第三部分阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和0)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。It’s a

第三部分阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和0)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。It’s a


It’s always awkward when you meet someone from a different country.You never know whether to shake hands, bow or even whether to kiss on the cheek.But what if you were a dog?
If you are a dog owner, you must be familiar with how your dog says hello to you.Seconds after you arrive home, your dog jumps up on you.You come face to face with a tail-wagging, wildly excited ball of fur that can’t get enough of you.If you’re not happy with that, it will shower you with wet “kisses” perhaps ruining your best shirt.
Like humans, dogs have five senses: smell, touch, sight, hearing and taste.
Unlike humans, dogs use smell rather than sight to identify others around them.A dog’s sense of smell is thousands of times better than that of humans.Your dog can’t just tell what a human being smells like, but it can also tell the difference between different members of its human family by their smell.
They also greet each other this way, not eye to eye, but nose to nose.
To be precise, when they first meet each other, they start with a quick sniff of each other’s noses.Then they will go side to side, working their way towards the back end.
Dogs smell everything they can during a walk.They sniff grass, bushes, trees and signposts.By doing this, dogs know not only what they are looking at, but which other neighborhood dogs have been around lately.
So next time you see your dog sniffing the wrong end of another dog, don’t regard it as a bad habit.They are greeting each other.
56.What is the main idea of the passage?
A.It tells readers how to take good care of dogs.
B.It tells readers what to do to make dogs happy.
C.It tells readers how dogs greet others.
D.It tells readers what dogs do to amuse owners.
57.The phrase “shower you with” in the 2nd paragraph most probably means ______.
A.help you take a bath with
B.frighten you with
C.show you his anger by using
D.cover you with
58.The 2nd paragraph is written mainly to tell readers ____.
A.how dogs greet their owner
B.that dogs like jumping up on people
C.that dogs enjoy ruining their owners" shirt
D.how dogs show their love
59.How does a dog say hello to another one?
A.By sight.              B.By both sight and smell.
C.By smell.             D.By sight and touch.
60.Which of the following statements is wrong?
A.By sniffing, dogs can tell any other dog that has been around lately.
B.It’s a good habit for a dog to sniff the wrong end of another one.
C.Two strange dogs will begin with a quick sniff of the each other’s noses.
D.A dog’s sense of sight is thousands of times better than that of humans.


第一节     阅读下面五篇短文,从每题后所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案。
Many times my friend June would say, “If I ever get rich, I’m getting a completely new wardrobe and moving into a bigger apartment.” I thought of her words and her chances of being rich are about as good as mine. But, to everyone’s surprise, a few years ago June did come into a large inheritance(遗产).
At first June said very little about the money. As the initial(最初的)shock disappeared, she became excited. June is a great believer in making lists, so I wasn’t surprised to find her writing down all the ways she would spend her new wealth.
As time went on, what had been midway down the column was now at the top. At last, I said to her, “You know, it isn’t necessary to spend all your inheritance at once. Take some time; think about it.” “I know, I know,” she answered with a little bit anger.
Then one morning June called. “I’ve decided how I want to use my new inheritance. I want to see what you think,” she said. This wasn’t something I looked forward to, but we had been friends so long.
As we sat, June spread a sheet of paper on the table. To my great surprise, she had written only two words: Charities(慈善), and Grandchildren---in that order. Though I had vowed(发誓)to keep quiet, I couldn’t keep from asking how she came to this decision.
“Well,” she said, “I took your advice and thought about it.” She added, “Helping others means a lot to me, so I’m hoping this gift will help people in need.”
I interrupted. “But what about this big apartment you most hope to have?”
“At first it was hard, but it doesn’t seem as important any more,” she answered with a smile.
Then June moved her hand, and I could see a few words written in tiny letters at the bottom of the page. After having a look at the small print, I burst into laughter. June had written: AND one new wardrobe.
41.  From the passage we can learn that the writer ____________.
A. was richer than her friend June                              B. was no richer than her friend June
C. was poorer than her friend June                             D. was interested in money as June
42.  After making a list of how to deal with her inheritance, June ___________.
A. didn’t change it at all                                           B. had a quarrel with the writer
C. asked the writer for advice                                    D. often made some changes of it
43.  When June called the writer to talk about her new decision, the writer ___________.
A. felt that June would do something meaningful
B. refused at first, but changed her mind later
C. was eager to learn more about the new list
D. had decided not to make any comments on June’s list
44.  We can learn from the text that ______________.
A. helping others is more important than buying a bigger apartment
B. friendship doesn’t mean accepting the shortcomings of a friend
C. giving away one’s wealth needs time and courage
D. money can’t bring people real and lasting happiness
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
The train was already half an hour late. I had to arrive in Vienna at 7:15 in time to catch the 7:20 train to Paris, but there was no hope of that now. I told my problem to the conductor (列车员). He advised me to get off two stops before Vienna Station and take a taxi. When the time came, he even helped with my bag. He wished me good luck as I jumped off. A few minutes later I was racing towards the center of the city in a taxi. It was almost 7:25 when we stopped outside the station. I paid the driver quickly, picked up my bag and hurried inside. “Paris train?” was all I had time to say to the official I saw. You can see how I felt when he pointed to a train that was just moving out of the station.
小题1:The writer couldn’t arrive in Paris in time because       .
A.he didn’t pay the driverB.he took the wrong train
C.the train was lateD.the conductor advised him to get off early
小题2:The conductor advised the writer to get off before Vienna and take a taxi       .
A.as soon as the train stoppedB.after he heard the writer’s explanation
C.after he was passing the writerD.when the train arrived in Vienna at 7:15
小题3:Which of the following did the conductor do to help the writer?
A.The conductor advised him to get off two stops before Vienna.
B.The conductor took him to the center of the city in a taxi.
C.The conductor carried the bag for him.
D.The conductor showed him out of the station and called a taxi.
小题4:When the writer saw that the train was just moving, he felt        .
A.happyB.angryC.disappointed D.sorry
小题5:Which of the following is TRUE?
A.The writer was lucky to catch the train. 
B.The driver helped the writer catch the train.
C.The writer paid the bus driver quickly. 
D.The conductor was very kind to the writer.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

