A small man with a fat stomach got on the train at the last station before the f

A small man with a fat stomach got on the train at the last station before the f


A small man with a fat stomach got on the train at the last station before the frontier (边境). He carried a paper bag. And four feet ducks could be seen under the cover. The man found an empty seat, put the bag in the middle of the floor, took out a newspaper and began to read. Then a policeman came in. Of course he saw the bag with ducks" legs at once and said, "Whose is that bag?" Nobody answered. The policeman repeated the question, and said, "I"ll have to take it away from the owner. Food mustn"t be taken out of the country." "Well, then," said the small man with a fat stomach. "Hurry up and take it. We want to go home." The policeman took the bag and went on to the next carriage.
At the next station, when they were safely across the frontier, the small man got up, smiled at the other passengers and said, "I hope they"ll enjoy the ducks" feet. The rest of the bag had nothing but rubbish in it." Then he opened his coat and pointed to another bag he was carrying under it. It was tied tightly (紧紧地) over the stomach, which was not really fat. "I have the rest of the two ducks here," he said. With these words, he got off the train. But while he was happily walking to the exit with the bag in his hands, a policeman came up to him, saying, "Hey, man! Foreign food mustn"t be brought in."
1. The small man put the bag in the middle of the floor ___ .
A. so that he could make more room for himself
B. so that the policeman could find it easily
C. because the other passengers didn"t like it
D. because there was not an empty seat in the carriage
2. The first policeman took the paper bag away because ___ .
A. he wanted to find the owner of the bag
B. he enjoyed the ducks feet in the bag
C. the bag was put in a wrong place in the carriage
D. food can"t be taken abroad
3. The bag the policeman took away had nothing in it except ___ .
A. two ducks               B. rubbish
C. the ducks" feet and rubbish  D. the ducks" feet
4. In the end the small man ___ .
A. failed to take his food home
B. crossed the frontier with two paper bags
C. took the ducks safely home
D. hid his ducks under his coat again



Wind is the great maker of waves. There are exceptions, such as the tidal waves, sometimes produces by earthquakes under the sea. But the waves most of us know are produced by winds blowing over the sea.Now before constructing an imaginary life history of a typical wave, we need to know certain physical things about it. A wave has height, from trough (low point)to crest (high point),and it has length—the distance from this crest to that of the following wave. The period of the wave means the time it takes for succeeding crests to pass a fixed point. None of these things stays the same— for all depend upon the depth of the water and many other matters.
The water that makes up a wave does not advance with it across the sea. Each drop of water turns around in a little circle with the passing of the wave, but returns very nearly to its original position. And it is fortunate that this is so, for if the huge masses of water that make up a wave actually moved across the sea, sailing would be impossible.
If we want to find the speed of a wave, we may use the following way:
Here, wavelength is the distance between two high points (crests), frequency means the number of cycles per second.
41.What causes waves according to the passage?
Earthquakes and nothing else.   B. Wind and volcanos.
C. Wind and earthquakes.          D. Wind and water.
42.Which of the following is true according to the text?
A. The water of a wave moves away across the sea.
B. The water of a wave remains almost in the same place.
C. The water of a wave goes with the passing of the wave.
D. The length of a wave means the distance between crest and trough.
43.The underlined word “succeeding” means__________.
A. reaching an aim    B. doing well  C. following after   D. taking place
44.If the speed of wave 1 is 100 cm/s, and its frequency 10;and the frequency of wave 2 is 300,while its speed is twice that of wave 1.Which of the following is true?
A. The wave-lengths of the two are equal.
B. The wave-length of wave 1 is 10 times longer than that of Wave 2.
C. The wave-length of wave 2 is longer than that of wave 1.
D. The wave-length of wave 1 is longer than that of wave 2.
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That little “a” with a circle curling around it that is found in E – mail addresses is most commonly referred to as the “at” symbol.
Surprisingly though, there is no official, universal name for this sign. There are dozens of strange terms to describe the "@" symbol.
Before it became the standard symbol for electronic mail, the "@" symbol was used to represent the cost of something or how heavy something is. For instance, if you purchased 6 apples, you might write it as 6 apples "@" $1.10 each.
With the introduction of e-mail came the popularity of the "@" symbol. The "@" symbol or the "at sign" separates a person"s online user name from his mail server(服务器) address. For instance, joe@uselessknowledge.com. Its widespread use on the Internet made it necessary to put this symbol on keyboards in other countries that have never seen or used the symbol before. As a result, there is really no official name for this symbol.
