第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节:(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 H

第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节:(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 H


Heather Mills McCartney lives an admirable life, attending celebrity parties, meeting regularly with the rich and famous and doing meaningful work for charity.All who work with her admire and respect her.But Heather’s life hasn’t always been so easy.When Heather was only 9 years old, her mother abandoned her and her two brothers.At the age of 13, she ran away from home and ended up living on the streets in London.Eventually, however, her exceptional beauty led to a career in modeling.At that time, Heather also began helping with the war relief efforts in former Yugoslavia.Through her modeling and relief work, she soon became famous.
But in August 1993, at age 25 her life changed once again.She was crossing the street in London when a motorcycle crashed into her.She was so badly injured that the doctors had to cut off her left leg.After that, she discovered she frequently needed to change her artificial limbs(假肢).It was expensive and she felt it was a waste to just throw away the old one.It occurred to her to set up an organization that could deliver used artificial limbs to Yugoslavia and other war-torn countries.It was through her charity work that she met her husband Paul McCartney.
Throughout her life, Heather has risen above problems and focused on helping others.Her work with artificial limbs even earned her a nomination(提名) for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1996.Heathe’s persistence and determination are what impresses anyone who knows her.Heather believes anyone can make a positive difference in the world.
36.This passage is mainly about _________.
A.Heather’s miserable life              B.Heather’s contribution to the world
C.Heather’s success in her work           D.Heather’s belief in life
37.Heather began her modeling career _________.
A.due to her mother’s encouragement
B.after her brothers abandoned her
C.because of her excellent intelligence and performances
D.because she was especially beautiful
38.Which of the following is Not true according to the passage?
A.Heather won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1996.
B.Heather began her charity work while working as a model.
C.Her artificial limbs had to be replaced continuously.
D.Heather has never been defeated by her problems.
39.From the passage we can infer that people admire and respect Heather because_________.
A.she had a lot of misfortunes during her childhood.
B.she was a world-famous model
C.she is determined and never gives in
D.she made a great difference in the world

36—39   BDAC


  51  The goal here is to limit carbon dioxide and other green house gases, which are closely associated to the big problem of global-warming.
Strategy 1: Bring your own cup to Starbucks
You’ll get a 10 cent discount, and it’s one less paper cup to end up in a landfill.While you’re there, pick up some free bags of spent coffee grounds to use as  ‘‘green’’  fertilizer in your garden.
The payoff:   52 
Strategy2: Turn off your computer
When in standby mode, your PC is still using energy.  53 
The payoff: Turning off a monitor for 40 hours a week may only save $5 a month, but it reduces CO2 by 750 pounds
Strategy 3: Reuse plastic bags
Instead of throwing away 100 billion plastic bags a year, try and get a second, third, or tenth use out of them.Better yet, next time you shop, try a reusable bag.
The payoff:   54 The amount of oil it would take to make just 14 plastic bags would run your car for one mile.
Strategy4: Use recycled paper in the bathroom
Most of the toilet paper we use is made from trees found in forests previously untouched by humans.
The payoff: If every household replaced one roll of toilet paper with a recycled one, 424000 trees would still be standing.Look for eco paper towels too.
Strategy5: Buy energy-efficient appliances(电器)
Replace the old fridge with an Energy Star appliance and you’ll use 15 percent less energy.  55  
The payoff: If we all used one Energy Star appliance at home, it would be like planting 1.7 million acres of new trees.
A.You can be proud of yourselves, even if you can only make one or two of these green changes.
B.Adding green to your garden is beautiful and earth-pleasing.
C.It might be a little expensive to buy, but you’ll save money on your electricity bills and help the environment.
D.In fact, 75percent of electricity used in your home comes from electronics that are turned off.
E.The store won’t create more waste when they throw away a cup.
F.The store won’t create more waste when they throw away a cup.
G.Just one tree will help make cleaner air and save the environment from 5000 pounds of hot carbon dioxide each year.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)
It was so cold that I couldn’t feel my legs. There was going to be a racing contest that night so I was 26  my horse, Skippy, up. I was simply running laps around the ring. The  27  cold air had been blowing past me, freezing my limbs, but every second I  28  it. You could hear the faint  29  of the people up at the clubhouse eating their dinner. My parents were also there, not knowing that my little sister had slowly wandered her way down to the ring. It was  30  because there was no moon or stars. Nobody else was in the ring at the time. I was really enjoying the  31  and I was able to  32  what Skippy was doing. As I took my last lap it  33  . Everything rapidly slowed down as I saw my little sister step  34   the ring. I saw true fear on her face because she knew she wouldn’t be  35  to move out of the way fast enough. She knew that she was going to get hit.
She tried to  36  but nothing came out of her fear-dried throat. When my horse got to her, he was still in a full out run.  37  , miraculously(奇迹般地), he slid so hard on his back feet that he  38 . It really made the  39  seem absolutely unreal. I thought that maybe I was  40 . I had  41  in my mind that I wasn’t seeing what was happening. I knew I had hit my sister. There was no way I could have  42  her. My horse was rising straight up and while he was in the air I couldn’t breathe. It’s like I forgot  43 . As all of this happened I watched my sister’s face transform (变形) through many different  44 : terror, confusion, curiosity, and then a sort of relief. Then she was laughing.
As I held my sister into my arms, Skippy stood right behind me knowing that I actually owed him my life  45  he saved my sister’s.
26.A. picking     B. warming                 C. catching                   D. setting
27.A. bitterly     B. hardly                    C. gently                  D. perfectly
28.A. challenged   B. witnessed        C. enjoyed                    D. hated
29.A. ceremony    B. tradition         C. victory                        D. laughter
30.A. windy         B. bright                     C. dark                         D. cloudy
31.A. quiet           B. quality                   C. impression            D.significance
32.A. rely on     B. focus on                 C. insist on                   D. put on
33.A. let out       B. held on               C. participated in           D.took place
34.A. close to      B. out of                 C. into                         D. towards
35.A. able          B. frightened        C. content                     D. proud
36.A. evaluate     B. worry                     C. scream                        D. escape
37.A. Accidentally  B. Normally           C. Generally                 D. Somehow
38.A. sped up     B. rose up                   C. broke down                 D. wore out
39.A. moment     B. contest                  C. comment                  D.technique
40.A. advancing    B. breathing            C. concluding           D. dreaming
41.A. that                 B. none                  C. neither                        D. it
42.A. hit           B. recognized              C. missed                    D. acknowledged
43.A. how            B. what                  C. when                       D. why
44.A. actions     B. emotions            C. attitudes                   D. thoughts
45.A. if                  B. because             C. as if                         D. so that
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

