第二节 完型填空(共20小题,小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文所给各题的四个选项(A, B, C, D)中选能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。In 19

第二节 完型填空(共20小题,小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文所给各题的四个选项(A, B, C, D)中选能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。In 19


第二节 完型填空(共20小题,小题1.5分,满分30分)
阅读下面短文,从短文所给各题的四个选项(A, B, C, D)中选能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。
In 1991, 1 spent five months in Niger. There were many things I found difficult about this place—the climate and beggars were my biggest complaints. One day, a friend and I  36  for neighbouringBurkina Faso to work in a health clinic. Arriving by taxi at our  37  in Burkina, we began to  38  . I had a large backpack and a smaller daypack. With my daypack between my legs, I reached for my larger piece of  39  . Out of the darkness, a motorbike with two men  40  slowly Without warning, one of the men grabbed my daypack  41  the motorbike swept close by. Within seconds, the two were out of sight,  42  up by the night. The bag had everything  43  to me, my passport, money and an airline ticket. I was in deep trouble. All I wanted was to leave this hell.
Then, walking through Burkina"s streets the following week, I was  44  rudely by an old woman who stretched her hand in my face. "Cadeau (gift)! Cadeau!" she  45  in French.
I"d had enough. I was sick and  46  of the country. I told her  47  in French, "I have no "cadeau". I have no money A thief stole all my money a week ago and now I can"t  48  your country. I cannot give you anything."
The beggar woman listened  49   and thought about my words. "Then I will give you a cadeau," she announced and  50  into the folds of her dress. Kindly, she placed an old, dark brown coin in my  51  .  I looked at it in  52  . It was an extremely small amount of money—but for this woman, the coin  53  a meal. At that moment, I saw the beauty of the  54  of Burkina Faso, and appreciated the kindness of me  55  .
36. A. went                  B. headed                   C. served                   D. worked
37. A. destination            B. spot                         C. goal                      D. station
38. A. rest                      B. dine                         C. load                             D. unload
39. A. equipment            B. furniture                  C. luggage                 D. medicine
40. A. rode                     B. drove                       C. approached            D. left
41. A. because                B. as                            C. until                         D. after
42. A. taken                   B. brought                    C. turned                   D. swallowed
43. A. memorable           B. important                 C. beautiful                  D. wonderful
44. A. cheated                B. charged                    C. stopped                    D. questioned
45. A. cried                    B. whispered                 C. threatened                D. demanded
46. A. fond                    B. proud                       C. aware                       D. tired
47. A. pleasantly            B. firmly                     C. actively                   D. bravely
48. A. get rid of             B. take advantage of     C. get out of                D. take notice of
49. A. attentively           B. anxiously               C. curiously                       D. coldly
50. A. reached               B. pulled                     C. looked                    D. came
51. A. pocket                       B. bag                         C. dress                      D. palm
52. A. fright                 B. disappointment         C. shock                     D. satisfaction
53. A. bought                B. meant                      C. ordered                   D. prepared
54. A. country                      B. society                    C. nature                     D. people
55. A. foreign               B. poor                        C .rich                        D. Female



Mr. Brozina is a single father and an elementary school librarian who reads aloud for a living. When his daughter, Kristen, hit fourth grade, he proposed The Streak: to see if they could read together for 100 straight bedtimes without missing once.
When The Streak reached 100, they celebrated with a pancake breakfast, and Kristen whispered, "I think we should try for 1,000 nights."
Mr. Brozina was delighted, but what he was thinking was, a thousand nights?! "I thought, we"ll never do it," he recalled. "And then we got to 1,000, and we said, "How can we stop?" "
For 3,218 nights (and some mornings, if Mr. Brozina was coming home too late to read). The Streak went on. It progressed from picture books to middle-school classics to Harry Potter, Agatha Christie, Dickens and Shakespeare, continuing on, until Kristen"s first day of college.
In those nine-plus years, they survived many close calls. When Kristen was still in elementary school, her father went to Washington. "The phone rang at 10:45 at the hotel and it was Kristen," Mr. Brozina recalled. "She said, "Dad, we forgot The Streak!" Fortunately, I always traveled with several books and we read right then and there."
