One day I was driving to a business appointment and, as usual, I was planning in

One day I was driving to a business appointment and, as usual, I was planning in

One day I was driving to a business appointment and, as usual, I was planning in my mind what I was going to say. I came to a very busy crossroad where the stoplight had just turned red.
A young couple, both blind, were walking across the road. Each of them had a white cane(手杖). They were overcoming the most feared blindness. I held my breath when I noticed that the couple was not walking on the crosswalk, but was instead stepping directly into the middle of the crossroad. Without realizing the danger they were in, they were walking right into the path of the oncoming cars. I was frightened for them because I didn’t know if the other drivers understood what was happening. Then I saw a miracle unfold before my eyes. Every car in every direction came to a stop at the same time. Nobody can yelled, “Get out of the way!”
Amazed, I noticed that everyone’s attention was also fixed on the couple. Suddenly the driver to my right reacted. He yelled, “To your right.”Other people followed, shouting, “To your right!”Trusting their elite canes and the calls from some concerned citizens, they made it to the other side of the road. I could judge they had no idea what was really going on around them. Yet I immediately felt smiles appeared on everyone’s face. The driver to the left of me was saying, “I can’t believe it!”
I thought all of us were deeply moved by what we had just seen. Here were human beings stepping outsides themselves for a while to help other people in deed.
小题1:When the author drove to work, he saw_________.
A.some drivers were driving their cars very fast
B.a couple failed to cross the road as usual
C.most drivers drove in the same direction
D.A blind couple was walking into the driveway
小题2:What does the underlined word “miracle” in paragraph 2 refer to?
A.Everybody told the blind couple to go to the right
B.The blind couple avoided many cars by themselves
C.The blind couple kept calm in danger
D.Every car stopped for the blind couple
小题3:It can be inferred from the text that________.
A.people felt a relief after the couple crossed the road
B.the author was amazed at the expressions on the couple’s faces
C.the couple’s quick crossing of the road surprised everyone
D.calls from everyone made the couple realize their danger



小题1:细节题:从第二段的句子:A young couple, both blind, were walking across the road 可知在作者开车上班的路上看见一对盲人夫妇走到了机动车道上的。选D
小题2:猜词题:从后面的句子:Every car in every direction came to a stop at the same time. Nobody can yelled, “Get out of the way!”可知这个奇迹是指所有的司机都停下来等他们走过。选D
小题3:推理题:从第三段的句子:I Immediately saw smile appeared on everyone’s face,说明盲人夫妇过马路了,人们都松了一口气。选A
I sat next to my close friend,Tina,in my history class.Our teacher,Miss Turner announced a new   .We were to create a    about cultures.As required,we wrote the names of two friends we wanted in our group.Miss Turner informed us that she would   our choices and let us know the result.I had no   that I would work with Tina because I knew we had chosen each other.
The next day,I waited anxiously when Miss Turner started to call out  .When she reached group three,Tina was called.   ,my name was not included.“There must have been some   !"I thought to myself.
Than I heard    .The last group with Mauro and Karina! How   ! How could I face being in that group—the boy who hardly spoke English and the girl who wore   clothes a11 the time?
I went to Miss Turner to   I should be in a “good” group.She gently placed a hand on my shoulder.“I know what you want,Rachael,”she said,but your group you more.Only you can help them get an ideal      .Will you help them?"
I   walked to where the others in my group sat. Halfway through the week, I     myself enjoying working with my partners.There was no need to     —I grew sincerely interested in learning something about then. Mauro, I found out, was   with English after he came to this country. Karina wanted to be a fashion designer and she had a lot of   ideas.They were the ones no one cared enough about to try to understand—except Miss Turner.
Miss Turner gave us an A on that newspaper. But I think she is the one who truly     it. I really   that Miss Turner gave me a chance to see other people in a new light.
A.plan B.subjectC.projectD.lesson
A.story C.testD.newspaper
A.make use attention to
C.put into practiceD.take into consideration
A.idea B.doubt C.intentionD.promise
A.namesB.numbersC.students D.topics
A.BesidesB.HoweverC.Thus D.Finally
A.her B.itC.them D.him
A.dirtyB.plain C.strangeD.formal
A.warnB.remind C.requestD.inform
A.slowly B.swiftlyC.suddenlyD.bravely
A.dealing B.helpingC.beginningD.struggling
A.offeredB.deservedC.neglected D.proved

