The Story of the Farmer and His Donkey (驴子) One day a farmer’s donkey fell down

The Story of the Farmer and His Donkey (驴子) One day a farmer’s donkey fell down


The Story of the Farmer and His Donkey (驴子)
One day a farmer’s donkey fell down into a well. The animal cried pitifully for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally he decided the animal was old, and the well needed to be covered up anyway and it just wasn’t worth to save the donkey. So, he decided to bury(埋) it!
He invited all his neighbors to come over and help him. They all took shovel(铲子)and began to shovel dirt into the well. At first, the donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly, then slowly he quieted down till nothing more was heard.
A few shovels later, the farmer finally looked down into the well, and was surprised at what he saw. With every shovel of dirt that hit his back, the donkey was doing something wonderful—he would shake it off and take a step up!
As the farmer’s neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he would shake it off and take a step up. Pretty soon, everyone was surprised as the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and went off quickly!
Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt. The trick to getting out of the well is to shake it off and take a step up. Each of our troubles is a stepping stone. We can get out of the deepest wells by not stopping, never giving up, shaking it off, and taking a step up!
1. The donkey quieted down, because ________.
A. it was dead                           B. it was tired
 C. it had given up trying                   D. it had a good way to survive
2. We know from the story that ________.
A. all the donkeys in the world are clever         
B. it is easy for donkeys to fall into a well
C. the neighbors helped bury the donkey
D. the owner pushed the donkey into the well
3. The writer of the passage is most probably ________.
A. an optimistic person                  B. a pet lover
C. an animal protector                   D. a cold-hearted man
4. The writer wants to tell us “________”.
A. A cat has 9 lives                   B. Facing difficulties, never give up
C. A friend in need is a friend indeed       D. No pains, no gains


Snowboarding(滑板滑雪) became a Winter Olympic event in 1998 but many people still don’t think it’s a “real” sport. I asked ten of my friends about this and eight of them said it shouldn’t be an Olympic event. Snowboarders must be skilful and strong, just like other athletes(运动员), and they train just as hard. So, why do people have this opinion?
Well, I think there are a few reasons. First of all, snowboarders believe that having fun is part of the sport. Maybe people think they’re enjoying themselves too much. I guess they feel that “real” sports should look like hard work. Secondly, snowboarders believe it’s of importance to show their personal style. They like to be dressed in modern clothes and often have interesting haircuts. In some people’s eyes, a well-trained athlete just doesn’t wear a funny hat or a nose-ring. Thirdly, it’s a new sport and many people haven’t tried it yet. This might make them think it’s easy, when, in fact, it’s not. Snowboarding is just as difficult, if not more difficult, than skiing.
Whatever the reasons, I think it’s time we accept that having fun doesn’t mean you’re lazy and that someone with blue hair can be a champion(冠军).
Is Snowboarding A  76  Sport?
The opinion of many people
● 77 of my friends don’t think well of snowboarding and they said snowboarding shouldn’t be a Winter Olympic 78 .
Their reasons
● Snowboarders have too much79 in the sport.
● Snowboarders dress in 80 clothes, have interesting hairstyle and wear funny hats.
● Snowboarding is too easy.
The writer’s opinion
● Snowboarders train hard and have much 81 and strength
● Having fun is part of the sport.
● Showing their personal style is 82
● Snowboarding is not 83  than skiing.
● Having fun doesn’t mean being 84.
● Someone with blue hair can be the 85  player.
● Snowboarding is a real sport.
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Many people say their most painful moments are saying goodbye to those they love. After watching Cheryl, my daughter-in-law, through the six long months her mother suffered towards death, I think the most painful 36 can be in the waiting to say goodbye.
Cheryl made the two-hour trip over and over to be with her mother. They spent the long afternoons praying, comforting, and retelling their 37 memories.
As her mother was getting 38, Cheryl always sat for hours 39 watching her mother sleeping. Each time she kissed her mother before leaving, her mother would say in 40, “I’m sorry you drove so far and sat for so long and I didn’t even 41 up to talk with you.”
Cheryl would tell her it didn’t matter, still her mother felt 42 and apologized at each goodbye 43 the day Cheryl found a way to give her mother the same reassurance(安慰) her 44 had given to her so many times.
