二、完形填空(每小题1.5分,共30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的四个选项(A,B,C和D)中,选出最佳选项。The famous scient

二、完形填空(每小题1.5分,共30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的四个选项(A,B,C和D)中,选出最佳选项。The famous scient


The famous scientist Albert Einstein died in 1955.His___36__ now is in the central state of Kansas of the U.S. It belongs to a retired (退休的) ___37__ doctor, Thomas Harvey. ___38__ did this happen? And why?
In the 1950s,Albert Einstein and Thomas Harvey __39__ each other when they both lived in Princeton, New Jersey. Einstein was working at Princeton University____40__ Doctor Harvey was working at Princeton Hospital. When Einstein died, Doctor Harvey was __41__ to examine his body. It was then that he started to study __42__ has become a long time examination of Einstein"s brain. His goal was to __43__ some physical evidence(证据)of the scientist"s genius(才华)。
Doctor Harvey, ___44__, did not tell Einstein"s family that he __45__ the great man"s brain. It was only later ___46__ the family learned of Doctor Harvey"s work. They did not ___47__ the idea at first. After Doctor Harvey explained his idea to them, they agreed to __48__ him to study the brain Doctor Harvey then asked __49__ scientists to help. They cut the brain __50__ three pieces. They marked each piece before placing it in containers __51__ chemical formaldehyde(甲醛)to protect it. Doctor Harvey has been ___52_ Einstein"s brain since then. He has carried it with him as he moved from place to place. He has also lent parts of the brain to other scientists ___53__ study.
Only one researcher has found something ___54__. A doctor at the University of California found that the left part of Einstein"s brain has more certain cells(细胞)than __55__. Such cells are known to feed brain. She this may mean that the cells could affect intelligence.
36.A. body             B. heart                 C. brain                 D. head
37.A. actual           B. chemical           C. natural                     D. medical
38.A. What            B. How                 C. Who                 D. Which
39.A. realized             B. recognized         C. learned              D. knew
40.A. as                     B. because             C. while                D. since
41.A. called on       B. called at            C. sent up                 D. sent off
42.A. which               B. how                  C. that                   D. what
43.A. Invent              B. discover            C. prove                D. examine
44.Aperhaps              B. therefore           C. thus                 D. however
45.A. bought                 B. sold                  C. kept                  D. made
46.A. that                  B. when                C. before               D. after
47.A. hear of                 B. like                   C. suggest              D. offer
48.A promise              B. let                    C. have                 D. permit
49.A. other two          B. two other          C. more two          D. two another
50.A. off                   B. by                    C. into                  D. about
51.A. for                   B. about                C. of                        D. with
52.A. learning            B. studying            C. searching           D. selling
53.A. for                   B. on                    C. into                  D. about
54.A. easy                  B. difficult            C. particular          D. common
55.A. ever                  B. enough              C. usual                 D. Normal


David, a French priest(牧师)of thirty-six, was sent to China by the church in 1872.He did well in the natural and social science besides his religious activities(宗教活动)。He was also very interested in the rare wild animals and plants in China.
On May 4th, 1879, after searching half a month in the western part of Baoxing, Sichuan the hunters hired(雇用)by David succeeded in bringing him a "black-and-white bear". "The bear is extremely lovely", he wrote in his diary excitedly. Meanwhile, he felt it might be a new species (物种)never discovered by scientists.
He then decided to send it to Paris for a further study. Unfortunately the poor "black-and white" bear died of Jolts(颠簸)of the mountain roads and the climatic (气候)change. He had to send its pelt (皮毛)to the National Museum in Paris for display (展览)。In fact, the so-called "black-and white" bear was neither a bear nor a cat. After a complete study, Milla Edwards, head of the museum, judged that it was a new species. He gave the "giant panda".
The discovery made the world excited and Baoxing was also made famous for "home of the giant panda"
60.From the passage we can see that David mainly came to China to ____.
A. learn Chinese science and history     B. look for a panda for church
C. do something on religion(宗教)       D. study the wild animals and plants in China
61.The word "rare" in this passage means ____.
A. very hard to find  B. worth no money  C. easy to find    D. running very fast
62.The first giant panda was caught ____.
A. by David, a French priest        B. quite by accident
C. with a lot of difficulty            D. after the hunters followed it for half a month
63. Which of the following is not true according to the passage?
A. The giant panda died when it was on display.  
B. David had never seen a giant panda before.
C. Milla was sure the animal was neither a bear nor a cat.
D. The discovery made the world excited with interest
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Kerry and Alice were both artists in Britain. They taught drawing and painting at Cambridge University. Although they were friends, each thought oneself to be the better painter.
