"There"s no other way to describe it, it"s the moment of a lifetime," said Bige

"There"s no other way to describe it, it"s the moment of a lifetime," said Bige


"There"s no other way to describe it, it"s the moment of a lifetime," said Bigelow at the awards ceremony in Los Angeles on Sunday.She has become the first female ever to win a Best Director Oscar.
Bigelow was up against the top-selling film of all time, Avatar.But Bigelow"s smallbudget film, The Hurt Locker, swept the awards with six trophies (奖杯) , including Best Director, Best Original Screenplay, Best Sound Mixing and the big one: Best Picture.
Many Hollywood insiders are calling this year’s awards the "Indie Oscars", with smaller films taking the other top awards.This was due in large part to outstanding individual performances: Jeff Bridges in Crazy Heart (Best Actor) and Sandra Bullock in The Blind Side (Best Actress).But all eyes were on Bigelow, as her movie The Hurt Locker beat Avatar to the major awards.This was sweetened by the fact Avatar"s director, James Cameron, is her ex-husband.
Bigelow was only the fourth female ever to be nominated (提名) for Best Director.She followed in the footsteps of Lina Wurtmuller, for Seven Beauties (1976); Jane Campion, The Piano (1993);and Sophia Coppola, Lost in Translation (2003).
Bigelow played down the important occasion last week, telling CBS, "There"s really no difference between what I do and what a male filmmaker might do.I mean we all try to make our days, we all try to give the best performances we can, we try to make our budget, we try to make the best movie we possibly can.So in that sense it"s very similar.On the other hand, I think the journey for women, no matter what field it is—politics, business, film —it"s a long journey."
Ironically Bigelow"s filmography is filled with action movies that are low on female leads and high on guns and steel.Her films such as Point Break and The Hurt Locker focus on the fears of men.
And is there an entertaining end to the story of Bigelow"s victory? She won on International Women"s Day.
It is, after all, Hollywood.
64.Of all the awards mentioned in Paragraph 2, the most important one is      .
A.Best Picture                 B.Best Sound Mixing
C.Best Director            D.Best Original Screenplay
65.We may learn from the passage that _____.
A.four people have been nominated for Best Director
B.The Hurt Locker cost a large sum of money
C.only big films such as Avatar can take top awards
D.Sophia Coppola was a woman director
66.What Bigelow said in Paragraph 5 indicates that women _____.
A.can"t compete with men in any field
B.have to make greater efforts in whatever field
C.are weaker than men in the film industry
D.don"t have to make a long journey until their careers take off
67.What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Oscar Awards Ceremony           B.First Female Oscar Best Director
C.Hollywood Best Actress            D.The Hurt Locker Beat Avatar

64.A   65.D   66.B    67.B  


The findings of a new survey have American professors talking about the good old days—when A"s were a lot tougher to earn.
Sites like RateMyProfessors.com make it easy for students to find a class taught by a professor who is known as an "easy grader".A recent survey by Kaplan Test Prep found that 46 percent of the more than 1,200 students polled admitted to using the site for just such a purpose.
"Our research shows that many of today"s college students are looking at multiple factors when picking out courses: overall teacher quality that will result in a good learning experience, but also instructors who don"t like to award a lot of C"s and D"s," said Jeff Olson, vice president of research at Kaplan Test Prep.
"While it makes sense that students would choose kinder graders, it also helps explain the recent popularity of grade inflation(膨胀)."
Grade inflation is seen by many professors as poisoning the learning environment.Some, like former Duke University professor Stuart Rojstaczer, are righting it head-on.
On his website, Gradelnflation.com, he releases an annual list of schools where grade inflation is the worst.
This year, he decided to name the schools where grades were inflated the least.He praised, for example, Princeton University, as well as Purdue University, where the average GPA has remained around 2.8 for over 30 years.
"Purdue doesn"t even seem to know that grade inflation exists in the US," Rojstaczer says."Ignorance is bliss(极大的幸福)."
68.From the passage we may know that Kaplan Test Prep is most probably _____
A.an institute             B.a professor 
C.a vice president        D.a course
69.Grade inflation is spreading because _____.
A.it"s poisoning the learning environment
B.instructors intend to improve their overall teaching quality
C.many instructors adapt to the students" expectations
D.students get easy access to sites like RateMyProfessors.com
70.The passage suggests that _____.
A.universities will employ hard graders
B.if we want to be happy, we should be ignorant
C.A"s are becoming easy to earn at most US universities
D.professors and instructors should give students higher grades
71.The writer tends to _____.
