选编(十六)Dorothy Brown was very happy as she sat in the theatre listening to the mu

选编(十六)Dorothy Brown was very happy as she sat in the theatre listening to the mu


Dorothy Brown was very happy as she sat in the theatre listening to the music. Today her little daughter Lauren was giving her ___1___ concert. She had been waiting for this ___2___ for years and years. “Now it is here at last,” she thought. “How beautiful her ___3___ is.”
The song made her ___4___ to the days when she was Lauren’s ___5___. As a young ___6___, Dorothy wanted to be a concert singer. She studied ___7___ in France, Italy and in the United States. “You can become a fine ___8___ in the future,” her teachers told her. “But you must be ___9___ to study hard and work for many years. There will be ___10___ time for anything but music in your life.”
Dorothy was ___11___ at that time and she was ___12___ that music was all she wanted or needed to ___13___ her life. For almost a year Dorothy ___14___ of nothing else. Then she ___15___ David, a young engineer travelling Europe. They soon fell in ___16___. David asked her to be his ___17___. Dorothy also wanted to marry David. But she loved ___18___, too. She didn’t know what to do. David was against her being a singer. He said, “If you want to be a singer, you must forget about getting married. You can’t ___19___ do both.” Thus her days were gone and would never return.
Now Lauren became a singer instead of her, which was her ___20___.
1. A. sorry              B. successful           C. first         D. wonderful
2. A. dance              B. moment             C. show          D. party
3. A. voice              B. face                  C. dress          D. life
4. A. think of                  B. bring back           C. go back         D. come back
5. A. age                    B. friend               C. mother                D. teacher
6. A. musician                 B. pop star               C. lady                  D. girl
7. A. French            B. music                C. piano            D. dance
8. A. actress              B. student               C. singer         D. dancer
9. A. prepared           B. learning             C. driven         D. waiting
10. A. some              B. any                    C. no            D. enough
11. A. eight              B. eighteen              C. eighty         D. eighty-eight
12. A. lucky             B. sure                  C. afraid        D. fond
13. A. fill                     B. live                   C. lead          D. take
14. A. heard               B. knew                C. talked          D. thought
15. A. saw off           B. learned from       C. heard of      D. met with
16. A. love              B. feeling               C. music        D. touch
17. A. assistant         B. teacher               C. wife          D. student
18. A. him              B. engineering         C. herself       D. music
19. A. certainly          B. possibly              C. only          D. mainly
20. A. thought         B. hope                C. purpose      D. will


本文使用倒叙的形式述说了 Dorothy学习音乐的故事。一开始说小女儿举办音乐会,由女儿美丽的歌声想到自己年轻时候学习音乐的情况。Dorothy年轻时很有音乐天赋,先后在法国、意大利和美国学习音乐。不过由于偶遇 David并相爱,为了爱情而放弃了音乐的学习。不过让她可以感到欣慰的是女儿已成为歌唱家,完成了她的心愿。
1. C。由下文的“这一时刻她等了好多年了”来看,这里说的是女儿第一次演出。由于演唱会还没有开始,结果未知,因此可排除选项 A、B和D。
2. B。由下文知道,Dorothy Brown也曾学习过音乐,但由于认识 David并结婚而影响了自己在音乐方面的发展,现在正好让女儿来完成自己的心愿。由此可知,她“盼望这一时刻好多年了”。
3. A。由“今天小女儿 Lauren将举办演唱会”来看,此处说的是“她的声音真美”。
4. C。女儿的演出使她想到了和女儿一般大的时候的事情。下面是回忆自己以往学习音乐的情况。go back to the days…意为“回忆起……的日子”。
5. A。从下面的“当还是一个年轻姑娘时,Dorothy想成为一名歌唱演员”来看,Dorothy在和女儿差不多大的时候也曾学习过音乐。
6. D。当 Dorothy还是个小女孩时,她想成为一名歌唱演员。
7. B。由上下文可知“她曾在法国、意大利和美国学习过音乐”。
8. C。由上下文可知,此处是老师告诉她以后有能力成为一名出色的歌唱家。
9. A。前面说“你有能力成为一名出色的歌唱家”,现在话锋一转,“但是你必须愿意努力学习、刻苦勤奋很多年”。be prepared to do sth表示“有能力并且愿意做某事”。
10. C。这是老师继续说的话:在你一生中要把全部时间用于音乐,不能用在其他方面
11. B。由 Dorothy遇到了 David并与他结婚等来看,当时她的年龄不可能是 8岁、80岁或 88岁,当时 Dorothy为 18岁比较合理。
12. B。/13. A。听了老师的话,再加上当时她只有 18岁,“她确信音乐是充实她生活的全部内容”。fill one’s life为“填充生活,充实生活”。
14. D。有接近一年的时间,Dorothy什么也不想,这里说的是她一心扑在学习音乐上。
15. D。前面说她有一年的时间把心思全扑在学习音乐上,这里说的是“接着她遇到了在欧洲旅游的 David”,这动摇了她学习音乐的念头。meet with意为“遇到,偶然碰到”。
16. A。从下文 David要她做他的妻子及 Dorothy也想嫁给他等来看,这里说的是他们见面后不久就相爱了。fall in love (with sb / sth)意为“爱上某人或某物”。
17. C。从上文“他们相爱”可推测,此处说的是“David要她做他的妻子”。
18. D。Dorothy也想嫁给 David,“但是她也爱音乐”,她不知道怎么办,这就在嫁人与学习音乐方面产生了矛盾。
19. B。下文 David说学习音乐和结婚,“你二者不可能兼得”。possibly可以与 can’t连用,表示“不可能”。
20. B。从上下文特别是 Now Lauren became a singer instead of her可推测,Dorothy想成为歌唱家的愿望由女儿来完成了,故此处用 hope。will往往含有“遗嘱,遗愿”的意思,在此不太合乎情理。