“Mom, do you 45 when I made the high school basketball team?” Cheryl’s mother nodded. “For every game you’d 46 so far and sit for so long and I never even left the bench to play. Each time I felt 47 and apologized to you for wasting your time.” Cheryl 48 took her mother’s hand.
“Do you remember what you would say to me?”
“I would say I didn’t come to see you 49, I came to see you.”
“And you 50 those words, didn’t you?”
“Yes, I really did.”
“Well, now I say the 51 words to you. I didn’t come to see you 52. I came to see you.”
Her mother understood and smiled as she floated back into sleep.
Their 53 together passed quietly into days, weeks, and months. To the last day they cared each other in the 54, love given and received just by seeing each other.
A love so strong that, 55 in this deepened silence that followed their last goodbye, Cheryl can still hear her mother’s love.
36. A. moments         B. business        C. consequences        D. failures
37. A. lost             B. buried          C. shared              D. frozen
38. A. thinner          B. stronger         C. better               D. worse
39. A. silently         B. excitedly        C. impatiently           D. desperately
40. A. laughter         B. tears            C. despair              D. happiness
41. A. catch           B. keep            C. wake                D. sit
42. A. grateful          B. sorry          C. optimistic            D. nervous
43. A. until            B. since            C. after                 D. while
44. A father            B. mother           C. mother-in-law         D husband
45. A. know            B. forget           C. remember           D. doubt
46. A. walk            B. run              C. ride                 D. drive
47. A. guilty           B. excited           C. silly                 D. sensitive
48. A. quickly          B. eagerly           C. curiously             D. gently
49. A. study           B. play              C. explain              D. cry
50. A. said             B. appreciated        C. meant              D. weighed
51. A. useful           B. final              C. different            D. same
52. A. talk            B. sleep             C. complain            D. weep
53. A. mornings         B. afternoons        C. evenings             D. nights
54. A. carefulness       B. sadness           C. kindness             D. stillness
55. A. thus             B. only             C. even                D. ever
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Vincent Van Gogh was not always an artist. In fact, he wanted to be a church minister and was even sent to the Belgian mining community of Borinage in 1879. He discovered that the miners there endured terrible working conditions and poverty-level wages. Their families were skin-and-bone and struggled simply to survive. He felt concerned that the small pay he received from the church allowed him a reasonable lifestyle, which, in contrast, seemed to him unfair.
One cold February evening, while he watched the miners trudging home, he spotted an old man staggering toward him across the fields, wrapped in a burlap(粗麻布) bag for warmth. Van Gogh laid his own clothing out on the bed, set aside enough for one change, and decided to give the rest away. He gave the old man a suit of clothes and he gave his overcoat to a pregnant woman whose husband had been killed in a cave-in.
He lived on starvation food and spent his salary on food for the miners. When children in one family caught typhoid fever, though feverish himself, he packed up his bed and took it to them.
A wealthy family in the community offered him free room and board, Van Gogh declined the offer, stating that it was the final temptation (诱惑) he must reject if he was to faithfully serve his community of poor miners. He believed that if he wanted them to trust him, he must become one of them. And if they were to learn of the love of God through him, he must love them enough to share with them.
He was acutely aware of the big difference between words and actions. He knew that our lives always speak louder and clearer than our words. Maybe that is why Francis of Assisi often said to his monks, “Wherever you go, preach(讲道). Use words if necessary.”
Others are “listening” carefully to your actions. What are you saying to them?
1. We can infer form the passage ____________.
A. our lives always speak louder and clearer than our words
B. the miners there worked under excellent working conditions
C. the ministers lived a much better and easier life than the miners at the time
D. Van Gogh himself offered to work in the Belgian mining community of Borinage in 1879.
2. What does the underlined word “trudging” in the second paragraph mean?
A. Moving very quickly              B. Moving with quick light steps
C. Walking slowly for pleasure.         D. Walking with slow heavy steps.
3. According to the passage, which of the following words can best describe Van Gogh?
A. Ambitious and aggressive.          B. Considerate and sympathetic
C. Greedy and selfish.                D. Determined and grateful
4. What does the last paragraph want to tell us?
A. Use words if necessary             B. Actions speak louder than words
C. Rome was not built in a day.         D. Where there is a will there is a way.
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Can the thought of loved ones help reduce pain? This may indicate the importance of social relationships and staying socially connected. A study was recently conducted by researchers at the University of California in Los Angeles.
