay for the gift!
So I pondered the issue for a few minutes. I could put it back and get something cheaper, but I knew there was nothing else in the store she would have liked as much. So, I got to my smart-phone and transferred some money from my saving account and was able to buy the gift. It took a big part of my savings but I wanted her to have something special.
It turned out that she loved the gift and I felt that even though I had spent almost all my money, my stepmother deserved the best. I was glad I gave her the best I could.
Before I left my parents’ house, my dad took me to one side and, with our secret handshake, he gave me some money. I hadn’t said anything to him about my financial condition, but I guessed my dad just knew it. When I got to the car, I saw the amount he gave me was three times what I had spent on the gas and the gift!
It goes to show that doing the right thing always comes with great rewards.
小题1: Why was the writer unwilling to have a long trip?
A.Because gas was hardly available.
B.Because the writer was short of money.
C.Because the writer didn’t like driving.
D.Because the road was difficult to drive on.
小题2:The underlined word “pondered” in Paragraph 4 probably means ________.           
A.thought aboutB.tried onC.depended onD.got through
小题3:From the passage, we can infer that ________.
A.the writer loves his stepmother very much
B.the gift the writer bought was loved by his father very much
C.the writer spend all his savings buying the gift for his stepmother
D.the gift the writer bought was the most expensive one in the shop
小题4:Why did the writer’s father shake hands with the writer in secret?
A.Because he wanted to ask the writer for something special.
B.Because he wanted to give the writer some money.
C.Because he knew the writer had been struggling financially.
D.Because he didn’t want others to copy their handshake.

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For several years, we lived at the end of a long Texas country road. Every evening when I was away from home on business, my little boy would ask permission of his mother to take his black       and his daddy’s walking stick, to make the half-mile       from the house to the fence which       the beginning of the dirty driveway.
One day, I was busy with my business and was       for about an hour, completely forgetting about the       little boy down the road who might be       for his daddy.
On my way home, the rain was so thick that I could not       ten feet in front of me. All I could       was finishing my journey and getting out of the rain.       , the downpour began to abate(减弱). It was only a drizzle(细雨) by the time my car turned the last       and approached the final street between me and a warm home and nice meal.
     , I caught sight of my little boy, who was       an umbrella in one hand, a walking stick in the other, and was wearing the biggest and most beautiful smile ever to lighten the       of a little boy.
As I stopped the car and       the door, he ran into my arms and held me long and hard. He was wet and       with cold, but he never      the rain, nor the hour-long wait. He simply said, “Daddy, I missed you. I am so glad you are home.”
Last year, we       to a wonderful new home provided for a special season in our lives. We no longer have a long country road.       , I have never forgotten the rainy day and the little boy and his black dog. Often, perhaps a thousand times, that       has occurred in my mind.     all events in our lives, it happens once, and must be treasured.
A.stick toB.think ofC.pick upD.hold on
A.In factB.In surpriseC.At onceD.At last
A.All of a suddenB.Believe it or not
C.To my pleasureD.For seconds

