


W:Would you like a cup of tea or coffee, Peter?
W:All right. I know tea has long been a favorite drink of Chinese.
M:Yes, it has been one of the most important traditions of Chinese culture.
W:By the way. Do you like Kangshifu Icy Black Tea?
M:__62__ You know, in China, people drink different tea in different seasons.
W:__63__ Tell me more about that.
M: As the Chinese saying goes, “Green tea is for summer, black tea is for winter and oolong tea works all year around.”
M:Spring is the season for flower tea, which can lift the spirit from drowsiness(昏昏欲睡).
M:Well, the cooling nature of green tea can counter(消除) summer heat, while the hot nature of black tea can help protect the body against the cold in winter.
A.That sounds interesting!
B.Then why do you choose green tea for summer and black tea for winter?
C.A cup of tea, thanks.
D.How about spring?
E.My favorite drink is juice.
F.Yes. I also like green tea very much.
G.I like tea very much.

61-65 CFADB


After the birth of my second child, I got a job at a restaurant. Having worked with an experienced 41   for a few days. I was   42  to wait tables on my own. All went   43  that first week. When Saturday night came,  I was luckily   44   the tables not far from the kitchen.   45  , I still felt it a little hard to carry the heavy trays(托盘).
Before I knew it, the   46   was full of people. I moved slowly,   47  every step. I remember how   48   I was when I saw the tray stand near the tables; it looked different from the one I was   49  on. It had nice handles, which made it   50   to move around. I was pleased with everything and began to   51  I was a natural at this job.
Then, an old man came to me and said, “Excuse me, dear, my wife and I loved   52   you work. It seems your tray stand has been very   53  to you, but we are getting ready to   54   now, and my wife needs her   55  back.”
At first his   56   did not get across. “What was he talking about!” Then, I got it. I had set my trays on his wife’s orthopedic walker(助步器). I stood frozen as ice, but my face was   57 . I wanted to get into a hole and   58 .
Since then, I have learned from many mistakes such as the one I just    59  . I have learned to be more   60  and not to be too sure of myself.
41. A. manager                B. assistant            C. cook                 D. waitress
42. A. promised            B. invited                     C. allowed             D. advised
43. A. well                   B. quickly             C. safely                D. wrong
44. A. left                            B. given                C. brought             D. shown
45. A. Therefore            B. However           C. Otherwise          D. Finally
46. A. kitchen               B. street                C. restaurant          D. table
47. A. minding                 B. changing           C. taking               D. saving
48. A. angry                 B. calm                 C. sad                   D. happy
49. A. fixed                  B. trained                     C. loaded               D. waited
50. A. slower                B. lighter               C. quieter                     D. easier
51. A. believe               B. agree                C. regret                D. pretend
52. A. letting                B. making             C. watching           D. having
53. A. useful                 B. familiar             C. unusual             D. interesting
54. A. rest               B. order                C. eat                    D. leave
55. A. bag               B. walker                     C. tray                  D. coat
56. A. idea                    B. praise                C. message            D. need
57. A. cold                   B. full of joy         C. pale                  D. on fire
58. A. lie                      B. hide                  C. defend                     D. stay
59. A. repeated                 B. discovered         C. corrected           D. described
60. A. clever          B. patient                     C. honest               D. Practical
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When I was a child, I often dreamed of the time when I could leave home and escape to the city. We lived on a farm, in the winter especially, we wear quite out off from the outside world. As soon as I left school, I packed my bags and moved to the capital.
However, I soon discovered that one big disadvantage is money. It costs so much to go out, not to mention basics like food and housing. Another disadvantage is pollution. I suffer from asthma(哮喘), and  the air is so bad that I am afraid to go outside. Then there is the problem of traveling round. Although I have a car, I seldom use it became of the traffic jams. One choice is to go by bicycle, but that can be quite dangerous.