The actual origin of the symbol remains a mystery. History tells us that the @ symbol came from the tired hands of the Middle Ages. During the Middle Ages before the invention of printing machines, every letter of a word had to be copied with great efforts by hand for each copy of a published book. The monks that performed these long, boring copying duties looked for ways to reduce the number of individual strokes (笔画) per word for common words. Although the word “at” is quite short to begin with, it was a common enough word in text and documents so that those monks thought it would be quicker and easier to shorten the word “at” even more. As a result, the monks changed the shape of “t” into a circle to surround “a”, thus leaving out two strokes in the spelling “t”. 
45.Which of the following is the best title of the passage?
A.How “at” developed into @.     B.How @ came into being.
C.How monks invented @.   D.How people wrote the cost of something.
46.Who knows the origin of @?
A.Nobody      B.Monks        C.Apple buyers      D.Internet users
47.Which is NOT the reason for the monks to spell “at” as @?
A.Though “at” is short, it was used very often.
B.The monks wanted to be quicker and easier with their copying.
C.The monks wanted to invent a new word.
D.Copying work was long and boring for them.
48.According to the paragraph , which is TRUE about the symbol of @ today?
A.When you are online, you must use the @ symbol.
B.Kittly 163.com@is an email address.
C.In countries where @ is used, governments have given it an official name.
D.It is likely to find the @ symbol on computer keyboards worldwide.
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Christmas bird – watching is popular in the U.S.A. When the holiday season comes, some Americans are likely to watch and count birds in the sky with great interest every day. This activity began in the early part of the last century. It has a one-hundred-year history. At that time, there was a so-called “holiday hunting” custom. In order to celebrate the holiday, the hunters went out to kill birds and beasts. By 1900, there were 27 bird lovers who decided to count birds instead of killing birds. Since then, Christmas bird-watching was held every year. It has been continued to the present.
There were 42000 people who took part in the bird-watching last Christmas, from December 16 the year before to January 3 next year. They were in the United States and Canada, central America, south America and the Caribbean, watching and counting birds in the sky. The whole viewing area was divided into 1600 points. Each birdwatcher was responsible for 25 meters, and was required to write down the types and quantities of birds within 24 hours.
A birdwatcher described what he had watched vividly in his diary—“ When I looked up, I saw a beautiful ‘landscape’ in the sky: Red-crowned cranes(丹顶鹤) were driving up in cunning wedges that split the air. They were so neatly arranged, coordinating their movements. I was excited and breathtaking. Interestingly, the “human” shape(人字行) always maintains 110° ” .
“Why do red-crowned cranes choose to use ‘human’ shape when flying in formation?” He continued, “In my opinion, there are four reasons: first, the ‘human’ shape can make red-crowned cranes use increasing air which is produced by each other’s wings when they are swinging in the sky. It can increase the glide time and save physical ability. Second, the ‘human’ shape will enhance communication among the birds. The orders and the relevant information issued by the lead bird can be conveyed to each member in this migratory group unimpeded, accurately, rapidly and conveniently. Third, such a formation will help to find the birds left behind because of feeling run down as fast as possible, so that the young, the weak, the sick birds can get everyone’s help and encouragement. Finally, the ‘human’ shape shows not only beauty but also unity. It can give enemies a deterrent.They will be terrified and did not dare to attack the birds.The migration security of the birds will be ensured.”  
Environmental experts admired and evaluated Christmas bird-watching highly. They pointed out that it made perfect sense. On the one hand it could enhance the human awareness of environmental protection. On the other hand it could provide first-hand information on birds.
49.When did Christmas bird – watching begin?
A.Sometime during Christmas holiday.         B.At the beginning of 20th century.
C.In the early 19 th century.          D.Since there was Christmas Day
50.What do bird – watchers do when they are bird – watching?
A.They kill birds and beasts.          B.They watch birds and beasts.
C.They watch and count birds.     D.They look at the sky and write diaries.
51.The following are all reasons for red – crowned cranes flying in “human” shape except      .
A.they can help each other and ensure their safety
B.they can communicate with each other in order to reduce tiredness.
C.they can make use of the air produced by each other’s wings.
