Instroduction to Letters to SamDear Reader,Please allow me to tell you something

Instroduction to Letters to SamDear Reader,Please allow me to tell you something


Instroduction to Letters to Sam
Dear Reader,
Please allow me to tell you something before you  read this book. When my   36  ,Sam, was born, my heart was filled with joy. I had been sitting in a wheelchair for 20 years before then,and I have been  37 ill many times.So I wonderfuled if would  have the   38 to tell Sam what I had   39 .
For years I have been hosting a program on the   40 and writing  articles for a magazine.Being  41  to move freely,I have learned to sit still and keep my heart   42 , exchanging thoughts with thousands of listeners and   43 . So when Sam was born ,I  44 to tell him about school and friendship,Romance and work,Love and everything else. That’s how I started  to write these  45 . I hoped  that Sam would   46 them  sooner or later.
However,that expedition  47  when  Sam showed signs of autism(自闭症)at the age of two.He had actually  stopped talking before the discovery of the signs.He  48  to communicate with others,even the family members.That was  49  for me but didn’t stop me writing on.I realized that I had even  50  now to tell him.I wanted him to  51 what it means to be “different ”from others,and learn  how to fight  against  the misfortune  he’ll  52  as I myself,his grandfather,did. I just  53 if  I could write all  that I wanted  to say in the rest of my life.
Now, 54 the book has been published,I have been given the chance.Every chapter in the book is a  letter to Sam:some about my life,and all about what it means to be a  55  .
Daniel GOttliebe
A.seriouslyB.mentallyC.slightly D.quietly
A.warm B.broken



One morning more than thirty years ago, I entered the Track Kitchen, a restaurant where everyone from the humblest(   )to the most powerful came for breakfast.I noticed am empty chair next to an elderly, unshaven man, who looked somewhat disheveled. He was wearing a worn-out hat and was alone. I asked if I might join him.He agreed quietly  and I sat down to have my breakfast.
We cautiously began a conversion and spoke about a wide rang of things. We never introduced ourselves. I was concerned that he might have no money and not be able to afford something to eat. So as I rose to go back to the counter  and buy a second cup of coffee,I asked,
“My I get you something ?”
“A coffee would be nice.”
Then I bought him a cup of coffee, We talked more ,and he accepted another cup of coffee,Finally,I rose to leave,wished him well,and headed for the exit. At the door I met one of my friends. He asked,
“How did you get to know Mr. Galbreath?”
“The man you were sitting with. He is chairman of the Board of Churchill Downs.”
I could hardly believe it. I was buying, offering a free breakfast, and feeling pity for one of the world’s richest and most powerful men!
My few minutes with Mr. Galbreath changed my life. Now I try to treat everyone with respect, no matter who I think they are, and no matter another human being with kindness and sincerity.
小题1:What does the underlined word “disheveled” mean?
小题2:The author bought coffee for the old man because     
A.he thought the old man was poor
B.he wanted to start a conversation
C.he intended to show his politeness
D.he would like to thank the old man
小题3:How did the author probably feel after he talked with his friend?
小题4:What is the message mainly expressed in the story?
A.We should learn to be generous.
B.It is honorable to help those in need.
C.People in high positions are not like what we expect.
D.We should avoid judging people by their appearances.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Humans are naturally drawn to other life forms and the worlds outside of our own。We take delight in the existence of creatures and even whole societies Beyond our everyday lives.
This sense of wonder is universal. Look at the efforts that scientists(幻想)literature or movies like the lord of the rings. This sense of wonder draws us to each other,to the world around us ,and to the world of make-believe.but have we gone so far in creating worlds of fantasy that we are missing the pleasure of other worlds that already exist all around us?
Human beings,as biologists have suggested,possess an inborn desire to connect with and understand other life forms,However, people,especially in big eities,often lead rather isolated lives,In a study of  British schoolchildren,it was found that children by age eight were much more familiar with characters from television shows and video games than common wildlife.without modem technology,a small Pond could be an amazing world filled with strange and beautiful plants,insects,birds,and animals 。when we lack meaning(交互)with the world around us,and somethings even with our families and friends,we seek to understand and communicate with things that exist only in our imaginations or on a computer screen。
The world of make-believe is not necessarily bad,but when the world of fantasy becomes the only outlet(出路)for our sense of wonder,then we are really missing something,we are missing a connection with the living world. Other wonderful wonderful worlds exist all around us.but even more interesting is that if we look closely enough,we can see that these worlds,in a broad sense,are really part of our own.
小题1:The popularity of the lord of the rings.proves       
A.the close connection between man and the fantasy world
B.the wonderful achievements of fantasy literature
C.the fine taste of moviegoers around the world
D.the general existence of the sense of curiosity
小题2:What can we infer from the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3?
A.people are far less familiar witn the world of fantasy
B.the world around us could serve as a source of wonder
C.the world of fantasy can be mirrored by a small and lively pond.
D.Modern technology prevents us from developing our sense of wonder
小题3:If our sense of wonder relies totally on the world of make-believe,we will to appreciate the joy in our lives confused by the world of make-believe
C.miss the chance to recognize the fantasy world trapped by other worlds existing all around us
小题4:What is the main purpose of the passage?
A.To show us the hidden beauty in our world. warn us not to get lost in the fantasy world.
C.To argue against the misuse of the sense of wonder.
D.To discuss the influence of the world of make-believe.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Leave a camera on a mountaintop, and chances are, you"ll never see it again. But 24-year-old Paul Bellis, a university student from Wales, believed that most people were better than that, and set up a creative experiment to test out his theory.
"I was speaking to a friend who said you can"t trust anyone, anywhere these days," Bellis told the Daily Mail. "I didn"t want to believe that so I set up this experiment to find out what might happen and prove you can trust people."
Billis decided to do an experiment by hiking up a mountain called Snowdonia, taking a photo, and leaving his camera behind. He also attached a note to the camera, asking other hikers to take photos of themselves and then leave the camera there until the roll of film (胶卷) was empty. He also included his address, in case someone would be nice enough to return the camera to his home after the roll of film was finished.
Four days later, Bellis got a visit from a Snowdonia park manager, who came to return his camera. After Bellis got the film developed, he saw that his fellow hikers and followed his instructions. Thirty people had each taken photos of themselves at the mountain. From viewing the collection, it was clear that all the hikers had enjoyed the experiment.
As for the park manager, Brian, "I found the camera and thought it had been lost until I saw the note," he said. "I was passing his home and just dropped it off. I" m glad that the photos came out very well."
小题1:The underlined word "that" in Paragraph 2 refers to __________.
A.the Daily Mail
B.Bellis" theory
C.the idea that Bellis would do the experiment
D.the opinion that we shouldn"t trust people
小题2:What can we know from the note Bellis attached to his camera?
A.The camera wasn"t a missing one.
B.The roll of film had been used up.
C.Bellis was very kind to other hikers.
D.Bellis asked others to take pictures of him.
小题3:Brian returned the camera directly because __________.
A.he wanted to be trusted by others
B.Bellis" home was on his way
C.Bellis asked him to do so
D.he wanted to have a look at the photos
小题4: The experiment Bellis turned out to be __________.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
One cold January evening in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, America, I went with my father on an oil burner service call. My father was in his forties at that time and I was about twelve years old. He was always working hard trying to support us seven kids. I enjoyed hanging out with him whenever I could — he taught me so much.
We arrived at the call and after walking over snow and ice, we knocked on the customer’s door. A senior citizen opened the door and let us into her very cold home. She was wearing an old, worn-out brown coat that went down to her knees. On her head, covering her gray hair, was an old and worn hat. The home wasn’t furnished very well and was quite dark, except for a single light bulb over the dining room table. Below the light was an older man counting change from several old coffee cans. He looked up at us as we passed by to get to the kitchen where my dad would fix the oil burner. He didn’t say anything. He just looked up at us. He couldn’t speak English, nor could his wife. She only pointed to the kitchen and smiled at us.
After a short while, my father had the heater up and running, and it began to heat their cold home. The lady asked my dad in poor English how much she owed him for fixing the heater. My dad looked around the house and said that he had to go out to the truck and write the bill.
Once in the truck he marked the bill “no answer at home, no charge”, so they wouldn’t be charged for his work. He looked over at me and said, “He was counting his change to pay me. They need their money more than I do.”
As usual, my father taught me something important that time, which was to be kind to the poor.
小题1:According to Paragraph 1, we know that the writer’s father                        .
A.often taught the writer how to work
B.worked several jobs at the same time
C.had a very big family to support
D.brought up his children alone
小题2:The description in Paragraph 2 shows that the old couple                        .
A.had no job
B.led a very poor life
C.didn’t know how to save money
D.were not very friendly to strangers
小题3:What can we infer from the passage?
A.The old couple had no children in America.
B.The old man didn’t plan to pay money.
C.The old woman felt very embarrassed all the time.
D.The old couple were not native Americans.
小题4:The writer’s father didn’t charge for his work because                         .
A.he didn’t need that money
B.he felt pity for the old couple
C.he was not satisfied with his work
D.he wanted to set a good example to others

