第三部分阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)Bad moods can actually be good for you-an Australian

第三部分阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)Bad moods can actually be good for you-an Australian

Bad moods can actually be good for you-an Australian study finds that being sad makes people less possible to be taken in, improves their ability to judge others and also improves memory.
The study, carried out by psychology professor Joseph Forgas at the University of New South Wales, showed that people in a negative mood were more critical of, and paid more attention to their surroundings than happier people, who were more likely to believe anything they were told. "Although positive mood seems to promote creativity, flexibility, cooperation, negative moods lead to more attentive, careful thinking and encourage people to pay greater attention to the outside world," Forgas wrote. "Our research suggests that sadness promotes information processing strategies best suited to dealing with more demanding situations."
For the study, Forgas and his team conducted several experiments that started with inducing (引起,导致)happy or sad moods in participants through watching films and recalling positive or negative events. In one of the experiments, happy and sad participants were asked to judge the truth of urban myths and rumors and found that people in a negative mood were less likely to believe these statements. People in a bad mood were also less likely to make quick decisions based on racial or religious prejudices(偏见), and they were less likely to make mistakes when asked to recall an event that they witnessed.
The study also found that sad people were better at stating their case through written arguments. Forgas said this showed that a negative mood may actually promote a clearer and more successful communication style."
"Positive mood is not universally desirable: people in negative mood are less prone to judgmental errors, and are better at producing high-quality, effective persuasive arguments" Forgas wrote.
56.According to the text, people in a bad mood are more likely to______________.
A. judge other people more exactly
B. believe anything they are told
C. make quick decisions based on prejudices
D make mistakes when asked to describe an event
57. We can learn from the text that Joseph Forgas______________
A. carried out the experiments alone
B. is a psychology professor in Britain
C. likes to deal with demanding situations in life
D believes bad moods might benefit people’s health
58. In what way did Joseph Forgas conclude the study?
A. By comparison   B. By explanation    C. By analysis   D By inference
59. The text is mainly about ______________
A. how to change bad moods into good moods
B. the differences between good and bad moods.
C. benefits of bad moods
D how to beat bad moods.

56---59   ADAC  


Jack Benny was one of the most famous names in show business. As a child, Benny learned to play the violin. After finishing his school, he joined the Navy. He continued using his violin to perform for sailors. In one show he was chosen more for his funny jokes than for his skill with the violin. That experience made him believe that his future job was a comedian.
Benny developed a show personality that had all the qualities people dislike. He was known for being so stingy-he refused to spend any money unless forced to do so. On his shows Benny often spoke of his appearance, especially his baby blue eyes. As he grew older, he always claimed to be 39 years old. Benny rarely make jokes that hurt other people. Instead, he would let the other actors on the show tell jokes about him.
In real life, he was very giving and he was a person people liked having as their employer. Benny entered the new media of television in 1950. Five years later, he dropped his radio program to spend more time developing his television show. At first his appearances on television were rare. By 1960 the Benny Show was a weekly television program. It continued until 1965. Benny appeared in about twenty films during his life. a few became popular. But most were not. In 1963 Benny returned to Broadway for the first time since 1931.
Benny received many awards during his lifetime. Perhaps the one honor that pleased him most was that his hometown of Waukeegan named a school for him. This was a special honor for a man who had never finished high school.
Benny continued to perform. He died of cancer in 1974. At his funeral his friend Bob Hope said, “ Jack Benny was stingy to the end. He gave us only eighty years.”
60. Benny was determined to be a comedian______________.
A. after he played the violin for the sailors
B. after he left he Navy for Broadway
C. after he performed in a show for the sailors
D after he joined the Navy with his violin
61. The underlined word “stingy” can be replaced by “______________”
A. clever     B. mean      C. out-going     D hard-working
62. Which of the following statements is TRUE about Benny?
A. His first appearance on TV was very successful
B. Most of his films became well-known to Americans
C. Benny treated all his awards as nothing
D  His greatest achievement was developing show business
63. We can learn from Bob Hope’s words that______________
A. he felt very sad about Benny’s death
B. Benny devoted himself to developing TV business
C. eighty years was enough for common people, but not for Benny
D Benny performed only eighty years.
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The Middle East countries and other world powers have been facing major political tensions which have made the stability of the crude oil prices very unpredictable. Each day the prospect(前景)of oil prices has become more and more unclear.
Water fuel has been developed as an alternative source of fuel which has fast become popular around the world . This exciting technology has various advantages . More than 70 percent of the Earth is covered with water and this fuel source does not produce any harmful pollutants or dangerous emissions(散发物)either . They in fact also double the mileage(里程)of the cars that are powered by them .