My little Angel, you are teaching me how selfless real love is!
My wife called, “How long will you be with that   36 ? Will you come here and make your dear daughter eat her food?” I threw the paper away and rushed to the   37  . My daughter, Sindu, sat there,   38  welling up in her eyes. In front of her was a big bowl of rice.
   I   39  the bowl. “Sindu, darling, why don"t you take a few mouthful of this rice?”
  Sindu wiped her tears. “Ok, Dad. I will eat — not just a few mouthfuls,   40  the whole lot of this. But …You should…” Sindu hesitated. “Dad, if I eat this  41  rice, will you give me   42  I ask for?”
  “Promise”. I   43  the pink soft hand of my daughter with mine. Now I became a bit   44   . “Sindu, dear, you shouldn"t insist on getting a computer or any such   45  items. Dad does not have that kind of money right now.”
  Slowly and   46 , she finished eating the whole quantity. After that, Sindu came to me with her eyes wide with   47  . “Dad, I want to have my head shaved off(剃掉), this Sunday!”was her   48 .
On Monday morning, I  49  her at her school. It was a sight to watch my hairless Sindu walking towards her classroom. She turned around and   50  . I waved back with a smile. Just then, a boy, who just got out of a car, shouted, “Sindu, please wait for me!" What struck me was the hairless head of that boy.
“Sir, your daughter Sindu is   51  indeed!” Without introducing herself, a lady standing beside me continued, “that boy is my son Harish. He is suffering from a disease. He lost all his   52  due to the side effects of the treatment. He   53   to come back to school fearing the unintentional but   54  teasing(取笑)of the schoolmates. Sindu visited him last week, and promised him that she would take care of the teasing issue. But, I   55   imagined she would sacrifice her lovely hair for the sake of my son!”
36. A. bowl         B. newspaper              C. daughter            D. food
37. A. scene            B. kitchen              C. bedroom          D. study
38. A. surprise          B. anger                  C. tears                      D. smiles
39. A. took away        B. picked up            C. put aside          D. put down
40. A. and             B. so                   C. or                 D. but
41. A. delicious       B. terrible              C. entire                     D. wonderful
42. A. whatever         B. wherever             C. whichever             D. whenever
43. A. moved          B. hit                   C. covered               D. put
44. A. nervous          B. anxious               C. excited                D. confused
45. A. valuable             B. useful                C. wonderful        D. expensive
46. A. happily          B. excitedly          C. painfully         D. quietly
47. A. expectation       B. confidence            C. worry            D. curiosity
48. A. message         B. demand                C. note                D. sign
49. A. sent          B. helped             C. dropped               D. collected
50. A. shouted          B. smiled             C. waved            D. nodded
51. A. beautiful       B. lovely             C. faithful               D. great
52. A. friends        B. hair                C. hope               D. face
53. A. refused          B. wished                    C. intended               D. disliked   
54. A. kind                B. cruel                  C. harmless               D. rough
55. A. hardly           B. ever                   C. never                 D. nearly
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On a BA flight from Johannesburg, a middle-aged, well-off white South African Lady has found herself sitting next to a black man. She called a stewardess (女乘务员) over to complain about her seating.
“What seems to be the problem, Madam?” asked the stewardess. “Can’t you see?” she said, “You’ve sat me next to a kafir(异教徒). I can’t possibly sit next to this disgusting man. Find me another seat!” “Please calm down, Madam,” the stewardess replied. “The flight is very full today, but I’ll tell you what I’ll do — I’ll go and check to see if we have any seats available in club or first class.”
The woman cocked a snooty look at the black man beside her.
A few minutes later the stewardess returned with the good news, which she delivered to the lady, who could not help but look at the people around her with a smug and self-satisfied grin. “Madam, unfortunately, as I suspected, economy is full. I’ve spoken to the cabin services director, and club is also full. However, we do have one seat in first class.”
Before the lady had a chance to answer, the stewardess continued, “It is the most extraordinary to make this kind of upgrade, however, and I have had to get special permission from the captain. But, given the circumstances, the captain felt that it was outrageous(令人不能容忍的) that someone should be forced to sit next to such an obnoxious(讨厌的) person.” Having said that, the stewardess turned to the black man sitting next to the lady, and said, “So if you’d like to get your things, sir, I have your seat ready for you.”
At that point, the surrounding passengers stood up and gave an ovation(喝彩) while the black man walked up to the front of the plane.
64. Why did the middle-aged lady complain about her seating?
A. Because her seat was not near a window.
B. Because she sat next to a black man.
C. Because she wanted to have a seat in first class.
D. Because the stewardess didn’t answer her question.
65. The underlined words “an obnoxious person” in Paragraph 5 refers to “__________”.