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
When I was fifteen, I announced to my English class that I was going to write my own books. Half the students sneered(冷笑), the   nearly fell out of their chairs laughing. “Don’t be silly, only    can become writers, ” the English teacher said, “And you are getting a D this term. ” I was so    that I burst into tears.
That night I wrote a short   poem about broken dreams and mailed it to the newspaper. To my   , they published it and sent me two dollars. I was a published and   writer. I showed my teacher and fellow students. They   . “Just plain dumb luck. ” the teacher said. I tasted   and I’d sold the first thing I’d ever written. That was more than any of them had done and if it was just dumb luck, that was   with me.
During the next two years I sold dozens of   , letters, jokes and recipes. By the time I    from high school, with a C minus average, I had scrapbooks(剪贴簿) filled with my published works. I    mentioned my writing to my teachers, friends or my family again. They were dream killers and   people must choose between their friends and their dreams, they must always choose their     .
I had four children at the time, and the oldest was only four. I wrote what I felt. It   nine months, just like a pregnant woman. I mailed it without a self addressed stamped   and without making a copy of the manuscript(原稿).
A month later I received a(n)   , and a request to start working on another book. The worst year I earned two dollars. In my best year I earned 36, 000 dollars.      years I earned between five thousand and ten thousand. No, it isn’t enough to live    , but it’s still more than I’d make working part time. People ask what college I    , what degrees I had and what qualifications I have to be a writer. The answer is: “None. ” I just write. I’m not a genius.
A.generals B.statesmenC.geniuses D.spies
A.delighted B.anxiousC.ashamed D.upset
A.sad B.innocentC.disappointing D.puzzled
A.delight B.astonishmentC.comfortD.happiness
A.borrowed B.lent C.paid D.cost
A.cried B.agreed C.swore D.laughed
A.failureB.successC.coldness D.squeeze
A.fineB.mixed C.compared D.full
A.books B.poets C.novels D.poems
A.dropped out B.leftC.graduated D.laid off
A.ever B.never C.seldom D.even
A.if B.unless C.until D.before
A.teachers B.familyC.friendsD.dreams
A.spent B.costC.tookD.wasted
A.letter B.envelopeC.writer D.cover
A.RecentB.MemorableC.Most D.Several
A.deservedB.introducedC.founded D.attended

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Rocky Lyons was five years old when his mother, Kelly, was driving along the country road with him. He was asleep on the front seat of their truck, with his feet resting on her lap. As his mom drove carefully down the winding country road, she turned onto a narrow bridge. The truck hit a rock and slid off the road. She attempted to bring it back up onto the road by pressing hard on the gas pedal and turning the steering wheel to the left. But Rocky’s foot got caught between her leg and the steering wheel and she lost control of the truck.[ X.JTYJY.COM/]
The truck fell into a 20-foot ravine(峡谷). When it hit bottom, Rocky woke up. “What happened, Mama?” he asked. “Our wheels are pointing toward the sky.”
Kelly was seriously wounded and blinded by blood. “I’ll get you out, Mama,” announced Rocky, who had surprisingly escaped injury. He climbed out from under Kelly, slid through the open window and tried to yank(用力拉)his mother out. But she didn’t move.
“Just let me sleep,” begged Kelly, who was out of consciousness. Rocky insisted, “Mom, you can’t go to sleep.”
Rocky managed to push Kelly out of the truck and told her he’d climb up to the road and stop a car to get help. Fearing that no one would be able to see her little boy in the dark, Kelly refused to let him go alone. Instead they slowly moved up to the road. The pain was so great that Kelly wanted to give up, but Rocky wouldn’t let her.
Rocky kept repeating the inspirational phrase, “I know you can, I know you can.” When they finally reached the road, Rocky broke into tears seeing his mother’s torn face clearly for the first time. Waving his arms and shouting, “Please stop!” the boy stopped a truck. His mother was sent to hospital.
It took 8 hours to rebuild Kelly’s face. She looks quite different today---“I used to have a straight long nose, thin lips and high cheekbones; now I’ve got a flat cheeks and much bigger lips”--- but she has few scars and has recovered from her injuries.
Rocky’s heroics were big news. Everyone was surprised at this little boy’s power. “It’s not like I wanted it to happen,” The boy explained. “ I just did what anyone would have done.” “If it weren’t for Rocky, I’d have died,” said his mother.
小题1:According to the text, Rocky and Kelly _________ .
A.were lost on a country road
B.had limited time to find their way
C.were involved in a truck accident
D.knew little of what happened to them
小题2:When he woke up, Rocky ___________ .
A.was frightened by his mother’s blood
B.found his mother had fallen asleep
C.was stuck against the door of the truck
D.found the car was turned over
小题3:What happened to Kelly at last?
A.She passed away.
B.She survived and recovered from injuries.
C.She became a hero.
D.She had a different life.
小题4:What is the best title for the text?
A.A Boy and His MotherB.How to Behave Well?
C.I Think I CanD.Nothing is Lost

