I made up my mind to drive to South Carolina to meet my friends in my used car.

I made up my mind to drive to South Carolina to meet my friends in my used car.

I made up my mind to drive to South Carolina to meet my friends in my used car. Though I had only been there once   36  and did not know the   37  very well. I was on the   38  after I had made some enquiries.
At Ashvelle, there was a crossroad where I could go on along the main road or I could take a short cut(小道,近路). The short cut was to   39  several hills and was dangerous, I hesitated (犹豫)for a little while and then chose the main road, for I wanted to be   40 .
Something strange happened   41  I drove a long way and found it was not the correct road that I wanted to   42 , but the hilly road I decided to avoid. I realized that it was at the   43  that I had made the   44  mistake. “What shall I do?” I asked myself. If I went back to take that road again, it would be very late by the time I got to Columbia. Thinking it   45  , I decided to go on. “If   46  people can go along this road, why can’t I?” I   47  myself.
The short cut, to my surprise, was not that   48 . In fact, it was only a very peaceful country road,   49  up and down two low   50  .There was   51  traffic. On both sides of the road, you could see trees, wild flowers, and   52  with cows and horses. My fear was   53  with the wind. Listening to the beautiful country music over my car stereo (立体声), I drove on and   54  the scenery which was so quiet and so natural. Even my used car forgot to give me   55 . It was just in this light heartedness that I arrived at my destination. My friends, after they heard what had happened to me, all said it sounded like an adventure.
A.agoB.beforeC.already D.still
A.town B.country C.wayD.friends
A.highway B.car C.trainD.phone
A.have B.go C.ride D.cross
A.safe B.dangerous C.fast D.slow
A.after B.beforeC.ifD.since
A.come B.leave C.take D.drive
A.station B.corner C.crossroad D.beginning
A.road B.directionC.disappointed D.interesting
A.about B.over C.of D.up
A.another B.other C.the other D.others
A.asked B.forced C.encouraged D.told
A.far B.safe C.dirtyD.dangerous
A.going B.coming C.driving D.walking
A.lands B.cars C.farms D.hills
A.heavyB.little C.few D.much
A.farms B.trucks C.houses D.villages
A.gone B.togetherC.covered D.coming
A.looked B.liked C.enjoyed D.found