Of course there are advantages. First, there is so much to do in the city, whatever you tastes in culture or entertainment(娱乐活动). Besides, there are wonderful jobs and greater chances of moving to a more important job or position. Finally, if you like shopping, the variety of goods is very surprising --- and , what is more, shops are often only a short walk away.
Is life better then, in the city? Perhaps it is , when you are in your teens(十几岁)or twenties. However, as you get older, and especially if you have small children, the peace of the countryside may seem preferable. I certainly hope to move back there soon.
61. What was the writer always thinking about when he was a child?
A. Staying on the farm.                B. Moving to the countryside.
C. Leaving home for the city.           D. Running away from the school.
62. Which of the following is true about the writer?
A. He is very old now.                 B. He is in good health.
C. He prefers driving a car.             D. He lives in the city now.
63. In the passage, the writer tries to __________.
A. express his opinions about way of life      B. describe his life in the countryside
C. an interest in the outside world            D. persuade the reader to live in the city
64. How is the passage mainly developed?
A. By inferring.         B. By comparing.       
C. By listing examples.   D. By giving explanations.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
One summer in college, I was invited to be an instructor at a high school leadership camp.
I first   16  a boy under the tree on the first day of camp. His obvious  17  and shyness made him appear weak and lonely. Nearby, 200  18  campers were playing and joking, but the boy seemed to want to be anywhere  19  where he was.
I was instructed to care more about campers who might feel   20 . So I  21  him and said, “Hi, I’m Kevin. It’s nice to meet you. How are you?”
 22  a shaky voice he  23  answered, “Okay, I guess.”
I calmly asked him to join in the activities and  24   some new people. He quietly replied, “No, this is not really my thing.”
I could  25  that this whole experience was  26  to him. But I somehow knew it wouldn’t be right to  27  him, either. It was going to take more time and  28  .
The next day, I was leading camp songs for the campers. They eagerly participated. But the boy was just sitting alone,  29  out the window.
That evening at our nightly staff meeting, I made my   30 about him known. I asked them to pay special attention and spend time with him   31  they could.
The days flew by fast. When the “last dance” came, surprisingly, the boy from under the tree was now a shirtless dancing  32 . He owned the dance floor   33   meaningful time with others. I couldn’t’ believe it was him.
In that instant, I realized how easy it is to give a bit of   34  every day. You may never know how much each gesture may mean to someone else. I tell this story as  35  as I can, and I advise others to look out for their own “boy under the tree.”
16.A.learned      B.recognized         C.noticed       D.heard
17.A.anger          B.discomfort          C.excitement         D.satisfaction
18.A.ambitious  B.curious       C.anxious      D.eager
19.A.other than B.just as        C.or rather    D.as well as
20.A.left out       B.put out       C.made out   D.let out
21.A.passed      B.left     C.visited        D.approached
22.A.At       B.In        C.On      D.By
23.A.unfortunately    B.unwillingly C.unconsciously    D.uninterestingly
24.A.help   B.interview   C.find    D.meet
25.A.sense          B.suggest      C.consider     D.prove
26.A.familiar      B.similar        C.strange      D.typical
27.A.push  B.pull     C.pardon       D.punish
28.A.effects        B.exercises   C.efforts        D.expenses
29.A.observing  B.examining C.admiring    D.staring
30.A.trouble       B.concern      C.devotion    D.understanding
31.A.unless         B.before        C.when D.since
32.A.wonder      B.danger       C.scene          D.instructor
33.A.sparing       B.saving         C.spreading  D.sharing
34.A.himself       B.yourself      C.themselves        D.itself
35.A.soon  B.far      C.often D.long
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Chen Yurong, 55, an average woman in Wuhan, Hubei province, who was diagnosed with a fatty liver (肝), walked 10 kilometers a day for seven months, despite wind an rain, so she could donate part of a healthy liver to her son. After wearing out four pairs of shoes and losing eight kilograms, her fatty liver condition disappeared. One doctor called it a “miracle” (奇迹).