Water fuel technology has been known to be the best additional form of fuel source for petrol or other fuel sources . However , any claim that this technology can be only an additional source and not a replacement is totally incorrect and misleading .such ideas have been implied by those who look down on this technology , On the contrary , this technology has numerous benefits such as it does not produce any harmful emissions which can affect the climate changes . It further helps to reduce the level of noise produced by the engines.
Various researches reflect that running costs on fuels for automobiles can be easily saved up to 40 percent with the help of water cell technology .This technology can easily work on various cars powered by gas . It can also be used for trucks , vans and other vehicles . The tap water can also be easily used directly and you do not need any special water that is specially treated to be used for this purpose . You can easily find a lot of details so that you can adapt your car to use the technology .
64. We can learn from the first paragraph that the price of oil______________,
A . has been rising for a long time   B is going down at present
C is unstable for political reasons   D is decided by powerful countries
65. Water fuel technology has many advantages EXCEPT that______________
A water fuel will not pollute the environment
B it is very simple to get such kind of fuel
C cars powered by the fuel can be used longer
D it has already been popular around the world
66. People holding the opposite idea think that______________.
A the world climate won’t be influenced by fuel
B petrol can’t be completely replaced by water fuel
C the engines will give out less noise than before
D water fuel can’t act as an additional source for gas
67.What is the best title for the text?
A. Water Fuel-Becoming a Reality Now        B. Water Fuel-Lower Cost
C. Water Fuel-a Long Way to Go             D. Water Fuel-a Safer Choice
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Coyotes(丛林狼) used to live only in wide-open spaces of western prairies and deserts. They avoided forests, where wolves, their enemies, lived. But as forests were cleared to make room for farms and communities, coyotes started spreading east and west into they newly open territories.
Most coyotes are afraid  of people, so those living in cities have learned how to avoid being seen. Street-smart coyotes hunt for food between dusk and dawn, when few people are around. During the day, the animals rest in out-of-the-way spots. ”They ‘are trying to avoid people as best  as they can ,” says a scientist studying coyotes around Chicago, Illinois
City life suits coyotes in several ways. There are no enemies such as mountain lions ,wolves ,or hunters. City coyotes eat well, too. Parks yards and green spaces in cities provide habitat for a feast of favorite coyote foods ,including mice ,rats and  rabbits . Coyotes also eat lots of fruits , With plenty of natural food and no-predators (捕食性动物), coyotes in urban areas are healthier, live longer and raise larger families than their country cousins.
Unfortunately, some city coyotes lose their fear of humans. They find tasty garbage of pet food outside homes. They notice that people ignore them instead of chasing them away. Some humans even feed coyotes on purpose, thinking it’s an act of kindness. Actually, it’s a serious mistake.
Coyotes that become comfortable around people and learn to associate buildings and yards with food are the ones that get into trouble. Some coyotes attack pets in yards. Sometimes a coyote may even chase or bite in a human. An animal that behaves in these ways must be removed by wildlife officials.
It’s people that change coyotes’ behavior. But we’re also the ones who can help them be good neighbors. We can teach them by not providing food for them, and by making sure they know there are certain area they’re not allowed. Can coyotes and people live more safely together in cities?
68. The first paragraph is to show______________
A. where coyotes used to live
B. what coyotes’ enemies are
C. why coyotes began to live in cities
D  that forests are making room for humans
69. Why does city life suit coyotes?
A. People are nice to them
B. There are more green spaces
C. There is enough good and no enemies
D  They can hunt for food at dusk
70. Some city coyotes are not afraid of humans maybe because______________
A. they are being protected by wildlife officials
B. people chase them away when seeing them
C. some people provide them with food sometimes
D they are allowed to stay indoors.
71. What is the purpose of this passage?
A. To introduce a kind of wolf-coyotes to readers.
B. To persuade people to move away from where Coyotes live
C. To enjoy the harmony between coyotes and humans,
D To call on people to live more safely with coyotes.
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When I was a child, I was shocked at the idea that my sisters could be my best friends. Now, I wouldn’t have it any other way. At the time, the idea of my tow sisters being my closest friends seemed strange to me. we fought all the time over toys, food, attention, what to watch on television-you name it, we quarreled about it at some point. How could my sisters be my best friends? They weren’t the same age as I. we all had our own friends in school.
