Mr. King lived with six hundred wild animals on the Greek Island of Kyklos. Ever

Mr. King lived with six hundred wild animals on the Greek Island of Kyklos. Ever

Mr. King lived with six hundred wild animals on the Greek Island of Kyklos. Ever since he left school, he had traveled all over the word collecting animals for his own zoo. He hoped to collect two examples of every kind of animal on his island. But he was afraid that people would find him someday.
He wrote books about his travels and about his animals that he collected. The money from the books helped to pay for all the food that these animals ate.
One day, when Mr. King was out looking for drinking water, he found oil. He needed money for his travels and for his zoo, and a little oil would buy enough water for what he needed all his life, but he knew that if he told anyone else about it, it would be the end of his zoo and his life’s work. So he decided not to tell anyone else about what he had found, because oil and water couldn’t mix.
小题1:Mr. King traveled all over the world for collecting ______.
小题2:What Mr. King needed for his travels and his zoo was_______.
小题3:Mr. King was afraid that people would find him someday because ________.
A.he hadn’t got enough money for them
B.that would be the end of his zoo
C.he hadn’t got enough water and oil
D.they would buy his animals
小题4:Mr. King wrote books to _______.
A.tell people about his story
B.tell people how to find oil
C.get enough money for his animals
D.make money for his travels
小题5: In the passage, “oil and water couldn’t mix” means that “_________”.
A.Mr. King needed not only water but also oil
B.oil and water were rather difficult to be mixed together
C.Mr. King’s animals only needed water, not oil
D.if he told the others he found oil, his life’s work would be stopped



Armed with two over-packed suitcases, we arrived at the airport just in time for my flight. As I watched her unload my luggage, I could see the ___36___ in her eyes. One last hug and a final good-bye, and I would be on my way to a new life ___37____. “You"d better go or you"ll miss your flight,”she said.
“I"ll __38_____ you,”I replied , and with those words I __39___. By the time I reached the customs I was __40__. While boarding the plane I was still crying. I did not have the ___41__ to put my bag in the overhead locker, so I put it on the empty seat next to mine.
Born barely fifteen months __42___, we not only looked alike, we were alike. We both had that same mix of ___43___ and fear of all things unknown to us. One sunny summer day I was playing outside when she came ___44___ to me and said, “Want to come to the attic(阁楼)?”The answer was always “___45__”. We were frightened of the attic but also ___46_____ by its smells and sounds. Together we would flight many spiders and battle through the numerous boxes __47_____ we found what we needed.
The plane shook ___48___ and my bag fell on the floor. My aspirin, hairbrush and some other things were __49___ on the floor. I __50_____ over to gather them up when I saw a (an) ___51___ little book in the middle of my belongings. It was a diary.
Immediately I __52___ my sister"s handwriting. “Hi Sis. What a day it has been today. You let me know that you are moving abroad...”Only __53___ did I realize that my sister had been ___54___ a diary for the past month.
I read about my sister"s coming and going during the flight. Even though a large ocean ____55___ us, at some point it felt like she was actually there.
A.rememberB.remindC.missD.think of
A.was cutB.was offC.left offD.left away

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  Kristy,28,a cook in La Gross, often wondered what she’d do in a life threatening situation. On August 29, she got her answer. While she was driving on a road,a big truck hit its head on a pickup car.The pickup burst into flames.Kristy rushed out and ran to the pickup.Two farmers,Dean Bernhard,51, and his brother,Donald,44,were inside.
When she got close,Kristy could see the unconscious driver.The other man was under the passenger seat. “The smells were sicking.I was afraid the truck would blow up and kill us all,” said kristy.
The driver of the big truck was struggling to open the passenger door,so Kristy rushed to the driver’s side.Finally they opened the door.She reached in,seized the driver and, to her horror,felt her hands sink into his chest.She quickly dragged the man to safety on the roadside,then hurried back.As Kristy started down the ditch(水沟) with the passenger,the pickup exploded..She jumped on top of him and they both rolled to safety.
Today,the two farmers,each the farmer of two children,are good friends with Kristy.To show their deep appreciation,they bought her a ring with nine diamonds---one for each member of their immediate families,and the ninth for her.
小题1:Which is the correct order according to the passage?
a.carried Dean and Donald to safety
b.rushed to the pickup
c.the pickup exploded
d.saw the truck hit on the pickup out of her car
f.wondered what she’d do when in danger
小题2:When coming to save Donald and Dean Bernhard,Kristy never thought that she___.
A.could have any help from others
B.would be successful in saving both of them
C.might be killed
D.would be tested in dangerous situations
小题3:This sentence “The pickup burst into flames.”in the first paragragh means “_______”.
A.The pickup was on fire
B.The pickup started smoking badly
C.A terrifying cry came out of the pickup
D.The pickup was broken into pieces
小题4:Which of the following best shows Kristy’s true heroism?
A.She did not feel terrified at the accident
B.She protected herself as well as the two brothers from harm.
C.She put her life “on the line” to save others.
D.She was regarded as a member of Dean’s and Donald’s families.