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
I was sleeping in my room when my bed started shaking and a loud noise was heard. I woke up and my mom was screaming my name. Next moment I was running along with my younger sister, mom and dad. Before I ran out of the door, I realized my elder sister hadn’t come out yet. So I screamed her name at the top of my voice. My mom said she had gone to her class. Then the four of us, along with many others, were running on the staircase. We lived on the seventh floor, so I thought we would not be able to make it and the building would fall before we managed to reach even the fourth floor. My dad’s head was injured by something falling down. I did try to put my hand over his head. When we reached the sixth floor, the building split into two. We had no way to get down.
The next thing I remember is silence. There were around 30 people on the staircase and none could react. Five minutes later, someone opened the door of the sixth-floor flat. We all went in. We were wondering how would get down. From the balcony of the sixth-floor flat, I saw people standing on the ground floor. All eyes were stuck on us. I could see my elder sister crying.
Our first hope of surviving came when a worker climbed a rope to where we were. That was the first time we thought maybe we could get down. Half an hour passed and we were still trapped. Finally RSS people arrived with ropes. They got people down one by one. My biggest worry was how my dad would get down. Finally after two and a half hours, we all got down.
That day we saw the power of nature. It has taken more than two years to build the flats and it took just one and a half minutes to destroy the structure.
小题1:What is this passage mainly about?
A.Ways to survive an earthquake.
B.Reasons why earthquakes happen.
C.The love of parents in an earthquake.
D.The writer’s experience in an earthquake.
小题2:When the building split into two, the writer and his family ____________.
A.were still sleeping
B.were trapped on the sixth floor
C.were looking for a family member
D.were running on the staircase of the seventh floor
小题3:The first time the writer thought they would probably survive was when            .
A.he was encouraged by people on the ground floor
B.someone opened the door of the sixth-floor flat
C.a worker climbed up on a rope
D.RSS people arrived with ropes
小题4:The earthquake made the writer realize that                       .
A.there is always hope for people
B.the power of nature is really great
C.natural disasters can happen any time
D.human beings are strong in natural disasters

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