第四部分:阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项This story took p

第四部分:阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项This story took p


This story took place in Central Africa more than 30 years ago. One day two Europeans got to a small village in which the Negroes lived. One of them looked like the boss, the other was his assistant. The boss looked Sambo up and down said,“Young fellow, you look strong. Would you like to work for me? I will give you more money than at the rubber plantation(橡胶园).”At first Sambo wasn’t able to make up his mind, but a few minutes later he agreed.
Sambo’s new work wasn’t hard. He had only to carry light parcels from the village to the camp of the Europeans. He went a short distance along the road, then into the forest and straight to the camp. On the fifth day, when he went through the woods, he saw a big cage with a lion in it. He hesitated a little and went on. All of a sudden the cage was opened and out jumped the lion with a horrible roar(吼叫).
Sambo dropped the parcel and ran as fast as possible, so as to reach the camp in time. for the white man there were armed with guns. All at once Sambo saw two men high up in the tree. They were the two Europeans for whom he was doing. The assistant was turning the handle of the camera with a smile. It was now clear to him that he had been cheated. His eyes were filled with hatred. He wished to kill them, but it was too late.
1. The young man named Sambo was probably _____.
A. the assistant of the two Europeans           
B. an African who worked at the rubber plantation
C. an African who acted as a hunter in the forest   
D. the servant of the two Europeans.
2. The two Europeans went to the African village_____.
A. so as to take some photos for the villagers there
B. in order that they could write a book on travels.
C. to take a picture which showed how a real lion ate a real man
D. in order to save Sambo in time of danger
3. What did the boss say to Sambo?
A. He asked Sambo to serve as his servant in his country.
B. He wanted Sambo to guard against the lion.
C. He asked Sambo if he was afraid of a lion.
D. He told Sambo that he would be well paid if he would work for him
4. Not until Sambo _____ did he find out that he was cheated.
A. caught sight of the lion                     
B. saw the cage with a lion
C. found the white men on the branch of the tree  
D. ran before the lion as fast as he could
5. In this story the writer mainly told us_____.
A. how Negroes were not so clever as the white  
B. how cruel the two white men were
C. what a silly young man Sambo was 
D. Sambo carted so much for money that he lost his life at last



   Quality after-school programs are designed to improve academic performance, decrease youth crimes and other high-risk behaviors, and help young people grow into healthy, successful adults.
The effect of quality after-school programs on academic performance is clear. Studies show that students who take part in such programs show better work habits, higher rates of homework completion, improved grades, and higher scores on achievement tests. They also have fewer absences and are less likely to blame. After-school programs also influence high-risk teen behavior. Various studies show decreased rates of crime, drug-taking, and teen sex among youth who join in well-run after-school programs when compared to similar youth who do not. Finally, after-school programs play an important role in supporting different kinds of fields of development: physical development, mental development and social development. Thus, one can safely say that after-school programming is an effective method to help young people become contributing members of society.
Although there is enough proof from both small and large assessments that after-school programs can make a positive difference, it is important to note that not all programs are equal. First, dosage matters -- young people who attend the most hours over the most years benefit more than members who attend less often or over a shorter period of time. Next, after-school programs make a bigger difference for those students who need help most and have the fewest choices. Finally, program qualities matter. After-school programs work best when they create unique opportunities for youth. They should provide opportunities, skill building meaningful involvement, expression, suggestion, service, and work. Staff characteristics make an important difference in the quality of a program. The adults should treat youth as partners, create safe and fair environment, encourage personalized involvement, and actively create learning opportunities. In short, although after-school programs have a promising future, how they are designed and run matters.
