CI go to interview a great man. "What surprises you most in your life?" I ask. T

CI go to interview a great man. "What surprises you most in your life?" I ask. T


I go to interview a great man. "What surprises you most in your life?" I ask. The great man answers, "People don"t like to be children; when they grow up, they wish to be children again. They lose their health to make money and then lose their money to restore their health. They think anxiously about the future, but they forget the present, so they live neither for the present nor the future. "
I have never heard of these words. I am silent for a while, write these words down, and then I ask the second question prepared ahead of time, "As a parent, what lessons do you want your children to learn from life?"
The great man answers with a smile, "I want them to learn that they cannot make anyone love them. What they can do is to let themselves be loved. I want them to learn that the most valuable thing is not what they have in their lives, but who they have in their lives. I want them to learn that it is not good to compare themselves with others. I want them to learn that a rich person is not the one who has the most, but is the one who needs the least. I want them to learn to forgive by practicing forgiveness. I want them to learn that there are persons that love them dearly, but do not know how to express their feelings. I want them to learn that money can buy everything but happiness. I want them to learn that two people can look at the same thing and see it differently. I want them to learn that a true friend is someone who likes them anyway. I want them to learn that it is not always enough that they are forgiven by others, but that they have to forgive themselves. "
64. What makes the great man feel puzzled most in his life?
A. People don"t like to be a child nor a grown-up.
B. People don"t try their best to keep healthy.
C. People don"t live a meaningful life.
D. People don"t treasure what they own today.
65. Why is the writer silent for a while after having asked the first question?
A. Because he can"t hear the great man"s words clearly.
B. Because he wants to have enough time to write the answers down.
C. Because he is touched by what the great man says.
D. Because he needs time to think over what to ask next.
66. From the last paragraph, we can learn that______.
A. letting all the people like you is possible as long as you try your best
B. the things in your life is more important than the people in your life
C. the more a person loves you, the more clearly the person can express himself/herself
D. different people have different viewpoints on the same thing
67. After reading the whole passage, we can conclude that the passage is______.
A. educational      B. funny          C. strange          D. interesting

64---67   DCDA  


Thirty years ago, when the movie version of my novel Jaw was published, few people including me knew very much about great white sharks. For hundreds of generations, we humans have been taught to fear and hate sharks, and the movie touched a nerve of horror.
Now something long thought impossible has happened. A great white shark was successfully held in capacity for several months. In August last year a very young female great white shark was caught accidentally in a fisherman"s net off Huntington Beach, California, and then kept in an ocean pen (栏栅) for 25 days. After being moved to the Monterey Bay Aquarium (水族馆), she grew well in the million-gallon Outer Bay Exhibit. She was so lovely that people all liked her very much. Perhaps she was too young to understand that the big tank was not her natural environment, because she didn"t hit her head against the walls in an attempt to swim away as others of her kind have done. And she began to feed almost immediately on small fish offered to her on a pole. In the months that followed, the shark suffered no serious injuries, caught no diseases, and grew noticeably larger, breaking all records for great white sharks in capacity. The longest that any other great white shark had been held was 16 days.
Until February 23, that is, when she hit and killed a soup fin shark (翅鲨) , as she grew bigger and her behavior grew more aggressive, officials at the Aquarium knew the time had come. On March 31, after 198 days in the aquarium, the great white shark was released into the Pacific.
Scientists still have a lot to learn about sharks, especially great white sharks which are now considered to be in danger. Scientists do know that sharks are necessary to ocean health. Remove any significant animal from the sea food chain and you will risk destroying the balance of nature.
72. We can see that in the film Jaw the shark was once described as______.
A. a pet of children       B. a horror to human beings
C. a friend of the agedD. a guard of its owner
73. Different from the others of her kind, the young female great white shark was somewhat _____in the beginning.
A. terrible and dangerous      B. fierce and cruel  C. loyal and friendly    D. gentle and lovely
74. By saying that "officials at the aquarium knew the time had come", the writer probably means that the female great white shark______.
A. had to be killed    B. escaped from the big tank
C. had to be set free         D. began to hit and kill other animals
75. What conclusion can be drawn from the text?
A. We should protect great white sharks as well as other ocean animals.
B. The female great white shark will be attacked by some other animals.
C. Great white sharks are becoming more and more
D. We should kill the enemies of white sharks in the oceans.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

