Task-based reading 任务型阅读请认真阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后图表中的空格里填入最恰当的单词。注意:每空不超过1个单词。For ce

Task-based reading 任务型阅读请认真阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后图表中的空格里填入最恰当的单词。注意:每空不超过1个单词。For ce

Task-based reading 任务型阅读
For centuries people dreamed of going into space. This dream began to seem possible when high-flying rockets were built in the early 1900s.
In 1903 a Russian teacher named Konstantin Tsiolkovsky figured out how to use rockets for space travel. His plan was the first one in rocket science to use correct scientific calculation. About 30 years later, a U.S. scientist named Robert Goddard built the first rockets that could reach high altitudes. During World War II, German scientists built large rockets that could travel very far and carry dangerous explosives. After the war, scientists from Germany went to the United States and the Soviet Union to help those countries build space rockets.
These two countries were soon racing to get to space first. Each of these countries wanted to prove that it was stronger and more advanced than the other one. Both countries also had powerful bombs. People in the United States were worried when the Soviets were first to launch a space satellite, which was called Sputnik. The Soviets were also first to send a person into space. Yury Gagarin orbited the earth in the Vostok I spaceship in 1961.
The US government set a goal for its space program to be the first country to put a person on the Moon. The U.S. space program built a series of Apollo spaceship. These vehicles were powered by huge Saturn 5 rockets. In 1969 Apollo II took three men to the moon successfully. Nell Armstrong became the first person to walk on the Moon.
The Soviets may have lost the race to fly people to the Moon, but they built the first space station in 1971. The United States also built a space station. The space stations allowed people to live and work in space. Then the Soviet Union and the United States cooperated to hook two spaceships together in space. This action ended the "space race". Today a much larger space station, built by several countries together, orbits Earth.
Another new way to go to space is by space shuttle. A space shuttle, first made in the United States in 1981, looks like an airplane. Astronauts who fly spaceships have used shuttles to help put satellites into space.
History of space travel
Information concerned
Early 1900s
High-flying rockets were built.
It made the ancient dream of going to space possible to come 66)  ▲  
Konstantin Tsiolkovsky (67) out a way to use rockets for space travel.
He planned to put correct scientific calculation to use in rocket science.
Around (68)
Robert Goddard built new rockets.
The rockets could fly very (69)in the sky.
During and after World War II
German scientists built large rockets that could travel very far and carry dangerous explosives.
Germany was ahead of all the other countries in building space rockets and later it (70)   ▲   the Soviet Union and the United States
The Soviet Union and the United States competed to get to space first.
The Soviet Union became the (71) ▲  of the competition when it launched the first satellite and sent the first astronaut into space.
The United States was (72) ▲  in putting a person on the moon.
In one way, it (73)   ▲  the Soviet Union by becoming the first country to fly people to the moon.
The Soviets built the first space station and was soon followed by Americans. And they finally ended the  "space race" by (74)  ▲ 
Astronauts can live and work in space stations.
Space shuttles are used as new vehicles for space (75)  ▲  .
Shuttles are also used to help put satellites into space.


66. true    
67. figured   
68. 1933   
69. high   
70. helped   
71. winner
72. successful  
73. beat/defeated  
74. cooperation/cooperating     
75. travel


