Human Relations ----- By Marion Williams A boy was born to a couple after eleven

Human Relations ----- By Marion Williams A boy was born to a couple after eleven


Human Relations
----- By Marion Williams
A boy was born to a couple after eleven years of marriage. They were a loving couple and you can imagine how excited they were. Certainly the boy was   1   as the apple of their eyes.
One morning, the husband saw a medicine bottle   2  .As he was late for work, he asked his wife to cap the bottle and ___3____. The mother, who was busy in the kitchen,   4    the matter. The boy playfully went to the medicine bottle, was    5   with its color,and drank it all. It   6    to be a poisonous medicine    7    adults in small dosages. When the child showed   signs of poisoning, the mother took him to the hospital,  8  he died. The mother was stunned(使昏迷).She was too   9    to face her husband. When the   10   father came to the hospital and saw the dead child, he   11   his wife and uttered just four words.  
The husband just said “   12    ”
The husaband was indeed   13    in human relationships.The child was dead. He could   14   be brought back to life. There was no   15   in finding fault with the mother.   16   , if only he had taken time to keep the bottle in the cupboard or other place, this would not have happened. No one is   17   . She had also lost her only child .What she needed at that moment was consolation(安慰,慰藉) and   18   from the husband. That was what he gave her.  
If everyone can look at life with this kind of perspective(观点), there would be much fewer  problems in the world. Sometimes we spend time in asking who is    19    or whom to blame, whether in a relationship, in a job or with the people we know. By this way we   20   some warmth in human relationship .
1.A.treated              B.thought                   C.ignored                   D.abandoned
2.A.shut                  B.close                      C.bare             
3.A.put it aside        B.set it aside              C.put it away              D.leave it alone
4.A.completely forgetting                            B.wholly terrified
C.totally forgot                                        D.absolutely remembered
5.A.satisfied            B.fascinated               C.puzzled                   D.calmed
6.A.happened          B.seemed                   C.appeared                 D.uttered
7.A.stood for           B.made for                 C.meant for                  D.called for
8.. A.when               B.then                       C.but                         D.where
9.A.ashamed            B.frightened              C.annoyed                  D.worried
10.A.awful             B.angry                     C.distraught               D.patient
11.A.looked at    B.stared at                  C.glared at                 D.amazed at
12.A.I hate you, now.                                  B.How do you do?
C.How did this happen?                           D.I love you, Darling.
13.A.a idiot             B.a genius                 C.a success                 D.a evil
14.A.never              B.seldom                   C.even                       D.once
15.A.wonder            B.point                     C.pleasure                  D.worry
16.A.Therefore        B.Otherwise              C.Besides                  D.However blame be blamed  be accused  be noticed
18.A.explanation      B.courage                  C.excuse                    D.sympathy
19.A.suitable           B.believable           C.accessible                D.responsible
20.A.make out         B.look out                  C.stand out                 D.miss out