小题1:考查副词:A. ago在…前面,B. before  以前,C. already已经,D. still仍然,从后面的句子:did not know the       very well.可知以前只去过一次,选B
小题2:考查名词:A. town城镇,B. country国家,C. way道路,D. friends朋友,从前面的句子:I made up my mind to drive to South Carolina to meet my friends in my used car.可知作者要开车起看朋友,但是不熟悉路,选 C
小题3:考查名词: A. highway高速公路,B. car 汽车,C. train火车,D. phone电话,我询问了几个人就上了高速公路,选A
小题4:考查动词: A. have 有,B. go去,C. ride骑,D. cross穿过,捷径是穿过几座山,很危险,选D
小题5:考查形容词:A. safe安全,B. dangerous危险,C. fast 快,D. slow慢的,从前面的句子:I hesitated (犹豫)for a little while and then chose the main road,可知作者选择了大路,是为了安全,选A
小题6:考查连词:A. after在…后面,B. before在…前面,C. if 如果,D. since自从,在我开了一段时间后,我发现有奇怪的事情,选A
小题7:考查动词: A. come来,B. leave离开,C. take拿,D. drive开车,这里用take表示“取道”,说明这不是我想走的路,选C
小题8:考查名词:A. station车站,B. corner 拐角,C. crossroad十字路口,D. beginning开始,从前面的句子:At Ashvelle, there was a crossroad where I could go on along the main road or I could take a short cut(小道,近路).可知作者是在十字路口走错了,选C
小题9:考查名词: A. road公路,B. direction方向,C. disappointed消失,D. interesting有趣的,表示在十字路口走错了方向,选B
小题10:考查介词:A. about关于,B. over越过,C. of …的,D. up向上,think over仔细考虑,选选B
小题11:考查代词:A. another泛指’另一个”,B. other泛指:其他,后面加名词,C. the other特指“另一个”D. others其他人(复数)后面不加名词,如果其他人能走这条路,为什么我不能?选B
小题12:考查动词: A. asked问,B. forced强迫,C. encouraged鼓励,D. told告诉,从前面的句子:I decided to go on. “If       people can go along this road, why can’t I?”可知作者是在鼓励自己,选C
小题13:考查形容词: A. far远的,B. safe安全的,C. dirty脏的,D. dangerous 危险的,从后面的句子:it was only a very peaceful country road,可知捷径并不危险,而是宁静的乡村小路,选D
小题14:考查动词: A. going去,B. coming来,C. driving开车,D. walking走路,go up anddown上上下下,选A
小题15:考查名词:A. lands陆地,B. cars汽车,C. farms农场,D. hills山,从前面的句子:The short cut was to       several hills and was dangerous,可知要翻越两个低矮的山,选D
小题16:考查形容词:A. heavy重的,B. little少的,(修饰不可数名词)C. few少的,(修饰可数名词)D. much很多,修饰不可数名词,乡村小路车辆很少。修饰traffic用little,选B
小题17:考查名词:A. farms 农场,B. trucks卡车,C. houses 房子,D. villages村子,从后面的with cows and horses可知有牛有马的是农场,.选A
小题18:考查词义辨析:A. gone消失,B. together一起,C. covered覆盖,D. coming来,我的害怕和风一起消失了,选A
小题19:考查动词: A. looked看,B. liked喜欢,C. enjoyed享受,D. found发现,听着音乐享受着安静的自然的风景,选C
小题20:考查名词:A. happiness快乐,B. scenery风景,C. joys 快乐,D problems问题,从后面的句子It was just in this light heartedness that I arrived at my destination.可知我的旧车也没有给我带来麻烦,选D
The year was 1932. Amelia Earhart was flying alone from North America to England in a small single-engined aeroplane. At midnight, several hours after she had left Newfoundland, she ran into bad weather. To make things worse, her altimeter(高度表) failed and she didn’t know how high she was flying. At night, and in a storm, a pilot is in great difficulty without an altimeter. At times, her plane nearly plunged into the sea.
Just before dawn, there was further trouble. Amelia noticed flames coming from the engine. Would she be able to reach land? There was nothing to do except to keep going and to hope.
In the end, Amelia Earhart did reach Ireland, and for the courage she had shown, she was warmly welcomed in England and Europe. When she returned to the United States, she was honored by President Hoover at a special dinner in the White House. From that time on, Amelia Earhart was famous.
What was so important about her flight? Amelia Earhart was the first woman to fly the Atlantic Ocean alone, and she had set a record of fourteen hours and fifty-six minutes.
In the years that followed, Amelia Earhart made several flights across the United States, and on each occasion she set a new record for flying time. Amelia Earhart made these flights to show that women had a place in aviation (航空) and that air travel was useful.
小题1:Which of the following statements is NOT the difficulty which Amelia Earhart met in her flight from north America to England?
A.She lost her direction.
B.The altimeter went out of order.
C.Her engine went wrong.
D.She was caught in a storm.
小题2:When Amelia Earhart saw flames coming from the engine, what did she do?
A.She did nothing but pray for herself.
B.She changed her direction and landed in Ireland.
C.She continued flying.
D.She lost hope of reaching land.
小题3:Which of the following statements was NOT mentioned?
A.She was the first woman who succeeded in flying across the Atlantic Ocean alone.
B.She made plans to fly around the world.
C.She was warmly welcomed in England, Europe and the United States.
D.She showed great courage in overcoming the difficulties during the flight.
小题4: Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
A.Amelia Earhart—First Across the Atlantic
B.Amelia Earhart—Pioneer in Women’s Aviation
C.A New Record for Flying Time
D.A Dangerous Flight from North America to England