A.favor easy graders                B.see grade inflation as unavoidable
C.oppose Kaplan Test Prep         D.miss the days when A"s were hard to earn
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Scientists from the Max Plank Institute for Biological Cybernetics in Tubingen, Germany, have presented the first experimental evidence that people do end up walking in circles if lost in unfamiliar areas.The study, published in the journal Current Biology, examined the tracks of people who walked for several hours in the Sahara desert in Tunisia and in the Bienwald forest in Germany.Researchers Jan Souman and Marc Ernst said the scientists used the global positioning system (GPS) to record these paths.The results showed that the walkers were only able to keep a straight line when the sun or moon was visible.As soon as the sun disappeared behind some clouds, people started to walk in circles without even noticing it.
Souman said one explanation offered in the past for people walking in circles was that most people have one leg longer or stronger than the other, which would produce a systematic bias(偏差) in one direction.To test this.the researchers asked people to walk straight while blindfolded which removed the effects of vision.They found that these circles were rarely in a systematic direction, with the same person sometimes switching to the left and sometimes to the right.
"Most of the participants in the study walked in circles, sometimes in extremely small ones.Walking in circles is therefore not caused by differences in leg length or strength, but more likely the result of increasing uncertainty about where straight ahead is," said Souman, "Small random errors (随机性误差) in the various sensory signals that provide information about walking direction add up over time, making what a person perceives to be straight ahead drift away from the true straight ahead direction."
72.The underlined word "this" in Paragraph 2 refers to _____.
A.the effects of vision             B.a systematic bias
C.the leg length differences         D.one explanation offered in the past
73.What is the probable reason for people"s walking in circles?
A.The invisible sun or moon.
B.The increasing uncertainty about directions.
C.Differences in leg length or strength.
D.Wrong signals providing information about areas.
74.Why are the subjects required to be blindfolded?
A.To encourage them to walk straight.    B.To stop them from seeing each other.
C.To dismiss the effects of vision.D.To keep the test a top secret.
75.Which of the following statements is true?
A.People walk straight in the day.
B.The farther people walk, the greater the direction bias grows.
C.People walk only in large circles.
D.Researchers use the global positioning system to record their tracks.
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(1) My father was an ill-humored man.I knew he loved me and his love was deep.He just didn’t know how to   36   it.
One evening we went out for a night on the town.We were sitting in an elegant restaurant that had a small but lively   37 .When it played a familiar waltz tune I decided to   38   him for a dance.
“Dad, you know I’ve never   39   with you before.I begged you but you   40   wanted to.How about right now?”
I waited for the   41   refusal.But instead, he considered thoughtfully and then said, “Let’s hit the floor and I’ll   42   you just what kind of moves an old guy like me can still make.”
My father took me in his   43   and I felt overcome by emotion.
As we danced I looked up at my father carefully but he   44   my eyes.
“Dad,” I finally  45  , tears in my eyes, “Why is it so hard for you to look at me?” At last his eyes dropped to my face.“  46   I love you so much.” he whispered back.I was struck dumb by his   47 .It wasn’t what I had thought.But it was of course exactly what I needed to   48 .I had always known that he loved me.I just hadn’t understood that his vast emotion had   49   him and made him silent.“I love you too, Dad!” I whispered back softly.He stumbled (结结巴巴地说) over the next few words: “I’m sorry that I’m not open.It’s   50   for me, but just remember how much I love you.”
When the dance ended I excused myself to the ladies’ room and during my absence   51   changed.
When I came back, Dad sat in his chair   52   his body leaning forward, very pale.Everything was really too late.He was   53 .
That night all I saw was his leaning body and pale face.But it’s a totally different scene    that I   54   now.I remember him saying “I love you” and my saying it back.The three words   55  on forever long after we are gone.