Title: Quality After-school Programs
1.(56)_______ academic performance
2. Decreasing youth crimes and other high-risk behaviors
3. Helping young people grow into healthy, successful adults
(57) ____
1. Improved academic performance
● better work habits
● higher rates of homework completion
● improved grades and higher scores
● fewer absences and(58)_____ blame
Helping young people become members making a(61)______ to society
2. Decreased high-risk teen, behaviors
● decreased rates of crime
●the(59)_______ of drug
● teen sex among youth
3.(60)_______ fields of development
● physical development
● mental development
● social development
1. Dosage matters.
3. Qualities matter.
The future of after-school programs is promising,(64)_____ how to design and run the programs is very(65)_______.

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Valencia is in the east part of Spain. It has a port on the sea, two miles away on the coast. It is the capital of a province that is also named Valencia. The city is a market centre for what is produced by the land around the city. Most of the city‘s money is made from farming. It is also a busy business city, with ships, railways, clothes and machine factories. Valencia has an old part with white buildings, coloured roofs, and narrow streets. The modern part has long, wide streets and new buildings. Valencia is well known for its parks and gardens. It has many old churches and museums. The university in the centre of the city was built in the 13th century. The city of Valencia has been known since the 2nd century. In the 8th century it was the capital of Spain. There is also an important city in Venezuela(委内瑞拉) named Valencia.
1.From the text, how many places have the name Valencia?
A. one   B. two   C. three   D. four
2. What is the main difference between the two parts of Valencia?
A. The colour of the building  B. The length of the streets
C. The age of the buildings    D. The colour of the roofs
3. What is Valencia famous for?
A. Its seaport                 B. Its university
C. Its churches and museums    D. Its parks and gardens
4. The main income of the city of Valencia is from its ______.
A. markets  B. business   C. factories   D. farming
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Mrs. Blake teaches English in a large school in the inner area of a big city on the west of coast. Even since she was a young girl,she has wanted to become a teacher. She has taught eight years now and hasn‘t changed her mind. After she graduated from high school, she went on to college. Four years later, she received her bachelor’s degree (B A) in English and her teaching certificate(证书)。 Then she went to teach in the secondary schools of her state. In the summers, Mrs. Blake takes more classes; she hopes to get a master‘s degree (M A)。 With an MA, she will receive a higher salary and if possible, she hopes to get a doctor’s degree as well. The school day at Mrs. Blake‘s high school, like that in many high schools in the United States, is divided into one hour each. Mrs. Blake must teach five of these periods. During her free period, which for her is from 2 to 3 P.M. , Mrs. Blake must meet with parents, make out examinations, check assignments at all, Mrs. Blake works continuously from the time she arrives at school in the morning till the time she leaves for home late in the afternoon.
1. How long is it since Mrs. Blake graduated from middle school?
A. four years B. eight years C. twelve years d. twenty years
2. According to the article, which is the right order of the degrees a person can receive after going to university?
A. a doctor‘s degree – a bachelor’s degree – a master‘s degree
B. a bachelor’s degree – a master‘s degree – a doctor’s degree
C. a master‘s degree—a bachelor’s degree – a doctor‘s degree
D. a bachelor’s degree – a doctor‘s degree—a master’s degree
3. How many degrees has Mrs. Blake achieved so far?
A. one   B. two    C. three   D. none
4. Which of the following sentences is not true?
A. Mrs. Blake teaches in the inner area of big city on the east of the United Sates
B. Mrs. Blake has turned her wish of becoming a teacher into reality.
C. Mrs. Blake is still studying in her holidays in order to get higher degrees.
D. The working hours in the school where Mrs. Blake works are similar to those of many other high schools in the states.
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I was only eight years old when the Second World War ended, but I can still remember something about the   36   celebrations in the small town where I lived on the day when the war in Europe ended. We had not   37   much from the war where, though, like most children of my age, I often saw   38   houses in the streets and the very big   39   lorries(卡车) passing through. But both at home and at school I had become   40   to the phrases “before the war” and “when the war is over”. “Before the war”, obviously,   41   had been better, though I was too young to understand why,   42   there had been no bombs then, and people had eaten things like ice cream and bananas, which I had  43   heard of. When the war was over we would go back to London, but this meant very  44   to me. I did not remember what London was like.