Two Sundays ago,John was   36   in bed wondering whether to get up or not. He looked at his wrist but found that he wasn’t   37   his watch. Where on earth had he put it? He looked on the table and under the bed but he still couldn’t find it. He   38   think of anywhere else to look. “I must have   39   it in the bathroom or downstairs,” he thought to himself and lay down again for a moment.
Although he didn’t know the   40 ,he could hear the birds singing and see that the sun was shining. “I suppose I really ought to   41   up,” he thought. Mother must be   42   by now and I   43   her I’d help her clean the place up this morning.
After a while he heard his mother   44   upstairs. She came into the room and walked   45   to the window. “Good morning,dear.” she said。“I wonder if you’d get up now. It’s past nine o’clock and your aunt’s coming at ten. I’ve been   46   the cleaning since eight and I’ve   47   your breakfast. It’ll get cold   48   you don’t eat it now. Oh,   49   the way, you left your watch on the bathroom shelf and while I was cleaning it, it fell onto the floor and I think it’s   50   now. You’ll have to   51   it repaired. I’m afraid.”
“Oh, dear, I’m broken (没有钱的) just now. I can’t afford to get it fixed.”said John.
“Well, I’ve told you hundreds of times not to leave it in the   52 ,” said his mother. “  53  , never mind. I’ll pay for it. Come on now! I don’t want to   54   all day for you to get up.   55   you’ve had breakfast, perhaps you could do the washing up for me.”
36.A.laid   B.keeping    C.sitting       D.lying
37.A.dressing    B.wearing    C.having on D.putting on
38.A.mustn’t    B.shouldn’t  C.couldn’t    D.might not
39.A.left   B.forgotten  C.remembered     D.lost
40.A.moment    B.while C.when D.time
41.A.go     B.come C.get    D.stay
42.A.down       B.off    C.away D.up
43.A.promised  B.agreed      C.said   D.spoke
44.A.coming     B.running    C.going       D.rushing
45.A.out    B.down C.over  D.in
46.A.making     B.doing       C.having      D.starting
47.A.cooked     B.produced  C.did    D.had
48.A.unless       B.once  C.until  D.if
49.A.by     B.in      C.on     D.under
50.A.missing    B.gone  C.broken      D.lost
51.A.let     B.make C.have  D.had
52.A.reading room   B.bathroom  C.dining room     D.living room
53.A.But   B.So     C.Although  D.Because
54.A.waste       B.wait  C.spend       D.prepare
55.A.Before      B.After C.Since D.Before long
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A famous foreign company that invested in China wanted to employ a reception secretary for its public relation department.
A beautiful girl with a master degree in electric engineering became a winning candidate(候选人) through the difficult process of employment. At its last stage she faced an oral test together with another girl who was her equal not only in good looks but also in education standard. The girl we talk about was confident in herself and successful in the oral test. It seemed that she would get the chance. The examiner told her on behalf of(代表) the company that she could come to office of the company next Monday as a new employee. At last he asked her, “Have you anything else to say?”  Shocked by the unexpected question, the beautiful girl was quite at a loss, saying with hesitation(犹豫不决), “I have to talk with my parents before I give an answer.” Surprised, the examiner said calmly,“In that case, let’s wait till you are ready.”
The next day the girl came to tell that her parents agreed to her beginning work next Monday. But the examiner said regretfully, “Sorry, the job position is filled by another suitable candidate. You had better have a try in another place.” The beautiful girl was surprised. She asked for an explanation and was told, “What is needed here is a person who knows her own mind.”
That was how a good opportunity slipped away right under the nose of a beautiful girl.
56.What did the examiner value most?
A.One’s beautiful looks.    B.One’s knowledge.
C.One’s young age.        D.One’s independence.
57.It can be inferred from the passage that ________.
A.the other girl who failed at the last oral test was most likely(有可能)to get the job
B.another girl chosen in next test held the company
C.the company lost its best employee
D.the examiner was surprised at his first choice
58.Why did the beautiful girl want to ask her parents for advice?
A.She knew what to do.
B.She couldn’t answer the question.
C.She hadn’t expected the examiner would ask such a question.
D.Her parents would scold her if she agreed without their permission.
59.The best title of this passage probably is ________.
A.Make your decision quickly    B.Have your own judgment
C.Seize your chance in time      D.Hesitation leads to failure
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