This spring, Kristen graduated from Rowan" University. She has performed as you"d expect for a product of The Streak, an English major with a 3.94 average. She also won two national writing contests, was an editor of the humor arid literary publications and won the annual English department award.
56. According to the passage, Mr. Brozina and his daughter read together for          .
A. 100 bedtimes                           B. 1000 nights                          C. over nine years                           D. nearly 3000 nights and some mornings
57. In the passage, the underlined phrase in Paragraph 1 probably means _____.
A. the period of time for reading together    B. me children"s book                    C. the special night                      C. the school work
58. How has Kristen benefited from reading with her father?
A. She has grown closer to her father.        
B. She has become a school librarian herself. 
C. She has performed well at university.     
D. She has won many reading awards.
59. This passage is about a father who _____.
A. is very strict in his work         B. enjoys reading when travelling        
C. makes his daughter love reading D. has a hard time bringing up his daughter
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On the last day of his life, my dog Otto spent that morning of spring napping in the garden. This was always one of his favorite things to do, even before the days when he was too old and too weak to get out of a car by himself.
I probably would have started crying over Otto right then, if my two other little dogs hadn"t suddenly raced past. Larry, who was a puppy, got knocked into Otto, then licked Otto"s ear, and that got Otto excited, and Otto barked and tried to stand up again, but it was hard for him.
Soon it was time for me to drive to see Steve, our vet.
When Steve gave Otto the first shot, it made him woozy (眩晕的). Otto wandered over to where Steve and I were sitting and settled down between us. He has always liked to touch everyone in his pack, if possible, while he sleeps.
After Steve gave him the last shot and Otto stopped breathing, he didn"t look like Otto anymore. He looked like an old gray-brown piece of beat-up carpet, and I suddenly realized what bad shape he"d been in for a long, long time. I wondered if he"d been in much more pain than I knew. Wondering made me feel even worse.
The week after Otto died was not good. Every morning when I walked Larry and Sticky in the neighborhood, somebody would come up and say they had heard about Otto and they were sorry. They were all Otto"s friends and some of them cried. Others, like Debbie who lives on my street, reminded me about how, even at the end. Otto would stand between her twins" stroller (婴儿车) and the street when the garbage truck went by. "Like it was his job to protect them," she marveled.
Otto has left us, but his memory lives on.
60. How did the author feel when Otto was napping in the garden?
A. She felt like crying.                      B. She thought life was beautiful.           C. She found spring was wonderful.            D. She was relieved.
61. According to the passage, how did the dog die?
A. He had an accident on the street.         B. He died naturally.                  C. He was made to die by a vet.                   D. He starved.
62. What can we know about Otto?
A. He was already too old to bark.                            B. He liked people to keep him company.     C. He died a very painful death.                       D. He was protected by the neighbours.
63. We can see from the passage that Sticky is a ______.
A. cat                 B. dog             C. child            D. Neighbour
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Walking down the street the other day, I happened to notice a small purse on the sidewalk. I __36__ it up and opened it to see __37__ I could find out the owner’s name. There was __38__ inside it except some change and an old photo --- a picture of a woman and a young girl about twelve years old, __39__ looked like __40__ woman’s daughter. I put the photo back and took the purse to the police station, __41__ I handed it to the desk sergeant. Before I __42__, the sergeant took down my name and address in case the owner __43__ want to write and thank me.
That evening, I went to have __44__ with my aunt and uncle. A young woman had also been invited so that there would be __45__ people at the table. Her face was __46__. I was quite sure that we had __47__ before, but I could not remember where I had seen her. During the course of conversation, however, the young woman __48__ to mention (说起) that she had lost a purse with some change and an old photo, and she had the photo __49__ in her childhood. All at once I __50__ where I had seen her. She was the young girl in the photo, __51__ she was now much older. She was very __52__, of course, when I was able to tell her all about the __53__. My uncle insisted on going to the police station immediately __54__ the purse. As the police sergeant handed it over, he said that it was an amusing coincidence (巧合) that I had not only found the purse but also the __55__ who had lost it.