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Pulling heavy suitcases all day in the summer is hard work, especially when you"re a thin 14-year-old.That was me in 1940-the youngest and smallest baggage boy at New York City"s Pennsyl-vania Railway Station.
After just a few days on the job, I began noticing that the other fellows were overcharging passengers. I"d like to join them, thinking, "Everyone else is doing it."
When I got home that night, I told my dad what I wanted to do." You give an honest day"s work," he said, looking at me straight in the eye."  They"re paying you. If they want to do that, you let them do that."
I followed my dad"s advice for the rest of that summer and have lived by his words ever since.
Of all the jobs I"ve had, it was my experience at Pennsylvania Railway Station that has stuck with me. Now I teach my players to have respect for other people and their possessions. Being a member of a team is a totally shared experience. If one person steals, it destroys trust and hurts everyone. I can put up with many things, but not with people who steal. If one of my players were caught stealing, he"d be gone.
Whether you"re on a sports team, in an office or a member of a family, if you can"t trust one another, there"s going to be trouble. 
小题1:What can be inferred about the baggage boys? 
A.They could earn much, but they had to work hard.
B.Many of them earned money in a dishonest way.
C.They were all from poor families.
D.They were all thin, young boys.
小题2:What does the father"s advice imply?
A.It is wrong to give more pay to the passengers.
B.Don"t believe them if they are paying you more.
C.Don"t follow others to overcharge the passengers.
D.It is difficult to work hard and live as an honest boy.
小题3:The writer can"t put up with stealing because he thinks that ______. 
A.it is a totally shared experience
B.it is considered as the most dangerous
C.it does great harm to human relationship
D.it may lead to the loss of his sports team
小题4:It can be concluded from the text that ______. 
A.his father"s advice helped him to decide which job to take up
B.working in the sports team was his most important experience
C.he learnt much from his shared experience with his team members
D.his experience as a baggage boy had a great influence on his later life

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Back in the fifteenth century, in a tiny village near Nuremberg, lived a family with eighteen children.In spite of the hopeless condition, two of the children, Albrecht Durer and Albert, had a dream.They both wanted to pursue their talent for art.After many long discussions, the two boys finally worked out an agreement.They would toss a coin.The loser would go down into the nearby mines and, with his earnings, support his brother who attended the academy.Then, when that brother who won the toss completed his studies, in four years, he would support the other brother at the academy.
Tossing a coin, Albrecht Durer won and went off to Nuremberg.Albert went down into the dangerous mines and, for the next four years, supported his brother, whose work at the academy was almost an immediate sensation(轰动).By the time he graduated, he had earned considerable fees for his outstanding works.
When the young artist returned to his village, the Durer family held a festive dinner to celebrate Albrecht’s triumphant(胜利的)homecoming.Albrecht drank a toast to his beloved brother for the years of sacrifice that had enabled him to complete his dream.“And now, Albert, blessed brother of mine, now it is your turn.Now you can go to Nuremberg to look for your dream, and I will take care of you.”
Tears streaming down his pale face, Albert sobbed, “No...no...It is too late for me.Look...look at what four years in the mines have done to my hands!The bones in every finger have been broken at least once, and lately I have been suffering from arthritis(关节炎)so badly in my right hand that I cannot even hold a glass to return your toast, much less draw delicate lines with a pen or a brush.”
To show thanks to Albert for all that he had sacrificed, Albrecht Durer painstakingly drew his brother’s injured hands with palms together and thin fingers stretched skyward.He called his powerful drawing simply “Hands”, but the entire world almost immediately opened their hearts to his great masterpiece and renamed it “The Praying Hands”.The next time you see a copy of that touching creation, let it be your reminder—no one ever makes any success alone!
小题1:Why did the two brothers work out the agreement?
A.They were so curious as to make a joke.
B.Their family couldn’t afford the academy.
C.One of the brothers was supposed to go into mines.
D.They wanted to support the other sisters and brothers.
小题2:The underlined word “whose” in Para.2 refers to _____ .
A.the Durer family’sB.the miners
小题3:Which of the following statements is NOT true about Albrecht Durer?
A.He began to earn his living after graduation
B.He did perfectly well at the academy
C.He wanted his brother to go to the academy
D.He created great masterpieces
小题4:Which of the following is the correct order of the story?
a.Albrecht went to Nuremberg
b.Albert supported his brother
c.The Durer family held a festive dinner
d.Albrecht drew his brother’s injured hands
e.The brothers tossed a coin.
A.b, a, c, d, eB.a, e, c, d, b
C.e, a, c, b, dD.e, a, b, c, d
小题5:What can we learn from the story?
A.One can achieve success simply on his own
B.Any success requires the help of others.
C.It’s other people who contribute to one’s success
D.Nobody could succeed without good guidance