Directions : Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A---E for each paragraph.
A.Social background for the Development of Adult Education
B.What is the present situation?
C.The purposes in Adult Education
D.Ways of Adult Education
E. The history of Adult Education
F. What is Adult Education?
Voluntary learning in organized courses by mature men and women is called adult education. Such education is offered to make people able to enlarge and interpret their experience as adults. Adults may want to study something which they missed in earlier schooling, get new skills or job training, find out about new technological development, seek better self-understanding, or develop new talents and skills.
This kind of education may be in the form of self-study with proper guidance through the use of libraries, correspondence(函授)courses,or broadcasting.It may also be acquired collectively in schools and colleges, study groups, workshops, clubs, and professional associations.
Modern adult education for large numbers of people started in the 18th and 19th centuries with the rise of the Industrial Revolution. Great economic and social changes were taking place: people were moving from rural areas to cities: new types of work were being created in an expanding factory system. These and other factors produced a need for further education and reeducation of adults.
The earliest program of organized adult education arose in Great Britain in the 1790s, with the founding of an adult school at Nottingham and a mechanics’institute at Glasgow. The earliest adult education institution in the United States was founded by Benjamin Franklin and some friends in Philadelphia in 1727.
People recognize that continued learning is necessary for most forms of employment today. For example, parts of the adult population in many countries find it necessary to take part in retraining programs at work or even to learn completely new jobs. Adult education programs are springing up constantly to meet these and other needs.                                    
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
Long long ago, there was an old merchant who had three sons。 “To which one shall I leave my fortune?” he wondered。 “It must be to the cleverest son。 But which one is the cleverest?”
He called his three sons to him。 “Here is some money,” he told them, “you must each take one coin to buy something that will fill this room。 Anyone who can do this shall have my fortune。”
“It is a big room,” said the eldest son。
“One coin will not buy very much,” said the second son。
But the youngest son said nothing。 He stood and thought, and then he smiled, “Come, brothers,” he said, “let us go to the market。”
The eldest son bought straw with his coin。 But one coin bought only a bit of straw。 Even when he had spread it as much as he could, the straw covered only a corner of the room。
The second son bought sand with his coin。 But one coin bought only a bit of sand。 Even when he had spread it as much as he could, the sand covered only half of the floor。
“What did you buy?” the eldest son angrily asked the youngest son。 “You don"t have any straw。”
“Yes, what did you buy?” the second son asked angrily。 “You don"t have any sand。”
“I bought this,” said the youngest son。
“A candle!” cried his brothers。 “What good is a candle?”
“Watch”, said the youngest son。
He lit the candle, and all at once the room was filled from wall to wall, from ceiling to floor。 It was filled with light!
“Although you are the youngest, you are indeed the cleverest of my sons,” the old merchant said。
And that is how, the old merchant left his fortune to his youngest son, the one who could fill a room with light。
46。 Who would get father"s fortune according to his requirement?
A。 The oldest son。                       B。 The richest son。
C。 The cleverest son。                   D。 The silliest son。
47。 The merchant left his fortune to the son
A。 who would fill the room by using something which is worth one coin
B。 who would take care of him when he became old
C。 who wanted to get his fortune
D。 who got married first
48。 How do you think of the youngest son?
A。 He is very clever。               B。 He is very lazy。
C。 He is very mean。                 D。 He is very diligent。
49。 The youngest son used _____ to fill the room。
A。 straw            B。 candle         C。 sand            D。 water
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

In the late 1980s, during a visit to Bangladesh(孟加拉), I saw a woman with a baby on her back, breaking bricks with a hammer。 I asked a Bangladesh escort(随从) why they weren"t using a machine, which would have been a lot easier。 He told me a machine would put that lady out of work。 And bad as that woman"s job was, it was enough to keep a small family alive。  ______61_______ 。
Serving in the U。S。 Army overseas in the past, I saw a lot of people like that woman in Bangladesh。 _____62____ 。 They are victims(受害者) of crime and social unrest(动荡), who in turn become the drug dealers and the street gang(匪帮) members。 I"ve seen it over and over again everywhere I go。 People who have jobs can have a home, send their kids to school, develop a sense of pride, contribute to the good of the community, and even help others。 _____63___ 。
_____64_____ , but I"m still working to help people  prepared for disaster。 I"m not going to stop。 _____65_____ 。
A.Because they can work, they"re free。 They"re blessed(幸福的)。
B.It reminded me of my father"s words: To work is a blessing
C.She might get to do a little farming some day, too。
D.I believe in my father"s words: To work is a blessing
E。 Now I"m retired from the Army
F。 And I have come to believe that people without jobs are not blessed。
G。No one can work。
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