Hear 31 – year – old son, Ye Haibin suffered from severe Wilson’s disease, a rare disorder that causes body to keep copper. Doctors said only a liver transplant could lengthen his life. Despite her age and the knowledge that about one in 1,000 liver donators die after the transplant, Chen said she did not hesitate to donate part of her liver.“In order to give my young granddaughter a complete family, I’d
like to do everything to save my son, including doing exercise and
eating less”, Chen said.
The transplant was performed on November 3,2009. The surgery
lasted more than 14 hours and saved her son from life threatening
liver disease. State – owned CCTV broadcast the transplant live and
she has been widely praised in China.
However, the 55 – year – old mother said she never expected
such attention, which did bring her hope and help from many others
– even stingers. Despite giving up part of her liver, Chen, like before,
gets up at 6 am to help her son wash and take his medicine. Moved
by Chen Yurong’s love for her son and her determination and effort, the hospital paid the entire medical bill, which would have added up to 600,000 yuan (US$ 85,715).
The great mother, Chen Yurong was honored as the most touching figure in China for 2009.
36.What can we learn about Chen Yurong according to the passage?
A.She together with her son lives a poor life.
B.She herself is in good health all the time.
C.She is willing to do everything for her son.
D.She wants to win other’s attention and praise.
37.Which of the following can best describe Chen Yurong’s behavior?
A.generous   B.aggressive          C.reasonable         D.awesome
38.Which of the following statements is Not true according to the passage?
A.Chen Yurong took exercise and ate less to keep slim.
B.Many people and organizations have helped the family.
C.Liver donators might lose their lives after the transplant.
D.Chen Yurong and her son have been through the hardest time.
39.What would be the best title for the passage?
A.A lucky son                   B.A successful operation
C.A miracle            D.A great Mother
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

I will never forget the summer back in 1969.Funds were  36  because my parents were building a new house.The last few days before payday were the  37   There just wasn"t enough food to go around.I can remember  38   we waited for payday as if it were a holiday.My father would stop at the  39   on the way home from work so that my mother could goshopping when he got home.We enjoyed going to the grocery store with her.We would dream about  40   the whole store home.When we returned home, my sisters and I were like a pack of wolves _41_ through the bags.On payday we would  42  until we were ready to burst,knowing that as the week progressed,  43  would become less available.We never had any lunch money. 44   did we have the proper school supplies or nice clothes to wear.The other children often made  45  of us.
One day my father told us he  46   where there were some wild blueberries growing.We had permission to go and   47   them and we were so excited.
I can remember being out there in the hot sun all day picking blueberries.When we got 48_, my mother decided to make a blueberry pie.She spent half the day working on it.We couldn"t wait.The   49   of it baking in the oven was driving us crazy.We all waited in the 50  and my mother got angry.She put the pie on the top shelf to  51  while we ate our dinner.
After dinner we raced to the kitchen.I was the  52  one to get to the shelf.I  53  forthe pie and started climbing down.Then it happened! I lost my  54   and let go of the pie.Allthe hard work we had done that day had been  55
36.A.enough           B.helpful            C.tight               D.available                                        
37.A.shortest           B.worst              C.busiest        D.best                                                          
38.A.how                   B.why             C.where         D.what                                                               
39.A.bank               B.store               C.school         D.park                                                               
40.A.fetching          B.borrowing         C.bringing      D.keeping                     
41.A.biting             B.tearing            C.looking     D.breaking                  
42.A.eat                B.wait              C.fight         D.play                       
43.A.storage             B.time              C.supply       D.food            
44.A.Nor               B.So                C.Either        D.Also                    
45.A.use               B.light              C.sense        D.fun                          
46.A.recognized         B.realized           C.knew          D.wondered                  
47.A.plant              B.water             C.sell          D.pick                       
48.A.up                B.back              C.down          D.off                 
49.A.smell             B.skill              C.act         D.taste           
50.A.bedroom          B.kitchen            C.house             D.queue                       
51.A.prepare            B.bake              C.warm         D.cool                   
52.A.first               B.last               C.former      D.latter                    
53.A.shouted            B.hunted            C.cared         D.reached                    
54.A.temper            B.weight            C.balance        D.way                      
55.A.enjoyed           B.destroyed          C.stopped        D.Lost
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