


I was sleeping in dark, and a strange terrible noise was just around my ears. Suddenly , a white light flashed into my eyes, completely  36    me up. Oh, a strong storm was just  37  . The sound of the angry wind was like the howl of  38  lions, as if they were  39  to tear the whole world into pieces. The lightning became more and more frequent ,just like  40  dragons which were flying in the sky. Suddenly, a loud  thunder cracked, following more. It was not long  41  it  rained cats and dogs. Everything outside was  42  .The thunderstorm ,together with the strong winds,   43  my house, and I was  44  to death. I could do nothing but  45  under my quilt for  46  .The storm shouted for two hours or so, Thank God, anyhow, it finally  47  .
48  , I became totally sleepless , I turned over and over in bed, but just couldn’t fall asleep. Suddenly, a good idea  49  me. Why not write down what I heard and saw, and how I felt. NO sooner had I got the idea than I began my work  50   the light of my cell phone.  (The electricity was cut off).That is  51  you are reading now.
Now you see, the power of  52  is that strong ! By doing so, I just want to set an example to you. I wish I could make  53  a reminder that you should write more good compositions with your own inspiration. It is inspiration   54  every one of you should value most, and you should try to catch it to lighten your  55  future .
36.A.to wake                 B.waking                  C.woke                      D.woken
37.A.on the corner          B.at the corner           C.around the corner     D.at the corner
38.A.a great deal of      B.a large amount of C.a large number of    D.a plenty of
39.A.threatening             B.frightening              C.scaring                    D.struggling
40.A. gold                     B.bronze                   C.iron                        D.silver
41.A.when                   B.before                    C.since                       D.while
42.A.out of order           B.out of control         C.out of imagination  D.out of reach
43.A.was shaking          B.were shaking           C.was shaken           D.were shaken
44.A.fright                    B.frightened            C.frightening              D.frighten
45.A.hiding                   B.hidden                   C.to hide                    D.hide
46.A.shelter                   B.anger                     C.pleasure                  D.reward
47.A.died away              B.died out                 C.died down            D.died off
48.A.But                       B.Besides                  C.Therefore                D.However
49.A.struck                B.thought                  C.came into               D.happened to
50.A.with                    B.by                          C.through                 D.in
51.A.that                       B.which                    C.whether                  D.what
52.A.inspiration            B.admiration             C.determination        D.preparation
53.A. them                    B.that                      C.it                         D.this
54.A.that               B.which                    C.who                      D.where
55.A.inspiring                B.promising               C.determining             D.inviting

36---55   BCCAD   BAABD   ACDAB   DACAB  


May 16th            Wednesday                                            Sunny
They used to call her “the witch(女巫)”, but today I found things were different.
My legs were too short to reach the floor from up there on the big chair. I was so afraid. My legs started to shake.
It was the first time I had been to the principal’s(校长的) office. And I knew what she was going to ask me.
Why had I been running on the concrete(混凝土) in the playground? Why hadn’t I followed the school rules?
The principal’s secretary was sitting at her desk. She kept asking me questions like whether I liked school and what grade I was in. I didn’t want to talk to her, so I just gave one-word answers.         
Then she asked what my dad did. But I didn’t really know what he did, so I made something up. “He plays basketball for the Boston Celtics,” I said.
The secretary just looked at me, and said nothing more.
Just then, the door to the principal’s office opened. There she was, the woman that everyone called “the witch”.
Was she really that bad? I was surprised to see her office walls were bright yellow, and there were some nice pictures on the desk.
She told me about the pictures. I was surprised that she had a family and a kid, just like me.
Then she asked how my family was. It turned out that she had known me since I was only a few weeks old. I was happy to hear that. If she knew my mum, then I wouldn’t get into much trouble.
She cleaned the cut on my knee and told me to be more careful. She also told me about the rules of the playground. But she didn’t punish or shout at me. And I forgot all the bad things I had heard about “the witch”. I had met her and I knew she was nice.
1.“The witch” in the story refers to _______.
A. the writer                     B. the writer’s father            C. the secretary    D. the principal
2.Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. The writer often asked the principal for help.
