In earliest times, men considered lightning to be one of the great mysteries of

In earliest times, men considered lightning to be one of the great mysteries of

In earliest times, men considered lightning to be one of the great mysteries of nature. Some ancient people believed that lightning and thunder were the weapons of the gods.
In reality, lightning is a flow of electricity formed high above the earth. A single flash of lightning 1.6 kilometres long has enough electricity to light one million light bulbs .
The American scientist and statesman, Benjamin Franklin, was the first to show the connection between electricity and lightning in 1752. In the same year he also built the first lightning rod (避雷针). This device protects buildings from being damaged by lightning.
Modern science has discovered that one stroke of lightning has a voltage (电压) of more than 15 million volts (伏特). A flash of lightning between a cloud and the earth may be as long as 13 kilometers, and travel at a speed of 30 million meters per second.
Scientists judge that there are about 2,000 million flashes of lightning per year. Lightning hits the Empire State Building in New York City 30 to 48 times a year. In the United States alone it kills an average of one person every day.
The safest place to be in case of an electrical storm is in a closed car. Outside, one should go to low ground and not get under tress. Also on,e should stay out of water and away from metal fences. Inside a house, people should avoid open doorways and windows and not touch wires or metal things.
With lightning, it is better to be safe than sorry.
小题1:People once thought lightning came from ________.
A.the godsB.the earth
C.the skyD.nature
小题2:According to the passage what do you think all buildings need?
A.Metal fences.B.Machines.
C.Electricity. D.Lightning rods
小题3:Lightning can travel ________. quickly as waterB.not so quickly as electricity very high speed very low speed
小题4:Which of the following is NOT true?
A.In the U.S about one person per day dies from lightning.
B.Swimming during a thunder storm is a good idea.
C.The Empire State Building frequently gets hit by lightning.
D.A closed car is the best place to be during an electrical storm.



小题1:细节题。由第一段Some ancient people believed that lightning and thunder were the weapons of the gods.一些古代的人认为雷声和闪电是诸神的武器。故选A
小题2:细节题。第三段In the same year he also built the first lightning rod (避雷针). This device protects buildings from being damaged by lightning.美国科学家发明了避雷针,这种装置能够保护建筑物不被闪电损坏,因此,所有的建筑都需要避雷针。故选D
小题3:细节题。第四段A flash of lightning between a cloud and the earth may be as long as 13 kilometers, and travel at a speed of 30 million meters per second.闪电能够以每秒3000万米的速度传播。可知,它的速度相当快。故选C
小题4:细节题。第六段one should stay out of water and away from metal fences. 在雷雨交加的天气,人们也应该远离水和金属物。因此,在雷雨天气中,游泳时一个好主意是错误的。故选B
There was a king who loved art very much. One day a(n)  36  came and said, "Please let me  37  a picture on a wall." The king happened to have a big new hall  38  . So he  39  the artist to work on one of the walls.
     At the same time, another artist came and asked to work on the  40  wall. He promised he would make the same picture as the first artist’s  41  looking at the first artist’s work. The second artist asked to have a thick curtain  42  between the two walls  43  neither of them could see each other.
     The following day they began to work. The first artist brought in a(n)  44  supply of paint, oil, water and so on. The second one came with a  45  and a bucket (桶).
     A month later, the first artist’s work was completed, and the second artist said, "My wall is  46  too!"
     The king went to  47  the first artist’s wall. He was pleased with it and gave the artist a large  48  of money. He then asked people to open the curtain.
     49  ! Each line was  50  the same as that on the opposite wall.
     The king was quite satisfied and gave him double money. However, he  51  how the second man had made it.
     "I just  52  the wall with the cloth," the man said  53  .The wall was made of white marble (大理石). He made it shine like a mirror. The reflection (倒影) of the first painting  54  up on it!
     The  55  is a reflection of you too. If you are sad, the world will be sad. If you are happy, the world will be happy.
A.createdB.destroyed C.foundedD.Built
A.put upB.put backC.put awayD.put on
A.even ifD.only if
A.knewB.warned C.noticedD.wondered
A.brieflyB.naturally C.safelyD.correctly

