A young man was going to join the army and had to take a medical examination. Th

A young man was going to join the army and had to take a medical examination. Th

A young man was going to join the army and had to take a medical examination. The doctor was sitting at a desk when he went in. He said to the man. “Take your coat and shirt off, and sit on the chair.” The young man did so. The doctor looked at him for a moment without getting up from his chair and then said, “All right. Put on your clothes again.” “But you haven’t examined me at all!” the young man said in surprise. “There is no need to do so,” the doctor said with a smile. “When I told you to take your coat and shirt off, you heard me all right, so there is nothing wrong with your ears. You saw the chair, so your eyes are good. You could take your clothes off and sit on the chair, so you must be in good health. And you understand what I told you to do and did it without a mistake, so you must be clever enough for the army.”
小题1:The young man went to the doctor because __________.
A.he wanted to consult about his illness.
B.he had to have a medical check-up.
C.he did not want to join the army.
D.he did not feel well.
小题2:The doctor told the young man to take his coat and shirt off in order to______.
A.test his listening ability.
B.see whether his eyes were wrong with him.
C.see what was wrong with him.
D.examine him with no clothes.
小题3:The doctor thought that __________.
A.the young man would not be a good soldier.
B.the young man must not join the army.
C.The young man would not do something wrong in the army.
D.the young man could join the army.
小题4:At first the young man __________.
A.did not understand what the doctor mean
B.did not do as he was told to do
C.realized why the doctor told him to do something
D.understood what the doctor meant



Ever since farmers began to grow grain, they have had to protect their crops from birds. In the 1300"s, English farmers hired children to protect their crops. They were called “bird scares”. The children chased birds and threw stones at them.
Bird scares were replaced in the 1800"s by scarecrows. A scarecrow is anything that is set in a field to scare birds away. Often it is a pole dressed like a person. Some farms with small fields still use scarecrows today.
Farming became big business in the twentieth century. Scarecrows could no longer protect the huge fields of grain, so farmers used poisonous chemicals on the fields. The poison made the grain bitter. The birds usually would not eat the bitter grain.
Although they can prevent crops from being destroyed by insects and birds, some chemicals can be harmful to humans. Therefore, farmers are using fewer chemicals now than they did twenty years ago. Perhaps scarecrows may be seen more often in the fields in the future.
小题1:English farmers began to hire children to get away birds since_____.
A.the twelfth centuryB.the fifteenth century
C.the sixteenth centuryD.the fourteenth century
小题2:“Bird scares” keep birds away from crops by_____.
A.feeding them bitter grainB.pretending to be scarecrows
C.spreading chemicals in the fieldsD.chasing them and throwing stones
小题3:Which statement from the passage supports the idea that scarecrows may be seen more often in the fields in the future?
A.Scarecrows could no longer protect fields.B.They were called “bird scares”.
C.English farmers hired children.D.Farmers are using fewer chemicals.
小题4:The author"s purpose is to ________.
A.give information about children who worked as bird scares
B.tell how crops have been protected from birds
C.make the readers feel sorry for birds that eat poisoned grain
D.entertain the readers with a funny story