Directions ; For each blank in the following passage there are four words of phrases marked with A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with a word that best fits the context.
This is a true story about something that happened between a customer of General Motors and its Customer - Care Executive (客服主管).The following complaint was received by General Motors. "•••It may sound crazy, but it"s a fact that every time I buy a  36   ice cream, and come back from the store, my car won"t start. If I get any other kind of ice cream, the car starts   37   fine, why?" The executive was    38    about the letter, but sent an engineer to check it out anyway.
The   39   made three visits to the store with the customer. The first time, he got chocolate ice cream. The car started. The second time, he ordered strawberry. The car started. The third time he got vanilla. The car failed to start. The engineer   40   to believe that the man"s car was allergic (过敏的)to vanilla ice cream. He 41   his visits, and noted all sorts of data: the types of gas used and the time it took to drive back and forth.
Soon he came a clue: it took the man less   42   to buy vanilla than any other flavor (味道). Why? The answer was in the layout (布局)of the store. Vanilla, as the most   43   flavor, was in the front of the store for quick pickup. All the other flavors were kept further back, where it took longer to buy them.
Time was now the   44   not the vanilla ice cream! The engineer quickly put forward an answer: “engine trouble." The extra time taken to get any other flavor   45   the engine to cool down longer. When the man got vanilla, the engine was still too hot to start.
Even crazy 一 looking problems can be real. What really    46     is your attitude to the problem.
Don"t just say something is "IMPOSSIBLE" without putting a sincere effort into    47    it out. If you look closer, you may discover that it"s possible after all.
36.   A.    chocolate B. strawberry  C. vanilla       D. banana
37.   A.    just  B. only    C. still     D. ever
38.   A.    worried   B. crazy  C. doubtful     D. cheerful
39.   A.    customer B. engineer     C. executive    D. shopkeeper
40.   A.    pretended       B. decided      C. struggled    D. refused
41.   A.    stopped   B. continued   C. valued D. repeated
42.   A.    time B. effort  C. cost    D. speed
43.   A.    strange    B. familiar      C. terrible       D. popular
44.   A.    effect      B. reason C. problem     D. solution
45.   A.    prevented       B. encouraged C. let      D. allowed
46.   A.    matters    B. impresses   C. bothers -    D, concerns
47.   A.    looking   B. figuring     C, trying D. testing
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or un­finished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked with A, S, C and D, Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage.
Matt Scott, who was born with spina bifida (脊柱裂),grew up in Detroit, Michigan, where he participated in a variety of sports alongside his healthy friends. Now as a member of University of Wis­consin -Whitewater wheelchair basketball team, Scott has won four national championships, and hats" recently been selected to the Paralympic team for the second time. The 23 ― year 一 old college senior owes his achievements to his hard work and the support of his friends and family, who never allowed him to use his disability as an excuse. "My mother was always great. Whenever I felt giving up, she had no sympathy. She really helped me build my independence by not babying me the way other mothers would have," Scott says.
It was Scott" s independent nature and strong will, along with his on - the - court skills, that at­tracted the attention of America"s most influential sports apparel (衣服)company, Nike. Nike was searching for an athlete with a disability to represent its "Just Do It " trademark. A handful of super­star athletes with disabilities came to audition for the role, but the company picked Scott to star in the 30 一 second commercial.
"I think that they were looking for the prettiest face in America, and found me," Scott jokes about the selection process.
After being picked, Scott flew to California to film the commercial with Oscar - winning docu­mentary director Errol Morris. The ad gave Scott celebrity (名人)status in the community of disabled athletes. He"s been asked to speak at a number of disability - related events, and feels it"s his duty to use the media to draw attention to those with disabilities. "I"ve been given a voice, and I want to do whatever I can to break down the social barriers that are still faced by disabled athletes, and make people realize that they have a very high athletic level," Scott says.
56.When Scott was young,   •
A.he only played basketball with other disabled children
B.he became disabled during a basketball match
C.his friends looked down upon him during basketball matches
D.his mother didn"t give him special treatment
57.Nike chose Scott to star in its commercial for his   ________.
a. pretty appearance       b. independent nature
c. strong will  d. excellent basketball skills
e. status in the community of disabled athletes
A. bee     B. ade     C. abd     D. bed
58.The underlined phrase "audition for " in the second paragraph means " ".
A. try out for  B. look out for        C. take on      D. pick out
59.Which of the following about Scott is TRUE?
A.He has graduated from the University of Wisconsin ― Whitewater.
B.He thinks it"s unwise for the disabled to use disability as an excuse.
C.He starred in a commercial together with Errol Morris.
D.He thinks it"s important to have many goals.
60.To Scott, the most important result of the ad was that    . made people realize the athletic talent of the disabled gave him a chance to show his basketball skills
C.he could do more for disabled athletes
D.he was selected to the Paralympic team again
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in the numbered blanks by using the information from the passage. Write NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS for each blank.
If you are a mother and you have to give up your dream of receiving higher education due to the need to raise a family. Yet always keep that dream in the back of your mind while a tight schedule of lack of funding (资金)keeps you from pursuing it, then President Barack Obama may be able to help.
He is offering education money to help those women who pursue their dreams. The aid, in the form of a $ 10,100 scholarship, is meant for stay - at - home moms, single mothers, and other women who want to go back to school .
With this scholarship, the mom doing the studying will not have to work while going to school because the education will be paid for. Busy schedules are always an issue with mothers, but online education is available, which definitely frees up time that would otherwise be spent on the commute (往返路程)to and from class, All American women have access to the scholarship, which does not have to be paid back as student loans do.
If you"re wondering how going back to school could be beneficial to you, the answer is many ways. Such an education may give you the skills necessary to pursue the career you"ve been dreaming of, and you will be able to bring in more income to support your family. It will also make you feel more confident. Just think how nice that new diploma (毕业文凭)would look in one of your rooms, and how great you will feel as you are heading off to your first day at a new job! It will also make your children look up to you, and give them the courage to pursue their own dreams.
Take advantage of the scholarship now, because it won"t last forever, especially with money tighter than ever during this economic recession (经济衰退)
Obama Offers小题1:to Educate Mothers
The problem
Many mothers are小题2:to get higher education for many reasons, such as having to stay at home and raise a family or being unable to小题3:higher education.
Those qualified for the fun­ding
• Stay - at - home mother
• Single mothers
• Any woman who wants to小题4:
小题5:of getting the fun-
•  Receive an小题6:
•     No need to小题7:the scholarships
•     Gives them the skills小题8:to pursue an ideal career
•They can support their families more easily if they have more in­come
•     Cain小题9:
•Get respect from their children and sets a good example to them
Take advantage of this scholarship now.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