   B. The principal must be very strict with students.
   C. Running in the playground was allowed by the school rules.
   D. The writer’s father was an excellent basketball player.
3.Which word can replace the underlined phrase “made up” (in Paragraph 6)?
   A. Told.                    B. Invented.             C. Minded.              D. Memorized.
4. How did the writer find the principal in the end?
   A. Terrible.            B. Kind.                        C. Proud.                D. Strict.
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第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。
Fesil Mahand, a Pakistani-American citizen , is accused of driving the explosives-laden car into Big Square on Saturday evening. He__21__appear in court in New York later. Mr Mahand was__22__ at Kennedy Airport attempting to__23__ a flight to Debai. __24__from the US say Mr Mahand recently returned from a five-month visit to Pakistan.
A senior Pakistani security officer in Islamabad said that the authorities had no __25__of Mr Mahand. A car __26__a bomb made from fertiliser, fireworks, petrol and gas tanks __27__in Big Square on Saturday.The Nissan Pathfinder __28__with its engine running and lights flashing. The bomb was discovered __29__it could explode after a street-vendor noticed smoke coming from the vehicle and alerted police.
Mr Holder told a news __30__that investigators were pursuing "a number of leads", adding: "We will not rest until we have brought everyone responsible to__31__." He __32__the American people to "remain alert " and report anything __33__to the police. Mr Holder said the __34__car bombing "would have been a deadly attack __35__been successful".
He added: "It"s clear that the intention __36__this terrorist act was to kill Americans. "Big Square was full of __37__and theatergoers when the alarm was__38__. Police evacuated a wide area of the district and closed subway lines, while a controlled explosion was__39__. Officials said the bomb was crude, __40__could have sparked a "significant fireball".
21. A.is about to        B.is due to         C. is accustomed to        D. has been to
22. A.aborted          B. nearly          C. arrested            D. abandoned
23. A.aboard        B.get off       C.broad            D. board
24. A. Reports       B.Interviews      C. Stories             D. Research
25. A.meaning             B.want            C. knowledge         D. message
26. A.including        B. containing     C.contained               D. included
27. A.was missing       B.were leaving       C. left                    D. was left
28. A. was parked    B.has been parked  C. parked           D. had parked
29. A.since            B. until         C. before             D.unless
30. A.association     B.communication  C. media            D. conference
31. A. law            B. justice         C. jail                D.death
32. A.suggested         B. warned         C. urged                D. advocated
33. A.special           B.superior        C.safe               D. suspicious
34. A. attempted        B.informed       C.involved           D. investigated
35. A.it had         B.did it           C.it has              D. had it
36. A. behind         B.back            C.beneath            D.above
37. A.persons        B. terrorists       C. tourists             D.minsters
38. A. risen            B.  raised        C.arisen             D.announced
39. A.carried on        B.put out          C. brought out              D. carried out
40. A. but           B.and            C.still                D.otherwise
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第二节 根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答案填写在本题下面的横线上。选项中有两项多余选项。(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
Purser: Excuse me, have you filled out your customs declaration form yet?
Han: No, I haven’t. ___1____
Purser: Yes._____2______
Han: Thanks...It looks rather complicated.
Purser:___3____ ---the Prohibited Articles List and the Duty-Free Quota List. Right.Here.
Han: I have nothing but personal belongings.
Purser:_____4__. But please go over the lists to make sure that you have nothing to declare.
Han: All right. We seem to be standing still.
Purser: ____5____. We’ve waiting for the quarantine (防疫)and immigration(移民) officers to come on board to check the passport and health certificates. There they are now, on that launch.
Han: Well, I’d better hurry and get ready to go ashore. Thank you.
A.In that case, just put down “personal effects”.
B.I can help you. Please look through the two lists.
C.Am I to fill it out before we land?
D.I’d better hurry now.
E.Here’s a form for you, sir.
F.The ship is docking(靠码头) soon.
G.What can I do with all my belongings?
