Katharine Houghton Hepburn was born in Hartford in 1907. The Hepburns made sure

Katharine Houghton Hepburn was born in Hartford in 1907. The Hepburns made sure


Katharine Houghton Hepburn was born in Hartford in 1907. The Hepburns made sure to educate their children about important political and social subjects and sports. She rode horses, swam and played golf and tennis.
Katharine graduated from Bryn Mawr College in 1928. She soon started appearing in small roles in plays. After a few successful plays, Hollywood filmmakers became interested in her. She later signed with RKO Pictures. Her first movie came out in 1932.
The next year she acted in the film Morning Glory. This gave her the chance to let her acting skills shine. This movie earned Hepburn her first Academy Award for Best Actress.
During the 1930s, critics(评论家) either loved or hated Katharine Hepburn. But Hepburn wanted to face the movie industry in her own way. She did not want to be like other actresses. She did not wear make-up on her face. She would not let photographers take sexy pictures of her.
By the late 1930s, she had become unpopular with the public. But Hepburn was not raised to quit easily. She starred in The Philadelphia Story in 1940. For this movie, Hepburn received another Academy Award nomination(提名) for Best Actress. She had taken control of her career once again.
In 1967, she starred in her last movie with Spencer Tracy. For this movie, Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner, she won her second Academy Award. She won her third Academy Award the next year for A Lion in Winter. And, in her mid-seventies she won her last Academy Award for On Golden Pond.
Even into her eighties, she kept working. She also wrote several books. In 2003, Katharine Hepburn died.
As part of her last wishes, she helped create the Katharine Houghton Hepburn Center to help support the things that were important to her: film and theater, women’s right, and civic(国民的) responsibility.
1. What do we learn about Katharine Hepburn from the passage?
A. As a little girl, she showed a gift for acting.
B. She was well educated when she was young.
C. She stopped working in her mid-seventies.
D. Her small roles in plays were not good for her movie career.
2. The following movies all won Katharine Hepburn an Academy Award for Best Actress EXCEPT_______.
A. Morning Glory                B. A Lion in Winter
C. The Philadelphia Story     D. Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner
3. Which of the following words can best describe Katharine Hepburn?
A. Humorous but mean.        B. Independent and successful.
C. Beautiful but unpopular.   D. Strict and inexperienced.
4. The passage is developed by______.
A. space order         B. comparison         C. time order        D. listening examples



Vicki Larrieux, a 22-year-old student from Portsmouth, says she is unable to keep a healthy diet because she is frightened of vegetables. She survives on a diet of meat, potatoes, cereals(谷类食品)and apples but refuses even a single slice of carrot on her plate. She suffers from sweating and panics at the slightest sight of a carrot or a pea.
“I have always had a fear of vegetables. Even as a child I used to freak out if some carrots or a few peas were on my plate.” She said. “But as it continued into adult life, I started to think it might not just be a dislike for vegetables but an actual phobia(恐惧症). Every time I see vegetables, not just on my plate, but anywhere, I would get feelings of panic and my heart would beat faster.”
Miss Larrieux’s condition makes trips to the supermarket or eating out at a restaurant with her boyfriend a major problem. It is an unpleasant experience for her to go to the supermarket. Luckily, her boyfriend is very understanding and does his best to comfort her.
A spokesman for phobia charity Anxiety UK says that around 13 percent of British people suffer a phobia of some form, there are treatment available(有效的)including medication and self-help groups for all manner of phobias.
1. Larrieux eats the following as a daily diet EXCEPT______.
A. meat        B. potatoes        C. peas       D. cereals
2. The underlined part “freak out” in Paragraph 2 means “_________”.
A. feel scared       B. get interested
C. feel relaxed      D. get sad
3. According to the passage, Larrieux’s fear for vegetables _____.
A. was found out recently            B. is a kind of phobia
C. makes her famous                   D. makes her hard to get along with
4. What do we know from the passage?
A. Only a few people around the world suffer from phobias
B. Larrieux is not confident about her future
C. Larrieux’s boyfriend doesn’t like meat
D. Phobia can be treated.
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SECTION A (8 points)
Directions: Read the following passage. Complete the diagram/Fill in the numbered blanks by using the information for the passage. Write NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS for each answer.
Today anyone will accept money in exchange for goods and services. People use money to buy food, furniture, books, bicycles and hundreds of others they need or want. When they work, they usually get paid in money.
Most of the money today is made of metal or paper. But people used to use all kinds of things as money. One of the first kinds of money was shell. Shells were not the only things used as money. In China, cloth and knives were used. In parts of Africa, cattle were one of the earliest kinds of money. Other animals were used as money, too.
The first metal coins were made in China. They were round and had a square hole in the center. People strung them together and carried them from place to place.
Different countries have used different metals and designs for their money. The first coins in England were made of tin. Sweden and Russia used copper to make their money. Later, other countries began to make coins of gold and silver.
But even gold and silver were inconvenient if you had to buy something expensive. Again the Chinese thought of a way to improve money. They began to use paper money. The first paper money looked more like a note.
Money has had all interesting history from the days of shell money until today.
Title:The 68_______ of money
First appearance and shape
First kinds of money
cloth and knives
in China
cattle and other animals
in parts of Africa  
The first metal coins
in China: round and had a square hole in the center
73 ___________
in England
Metal coins
in Sweden and Russia
Metal coins
in other countries
Paper money
special paper
in China: looked 75__________