1---20    ADCCB  ACDBC   ADBAB   CADDD  

一各男孩诞生于一对夫妇结婚11 年之后。他们是一对恩爱的夫妇,男孩是他们的掌上明珠。当男孩约在两岁时,一天早上,丈夫看见一瓶药瓶打开了。由于他上班快迟到了,所以他要他的妻把这药瓶放在碗柜里。他的妻子全神贯注在厨房里,忘了此事。男孩子看见这药瓶并且被它的颜色迷住,要拿这瓶玩,并且喝光它。它碰巧是一种小剂量方面计划是要给成年人的有毒的药。当孩子倒下时,他母亲急忙的送他到医院。他死了,母亲被吓昏了。她害怕的不知如何面对她的丈夫。当这精神涣散的父亲来到医院,看见死亡的孩子时,他看了他的妻子并且仅仅说了4 个字......。
1.A。treat…as…“把…….视为/看作”,如:He treated his mistake as a joke. 他把他的错误当作玩笑看待。;think of……as….;ignore不理睬;忽视,及物动词。如:I tried to tell her but she ignored me. 我打算告诉她,可是她不理睬我。又如:"Ignore the child if he misbehaves, and he"ll soon stop." "小孩不乖时,别去理他,不久他就会不闹了。";abandon也是及物动词,意为“抛弃;舍弃;离弃”,如:abandon one"s home离弃家园,又如:They abandoned the game because of rain. 因为下雨比赛停止了。
2.D。根据后面的cap(vt.盖上),可以看出,此处应填open(adj. 开着的, 敞开的);shut(v.关闭,关上);close  adj. 近的, 紧密的;bare adj. 赤裸的, 无遮蔽的, 空的。
3.C。put…away“收起来放好,保存好”;put…aside“(暂时)放在一边”;set…aside     “取消, 驳回”;leave… alone“不关,不理”。只有C符合句意。
5.B。fascinate迷住, 使神魂颠倒; 吸引; 使感兴趣,如:The changing vivid colours of the sunset fascinated the eye. 日落时变化多端的色彩使人看得入迷。其它选项不符合语境意思。又如:He"s fascinated with Buddhist ceremonies. 他迷上了佛教的仪式。
6.A。happen to(和名词连用)临到...头上(某情况, 尤指不幸的事); (和动词连用)偶然; 碰巧,如:I happened to be in the market yesterday when a fire started. 昨天发生火灾时,我正好在市场上。又如:I happened to see Peter on the way to the bookstore yesterday. 昨天我去书店的路上碰巧遇见了彼得。It seems to be…(似乎)和It appears to…不符合句意;utter“发出, 做声, 发表”。
7.C。mean“意欲;意思是”,meant for为过去分词作定语。mean sth. for sb.如:He means this house for his daughter. 他预定把这栋房子给女儿。This was meant for a joke. 这是笑话,又如:He was meant for [to be] a doctor. 本来是准备把他培养成为医生的。Stand for“代表, 代替, 象征, 支持”;call for“要求, 提倡, 为...叫喊”;make for“最理想的,最适宜的,配合,移向;走向” 如:be made for each other是天生的一对,又如:The large print makes for easier reading.大号字体便于阅读。本题易误选B。
8.D。where引导非限制性定语从句。Then多数情况下表顺序,如:He had a bath and then went to bed. 他洗了个澡,然后睡觉了。I cooked the meat and then I washed the pot. 我烧好肉,然后刷了锅。本题易误选C。
9.B。frightened“受惊吓的,害怕的”;ashamed“惭愧的, 羞耻的”;annoyed     “使不高兴, 使烦恼”,如:I was annoyed by his bad manners. 他的无礼使我恼怒。;worried“闷闷不乐的,为难的,焦虑的”。
10.C。distraught“心神错乱的; 发狂的”;awful“可怕的, 威严的, <口>极度的, 糟糕的”;根据语境,只有C和句意吻合。本题易误选D。
11.A。根据上下文可以看出答案是looked at“看”:stare at“盯着看(at); 凝视; 瞪眼看”,如:He stared at the word trying to remember what it meant. 他盯着这个单词,努力想记起它的意思。;glare at“怒目而视”,指由于“羡幕、恐惧、惊讶或愚蠢而用恐吓、凶狠或愤怒的眼光看”如:The old gentleman just stood there glaring at the pickpocket and did not say a word. "这位老先生只是站在那里对那个扒手怒目而视,一句话也没有说。";amaze at“使惊奇;使吃惊”,如: Her knowledge amazes me. 她的学识令我吃惊。又如:I was amazed by the news of George"s sudden death. 听到乔治突然去逝的消息,我感到惊愕。本题易误选B。
13.B。genius“天才,天才人物”,如:Einstein was a genius. 爱因斯坦是一个天才。;a idiot“白痴, 愚人, 傻瓜”;a success“成功的人或事”;a failure“失败的人或事”
15.B。考查对上下文的理解。孩子已经死了,再追究...就没有意义了。point“要点;意/含义;论点;寓意”如:I don"t see the point of waiting for her, she is probably not coming. 我不知道等她有什么意义,她可能不来了。I don’t see your point. 我不懂你的意思。
16.C。Besides“另外; 此外”起补充作用,如:It"s too late to go to the basketball match now; besides it"s beginning to rain. 现在去看篮球比赛已经太晚了, 何况, 又开始下雨了。Therefore“因此, 所以”,含有因果关系,不合适; Otherwise“(用于推论)因而,因此”We do not have enough money. Therefore we cannot afford to buy the new car. 我们的钱不够,因此买不成这辆新车。However“虽然如此, 可是, 仍然, 然而”
17.A。be to blame [习惯用语] “应受谴责”,如:The children were not to blame. 孩子们不应受到谴责。The driver was not to blame for the traffic accident. 那次交通事故不应该责怪司机。accuse“控诉; 起诉”, accuse sb. of ... [习惯用语]“ 指控某人...”,如:He was accused of stealing by the police. 警方控告他犯有盗窃罪。本题易误选B。
18.D。根据前面的consolation 的含义,可以判断出and后应用sympathy“同情; 怜悯”; explanation“解释”;courage“勇气”;excuse“借口,理由”,都不符合语境。
19.D。根据后面的or whom to blame,可以判断出答案。accessible “容易取得的;容易接近的,容易受影响的”。本题易误选B。
20.D。miss out“遗漏”;make out“说明, 设法应付, 理解, 辨认出,了解”;look out“留神, 照料”;stand out     “站出来, 突出, 坚持抵抗,醒目”。

During the years of depression(萧条), food and money were very hard to find and people had to trade things with each other.  