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One of the best-known American writers of children’s books is Alfred Strong, or Doctor Strong, as he is better known to readers everywhere. Now, an art show called “Doctor Strong from then to now” is traveling around the United States. The pictures and drawings show the history of Doctor Strong.
Doctor Strong first became famous almost fifty years ago when his first children’s book was published. Since then, he has written forty-five books that have sold more than hundred million copies around the world.
Doctor Strong’s books are known for their easy use of words and colorful, hand-drawn pictures. These drawings bring life to his imaginary creatures. The Cat in the Hat, Horton the elephant, The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, and hundreds of others.
The San Diego Museum, in California, organized the art show. It included about three hundred Doctor Strong’s original(最早的) drawings and some of his writings.
Most of Doctor Strong’s books, although written in a funny way, have serious messages. For example, in Mc Elligot’s Pool, he describes the danger of pollution. He discusses the arms race in The Butter Battle Book, written in 1984.
Doctor Strong is almost eighty-four years old now. He says he never planned to write stories just for children. He says he uses easy words so that everyone, even a child, can understand.
小题1:Alfred Strong is a famous __________ in the United States.
小题2: Doctor Strong first became famous in __________.
A.his eighties when an art show was traveling around the United States
B.his fifties when his drawings and writings were published
C.1984 when his book McElligot’s Pool was published
D.his thirties when his first book was published
小题3:Doctor Strong’s books are very popular in America because _________.
A.they are stories about animals such as cats, elephants and so on
B.they are written in easy words with colorful pictures
C.he organized the art show in California
D.they are written in a funny way
小题4:His purpose in writing many such books is _________. show his original pictures and drawings organize a special art show of his own make his readers laugh or smile when they read his books
D.not only to interest people but to expose(揭露) some serious social problems

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There was a story many years ago of a school teacher----Mrs.Thompson. She told the children on the first day that she loved them all the same. But that was a lie. There in the front row was a little boy named Teddy Stoddard. He didn"t play well with the other children and he always needed a bath. She did not like him.
Then Mrs. Thompson got to know that Teddy was actually a very good boy before the death of his mother. Mrs. Thompson was ashamed of herself. She felt even worse when, like all her other students, Teddy brought her a Christmas present too. It was his mother"s perfume(香水).
Teddy said, "Mrs.Thompson, today you smell just like my Mom used to." After the children left she cried for at least an hour. On that very day, she stopped teaching reading, writing and math. Instead, she began to teach children.
Mrs.Thompson paid particular attention to Teddy.The boy"s mind seemed to come alive. The more she encouraged him, the faster he improved. By the end of the sixth grade, Teddy had become one of the smartest children in the class.
Six years went by before she got a note from Teddy. He wrote that he had finished high school, third in his class, and she was still the best teacher he ever had in his whole life. He went to college. Mrs.Thompson got two more letters from him with the last signed, Theodore F. Stoddar, M. D. (医学博士).
The story doesn"t end there. On his wedding day, Dr.Stoddard whispered in Mrs.Thompson"s ear," Thank you, Mrs. Thomson, for believing in me. You made me feel important and showed me that I could make a difference."
Mrs. Thompson , with tears in her eyes, whispered back,"Teddy, you have it all wrong. You were the one who taught me that I could make a difference. I didn"t know how to teach until I met you.
小题1:What did Mrs.Thompson do on the first day of school?
A.She made Teddy feel ashamed
B.She asked the children to play with Teddy.
C.She changed Teddy"s seat to the front row.
D.She told the class something untrue about herself.
小题2: What did Mrs. Thompson find out about Teddy?
A.He often told lies.B.He was good at math
C.He needed motherly careD.He enjoyed playing with others
小题3:In what way did Mrs. Thompson change?
A.She taught fewer school subjects.
B.She became stricter with her students.
C.She no longer liked her job as a teacher.
D.She cared more about educating students.
小题4:Why did Teddy thank Mrs.Thompson at his wedding?
A.She had kept in touch with him.
B.She had given him encouragement.
C.She had sent him Christmas presents.
D.She had taught him how to judge people.

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The night started out ordinarily enough. Jack and Tara, our   36  , were in their small beds surrounded by toy animals. My husband, Pat, and I went to sleep   37 .
  38  after midnight, Jack quietly touched me. “Mommy, I want to stay with you. I promise I won’t take much room.” I shifted   39  to make room. My son soon fell asleep.
An hour later, Tara cried and I carefully went downstairs. “Mommy, my   40  is all stuffed up(堵住). I can’t really breathe very well. Will you please   41  with me a little while?” Tara doesn’t often get up at night,   42  I decided to be there for her. She soon fell asleep. I returned to my own bed. I was determined to sleep. But to my   43  , I found Jack sleeping on my side of the bed. He looked so   44  that I couldn’t remove him. Quietly and carefully, I lay down between  45  and Jack.
I did manage to get some sleep   46  I heard Tara’s voice again. I returned to   47 Tara. “Mom, please lie down with me a little bit, I had a bad dream, and I’m so   48 .” “Of course, honey. It was only a dream. Mommy’s here and   49  is okay.” We fell asleep   50  each other’s arms.
Even in my sleepy state, I thought of   51  these nights of merry-go-round(一连串的繁忙活动)beds will be over. In their place, my twins will be grown.   52  before I’m ready, our children’ rooms will be much too   53  and empty. So it is especially on days when I’m worn out after a night on this mom’s merry-go-round that I remind   54  that these very days and nights are, in fact. “the good old days”, ever so   55 .
A.SometimesB.Some timeC.SometimeD.Some times
A.even matter whenD.however
小题10: mother
小题12: offB.look outD.take care
小题16: much
A.No doubtB.No wonderC.No problemD.No worry
小题19: friendD.myself

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