D.they can look stronger in case they come across enemies
52.This passage consists of five paragraphs. Please arrange the five main ideas of the paragraphs in order of their appearance in the passage.
a. How the bird – watchers divided their watching task and what was done.
b. How Christmas bird – watching came into being.
c. Christmas bird – watching is of great importance environmentally and scientifically.
d. A Christmas bird – watcher watched and was amazed by red – crowned cranes.
e. Red – crowned cranes fly in “human” formation for quite good reasons.
A.a – b – c – d – e         B.b – c – e – d – a         C.b- a – d – e – cD.b – d – e – a – c
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Mr.and Mrs. Gordon were sitting on the sand, reading their magazines. Mr. Gordon was too stingy(吝啬)to rent a chair. Their twelve-year-old daughter,Sandra, was playing at the water"s edge. Suddenly a huge wave
lifted  Sandra up and carried her out to sea. Fortunately,
a lifeguard was on duty and he saw the wave carry Sandra away.
He ran along the beach and dived into the sea. He swam quickly to where
the girl,with her head only just above the water, was shouting for help. She was very frightened. When the lifeguard reached her, she struggled(挣扎) with him, as drowning people often do. However, he was a skilful lifeguard and quickly took hold of her and swam with her back to the beach. By the time he reached it, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon had realized what had happened. They had run down to the water"s edge. Neither of them could swim. They just stood in the shallow water, and worried about their daughter. Had the lifeguard reached her in time? Fortunately, he had. “That was quick work,young man,”Mr. Gordon said. He turned to his wife, “Give the lifeguard a dollar.” “A dollar!” Sandra cried. “Dad,how can you give him a dollar! He saved my life. I was half dead.” “Quite right, girl” Mr. Gordon said, pleased by his daughter"s awareness(知道) of the value of money. He turned to his wife again and said, “She"s right. She was only half dead. Give him fifty cents. ”
36. What happened to Sandra?
A. She ran into the sea.   
B. Her life was saved by a lifeguard.
C. She was drowned.    
D. She died.
37. What did Mr. and Mrs. Gordon do when Sandra was carried out to sea by the wave?
A. They shouted to the lifeguard.         
B. They dived into the water.
C. Perhaps they were reading magazines.
D. They offered the lifeguard money to save Sandra.
38. Why was Sandra angry with her father?
A. He did not give the lifeguard any money.   
B. He did not swim out to save her.
C. He did not show the lifeguard hearty thankfulness.
D. He gave the lifeguard too much money.
39. Why was Mr. Gordon pleased with her daughter?
A. She was safe again.      
B. She was polite to the lifeguard.
C. He thought she did not want him to give the life-guard too much money.
D. She gave the lifeguard fifty cents.
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The Eiffel Tower was built in 1889, in memory of the 100th birthday of the French Revolution. The Prince of Wales, later King Edward VII of England, opened the tower. Of the 700 suggestions that were handed in, Gustave Eiffel’s was chosen.
However, at first, it was not well accepted by all and a group of people — including many well-known writers and painters at that time — were fiercely against its design.
Being about 300 meters in height, and 7,000 tons in weight, it was the world’s tallest building until 1930. It was a great project for France. 300 workers took two years to build it. It isn’t an ordinary building, since it is almost made of steel. For example, its body moves around at most 12 cm in heavy wind. Moreover, its height changes up to 15 cm according to the temperature.
It was almost destroyed in 1909, but was saved because of its antenna(天线), which is used for communication at that time. Beginning in 1910 it became part of the International Time Service. French radio and French television have also made good use of its height.
The Eiffel Tower has also seen a few strange things. In 1923, a journalist rode a bicycle down from the first level of it. And in 1954, a mountain climber climbed on top of it and tried to measure its exact height.
Anyway, although its birth was difficult, it is now well accepted all over the world. It has been considered as one of the symbols of Paris.
44. The passage mainly tells us ________.  
A. the history of the Eiffel Tower
B. some information about its design
C. what the Eiffel Tower was used for
D. how it became one of the symbols of Paris
45. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to this passage?
A. Many people couldn’t accept the Eiffel Tower at the beginning.
B. It was the world’s tallest building for hundreds of years.
C.A journalist rode down from the Eiffel Tower in 1954.
D.The Eiffel Tower was saved because of its height.
46. The French Revolution took place in _______.
A. 1889    B. 1923     C. 1789     D. 1930
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