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Rome had the Forum. London has Speaker"s Corner. Now always–on–the-go. New Yorkers have Liz and Bill.
Liz and Bill, two college graduates in their early 20s, have spent a whole year trying to have thousands of people talk to them in subway stations and on busy street corners. Just talk.
Using a 2-foot-tall sign that says, "Talk to Me." they attract conversationalists, who one evening included a mental patient, and men in business suits.
They don"t collect money. They don"t push religion. So what"s the point?
"To see what happens, said Liz. " We simply enjoy life with open communication."
Shortly after the September 11,2001 attacks, they decided to walk from New York City to Washington, a 270-mile trip. They found they loved talking to people along the way and wanted to continue talking with strangers after their return.
"It started as a crazy idea, "Liz said." We were so curious about all the strangers walking by with their life stories. People will talk to us about anything: their jobs, their clothes, their childhood experiences, anything."
Denise wanted to talk about an exam she was about to take. She had stopped by for the second time in two days, to let the two listeners know how it went.
Marcia had lost her husband to a serious disease. "That was very heavy on my mind," Marcia said. "To be able to talk about it to total strangers was very good," she explained.
To celebrate a year of talking, the two held a get-together in a city park for all the people they had met over the past year. A few hundred people showed up, as well as some television cameramen and reporters.
They may plan more parties or try to attract more people to join their informal talks. Some publishers have expressed interest in a book, something they say they"ll consider.
小题1:What did Liz and Bill start doing after September 2001?
A.Chatting with people.B.Setting up street signs
C.Telling stories to strangersD.Organizing a speaker"s corner
小题2:What they have been doing can be described as_________.  .
小题3:Why are Denise and Marcia mentioned in the text?
A.They knew Liz and Bill very well.
B.They happened to meet the writer of the text.
C.They organized the get-together in the city park.
D.They are examples of those who talked to Liz and Bill.
小题4:What will Liz and Bill do in the future?
A.Go in for publishing.B.Do more television programs.
C.Continue what they are doing.D.Spend more time reading books.
小题5:How do they like the idea of writing a book?
A.They have decided to wait a year or two
B.They will think about it carefully
C.They agreed immediately
D.They find it hard to do that

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
I have recently completed my college degree. The last project was called “Smile”. The class was asked to go out to smile at three people and document their reactions. I am a very friendly person and always smile at everyone and say hello anyway. So, I thought this would be a piece of cake.
My husband, youngest son and I went out to McDonald. We were standing in line when all of a sudden everyone around us began to back away. As I turned around I smelled a horrible body odour (气味)and saw two poor homeless men standing behind me. As I looked at the short blue-eyed gentleman closest to me, he was “smiling”. The second man fumbled(摸索)with his hands as he stood behind his friend.
The young lady at the counter asked him what they wanted. He said, “Coffee is all, Miss,” because that was all they could afford.
Then I really felt it-I embraced(拥抱) the little man with the blue eyes. That is when I noticed all eyes in the restaurant were set on me, judging my every action. I smiled and asked two more breakfast meals on and gave them to the men.
The blue-eyed gentleman looked up at me, with tears in his eyes, and said, “Thank you.” When I sat down my husband smiled at me. We held hands for a moment and at that time, we knew that because of the good fortune that we had been given.
I turned in my project. My teacher said, “Can I share this?” I slowly nodded as she got the attention of the class. She began to read and that is when I knew that we as human beings share this need to heal people and to be healed.
In my own way I had touched the people at McDonald’s and every soul that heard the story in the classroom. But, I graduated with one of the biggest lessons I would ever learn.
小题1:Why did people around the author in the McDonald step back?
A.Because they were very polite to the two men.
B.Because they were moved by the two men.
C.Because the two men smelt terrible.
D.Because the two men seemed unfriendly.
小题2:Why did the two men only buy coffee?
A.Because they didn’t have enough money.
B.Because they didn’t feel hungry.
C.Because they knew others would help them.
D.Because they were looked down upon.
小题3:How did the teacher think of the author’s project?
A.Hard to believe.B.Interesting to read.
C.Very puzzling.D.Very satisfying.
小题4:What did the author think she learn from the story?
A.A friend in need is a friend indeed.
B.Helping others can bring pleasure to many people.
C.Nothing is difficult to a willing heart.
D.Don’t judge people according to their appearance.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
In elementary school, Guadalupe Quintanilla was often referred to as a “slow learner” by her teachers. But she really wasn’t slow at all. She just didn’t understand the language used in the classroom. Her problem was that she didn’t speak English. So she left school after the fourth grade.
When Guadalupe grew up, married, and had children of her own, she knew that her children were clever. But some of their teachers didn’t think so. The children were having trouble in school because they didn’t speak English. Mrs Quintanilla was angry. She didn’t want people to think that her children were slow learners. So she decided to learn English herself as a way of helping them. She practiced English. She looked up words in the dictionary. She asked the school headmaster to let her sit in on classes. It wasn’t easy, but she passed all her exams. She said that many of the other students helped her.
Mrs Quintanilla has helped her children with their lessons. Her two sons have won success. One is a teacher, and the other is a doctor. Her youngest child, a daughter, is studying in a university.
小题1: Guadalupe was called as low learner             . make her study harderB.because she wasn’t clever
C.because she stayed at homeD.because she didn’t speak English
小题2: According to the story, children who don’t speak English             .
A.may have more trouble in schoolB.have trouble playing football
C.often write a diaryD.grow up to be teachers
小题3: Which happened first?
A.Guadalupe passed all her exams.
B.Guadalupe left school after the fourth grade.
C.Guadalupe had three children.
D.Her two sons won success.
小题4: The story is mainly about             .
A.learning to sing and danceB.the problem of slow learning
C.going to a universityD.Mrs Quintanilla’s success