One day I was   36   some potatoes from Mr Miller. I noticed a small poor boy hungrily   37   a full basket of   38   green peas. Then I was  39   to see that Mr Miller sold the boy a bag of peas   for just a marble (弹球).
Mrs Miller, who had been standing nearby,    40   and told me that Mr Miller loved to  trade with the three boys in the village for peas, tomatoes, and other things  41   he didn’t really need any marbles. I left the stand, smiling to myself,   42   by this man.
Several years went by. One day I learned that Mr Miller had died. I took part in the funeral(葬礼),  43   three young men . They came over to Mrs Miller, hugged her, kissed her on the cheek, spoke with her and moved on,   44   their eyes.
Our 45   came to meet Mrs Miller. I mentioned 46   she had told me about the 47 . She told me,“Those three young men above were the boys I told you about. They just told me   48  they appreciated the things Jim‘traded’with them. Now, at last, they came to pay their debt.”  
“We’ve 49   had a great deal of the wealth in this world,” she added, “but right now, Jim would consider himself to be the  50   man.”
Then she gently lifted the   51   fingers of her husband. Resting underneath were three red marbles.
At that time I realized that we would not be  52    by our words, but by our kind  53  . It is said that it takes a minute to find a    54  person, an hour to appreciate him, a day to love him, but an entire life to  55   him.
James Barry
36.A.buying                 B. selling                      C.borrowing                 D. hunting
37.A.glaring at                 B. glanced at                 C. staring at                  D.watched at
38. A. picking fresh      B.freshly picked            C. picked freshly           D.fresh dried
39. A. astonished           B. amazed                    C. annoyed                   D.worried
40.A.turned over           B.going over                 C. came over                D.coming over
41.A.but                       B. otherwise                 C. or                               D. although
42.A.suspected              B.impressed                 C.regreted                    D.embarrassed
43.A.saw                      B.discovering                C.finding                  D.seeing
44.A.closing                 B.wiped                                 D.wiping
45.A. time                    B. chance                     C. turn                         D. decision
46.A. the story             B. the proverb          C. the legend                  D. the joke
47.A. marbles               B. men                         C. debt                         D. life
48.A.why                    B. how                         C. when                       D. what
49.A. ever                    B. always                        C. never                       D.seldom
50.A. honest                 B. happiest                   C. coldest                        D. richest
51.A. lifeless                B. regretless                  C. useless                        D. hopeless
52.A. thought               B. touched                    C. remembered             D. affected
53.A.deeds                   B. things                      C. remarks                    D.rewards
54.A. strict                   B. honest                      C. special                            D. learned
55.A.ignore                  B. forget                      C. recognize                 D.remind
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A person may have an idea about himself that will prevent him from doing good work.