36.A.answer        B.express        C.mention       D.understand
37.A.band         B.hall           C.sofa          D.bar
38.A.invite        B.teach         C.help          D.show
39.A.chatted       B.sang           C.danced        D.stayed
40.A.still        B.even         C.also          D.never
41.A.final           B.normal        C.rough         D.usual
42.A.tell          B.show          C.ask          D.explain
43.A.arms           B.hands          C.heart           D.mind
44.A.noticed       B.ignored       C.avoided       D.greeted
45.A.complained     B.whispered       C.explained        D.shouted
46.A.Because      B.Though       C.If            D.While
47.A.response    B.advise         C.promise        D.excuse
48.A.find          B.know        C.hear          D.think
49.A.surprised    B.pleased       C.inspired      D.frightened
50.A.clear           B.important        C.impossible       D.hard
51.A.everything      B.something       C.nothing       D.anything
52.A.for          B.with               C.on           D.from
53.A.moved        B.tired               C.lost           D.gone
54.A.discover       B.remember       C.remind         D.consider
55.A.depend       B.carry          C.live             D.take
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Doing Favours Can Be Dangerous
I found out one time that doing a favour for someone could get you into a lot of trouble.I was in the eighth grade at the time, and we were having a final test.During the test, the girl sitting next to me whispered something, but I didn’t understand.So I leaned over her way and found out that she was trying to ask me if I had an extra pen.She showed me that hers was out of ink and would not write.I happened to have an extra one, so I took it out of my pocket and put it on her desk.
Later, after the test papers had been turned in, the teacher asked me to stay in the room when all the other students were dismissed.As soon as we were alone she began to talk to me about what it meant to grow up; she mentioned how important it was to stand on your own feet and be responsible for your own acts.For a long time, she talked about honesty and emphasized the fact that when people do something dishonest, they are really cheating themselves.She made me promise that I would think seriously about all the things she had said, and then she told me I could leave.I walked out of the room wondering why she had chosen to talk to me about all those things.
Later on, I found out that she thought I had cheated on the test.When she saw me lean over to talk to the girl next to me, it looked as though I was copying answers from the girl’s test paper.I tried to explain about the pen, but all she could say was it seemed awfully strange to her that I hadn’t mentioned anything about the pen the day she talked to me right after the test.Even though I tried to explain that I was just doing the girl a favour by letting her use my pen, I am sure she continued to believe that I had cheated on the test.
1.As the author didn’t understand what the girl was whispered, he __________.
A.paid no attention to her
B.turned to the teacher for help
C.tried to find out what it was all about
D.whispered back, meaning to silence her
2.The teacher believed that the author was trying __________.
A.to help the girl next to him    B.to copy the answers from others
C.to lend his pen to his partner D.to whisper the answers to the girl
3.The main point stressed in the teacher’s talk was __________.
A.honesty    B.independence   C.sense of duty        D.willingness to help
4.The boy came to see what had happened to him __________.
A.the moment he was asked to stay behind
B.when the teacher started talking to him
C.when he was walking out
D.only some time later
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When other nine-year-old kids were playing games, she was working at a petrol station.When other teens were studying or going out, she struggled to find a place to sleep on the street.But she overcame these terrible setbacks to win a highly competitive scholarship and gain entry to Harvard University.And her amazing story has inspired a movie, “Homeless to Harvard: The Liz Murray Story”, shown in late April.
Liz Murray, a 22-year-old American girl, has been writing a real-life story of willpower and determination.Liz grew up in the shadow of two drug-addicted parents.There was never enough food or warm clothes in the house.Liz was the only member of the family who had a job.Her mother had AIDS and died when Liz was just 15 years old.The effect of that loss became a turning point in her life.Connecting the environment in which she had grown up with how her mother had died, she decided to do something about it.
Liz went back to school.She threw herself into her studies, never telling her teachers that she was homeless.At night, she lived on the streets.“What drove me to live on had something to do with understanding, by understanding that there was a whole other way of being.I had only experienced a small part of the society,” she wrote in her book Breaking Night.
She admitted that she used envy to drive herself on.She used the benefits that come easily to others, such as a safe living environment, to encourage herself that “next to nothing could hold me down”.She finished high school in just two years and won a full scholarship to study at Harvard University.But Liz decided to leave her top university for a couple of months earlier this year in order to take care of her father, who has also developed AIDS.“I love my parents so much.They are drug addicts.But I never forget that they love me all the time.”
Liz wants moviegoers (影迷) to come away with the idea that changing your life is “as simple as making a decision”.
1.In which order did the following things happen to Liz?
a.Her Mum died of AIDS.
b.She worked at a petrol station.
c.She got admitted into Harvard.
d.The movie about her life was put on.
e.She had trouble finding a place to sleep.
A.b, a, e, c, d      B.a, b, c, e, d      C.e, d, b, a, c      D.b, e, a, d, c
2.What decision did Liz make that changed her life?
A.To write Breaking Night.
B.To go to the best university.
C.To live through the difficult time.
D.To live a different life from her parents’.
3.When she wrote, “What drove me to live on … I had only experienced a small part of the
society”, she meant that ________.
A.she had little experience of social life
B.she could hardly understand the society
C.she would do something for her own life
D.she needed to travel more around the world
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