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One day, a poor boy who was trying to pay his way through school by selling goods from door to door found that he only had one dime left. He was hungry so he decided to     36    for a meal at the next house.
However, he lost his nerve     37    a lovely young woman opened the door. Instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water. She thought he looked     38    so she brought him a large glass of milk. He drank it     39    , and then asked, “How much do I owe you?”
“You don’t owe me anything,” she     40   . “Mother has taught me never to accept pay for a __41  .” He said, “Then I thank you from the bottom of my heart.” As Howard Kelly left that house, he not only felt stronger     42   , but it also increased his faith in God and human race. He was about to give up before this point.
Years later the young woman became critically ill. The local doctors were baffled(难住). They finally sent her to the big city, where specialists can be called     43    to study her rare disease. Dr. Howard Kelly, now     44    , was called in for the consultation. When he heard the name of the town she came from, a strange light     45    his eyes. Immediately, he     46    and went down through the hospital hall into her room.
    47   in his doctor’s gown he went in to see her. He     48   her at once. He went back to the consultation room and     49    to do his best to save her life. From that day on, he gave    50__attention to her case.
After a long     51    the battle was won. Dr. Kelly     52    the business office to pass the final bill to him for approval. He looked at it and then wrote something on the side. The bill was sent to her room. She was afraid to open it because she was     53    that it would take the rest of her life to pay it off. Finally she looked, and the note on the side of the bill caught her     54  . She read thesewords…
“Paid in full with a glass of milk.”
(Signed) Dr. Howard Kelly
Tears of joy flooded her eyes as she     55    silently. “Thank you, God. Your love has spread through human hearts and hands.”

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As a banker, Chip Paillex had never planted so much until he moved to rural Pittstown, New Jersey, seven years ago. __36__ by farms, he quickly became interested in growing and rented a 30-by-30-foot land. One weekend, he __37__ tomatoes, potatoes and eggplant ---- enough to feed his family for the summer.
He ended up with so much __38__ that he couldn’t give it away. __39__ he found a local food __40__, and by the time he delivered his last harvest, he had __41__ 120 pounds of fresh vegetables.
The following year, with a handful of __42__ from his church and a memorable name “America’s Grow-a-Row”, Paillex planted, __43__, and harvested 1,500 pounds of vegetables, all of which he donated to food banks. Later he had more volunteers, rent more land and donated more vegetables.
Pailex also __44__ local school kids. On a __45__ Friday morning in May, 40 third and fifth graders trooped onto a freshly plowed field, each __46__ with a spade. Squatting or kneeling in teams of two, they loosened the dirt, then carefully __47__ the plants. Several rows later, they eagerly lined up to seed corn under a hot midmorning sun. Nobody __48__.
“The __49__ makes kids know there are people __50__, says Paillex, “and it plants the seed for giving back. When they become tomorrow’s __51__, it will be much more possible for them to __52__ their coworkers and employees to get __53__ in something like this.
“Paillex makes people want to __54__,” says Colleen Duerr, a mother of two who has signed on as an __55__ “Grow-a-Row” member. “And families love this. Pallex has given us a way to raise our kids with a giving heart.”
A.in needB.in angerC.on businessD.at war
A.helpB.relax C.settleD.grow

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