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Each morning a rich man found a poor man sitting on a park bench (长凳). The poor man always sat there, looking at the big hotel in which the rich man lived. One day the rich man got out of his car and said to the poor man, “Excuse me, but I just want to know why you sit here and look at my hotel every morning.” “Sir,” said the poor man, “I am a failure. I have no money, no family, no home. I sleep on this bench, and every night I dream that one day I’ll sleep in that hotel.” The rich man said, “That is not so hard. Tonight your dream will come true. I’ll pay for the best room in that hotel for you for a whole month.”
A few days later, the rich man went by the poor man’s room to ask him how he was enjoying himself. To his surprise, he found that the man had moved out of the hotel, back to his park bench. When the rich man asked why, the poor man said, “you see, when I am down here sleeping on my bench, I dream I’m up there, in that big hotel. It’s a wonderful dream. But when I was up there, I dreamed I was back to this cold bench. It was a terrible dream, and I couldn’t get any sleep at all.”
1. The poor man lived in_____ before he met the rich man.
A. the hotel        B. his home      C. the park        D. the car
2. Every morning, the poor man sat on the bench and _____
A. waited for the rich man        B. looked at the rich man’s hotel
C. looked at the rich man’s car     D. enjoyed the clean air
3. The poor man moved out of the hotel because_______
A. he didn’t want to live in such a fine room
B. he didn’t like the rich man
C. he couldn’t pay for the room
D. he couldn’t get any sleep at all there
4. In the end, the poor man found it _____to sleep in the hotel.
A. sorry         B. nice         C. sad       D.terrible
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What is it about maths, anyway? Why is it that a ___36___ who would rather die than ___37___ they found reading difficult at school will happily say he is brain-dead when it ___38___ to numbers?
“I was ___39___ at maths at school,” they say. “still am. Can’t ___40___ up to save my life. My little girl takes after____41___. Thinks take-aways are something to do with fish and chips. Ha-ha!” Oh, how we all laugh.
But how many of us remember it being ___42___ at the time? How many of us remember the blind panic of the Monday morning maths test when the ___43___ we could hope for was a miracle(奇迹) to make the numbers we ___44___ without thinking as answers somehow ___45___ the questions?
On the face of it, today’s children can ___46___ be considered happier and more satisfied. They have a daily numeracy lesson ___47___ to improving their maths skills. But if that sounds like hell to you, you may ___48__ find that your child surprises you by actually quite ___49__ it.
One of the __50___ is that over the last ten years or so, there has been a ___51___ in the way maths is taught. And many of those who teach it feel it’s been a ___52__ for the better. There’s generally much more emphasis now on __53___ arithmetic, getting children used to doing calculations without forever having a pen in one hand and a calculator in the other. Often the first question a teacher will ask is: can you do this in your___54___? And if they can, they do.
The whole approach is more___55___, the goal to get children understanding numbers, not just putting them through the uninteresting process of learning something by repeating it until they remember it.
36    A.    teacher    B.    parent     C.    pupil       D.    teenager
37    A.    understand      B.    admit      C.    observe   D.    pretend
38    A.    add  B.    relate      C.    comes     D.    reject
39    A.    good       B.    expert     C.    special     D.    rubbish
40    A.    add  B.    make       C.    look D.    pick
41    A.    stranger   B.    me   C.    herself     D.    somebody
42    A.    funny      B.    easy C.    attractive D.    remote
43    A.    worst      B.    prize       C.    best  D.    surprising
44    A.    missed     B.    lost  C.    found      D.    chose
45    A.    get   B.    foresee    C.    fit    D.    evaluate
46    A.    however  B.    frequently       C.    mostly     D.    hardly
47    A.    suggested B.    devoted   C.    intended  D.    adapted
48    A.    well B.    sometimes      C.    seldom    D.    extremely
49    A.    enjoying  B.    hating     C.    objecting D.    mastering
50    A.    consequences  B.    reasons    C.    findings   D.    incidents
51    A.    mistake   B.    program  C.    policy     D.    revolution
52    A.    preparation     B.    reputation       C.    requirement    D.    change
53    A.    difficult   B.    general    C.    mental     D.    basic
54    A.    class B.    head C.    textbook  D.    own
55    A.    logical     B.    unbelievable   C.    direct      D.    conservative
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