One day, Kerry promised marriage to Alice. Surprised and pleased by the offer, the girl was not sure whether she would spend her future as a wife or a painter. After a moment she replied as follows, "Each of us must paint a picture. If yours is superior to mine, you can make me your wife. If not, please drop the question." Then it was decided to give it the following day.
The next morning. Alice hung her picture on the gate. It showed a bunch of flowers and won high praise from everyone who passed by. In fact, a crowd collected in front of her masterpiece and fixed eyes on it.
Several hours passed. Then Kerry was seen coming along to the gate with what appeared to be a beautiful leather suitcase in his hand. When he finally stopped before Alice, the girl artist brushed like a rose and agreed to marry him without any hesitation. Why?
64.What did Alice think Kerry"s offer?
A. She liked Kerry, but she didn"t expect him to promise marriage to her.
B. She didn"t want to marry anybody.
C. She didn"t like it at all.
D. She thought the offer wasn"t polite.
65.In the sentence "If yours is superior to mine, you can make me your wife"。 "superior to" here means ____.
A. not so better than   B. better than     C. so good as   D. as good as
66.  Which of the following is true?
A. Kerry didn"t accept Alice"s suggestion.
B. Kerry wasn"t sure of his painting so he dropped his offer.
C. Kerry did go the next day, but he failed to take a picture
D. Kerry agreed to Alice"s suggestion.
67.Alice"s picture won high praise because ____.
A. it was true to nature                        B. the flowers were red
C. it showed so large a bunch of flowers          D. people felt it strange to hang it on the gate
68.The "leather suitcase" was in fact ____.
A. a real one                                  B. a painting drawn by Kerry
C. a box with a picture in it                      D. made up of leather
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When I was a child , I remember that my mother decided that we would take a trip to visit my Aunt Sandy who lived in Mammoth Lakes, California. I was about 7 at the time but my memory does not fail me because I can recall my personal details .
We were sitting in the kitchen getting ready to have peanut butter and suddenly without warning the room started shaking. I remember thinking that it was weird(怪异)that construction workers must have been moving the house or something, but that it was weird that they would do it when we were still in it. I had a vivid imagination too. So everything started shaking and my aunt had this horrible look on her face as she dropped the knife of peanut-butter onto the ground and held on to the counter. My mom told me to get under the table, which as I think back was odd because what was happening was from the ground so what good was getting under a table going to do. The kitchen window soon broke out on its own from the force of all the shaking and I started getting pretty scared(害怕). I don’t think my aunt moved the entire time. My mom had gotten under the table with me and was holding me to make sure I was OK I suppose. It seemed strange because no one really knew what to do.
So finally the shaking stopped. The power was out and it took minutes before anyone really even started to move and talk again. My mother decided that we would leave the next morning. I don’t remember if we were only planning to stay for one night or if we were just stopping by on our way to Fresno where my mom had friends.
56.The first paragraph is mainly to tell us that the writer_________.
A.was eager to see Aunt Sandy      B.was too young to do anything
C.doesn’t remember anything at all    D.still remember what happened when young
57.While they were sitting in the kitchen__________.
A.the construction workers moved the house    
B.the kitchen window broke out on its own
C.a terrible earthquake took place suddenly     
D.they were warned to leave the room at once
58.Aunt dropped the knife of peanut-butter onto the ground because_________.
A.she was very busy   B.she was too frightened
C.everything shook hard    D.she didn’t use it any more
59.From the last paragraph we can know that________.
A.everyone began to make the house clean and tidy
B.the writer’s mum decided to leave immediately
C.the electricity was cut off completely at home
D.everyone started to talk about the shaking loudly
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Snoopy and Lou were robbers. Half a year ago, they decided to plan another bank robbery. It was to be their last one. Then they would give up this business and live a comfortable life. The job was so well done that the judge who sent them to prison for fifteen years each said it was the cleverest robbery of the century, and what a pity it was that their car had used up its petrol not far from the bank.
After they were in prison for a few weeks, Snoopy and Lou decided to escape. Soon they worked out a plan as good as any they had ever made. Even the smallest points were considered carefully. They planned as a team because they lived in the same room, and because the guards, who had a great deal of respect for the famous robbers, left them very much alone. They decided the quickest and safest way to escape was to squeeze themselves along a drain form their present workplace in the prison to a quiet country road on the other side of the prison wall.