What I remember now  45   V-Day(victory day) was the afternoon and the evening. Some boys and girls were collecting   46  and building an enormous bonfire(篝火). We stood and watched them for a time, and then I went home and   47   myself in with my key and waited for my parents to come back from work.
It was May and still broad   48  when my mother arrived, and my father came in about an hour later. After dinner I said I wanted to   49   the bonfire, so when it got dark my father took me to the end of the street. The bonfire was very   50  , and somehow people had collected some old clothes to   51   “Hitler” with the moustache(胡子) they had put on top of it. Just as we arrived, they set light to it. The flames   52   soon. Everyone was cheering and shouting.
I stood beside my father until the   53   started to go down, not knowing what to say. He said nothing, either. He had   54   in the First World War and remembered everything he had experienced. At last he said, “Well, that’s it, son. Let’s hope that this time it really will be the   55   one.”
36. A. war                    B. victory                        C. Christmas                 D. birthday
37. A. suffered                 B. learnt                       C. heard                      D. read
38. A. crowded             B. rebuilt                  C. bombed                    D. enlarged
39. A. modern           B. old                          C. railway                    D. army
40. A. used                   B. devoted                    C. engaged                   D. related
41. A. food                   B. things                  C. houses                  D. news  
42. A. except that      B. now that                   C. for fear that                 D. in order that
43. A. never                  B. hardly                  C. only                         D. already
44. A. much                  B .little                        C. great                        D. important
45. A. about                  B. on                           C. for                           D. during
46. A. money            B. wood                       C. information                 D. clothes
47. A. showed           B. allowed                    C. let                           D. called
48. A. early                  B. daylight                   C. dark                         D. warm
49. A. see                        B. light                        C. find                         D. put out
50. A. high                   B. hot                          C. dangerous             D. far
51. A. draw                  B. paint                        C. write                        D. dress
52. A. disappeared     B. happened                  C. rose                         D. came
53. A. sun                     B. moon                       C. fire                          D. noise
54. A. fought            B. worked                    C. grown                  D. changed
55. A. best                    B. worst                       C. first                         D. last
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Alex knew colors and shapes.He learned about 150 English words.With his language ability he made himself known as perhaps the world’s most famous talking bird.
But Alex,a parrot,died two weeks ago when he was 31.Irene,a psychologist(心理学家) at Harvard University,studied and worked with the parrot for nearly 30 years.
In 1977,Irene,then an excellent student in chemistry at Harvard,bought Alex from a pet store.At that time,scientists were not quite sure whether birds could learn to communicate with humans.
But using the methods of teaching.Irene helped Alex to learn about 150 words,and to count small numbers,as well as colors and shapes.
In experiments,Irene would give Alex a small reward,like a grape.Alex learned to ask for the grape by watching what the trainer was doing to get it.The researchers then worked with the bird to help him with pronunciation.
Alex showed a surprising ability to learn.For example,when he was shown a blue paper circle.he could tell what color the paper was.what shape it was,and after touching it,what it was made of.
Like other parrots,he also picked up some words when staying in the lab,like“calm down”and“good morning”.He could also show his happiness and sadness.
Even before the week he died,Alex was working with Irene on difficult words.As she put him into his cage for the night that Thursday,Irene said that Alex looked at her and said,“You be good.See you tomorrow.I love you.”
He was found dead in his cage the next morning.
1.Alex is the name of ________.
A.an excellent student        B.a clever bird
C.a trainer                 D.a psychologist
2.How did Irene get the parrot?
A.A friend gave it to her.       B.She caught it in a forest.
C.She bought it from the market. D.The passage doesn’t mention it.
3.The underlined words“picked up”in the seventh paragraph mean ________.
A.捡到    B.挑选    C.举起    D.学到
4.The passage is probably taken from a ________.
A.history textbook    B. novel    C.newspaper      D. dictionary
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