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根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 (E="AB " F=" AC  " G=AD)
M: Welcome back! I didn’t see you in the history class on Friday.
W: 61  . My geography class went on a field trip to look at some of the different rocks.
M: Really?  62  ! Where did you go?
W: A desert. It gets hot during the day, but it cools off very quickly at night.   63  .
M: Well, did you enjoy the trip?
W: Of course I did. Since there are so few plants growing there, it’s very easy to see different
M:   64  . You must call me if you have the chance to go there again.
W: No problem.   65  .
A. I really want to go there
B. That sounds excellent
C. I will be your guide next time
D. It is very dry there after the sun goes down
E. I’m tired of this trip
F. I wasn’t here on Friday
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Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
a. selection  b. professional   c. Eventually   d. added   e. generation  ae. financial      ad. Especially   ac. experiencing   ab. choosing   bc. switch
One-quarter of today’s student population are suffering from symptoms of depression. Of that group, almost half will experience depression intense enough to call for __43___ help. But many reject that idea, because they don’t want people to think there is something wrong with them.
There are three reasons why today’s college students are suffering more than in earlier ____44___. First is a weaker family support structure. Today, with high divorce rates and many parents __45___ their own psychological difficulties, the traditional family is not always available for help.
Another problem is __46_____ pressure. In the past ten years education costs have risen about 66 percent at public colleges and 90 percent at private schools. __47_____, most students must work part-time.
A final cause of students’ depression is the large __48_____ of majors available. Because of the difficulty of ___49___ a major, college can prove a time of great indecision. Many students ___50____ majors. As a result, it is becoming common for them to take five or six years to get a degree. It can be disappointing to students to be faced with the __51____ costs.
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For more than ten years John Grimshaw has been pioneering a gentle revolution. He aims to get us going by bike on Britain’s network of disused railways. He works as an engineer for Sustrans, a Bristol-based charity.
He believes that there is no benefit or logic behind the building of bigger and faster roads that only encourage people to use cars more extravagantly(过分地). Britain’s roads being built ignore all but the motorists while miles of railway tracks no longer used by trains lie wasted.
His organization started work in 1994 with a modest five mile track from Bristol to Bath, and cyclists and walkers now make a million journeys a year on the path. Sustrans has since completed a further 150 miles throughout Britain with the help of volunteer workers.
Building such paths is not easy or cheap. Sustrans buys or leases(租借) land from British Rail and the paths can cost from 6,000 pounds up to 8, 0000 pounds per kilometer to build. Money comes from central and local government, charity bodies and gifts from individuals.
To encourage more walkers and cyclists along its paths, Sustrans plans to construct a work of art on every mile of path it builds. Most of their tracks quickly transport people from the city to the countryside. The latest route runs from the heart of Glasgow to Loch Lomond. Relics (遗迹)of the great railway age litter the routes—station houses, signals boxes and even steam trains.
Some might consider John Grimshaw a traveler from the past, out of touch with the modern world, but for many he is preparing the way for an alternative for a car-mad world.
小题1:The aim of Sustrans is to _________.
a. encourage people to use cars more efficiently
b. use old railway lines for leisure purposes
c. provide a cycling network across Britain
d. build better and faster roads
小题2:How does Sustrans finance its work?
a. with a mixture of money from the government and donations
b. with money from British Rail
c. by leasing its land
d. by using volunteer workers
小题3:Which of the following is TRUE?
a. Sustrans will not build any more tracks after Glasgow to Loch Lomond
b. Sustrans will have to clear the track of relics
c. Sustrans makes the countryside more accessible to the public
d. Sustrans believes more drivers will use their tracks.
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As we have seen, the focus of medical care in our society has been shifting from curing disease to preventing disease – especially in terms of changing our many unhealthy behaviors, such as poor eating habits, smoking, and failure to exercise. The line of thought involved in this shift can be pursued further. Imagine a person who is about the right weight, but does not eat very nutritious foods, who feels OK but exercises only occasionally, who goes to work every day, but is not an outstanding worker, who drinks a few beers at home most nights but does not drive while drunk, and who has no chest pains or abnormal blood counts, but sleeps a lot and often feels tired. This person is not ill. He may not even be at risk for any particular disease. But we can imagine that this person could be a lot healthier.
The field of medicine has not traditionally distinguished between someone who is merely “ not ill” and someone who is in excellent health and pays attention to the body’s special needs. Both types have simply been called “well”. In recent years, however, some health specialists have begun to apply the terms “well” and “wellness” only to those who are actively striving to maintain and improve their health. People who are well are concerned with nutrition and exercise and they make a point of monitoring their body"s condition. Most important, perhaps, people who are well take active responsibility for all matters related to their health. Even people who have a physical disease or handicap may be "well," in this new sense, if they make an effort to maintain the best possible health they can in the face of their physical limitations. "Wellness" may perhaps best be viewed not as a state that people can achieve, but as an ideal that people can strive for. People who are well are likely to be better able to resist disease and to fight disease when it strikes. And by focusing attention on healthy ways of living, the concept of wellness can have a beneficial impact on the ways in which people face the challenges of daily life.
小题1:Today medical care is placing more stress on______.
a. keeping people in a healthy physical condition   
b. monitoring patients" body functions
c. removing people"s bad living habits            
d. ensuring people"s psychological well-being
小题2:In the first paragraph, people are reminded that_____.
a. good health is more than not being ill           
b. drinking, even if not to excess, could be harmful
c. regular health checks are essential to keeping fit  
d. prevention is more difficult than cure
小题3:     Traditionally, a person is considered "well" if he ______.
a. does not have any unhealthy living habits     
b. does not have any physical handicaps
c. is able to handle his daily routines           
d. is free from any kind of disease
小题4:According to what the author advocates, which of the following groups of people would be        considered healthy?
a. People who have strong muscles as well as slim figures.
b. People who are not presently experiencing any symptoms of disease
c. People who try to be as possible, regardless of their limitations.
d. People who can recover from illness even without seeking medical care.
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