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Directions: Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage and the required words limit.(6 points)
Write your answers on your answer sheet.
As we rush through our busy days accomplishing our tasks-work,kids,shopping,cleaning, eating and so on,we often complain that we don’t feel good.There is a simple,quick,and effective way that you can feel better throughout the day and also be more attractive.
All you have to do is smile more.
Smiling changes your attitude,whether you realize it or not.If you have any doubts,next time you feel down,start smiling and thinking positive thoughts and see what happens.You can’t help but have a better attitude when you smile.
Smiling also raises your confidence.
Smiling affects your emotions because of a brain-body connection.It triggers scientifically measurable activity in the left,frontal cortex-the area of the brain where happiness is registered.
Your face has 44 muscles between the skin,cartilage(软骨),blood and bone that you contort(扭曲), flex, and move.This lets you make over 5000 different types of expressions.That’s a lot of expressions! And each will have a different effect on your feelings and those looking at you.
Now that you know how good smiling is for you,make a conscious effort to use this smile  exercise a minimum of six times throughout your day.When you smile,remember to breathe in  through your nose and think positive thoughts.This I guarantee will have a positive influence on  your day and in your life.So smile!  
76.How can you feel good and be more attractive according to this passage?(within 2 words.)
_______________________________________________________________________________77.Why can we make more than 5,000 different types of expressions?(within 19 words.)
_______________________________________________________________________________78.What are the benefits of smiling?(within 12 words.)
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One summer morning, I was walking in the street when I ran into a stranger passing by , “I’m  36  !” was my reply, Then he said,“Excuse me, too, I even didn’t notice you.” We were very  37  , this stranger and I. Then we went on our   38   after saying good-bye.
But at home,  39  story is told. How we treat our loved ones, young and old. Later in the kitchen,  40  I cooked our meal, my daughter walked up to me, very still. When I turned round, I nearly  41  her down. “Get out of the   42  !” I shouted with a frown. She stepped away  43  , with her little heart broken. I didn’t realize how rudely I had spoken.
That night, when I lay awake in bed, God’s quiet voice spoke to me and said, “While 
44   with a stranger, you are    45   and polite, but with those you love, you are quick to get   46  ---- Go and look around the   47  floor, you will find some flowers she brought for you. She   48  them herself --- pink, yellow, and your favourite blue. She stood there quietly , and you   49   saw the tears in her eyes.”
By this time my   50   had begun to fall. I quietly went and knelt by her bed, “  51 , my dear, ” I said, “Are these the flowers you picked for me ?” She smiled , “  
52   them in a napkin(纸巾)just for you. I knew you’d like them, especially the   53
.” I said , “ I’m so sorry that I  54  them today ---- And I  55   have shouted at you that way.”
36. A.angry         B.sorry        C.excited         D.surprised
37. A.calm          B.happy        C.polite          D.careful
38. A.road          B.talk         C.argument        D.way
39. A.a different     B.the same    C.a surprising    D.a moving
40. A.after          B.as           C.before          D.if
41. A.put           B.turned       C.knocked         D.threw
42. A.way           B.line         C.place           D.road
43. A.hurriedly     B.silently       C.angrily         D.excitedly
44. A.going         B.fighting      C.talking         D.meeting
45. A.excited       B.calm         C.quiet           D.pleased
46. A.moved         B.angry        C.puzzled         D.surprised
47. A.bedroom       B.dining room  C.sitting room    D.kitchen
48. A.bought        B.picked       C.stole           D.made
49. A.almost        B.hardly       C.never           D.even
50. A.hair          B.flowers      C.tears           D.daughter
51. A.Get up        B.Stand up     C.Wake up         D.Sit up
52. A.put           B.wrapped      C.tied            D.found
53. A.red           B.pink         C.blue            D.yellow
54. A.destroyed     B.forgot       C.noticed         D.missed
55. A.shouldn’t    B.couldn’t      C.mustn’t        D.needn’t
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In the past decade the popularity of rock climbing has greatly increased, and so has the number of injuries. It has been estimated that rock climbing is now enjoyed by more than 9 million people in the US each year. Study findings revealed a 65 percent increase in the number of patients that were treated in US emergency departments for rock climbing-related injuries between 1991and 2008.
The study, published in the online issue of the American Journal of Preventive medicine,found that about 40,000 patients were treated in US emergency departments for rock climbing-related injuries between 1991 and 2008. The most common types of rock climbing –related injuries were fracture(骨折) and sprains (扭伤)。The ankle was the most common body part to be injured (40%).Climers in the study ranged in age from 2 to 74, with an average age of 26. The study also found that women took up a quarter of the injuries.
Falls were the primary reason for injury with over three-quartes of the injuries occurring as the result of a fall. The severity of related injuries had a lot to do with the height of the fall. Patients who were injured after falling from a height over 20 feet were 10 times more likely to be treated than patients who were injured falling from 20 feet or lower.
“We found that the climbers who fell from heights higher than 20 feet took up 70 percent of the patients treated for a rock climbing-related injury, explained the study author Lara McKenzie, PhD, director at the Center for Injury Research and Policy at Nationwide Hospital. “This trend, combined with the fact that rock climbers have a higher hospitalizaton rate than other sports and recreational injuries, demonstrates the need to increase injury prevention efforts for climbers.
1.Which body part is most likely to get injured for a climber ?
A.The arm        B.The ankle     C. The knee     D. The hand
2.How many women climbers in American got injured while climbing a rock between 1991 and 2008 ?
A.About 40,000   B.About 30,000    C.About 20,000  D.About 10,000
3.The severity of climbers’fall-related injures is mainly related to ______.
A.the height of the fall.           B.the climber’s age.
C.the climber’s health condition    D.the climber’s climbing experience.
4.The underlined word “demonstrates” in the last paragragh can be replaced by ________.
A.demands       B.prevent        C.proves        D.describes
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