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Once upon a time there was a monster(怪兽). He was very ugly and had no friends. No one wanted to talk to him. Even other monsters thought he was ugly.
He lived alone and was very unhappy because he was so lonely.
“I wish I had a friend.” He said to himself every day, “One friend would be enough. Someone to talk to.”
He wrote a letter to a magazine. The magazine gave people advice.
“Dear Editor,” he wrote, “I am a ugly monster. How can I find a friend?”
“Dear monster,” the Editor replied, “Advertise for a friend in this magazine.” The monster wrote an advertisement.
“Monster wants a friend, male or female. I have two heads, four arms, six legs and three tails. I have one blue eye, one green eye and one brown eye. Smoke comes out of my nose. But I am really a kind monster and will be a good friend to someone. If you would like to meet me, please stand outside Blake’s Store at 6 p.m. on Friday, May 7th. Write to Mr. A, Box 45, everybody’s Magazine.”
A few days later he went to the magazine.
“Do you have any letters for Box 45?” he asked.
The clerk looked in Box 45.
“Yes, there is one.” She said, and gave it to him.
The monster opened the letter, and read, “Dear Monster, I think a person’s character is more important than his appearance. I will wait outside Blake’s Store on Friday. Please carry a flower so that I will recognize you. Yours sincerely, Miss Alice Thwaite.”
小题1:Why was the monster unhappy?
A.He had no friends.B.He was ugly.
C.He had two heads.D.He had three tails.
小题2:What did the monster advertise for?
A.A magazine.B.A friend.C.An editor.D.A male or female monster.
小题3:How did the monster describe him in the advertisement?
小题4:What was strange about Miss Thwaite’s letter?
A.She was not interested in people’s appearance.
B.She wanted to meet the monster.
C.She needed a flower to recognize him.
D.It was the only reply.

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A flock of hungry pigeons were flying across the sky in search of food. Having traveled a long distance, they felt tired and settled down on a tree.  Just below the tree, they saw grains strewn (撒满) all over the ground. The pigeons were happy to have found enough food to eat. All the pigeons came down from the tree and started eating the grains. As they were doing so, a huge net fell on them and trapped them all.
The pigeons were taken aback. They noticed a hunter sitting at a distance from the tree, a bow and arrow in hand. The pigeons realized it was the hunter who had trapped them in the net. The hunter got up and began to move towards the pigeons.
The leader of the pigeons spoke, “Friends, we are in great trouble. The hunter will catch us if we do not act swiftly in a few seconds. There is only one option available at this moment. Let all of us use our force together and fly up along with the net. If all of us use our force and fly together, we can fly carrying the net along with us. Let us start now.”
All the pigeons agreed with him and flew high carrying the net along with them. After traveling enough distance away from the hunter, the pigeons settled on a tree and carefully came out of the net one by one and thus escaped the evil design of the hunter.
小题1:Who strewed the grains over the ground?
A.A villager.B.The hunter.
C.The pigeon.D.The writer.
小题2:The word “    ”has the closest meaning to the underlined word “option”.
小题3:How did the pigeons react when they got trapped?
A.They didn’t know what to do.
B.They tried to fly in all directions.
C.They remained rather calm.
D.They decided to fight for their lives.
小题4:This story wants to tell us that        .
A.two heads are better than one.
B.confidence will save everyone.
C.teamwork can work wonders.
D.actions speak louder than words.

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