The great day arrived, and the pair started along the drain. With great difficulty, they squeezed themselves along for what seemed ages. In half an hour , they could see daylight. When they got out, the men were so pleased with themselves at their success that they sloped each other on the back. It was only then that they realized they were not alone. They looked around, they found themselves facing thirty astonished policemen, who were carrying musical instruments of various sorts. The next morning, the same judge seemed very sorry as he told Snoopy and Lou that the plan of the prison drain system, which they had studied so carefully, was more than twenty years old, and that the quiet country road was no longer there. The drain now led directly to the parade ground where the police band had just finished practicing when the two robbers appeared before them.
64.What was Snoopy and Lou’s plan to escape from the prison?
A.They planned to run away while working
in the prison workplace.
B.They planned to climb over the prison wall, on the other side of which was a quiet country road.
C.They planned to crawl along the drain which led to a country road
D.They planned to get to the parade ground through the drain which was empty when the police band was not practicing.
65.Snoopy and Lou failed in their plan to escape because_________.
A.they did not play well before hand
B.they were not quick enough in their action
C.the policemen had been keeping a watchful eye on them
D.the map of the prison drain system they used was out of date
66.According to this article, which of the following statements is true?
A.When Snoopy and Lou went out of the drain, thirty policemen were waiting for them.
B.When Snoopy and Lou found themselves facing thirty policemen, they turned round and ran in the direction of the country road.
C.The policemen caught Snoopy and Lou by chance
D.The policemen were frightened more than surprised when the two robbers suddenly appeared before them
67.It seemed the judge________.
A.admired Snoopy and Lou for their cleverness
B.felt very proud to try the two famous robbers for their crime
C.was very angry at Snoopy and Lou’s breaking the law again and again
D.was sad at Snoopy and Lou’s breaking the law again
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第二节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)
Ted Thomason was considered one of the students who showed the least interest in school. Whenever Miss Daisy talked with him, he would answer with a   41    “yes” or “no”. He was always in dirty clothes. His hair was   42    combed(梳). No one liked him. Miss Daisy had to admit that she felt sort of improper   43    when she graded his paper with an “F” (Fail).
It was Christmas. Presents from the boys and girls were piled up on her desk. Miss Daisy was   44   to find one of them was from Ted. It was an ugly   45    with half of the stones missing. The students raised a great noise at Ted’s present, but Miss Daisy realized she must put it on and   46    the class. She even asked whether it looked pretty   47    her. Class was over, and   48    all went home, Ted went up to the desk and, in a(n)   49    voice, he said, “Miss Daisy, Miss Daisy … I am so glad you   50    my present. You smile like my mother and her necklace is really beautiful on you.” After Ted   51   , Miss Daisy fell on her knees, begging God to forgive her: Ted’s mother   52    just a year ago and she was treating him in a way she shouldn’t be!
The next day, the children found a completely new teacher. Miss Daisy  53    into a different person. She did all she could to help each child in her class,   54    those with poor lessons and among them was Ted. At the end of the year, Ted made great    55 _. He caught up with most of the class, and   56    got ahead of some of them. Several years later, Ted graduated with honors from high school; another four years, Ted left his   57   as a best graduate. Again four years later, Miss Daisy received a letter,   58   her to Dr. Ted Thomason’s wedding. Of course, she   59   the party. And she was set in the seat intended for Ted’s   60    — her love and what she did were unforgettable for Ted all his life.
41. A. cold            B. happy               C. silent             D. direct
42. A. often         B. sometimes          C. never                   D. always
43. A. dislike               B. pride              C. disappointment     D. pleasure
44. A. surprised             B. happy              C. interested          D. puzzled
45. A. chain            B. necklace            C. watch             D. dress
46. A. frighten              B. comfort            C. calm            D. punish
47. A. around         B. on                 C. over                    D. with
48. A. since           B. until               C. before           D. after
49. A. friendly              B. eager              C. excited            D. worried
50. A. receive       B. praise              C. recognize          D. like
51. A. cried         B. talked              C. left               D. finished
52. A. visited         B. died                       C. disappeared        D. suffered
53. A. changed              B. grew              C. got                     D. went
54. A. exactly       B. completely           C. namely             D. especially
55. A. interest          B. presents                C. progress           D. necklaces
56. A. ever                  B. even              C. still             D. yet
57. A. college       B. school             C. class              D. course
58. A. reminding            B. requiring            C. telling           D. inviting
59. A. answered             B. attended            C. accepted         D. organized
60. A. teacher       B. friend              C. mother                  D. Lover
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