Directions: Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage and required words limit. Write your answers on your answer sheet
Imagine eating the dishes of 102 different countries in as many consecutive (连续的)days . That "s what Noah Galuten has done. He raced around the Southland (the name given to the are of towns and cities that surround Los Angeles county in California) for almost four months, indulging in (沉迷于)lunches, dinners and a few breakfast without a break.
Although he"s not chef (厨师),Galuten grew up around good food. His mother mainly cooked Italian food, and he recalled standing on a stool (板凳)making sauce when he was sue years old. He also cooked dinners for friends during his college years. And he had experimented and adapted food from many cultures.
Galuten"s food journey began after he graduated from college. Unemployed and back in Los Angeles, he decided to try something that he had a passion for. And he hoped it would help him keep his mind off his unemployment depression.
Then he set up a blog and began his food journey. The requirement was to eat one dish at each place. After each meal, he would write a blog about the food, the cost, the environment and the company, It was indeed an incredible challenge. Sometimes Galuten searched online and contacted a friend of a friend for a restaurant tip or seeking out local food companies, he mostly dined at inexpen­sive restaurants.
His journey also used up his savings. Galuten figured that he spent about $ 11, 000 during the 102 - day experiment, including groceries, meals, gasoline, rent and other living cost. Now that he has used up all his money and is $ 4, 000 in debt, he is seriously joy 一 hunting.
But he pointed out, "I feel very happy now, although I am in debt. It"s not to say that a lack of money has caused my happiness, because the feeling is not related to money at all. It* s more about doing that is important to you and sticking to what makes you happy, then making it the focus of your life."
81.What led Galuten to start his daily food journey? (no more than 10 words)
82.How did Galuten collect information for his food journey? (no more than 8 words)
83.What can we learn from Galuten"s words in the last paragraph? (no more than 12 words)
84.What is the passage mainly about ? (no more than 6 words )
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