In the study, the researchers asked 25 women to participate who had boyfriends with whom they had been in a good relationship for more than six months. The women received painful heat stimuli(刺激)to their forearms while they went through a number of different conditions.
In one set of conditions, they viewed photographs of their boyfriend, a stranger and a chair. “When the women were just looking at pictures of their partner, they actually reported less pain to the heat stimuli than when they were looking at pictures of an object or pictures of a stranger, ” said study co-author Naomi Eisenberger, director of UCLA’s Social and Affective Neuroscience Laboratory, “Thus, the mere reminder of one’s partner through a simple photograph was capable of reducing pain.”
In another set of conditions, each woman held the hand of her boyfriend, the hand of a male stranger and a squeeze ball. The study found that when women were holding their boyfriends’ hands, they reported less physical pain than when they were holding a stranger’s hand or a ball while receiving the same amount of heat stimulation.
“This changes our idea of how social support influences people,” Eisenberger said.
“This study proves how much of an impact our social ties can have on our experience and fits with other work emphasizing the importance of social support for physical and mental health,” Eisenberger added.
The researchers advised that the next time people are going through a stressful or painful experience, if they cannot bring a loved one with them, a photo may do.
76 of loved ones helps reduce pain
77 of the study
To prove the importance of social relationships and staying socially connected.
Research objects
Conducted on 25 women 78 the same amount of heat stimulation to their forearms.
Research process
·In one set of conditions, the participants gazed photographs of their boyfriend, a 79 and a chair.
·In 80 set of conditions, the women held the boyfriend’s hand, a male stranger’s hand and a ball.
Research results
·Less pain were 81 by the women looking at pictures of their partners than when they were looking at pictures of an object or pictures of a stranger.
·Holding their boyfriends’ hands, they reported 82 physical pain than when 83 a stranger’s hand or a ball.
Social ties have great 85 on our experience and are important for physical and mental health as well.
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Try this little test. A man dressed completely in black is sitting at a bar in a country pub. He is drinking one whisky after another. After three hours, the man in black leaves the pub and walks drunkenly down a small country road. There are no lights, and there is no moon. A car without headlights approaches. The driver notices the man, however, and is able to brake in time to avoid an accident. How could the driver see the man in black? Think about this.
The reason we can get stuck with this – and other problems in life—is that we make assumptions. If we assume that the man in black is out for an evening drink, then the problem is a hard one to solve.
The dictionary describes an assumption as something we take for granted or suppose to be true. Assumptions are essential to logical thinking and decision-making, but what happens if they are false?
Sometimes false assumptions can lead to disaster. On 8 January 1989, a British Midland Airways Boeing took off from Heathrow for Belfast. The number-two (right) engine, which had caused trouble on the previous flight, had been cleared. Twenty minutes after take-off, the plane began to shake violently. The flight recorder later showed what had happened. The captain asked the co-pilot what the problem was. “It’s the f-ing right engine again!” he replied. The captain ordered no.2 engine to be shut down, and the lefthand (no.1) engine to be turned on for an emergency landing. The 737 crashed on the edge of the M1 motorway. The cause of the crash? The captain and copilot made a false assumption and shut down the wrong engine. Of the 118 passengers, 39 died and 74 suffered serious injury.
The more risky or the more expensive the decision, the more important it is to check assumptions. There is a nice way to remember the importance of assumption checking. Look at the letters in the word ASSUME, and note that taking things for granted can make an ASS(傻瓜) of U and ME.
1. What purpose does Paragraph 1 serve in the passage?
A. To provide background information of the topic.
B. To attract readers attention to the topic.
C. To use an example to support the topic.
D. To offer basic knowledge of the topic.
2. The main purpose of the passage is to remind the readers _________.
A. of the importance of making assumptions
B. of the danger of making assumptions
C. to make assumptions before dealing with problems
D. to check assumptions before dealing with problems
3. The best title for this passage may probably be __________.
A. Assumptions Lead To Disaster
B. Ways of Avoiding False Assumption
C. When Things Are Not as They First Seem
D. Assumptions and Decision-making
4. The most probable reason that the driver can see the man in black is that       .
A. there were bright stars in the sky when the accident happened.
B. the driver had very good eyesight.
C. the accident happened where the lights were bright.
D. the accident happened during the afternoon, in daylight.
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