Since 1983 when Jia Fuliang became the Young Pioneers’ advisor at a primary school in Dalian, Liaoning Province, she has   36   got herself ready for any difficulties.
Jia often says that   37   she is among the students she does not feel ill at all. One can’t   38   that she was a cancer   39  , who had an operation three years ago. Despite severe pain and illness, she keeps   40  with strong will. She gives   41  that she has to her beloved students with nothing   42  to herself.
Jia Fuliang is a   43   advisor at the Primary School for the Children of   44  and workers of Liaoning Rolling stock plant. She treats the students as kindly as   45  as her own children. If she   46   that someone gets very long hair, she will have the child’s hair   47  . If she knows that someone gets   48  , she will buy him or her something to eat   49  she will lose no time to appear in the student’s   50  when she is told that one student is ill.   
She often takes single-parent or   51  children out for a trip. On the other hand, Jia is very strict with the students. For example, she doesn’t   52   the little children to waste time or money. Nor will she allow them to use dirty words, or   53  traffic rules. Jia’s work and motherly love have   54  . In the past 14 years, the Young Pioneers have won one honour after another. Jia herself had been praised and give prizes many times.
Jia, now 43, looks forward to her life   55  with full confidence.
36.A.sometimes       B.often C.usually     D.always
37.A.once  B.until  C.before      D.if
38.A.discover   B.know C.believe     D.explain
39.A.doctor      B.nurse C.patient      D.researcher
40.A.training    B.studying   C.waiting     D.working
41.A.much       B.little  C.something D.all
42.A.given       B.left    C.taken D.held
43.A.strange     B.special      C.young       D.beautiful
44.A.staffs B.members   C.teachers    D.leaders
45.A.cruelly     B.kindly      C.differently       D.roughly
46.A.feels  B.imagines   C.doubts      D.notices
47.A.cuts   B.cutting      C.cut    D.to cut
48.A.thirsty      B.hungry     C.happy       D.sleepy
49.A.and   B.or     C.but    D.for
50.A.study B.bedroom   C.reading – room D.classroom
51.A.penniless  B.wealthy    C.homeless   D.sick
52.A.forbid      B.encourage C.inspire      D.allow
53.A.obey B.break C.follow      D.keep
54.A.paid off    B.paid for    C.paid back  D.paid down
55.A.alone B.behind      C.ahead       D.back
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从16 ~ 30各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
Mrs. Jones was very fond of singing. She had a good   16 , except that some of her high notes tended to sound like a gate, which someone had forgotten to   17 . Mrs. Jones was very conscious of this   18 , and took every   19  she could find to practice these high   20 . As she lived in a small house where she could not practice without   21   the rest of the family, she usually went for long walks along the country roads whenever she had time, and practiced her high notes there. Every time she heard a   22  or a person coming along the   23 , she stopped and   24   until she could no longer be heard before she started practicing again, because she was a   25  person, and because she was sensitive about those high notes.
One afternoon, however, a fast, open car came up behind her so   26  and so fast that she did not hear it until it was only a few yards from her. She was singing some of her highest and most   27  notes at the time, and as the car passed her, she saw an anxious   28   suddenly come over its driver’s face. He put his brakes on violently, and as soon as the car stopped, jumped out and began to   29  all his tires carefully.
Mrs. Jones did not dare to tell him what the noise he had heard had really been, so he got back into his car and drove off as   30  as he had been when he stopped.
A.expressionB.explanation C.impressionD.reaction
A.approachB.observeC.repair D.examine