He may have the belief that he is not capable (有能力的) of it. A child may think he is __1__ because he doesn’t understand how to make the __2__ of his mental faculties (才能). Older people may be mistaken that they are incapable of learning things new because of their __ 3__.
A person who believe that he is incapable will not make a real __4__ because he feels that it would be useless. He won’t go at a job with confidence necessary for __5__ , and he won’t  work his hardest way, even though he may think he is doing so. He is __6__ likely to fail, and the failure will __7__ his belief in his competence (才能) .
Alfred Alder, a famous doctor, had __8__ like this. When he was a small boy, he had a poor __9__ in maths. His teacher told his parents he had no ability in maths in order that they would not __10__ too much of him. In this way, they two __11__ the idea. He accepted __12__ mistaken thinking of his ability, felt that it was useless to __13__ and was very poor at maths, __14__ as they expected.
One day he worked at a problem which __15__ of the other students had been able to solve.
Alder __16__ in solving the problem. This gave him confidence (信心). He now __17__ with interest, determination and purpose, and he soon became especially good at __18__. He not only proved that he could learn maths well, but luckily he learned __19__ in his life from his own experience that if a person goes at a job with determination and purpose, he may __20__ himself as well as others by his ability.
1. A. clever                   B. shy                   C. useless                     D. stupid
2. A. biggest                 B. most                 C. highest                     D. deepest
3. A. ability                  B. age                   C. brain                        D. knowledge
4. A. decision                B. success              C. effort                       D. trouble
5. A. work                    B. study                C. improvement            D. success
6. A. truly                       B. really                C. however                   D. therefore
7. A. lead to                 B. strengthen         C. increase                    D. add to
8. A. an experience        B. an example        C. a thought                  D. a story
9. A. state                        B. mind                 C. start                         D. ending
10. A. blame                 B. expect               C. get                           D. win
11. A. developed           B. organized          C. discovered                D. found
12. A. his                     B. her                   C. its                          D. their
13. A. manage               B. succeed            C. try                         D. act
14. A. only                   B. almost              C. just                        D. then
15. A. none                   B. no                   C. no one                   D. nobody
16. A. gave                   B. succeeded         C. failed                            D. believed
17. A. lived                  B. worked            C. played                    D. graduated
18. A. lessons                  B. medicine          C. subjects                  D. maths
19. A. early                  B. deeply              C. late                        D. simply
20. A. encourage           B. love                 C. astonish                  D. disappoint
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I recently turned fifty, which is young for a tree, midlife for an elephant , and ancient for a sportsman, Fifty is a nice number for the states in the US or for a national speed limit but it is not a number that I was prepared to have hung on me. Fifty is supposed to be my father’s age. but now I am stuck with this number and everything it means.
A few days ago, a friend tried to cheer me up by saying,  “ Fifty is what forty used to be . ”He had made an inspirational point, Am I over the hill ?People keep telling me that the hill has been moved, and I keep telling them that he high-jump bar has dropped from the six feet I once easily cleared to the four feet that is impossible for me now.
“ Your are not getting older, you are getting better . ” says Dr. Joyce Brothers . This, however, is the kind of doctor who inspires a second opinion.
And so. as I approach the day when I cannot even jump over the tennis net. I am moves to share some thoughts on aging with you. I am moved to show how aging feels to me physically and mentally. Getting older. of course, is obviously a better change than the one that brings you eulogies(悼词). In fact , a poet named Robert Browning considered it the best change of all :
Grow old along with me!
The best is yet to me.
Whether or not Browning was right , most of my first fifty years have been golden ones, so I will settle for what is ahead being as good as what has gone by. I find myself moving toward what is ahead with a curious blend ( 混合) of both fighting and accepting my aging, hoping that the philosopher(哲学家) was right when he said . ”Old is always fifteen years from now. ”
44. The author seems to tell us in Paragraph I that      
A time alone will tell                                       B time goes by quickly
C time will show what is right                          D time makes one forget the past
45. When the author turned fifty , people around him      
A. tried to comfort him                                           B. got inspiration with him
C. were friendlier with him                              D. found him more talkative
46. The author considers his fifty years of life       
A peaceful                  B. ordinary                 C. satisfactory             D. regretful
47. We can infer from the passage that      
A. the old should led a simple life                            B. the old should face the fact of aging
C. the old should take more exercise                   D. the old should fill themselves with curiosity
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All her life, my mother wanted busy children. It was very important that her house should remain at all things clean and tidy.