My mother never let the three of us forget that sisters are lifelong friends. Her wish like most parents’ was to give us something that she never had. Growing up as an only child, she longed for siblings. When she gave birth to three daughters, the fulfillment of her dream had only just begun. She had given each of us a gift and she wanted to make sure we did not take that gift for granted. She would frequently tell us how lucky we were. But there were others, more subtle ways that she encouraged us to grow closer. She never showed favoritism to one daughter over the other-skating, shopping, swimming-so we developed common interests. And when we were teenagers, Mom always punished us equally, giving us yet another bonding(结合的)experience.
We didn’t always get along beautifully and fought just like any other siblings. But somewhere in between Mom’s lectures, the family vacations and the shared memories, we realized that our mother was right. Today I share things with my sisters that I do with no one else. My sister Cindy and I ran the New York City Marathon together, side by side, even holding hands when we crossed the finish lien. When my sister Karen got married, I was her maid of honor. Cindy and I traveled through Europe together and even shared an apartment for two years. The three of us trust each other with our greatest secrets.
It was twenty-three years ago that my mother first asked me who my two best friends were. Today she doesn’t have to. She already knows.
72. As a child, the author was shocked at her mother"s idea because________
A. her sisters seemed strange to her
B. her sisters didn"t like to be her friends
C. none of the girls had their own friends
D. she and her sisters shares little in common
73. The underline word "siblings" in the second paragraph means________
A. sisters     B. parents    C. daughters   D. friends
74. How did the author"s mother encourage her three daughters to grow closer?
A. She punished her daughter differently.
B. She showed equal love to her daughters.
C. She encouraged her daughters to do sports.
D. She often took her daughters to many places.
75.The best title of the passage could be _________.
A. The Greatest Gift          B. Mother"s Love
C. Growing Experiences      D. Unforgettable Memories
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Barack Obama
In the past hundred years, the U.S. presidency has turned more and more to the left – not in policy, but in handedness. Barrack Obama is the latest to join a long list of left – handed presidents from the 20th century: James Garfield, Herbert Hoover, Henry Truman, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton were all southpaws.
What makes lefties so electable? Some experts think left-handed people have a greater aptitude for language skills, which may help them craft the rhetoric necessary for political office. And as for the bout of recent left-handed presidents, some think it’s because teachers only recently stopped working to convert lefties to rightist at an early age.
Bill Gates
Claiming the nation’s richest man among their number is a source of considerable pride for America’s society of southpaws. In fact, the Microsoft titan and philanthropist(巨头兼慈善家) is one of a surprising number of U.S. business moguls to be left-handed, including Henry Ford, John D. Rockefeller and former IBM head Lou Gerstner. But the club seems to be a guys-only fraternity — research suggests that while left-handed men tend to earn more than their right-handed colleagues, there is no similar advantage for women. A study by the National Bureau of Economic Research floated the idea that left-handed men favor "divergent" thinking, a form of creativity in which the brain moves "from conventional knowledge into unexplored association." Maybe that’s what it takes to develop a net worth estimated at $ 57 billion.
Oprah Winfrey
The talk-show queen doesn’t need much more to set her apart from the rest — what with her estimated $ 2.7 billion fortune and a magic ability to sell books just by glancing at them — but she also has the distinction of being a member of the left-handed club. Since men are more likely to be left-handed than women, that makes Oprah doubly impressive. She’s in good company: Other show-business ladies of the left – handed  persuasion include Whoopi Goldberg, Julia Roberts and Angelina Jolie
Marie Curie
Not only was atomic scientist Marie Curie left-handed, but she was the matriarch of a whole family of accomplished, southpaw scientists. Curie, who discovered the principles of radioactivity and won two Nobel Prizes, was married to fellow lefty Pierre Curie, who was instrumental in helping Marie’s atomic research and shared one of her Nobel awards. Historians believe their daughter, Irene, was also left-handed. Irene went on to win a Nobel Prize of her own with her husband — who, you guessed it, was also left-handed.
59.The underlined word “southpaws” in the last sentence of Paragraph 1 means_______.
A.people coming from the south B.powerful presidents
C.people who use their left hand D.forceful speakers
60.What makes it so easy for lefties to be elected as presidents according to the passage?
A.Their great gift for foreign language.
B.Their great language skills to make speeches.
C.The need of left – hinders in the political office.
D.Teachers stopping to force them to use their right hand.
61.It can be implied that Bill Gates, Henry Ford, John D. Rockefeller and Lou Gerstne_______.
A.have creative thinking              B.have formed a special club.
C.earn more money than their wives   D.are wealthy philanthropists
62.The underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 “She is in good company” means “_______”.
A.she works in a very good company   B.she has many good friends
C.she has got on well with others        D.she is among many female lefties
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