36. A. took         B. picked      C. brought       D. lifted
37. A. when        B. what        C. how         D. if
38. A. everything    B. anything     C. something    D. nothing
39. A. who         B. that         C. which        D. whom
40. A. a           B. an          C. the          D. one
41. A. where       B. when        C. which      D. what
42. A. arrived      B. left          C. went        D. turned
43. A. should       B. could        C. must        D. might
44. A. dinner       B. talk         C. party        D. meeting
45. A. two         B. three         C. four         D. five
46. A. familiar      B. same        C. famous      D. similar
47. A. seen         B. met          C. looked      D. talked
48. A. meant        B. happened     C. wanted      D. decided
49. A. found        B. made        C. lost          D. taken
50. A. wondered     B. believed     C. realized       D. regretted
51. A. unless        B. since        C. because      D. although
52. A. worried       B. sad         C. exciting      D. surprised
53. A. woman       B. purse        C. policeman    D. girl
54. A. for          B. with         C. by           D. to
55. A. man         B. citizen       C. person        D. Guest
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A man from Sri Lanka on Friday broke the Guinness world record for the longest time spent watching TV. He finished with 69 hours and 48 minutes.
Suresh Joachim did his TV viewing in the lobby (门厅) of WABC-TV as part of the “Guinness World Record Breaker Week ” on the TV talk show “Live With Regis and Kelly”.
After passing the previous record of 50 hours and 7 minutes Thursday, Joachim continued until about 7 am Friday.
Sitting on a brown leather couch, he watched nothing but ABC shows.
“I’m going to be a little tired of watching TV after this,” Joachim told reporters by phone during a brief break.
Rules of Guinness for the couch potato honor, allow for a five-minute break every hour and a 15-minute break every eight hours. The viewer must be constantly looking at the screen.
The hardest part, Joachim said on Live With Regis and Kelly, was “I couldn’t watch the people” — the many waving passers-by on the street outside the ABC studio.
Joachim, who lives in Toronto but comes from Sri Lanka, now holds more than 16 Guinness records, including the longest duration (持续) balancing on one foot (76 hours, 40 minutes) and bowling for 100 hours. He does it, he says, to raise awareness of suffering children.
64. Which paragraph shows the main idea of the passage?
A. The first paragraph.                                B. The last paragraph.
C. The second paragraph.                            D. The sixth paragraph.
65. How long had Joachim spent when the new “couch potato” record was made?
A. Half a week.                                   B. Less than two days.
C. 76 hours, 40 minutes.                             D. Nearly three days.
66. Which of the following phrases can replace the underlined word “constantly”?
A. All the time.  B. At times.  C. Some time.  D. Once upon a time.
67. What’s the biggest pity for Joachim when he did his TV viewing?
A. That Joachim could eat nothing.
B. That Joachim couldn’t watch the people outside.
C. That Joachim felt very tired.   
D. That Joachim didn’t have any time for a break.
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One day in early March of 1993, Pauline and Tom Nichter and their 11-year-old son Jason, were shopping for a toy in Buena Park, California. Suddenly, Pauline saw a wallet lying on the floor. When she looked inside, she found $200. The family, homeless and without work, knew that could change their lives. But they took the wallet to the nearby police station and turned it in. The wallet was found to have some other pockets, and more money in — over $2000! The police called the man who lost the wallet to pick it up. The man thanked the Nichters and shook their hands, but did not reward them. Luckily for the family, a TV news re­porter filmed the story. People from all over the world heard the story and sent them letters, money and even jobs. A businessman even let them live in his house for free for six months. So far, the family has received over $1, 000, 000. Now the Nichters’ future is bright.
68. The best title of the reading would be________.
A. Money Is Everything              B. From Have-nots to Haves
C. A Kind Businessman             D. A Lost Wallet and the Police
69. Who found out the “major part of the money” in the wallet?
A. The police.             B. Jason.
C. Someone else in the shop. D. The man who lost the wallet.
70. The words “reward them” in the reading means “_______”.
A. speak highly of the Nichters            B. give something to the Nichters
    C. pay the policemen                  D. meet the news reporters
71. Which of the following is true about the Nichters?
A. They got lots of money from a reporter.
B. They made friends with the loser of the money.
C. They worked for a business for half a year.
D. They became known to many people.
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