You could turn your back for a moment in my mother"s house, leave a half written letter on the dining room table, a magazine open on the chair, and turn around to find that my mother had "put it back where it belonged." as she explained.
My wife, on one of her first visits to my mother"s house, placed a packet of biscuits on an end table and went to the kitchen to fetch a drink. When she returned, she found the packet had been removed. Confused(疑惑的), she set down her drink and went back to the kitchen for more biscuits, only to return to find that her drink had disappeared. Up to then she had guessed that everyone in my family held onto their drinks, so as not to make water rings on the end tables. Now she knows better.
These disappearances had a confusing effect on our family. We were all inclined to (有......的倾向) forgetfulness, and it was common for one of us, upon returning from the bathroom, to find the every sign of his work in progress had disappeared suddenly. "Do you remember what I was doing?" was a question frequently asked, but rarely answered.
Now my sister has developed a second-hand love of clean windows, and my brother does the cleaning in his house, perhaps to avoid having to be the one to lift his feet. I try not to think about it too much, but I have at this later time started to dust the furniture once a week.
68. Which of the following is TRUE about my mother?
A. She enjoyed removing others" drinks.             B. She became more and more forgetful.
C. She preferred to do everything by herself.      D. She wanted to keep her house in good order.
69. My wife could not find her biscuits and drink in my mother"s house because _______.
A. she had already finished them                        B. my mother had taken them away
C. she forgot where she had left them                 D. someone in my family was holding them
70. The underlined part to the fifth paragraph suggests that my sister _______.
A. is happy to clean windows                                   B. loves to clean used windows
C. is fond of clean used windows                       D. likes clean windows as my mother did
71. This passage mainly tells us that _______.
A. my mother often made us confused                B. my family members had a poor memory
C. my mother helped us to form a good habit     
D. my wife was surprised when she visited my mother
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When I learned that my 71-year-old mother was playing Scrabble – a word game – against herself, I knew I had to do something. My husband suggested we give her a computer to play against. I wasn’t sure my mother was ready for it. After all, it had taken 15 years to persuade her to buy an electric cooker. Even so, we packed up our old computer and delivered it to my parents’home. And so began my mother’s adventure in the world of computers.
It also marked the beginning of an unusual teaching task for me. I’ve taught people of all ages, but I never thought I would be teaching my mother how to do anything. She has been the one teaching me all my life: to cook and sew; to enjoy the good times and put up with the bad. Now it was my turn to give something back.
It wasn’t easy at the beginning. There was so much to explain and to introduce. Slowly but surely, my mother caught on, making notes in a little notebook. After a few months of Scrabble and other games, I decided it was time to introduce her to word processing(文字处理). This proved to be a bigger challenge(挑战) to her, so I gave her some homework I asked her to write me a letter, using different letter types, colors and spaces.
“Are you this demanding with your kindergarten pupils?” she asked.
“No, of course not,” I said. “They already know how to use a computer.”
My mother isn’t the only one experiencing a fast personal growth period. Thanks to the computer, my father has finally got over his phone allergy(过敏反应). For as long as I can remember, any time I called, my mother would answer. Dad and I have had more phone conversations in the last two months than we’ve had in the past 20 years.
49. What does the author do?
A. She is a cook.                                              B. She is a teacher.
C. She is a housewife.                                       D. She is a computer engineer.
50. The author decided to give her mother a computer            .
A. to let her have more chances to write letters
B. to support her in doing her homework
C. to help her through the bad times                     D. to make her life more enjoyable
51. The author asked her mother to write her a letter                .
A. because her mother had stopped using the telephone
B. because she wanted to keep in touch with her mother
C. so that her mother could practice what she had learned
D. so that mother could be free from housework
52. After the computer was brought home, the author’s father             .
A. lost interest in cooking                             B. took more phone calls
C. played more games                                  D. began to use it
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