A.A scarf, a good present for fair ladies. In winter, in addition to keeping you warm, a scarf around your neck can help draw other’s attention.
B.Guitar Beginners. Do you like music? Do you want to play the guitar well in a short time?
This new book, written by guitarist Frank Jones, helps even the most basic beginner read his way to being a competent guitar player in just 20 days.
C.The Adventure of Tom Sawyer is a short novel written by Mark Twain, an American famous writer. It is very interesting and adventurous.
D.The Milk Calcium, produced for the senior. More and more people have realized that to be healthy is really the most important. The milk Calcium is especially good for the ones lack of calcium(钙).
E. The Classic Explorer’s Compass, a precious instrument, will help you know wherever you are. Each comes with its own waterproof leather case.
F. Super Shoes, the sports shoes liked by all the young. Wearing Super Shoes can be attractive. It is said that Super Shoes can help you to be the winner in every sports game.
你打算为你的朋友Mike, Mary, Robert, Lily和Tom选购新年礼物。请阅读有关对他们的描述,匹配信息选出最适合他们的礼品。
56. Mike likes sports and travel. He would like something that he can take with him on his  journeys, especially when he is camping or hiking, because sometimes it is hard to find the direction.
57. Mary likes parties and discos. She likes to look smart, and she is very fond of music. She says that she likes books, but she never reads any. Now, she wants to learn how to play a musical instrument.
58. Robert is an eighty-year-old man. He likes doing exercise in the morning. But one week ago, the doctor told him that he suffered from osteoporosis(骨质疏松) in a common health examination.
59. Lily is a beautiful girl. She sings well and is going to perform at the New Year’s party. She’d like to wear something that is attractive at the party.
60. Tom is a junior student. He likes playing basketball and reading. He would like to read something about taking a risk.
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When middle-aged Alex quit his job and made up his mind to become a freelance (self-employed) writer, no one could tell for sure whether he would succeed or not. He found a cold storage room in a building, set up a(n)  36  typewriter and settled down to work.
After a year or so, however, Alex began to  37  himself. He found it was difficult to earn his living by  38  what he wrote. But Alex determined to put his dream to the test --  39  it meant living with uncertainty and fear of  40 . This is the shadowland of hope, and  41  with a dream must learn to live there.
One day Alex got a call, “We need a(n)  42 , and we’re paying $6,000 a year.” $6,000 was  43  money in 1960. It would enable Alex to get a nice apartment, a used car and more.  44 , he could write on the side.  45  the dollars were dancing in Alex’s head, something  46  his senses. He had dreamed of being a  47  -- full time. “Thanks but no,” Alex said  48 , “I’m going to stick it out and write.”
After Alex got off the phone, he  49  everything he had: two cans of vegetables and 18 cents. Alex put the cans and cents into a  50  bag, saying to himself, “There’s everything you’ve made of yourself so far.”
Finally his work was  51  in 1970. Instantly he had the kind of fame and success that  52  writers ever experience. The shadows had turned into limelight.
Then one day, Alex  53  a box filled with things he had owned years before.  54  was a paper bag with two cans and 18 cents. Suddenly he  55  himself working in that cold storage room. It reminds Alex, and anyone with a dream, of the courage and persistence it takes to stay the course in the shadowland.
36. A. expensive    B. priceless            C. excellent           D. used
37. A. doubt                 B. trust                  C. regret                D. hate
38. A. buying               B. selling              C. reading             D. appreciating
39. A. what if        B. now that           C. even though       D. as if
40. A. failure         B. success              C. loss                   D. perspiration
41. A. someone             B. nobody             C. anyone              D. none
42. A. writer                 B. boss                  C. manager            D. assistant
43. A. little                   B. real                  C. false                 D. high
44. A. Still                   B. Besides             C. However           D. Therefore
45. A. If                      B. Because             C. As                    D. But
46. A. cleared        B. destroyed   C. hurt                  D. struck
47. A. writer                 B. dancer        C. driver        D. assistant
48. A. hurriedly            B. slowly        C. firmly        D. hesitantly
49. A. pulled apart  B. pulled out          C. pulled down      D. pulled back
50. A. plastic         B. paper                C. cloth                 D. metal
51. A. published            B. completed  C. written              D. punished
52. A. poor                   B. few                   C. famous              D. great
53. A. picked         B. searched            C. sought        D. found
54. A. Outside        B. Below        C. Inside        D. Above
55. A. reminded            B. called         C. described           D. pictured
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South Korean Films
An audience can view five new South Korean films, all with Chinese subtitles(字幕) until April 19 at the Tuixin Cinema in the Beijing National Library grounds.
Two other South Korean films completed their full runs at the Tuuixin Cinema earlier this month.
Location: Tuixin Cinema, Beijing National Library, 39 Baishiqiao Road, Haidian District.
Tel: 86415566
“My Love My Bride”
April 15: 9:00, 13:00, 15:30, 17:30, 19:30
“Kim’s War”
April 16: 9:00, 13:30, 18:15
“Because You Are a Woman”
April 17: 13:30, 18:15
“Marriage Story”
April 18: 9:00, 13:30, 15:30, 18:15
April 19: 9:00, 13:30, 15:30, 17:30, 19:30
Leon’s show
Hong Kong pop stat—Leon Lai will give a personal performance at 7:30pm from tomorrow through to September 21 at the Shanghai Gymnasium. The show is to celebrate the opening of the 93rd Huangpu Tourism Festival.
Tickets: 60, 90, 120, 180 yuan RMB, available(有票) at 66 Jiangning Road.
Address: Shanghai Gymnasium, 1111 Gaoxi Road N.
Tel: 29189188, 29171145, 49384952, 29197113
Russian concert
The Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra(管弦乐队) will put on some excellent Russian Orchestra works at 7:15pm on September 26 and 27 at the Shanghai Concert Hall. They will sing Russian folk songs and mass under a Russian Conductor who is very famous for conducting choirs(歌唱队) and has given a successful choral concert in Beijing.
Tickets: 6, 8, 10, 12 yuan RMB, available at the hall’s ticket office.
Address: 523 Yan’an Road W. Shanghai.
Tel: 32275694.
Korean songs
The Song and Dance Troupe of North Korea will give a song and dance show at 7:30pm tonight at the Shanghai Center Theater.
Tickets: 10, 20, 30 yuan RMB, available at the theater’s ticket office.
Address: 1376 Nanjing Road W. Shanghai.
Tel: 29798663
64. ____ will be on April 18. The cinema’s telephone number is ____.
A. Kim’s War; 9798663                               B. My Love, My Bride; 32275694
C. Because You Are a Woman; 29189188       D. Marriage Story; 86415566
65. An audience can watch the performance given by Leon Lai from tomorrow through to September 21 in ____.
A. Beijing             B. South Korea             C. Shanghai           D. Hong Kong
66. The address of the Shanghai Center Theater is ____.
A. 1111 Caoxi Road N            B. 1376 Nanjing Road W
C. 523 Yan’an Road W          D. 66 Jiangning Road
67. According to the advertisement, a six-yuan ticket is for ____.
A. Russian concert   B. Korean songs     C. South Korean films   D. Leon’s show
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