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
I sit at my kitchen table, while my daughter, Anna, sits next to my mother. On the wall hangs a photo of my father.
“When is Rick going to be here?” My mother asks, referring to my husband. 
“I don’t know, Mom,” I answer patiently. “He’ll be here for dinner.”
I sigh and get up from the table. This is at least the tenth time she has asked that question. 
While my mother and daughter play, I busy myself making a salad. 
“Don"t put in any onions,” Mom says. “You know how Daddy hates onion.”
“Yes, Mom,” I answer. 
I scrub(洗擦) off a carrot and chop it into bite-size pieces.
“Don"t put any onions in the salad,” she reminds me. “You know how Daddy hates onion.”
This time I can’t answer. 
My mother had been beautiful. She still is. In fact, my mother is still everything she has
been, just a bit forgetful.
I cut off the end of the cucumber and rub it to take away the bitterness. Cut and rub. This
is a trick I have learned from my mother, along with a trillion other things: cooking, sewing, 
dating, laughing, thinking. I learned how to grow up. 
And I learned that when my mother was around, I never had to be afraid. 
So why am I afraid now? 
I study my mother"s hands. Her nails are no longer a bright red, but painted a light pink.
Almost no color at all. And as I stare at them, I realize I am feeling them as they shaped my 
youth. Hands that packed a thousand lunches and wiped a million tears off my cheeks. 
Now my hands have grown into those of my mother"s. Hands that have cooked uneaten 
meals, held my own daughter"s frightened fingers on the first day of school and dried tears 
off her face. 
I grow lighthearted. I can feel my mother kiss me goodnight, check to see if the window is
locked, then blow another kiss from the doorway. Then I am my mother, blowing that same
kiss to Anna. 
Outside everything is still. Shadows fall among the trees, shaped like pieces of a puzzle.
Someday my daughter will be standing in my place, and I will rest where my mother now sits. 
Will I remember then how it felt to be both mother and daughter? Will I ask the same
question too many times? 
I walk over and sit down between my mother and her granddaughter. 
“Where is Rick?” my mother asks, resting her hand on the table next to mine. And in that
instant I know she remembers. She may repeat herself a little too much. But she remembers. 
“He’ll be here,” I answer with a smile. 
小题1:What’s wrong with the writer’s mother?
A.She is very old.B.She suffers forgetfulness.
C.She is absent-minded.D.She is eager to see Rick.
小题2:What can we learn about the writer’s father according to the passage?
A.He might have passed away for years.
B.He goes out for a walk by himself.
C.He is out doing something with Rick.
D.He loves the writer’s mother deeply.
小题3:The underlined sentence “I realize I am feeling them as they shaped my youth” probably means that ______. 
A.Mother’s hands witnessed my growth as a youth
B.Mother’s hands are similar to mine as a youth
C.I like to feel mother’s hands when she was young
D.I realize her hands were exactly like those in her youth
小题4:Which of the following words best describe the writer’s mood towards her mother?
小题5:The best title for the passage would be ______.
A.Mother’s beautyB.My father hates onion
C.Hard-working motherD.Mother’s hands

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