A. the middle-aged lady              B. the black man
C. the stewardess                         D. the captain
66. From the passage we can infer that _________.
A. the middle-aged lady got a seat in first class
B. both the middle-aged lady and the black man got seats in first class
C. neither the middle-aged lady nor the black man got a seat in first class
D. the black man got a seat in first class
67. What can we conclude from the passage?
A. The white people always prefer seats in first class on a plane.
B. More and more passengers travel by plane.
C. The black people are still looked down upon by some whites.
D. Only whites are served well on a plane.
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“I didn’t think drugs were a big deal.”
“My mom started abusing drugs(毒品) when I was in fourth grade, so when a friend offered me weed in seventh grade, it didn’t seem wrong to try it. Pot made me feel distant from my misery at home, and I started smoking and drinking on a daily basis. Then my mother left. It broke my heart---I felt like she chose drugs over me. But that didn’t make me stop using them. I relied on weed to handle my pain and anger.”
---Megan, 18
“I did drugs so I would fit in”
“I started hanging with a crowd that was into drugs. I wasn’t into that stuff, but I didn’t have anyone else to hang out with, so I started smoking pot to fit in. My parents found out, and my mom started crying. I realized I wasn’t just hurting myself, I was hurting the people who loved me.”
---Lisa, 15
“I started smoking weed when I was in 6th grade. It seemed like a harmless drug. I was wrong---I’ve been smoking weed for three years now, and I’ve ditched all my old friends and probably blown a thousand dollars on pot. The short buzz of it just isn’t worth it.
---Justine, 14
“I wanted to rebel”
I tried marijuana because it gave me a sense of rebellions. I didn’t like always being told what to do, so smoking weed made me feel rebellious. However, I realized later it was silly to think that doing drugs will somehow make you different or unique.”
---Alice, 15
68. Which of the following is NOT a type of drug?
A. pot            B. buzz          C. weed          D. marijuana
69. Which of the following is most suitable for the blank?
A. I’ve lost all my friends by smoking weed
B. Using drug is harmful to all of us
C. I didn’t realize it would cost me so much
D. I don’t think it’s worth it
70. Those young people took drugs because of all the following EXCEPT ______.
A.lack of information               B.influence of the family
C.curiosity about the drug            D.a sense of rebellions
71. We could infer from the passage ______.
A.Megan’s mother didn’t love her much
B.Lisa started using drugs to please her friends
C.Justine started smoking when he was 12
D.Alice tired marijuana because it is different and unique
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Leif Erickson reached North America around the year 1000, but the attempt to explore was started slowly. It would be five centuries __1__ other Europeans landed on that continent.
Why were Europeans the ones to __2__ to the American? The Chinese and Arabs had the __3__ and technology to sail across the seas. __4__ of them tool regular voyages in the Indian Ocean and the Asian Pacific for trade. But exploration? By the mid-15th century China had followed the closed-door policy to __5__ itself from the rest of the world. The Arabs, with access to the minerals and spices (香料) of Africa and the Far East, saw no __6__ to journey into the unknown.
Europe, on the other hand, needed gold and silver; its mines could not __7__ the demand for coinage (铸币). Ottoman Turks blocked the routes across the land to Asia. Only the sea held the promise of new wealth.
__8__ the return of Magellan’s ships in 1522 from its voyage around the world, the belief was __9__ that the oceans were interconnected, promising the age of discovery. The English, as well as the Spanish, Portuguese and French, __10__ themselves to finding the “river of the west” through North America to the east.

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56. Hinny is filled with hope and inspiration to celebrate and protect the world"s environments. Looking through the book, he knows that every beautiful sight that meets his eyes is a precious dreamland worth preserving a special place that feels like Heaven on Earth.
57. Jumpy is pleased that his newly-bought book is a fascinating colorful guide to all the birds on the planet, their identification, structures and plumages, habitats, behaviors, and ranges.
58. Pope is using a film camera for his part-time photographs by means of his guide photography. To creative gift ideas to quality camera phone photography, he is armed with the practical know-how to get great images.
59. Jackson will get a wealth of ideas for making adve  
nture a part of his life with the magazine! He likes every issue of this magazine packed with breathtaking photography and compelling features on topics such as diving, snorkeling, skydiving, hang gliding, kayaking, rafting, sailing, climbing, hiking, and more.
60. Dingy is invited to join an excursion into the rich rhythms and textures of music from the far reaches of the world. He enjoys the diverse mix of memorable music from these special corners of the Earth as he browses through some of the fascinating cultural facts and maps of each region and then sets off for his destination!
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