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“It is a dreadful thing to be poor a fortnight before Christmas, ” said Clorinda, with the mournful sigh of seventeen years.
Aunt Emmy smiled. Aunt Emmy was sixty, and spent the hours she didn’t spend in a bed, on a sofa or in a wheel chair; but Aunt Emmy was never heard to sigh.
“The gifts which money can purchase are not the only ones we can give,” said Aunt Emmy gently, “nor the best, either.”
“Oh, I know it"s nicer to give something of your own work,” agreed Clorinda, “but materials for fancy work cost too. That kind of gift is just as much out of the question for me as any other.”
“That was not what I meant,” said Aunt Emmy.
“What did you mean, then?” asked Clorinda, looking puzzled.
Aunt Emmy smiled.
“Suppose you think out my meaning for yourself,” she said. “That would be better than if I explained it. Besides, I don"t think I could explain it. Take the beautiful line of a beautiful poem to help you in your thinking out: "The gift without the giver is bare.
“I"d put it the other way and say, "The giver without the gift is bare,” said Clorinda. “That is my predicament(窘境)exactly. Well, I hope by next Christmas I"ll not be quite bankrupt. I"m going into Mr. Callender"s store down at Murraybridge in February. He has offered me the place, you know.”
“Won"t your aunt miss you terribly?” said Aunt Emmy gravely. “I think she would rather have your companionship than a part of your salary, Clorinda,” said Aunt Emmy. “But of course you must decide for yourself, dear.”
“Well, I must say bye-bye and run home.” Clorinda lived just across the road from Aunt Emmy in a tiny white house behind some huge willows. But Aunt Mary lived there too--the only relative Clorinda had, for Aunt Emmy wasn"t really her aunt at all. Clorinda had always lived with Aunt Mary ever since she could remember.
Clorinda puzzled over Aunt Emmy"s meaning for days. Then all at once it came to her. On Christmas Day, Clorinda went over to Aunt Emmy"s.Aunt Emmy was lying on the sofa before the fire, and Clorinda sat down beside her.
“I"ve come to tell you all about it,” she said. “Aunt Emmy, I thought for days over your meaning ... And then one evening it just came to me. At first I didn"t think I could give some of them, and then I thought how selfish I was. I would have been willing to pay any amount of money for gifts if I had had it, but I wasn"t willing to pay what I had. I got over that, though, Aunt Emmy. Now I"m going to tell you what I did give.”
“First, there was old Aunt Kitty. You know she was my nurse when I was a baby. She is always glad when I go to see her, but I"ve never gone except when I couldn"t help it. She is very deaf, and rather dull and stupid, you know. Well, I gave her a whole day. I took my knitting yesterday, and sat with her the whole time and just talked and talked. She was so pleased and proud; she told me when I came away that she hadn"t had such a nice time for years. ”
“Then there was ... Florence. You know, Aunt Emmy, we were always intimate friends until last year. Then Florence once told Rose Watson something I had told her in confidence. I found it out and I was so hurt. I couldn"t forgive Florence, and I told her plainly I could never be a real friend to her again. Florence felt badly, because she really did love me, and she asked me to forgive her, but it seemed as if I couldn"t. Well, Aunt Emmy, that was my Christmas gift to her ... my forgiveness.”
“I gave Aunt Mary her gift this morning. I told her I wasn"t going to Murraybridge, that I just meant to stay home with her. She was so glad--and I"m glad, too, now that I"ve decided so.”
“Your gifts have been real gifts, Clorinda,” said Aunt Emmy. “Something of you--the best of you--went into each of them.”
“I didn"t forget you, Aunt Emmy,” she said, as she unpinned the paper.
There was a rosebush. Aunt Emmy loved flowers. She put her finger under one of the roses and kissed it.
“It"s as sweet as yourself, dear child,” she said tenderly. “And it will be a joy to me all through the lonely winter days. You"ve found out the best meaning of Christmas giving, haven"t you, dear?”
“Yes, thanks to you, Aunt Emmy,” said Clorinda softly.
小题1:Clorinda felt anxious before Christmas because___________.
A.She had to leave Aunt Mary
B.She didn’t know what kind of Christmas gifts she should buy
C.She had not enough money to buy Christmas gifts
D.She had no time to make a proper decision
小题2: Which of the following sentences can best explain the line “The gift without the giver is bare.”?
A.A gift is valued by the mind of the giver.
B.Forgiveness is a gift for the giver and the receiver.
C.You cannot buy love or respect with expensive gifts.
D.Think twice before you give gifts to somebody
小题3:What is the gift that Clorinda gave to old Aunt Kitty?
小题4:What does the underlined phrase “in confidence” mean?
小题5: Which two words can best describe Aunt Emmy?
A.cute and joyfulB.kind-hearted and emotional
C.optimistic and wiseD.gentle and timid (羞怯的)
小题6:Which of the following is the best title?
A.A Special ChristmasB.Clorinda’s Gifts
C.Aunt EmmyD.Clorinda’s Choice

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As I held my father’s hands one night, I couldn’t help but notice their calluses(老茧)and roughness. His hands tell the story of his life as a      , including all his struggles.    
One summer, I remember, a drought (旱灾)hit Ontario, turning it into a      desert. On one of those hot mornings I was picking sweet corn with my dad to fill the last      from the grocery store. Fifty dozen was all we needed, which       took twenty minutes. That morning, however, the process didn’t      quickly. After forty minutes of aimlessly walking in the field, we        needed twenty dozen. I was completely frustrated and      . Dropping the basket heavily, I declared, “If the store wants its last twenty dozen, they can pick it themselves.” Dad      , “Just think, my little girl, only ten dozen left for each of us and then we’re      .” Such is Dad—whatever problem he      , he never gives up.
    , the disastrous (灾难性的) effects of the drought were felt all over our county. It was a challenging time for everyone,       Dad remained optimistic. He     to be grateful for other things like good health and food on our plates. Only then did I truly begin to      Dad and his faith that guided us through the hard times.
Dad is also a living example of real      . From dawn to dusk, he works countless hours to      our family. He always puts our happiness       his own, and never fails to cheer me on at my sports games      his exhaustion after long days. His loving and selfless nature has inspired me to become more sympathetic (同情心的) and      putting others first.
Dad, the life      I have learned from you will stay with me forever. You are my father, teacher, friend and, most importantly, my hero.
A.teacher B.gardenerC.farmerD.grocer
A.orderB.form C.gapD.position
A.yet B.stillC.even D.nearly
A.lostB.done C.gone D.touched
A.meets withB.brings upC.works outD.thinks about
A.or B.forC.soD.but
A.in spite ofB.in terms ofC.in control ofD.in place of
A.historyB.mottoC.patterns D.lessons

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