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

Imagine landing in a foreign country where you cannot speak the language, understand the culture and don’t know anybody. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a friend who could help you out?
John Smith, an English explorer who landed in America in 1607, found the best friend ever. She was a Native American named Pocahontas (1595-1617). And she did more than teach Smith the language: she saved his life, twice.
Smith was captured(捕捉) by members of Pocahontas’s tribe(部落) and was going to be killed. But for some reason, the Chief’s daughter, Pocahontas, felt sorry for Smith (who was probably the first white man she had ever seen) and threw her body over his to protect him. Smith returned safely to the small village he was living in. During the winter the English settlers did not know how to get food from nature. Pocahontas often brought food for Smith and his friends.
A year later Pocahontas’s father tried to kill Smith again because the Native Americans were very scared the English would try to take over their land. Pocahontas warned him and he was able to escape. Later she became a Christian and eventually married an Englishman named John Rolfe. She spent the last year of her life in London. Pocahontas has become an American legend. Her life story has been re-created in many books and films, including Disney’s 1995 film, Pocahontas.
One of the reasons she is so popular is that many Europeans look at Pocahontas as an excellent example of how a minority can adjust into the majority. Pocahontas is also respected because of her selfless love. She proved that people can be kind and loving even to people of a different race or culture. John Smith was very different from Pocahontas but she could see he was a good man and that was all that mattered. No race or country owns goodness, love and loyalty.
小题1: What difficulties might early European settlers meet in America EXCEPT ___________?
A.the fierce conflict with Native Americans
B.lack of food in winter
C.bad-tempered natives who enjoyed killing
D.unfamiliarity with a foreign land
小题2: Pocahontas saved John Smith twice because ___________.
A.she believed in general kindness even to people of a different race
B.she wanted to become a Christian and marry an English
C.he was the first white man she had ever seen in her life
D.she was on the settlers’ side and against her cruel father
小题3:Which is Not an element to make Pocahontas a legend?
A.Her tribal background and her marriage to a white settler.
B.The recreation of her life story in the 1995 Disney film.
C.Her complicated life story different from common people’s
D.Her selfless help to people regarded as enemy of her tribe.
小题4:What can we infer from the passage?
A.People from different cultures can never really get along well with each other.
B.The Europeans think the early settlers should have learned to adjust to the local cultures.
C.The creation of America is based on the settlers’ victory over the Native Americans.
D.The battles between early settlers and Native Americans resulted from their fighting for land.

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