A little boy invited his mother to attend his school’s first teacher-parent meet

A little boy invited his mother to attend his school’s first teacher-parent meet


A little boy invited his mother to attend his school’s first teacher-parent meeting. To the little boy’s __1__, she said she would go. This __2__ be the first time that his classmates and teacher __3__ his mother and he felt __4__ of her appearance. Although she was a beautiful woman, there was a severe scar (疤痕) that __5__ nearly the entire right side of her face. The boy never wanted to __6__ why or how she got the scar.
At the meeting, the people were __7__ by the kindness and natural beauty of his mother __ 8__ the scar, but the little boy was still embarrassed (尴尬) and __9 __ himself from everyone. He did, however, get within __10__of a conversation between his mother and his teacher.
The teacher asked __11__, “How did you get the scar on your face?”
The mother replied, “__12__ my son was a baby, he was in a room that caught fire. Everyone was __13__ afraid to go in because the fire was __14__,so I went in. As I was running toward his bed, I saw a long piece of wood coming down and I placed myself over him trying to protect him. I was knocked __15__ but fortunately, a fireman came in and saved both of us.” She __16__ the burned side of her face. “This scar will be __17__, but to this day, I have never __18__ what I did.”
At this point, the little boy came out running toward his mother with tears in his eyes. He held her in his arms and felt a great __19__ of the sacrifice (牺牲) that his mother had made for him. He held her hand __20__ for the rest of the day.
1. A. enjoyment   B. disappointment  C. surprise    D. excitement
2. A. would     B. could            C. should      D. must
3. A. noticed   B. greeted           C. accepted  D. met
4. A. sick      B. ashamed         C. afraid    D. tired
5. A. included    B. passed         C. covered       D. shaded
6. A. talk about   B. think about C. care about    D. hear about
7. A. impressed  B. surprised    C. excited    D. comforted
8. A. in sight of   B. by means of    C. by way of D. in spite of
9. A. hid   B. protected  C. separated   D. escaped
10. A. understanding    B. reminding   C. hearing   D. learning
11. A. carefully  B. seriously    C. nervously   D. anxiously
12. A. As    B. When     C. Since     D. While
13. A. so     B. much C. quite   D. too
14. A. out of control B. under control C. in control  D. over control
15. A. helpless   B. hopeless    C. senseless  D. useless
16. A. pointed    B. showed    C. wiped   D. touched
17. A. ugly       B. lasting     C. serious     D. frightening
18. A. forgot  B. recognized  C. considered    D. regretted
19. A. honor    B. sense     C. happiness   D. pride
20. A. quietly   B. slightly     C. tightly    D. suddenly
1-5BADBC  6-10AADAC  11-15ABDAC  16-20DBDBC

题号      答案      考查内容解题依据      解题分析
1、前后照应逻辑推理词义比较 小男孩邀请妈妈去参加学校的第一次家长会。从后文不难看出,小男孩不想要他妈妈去,因为他妈妈脸上有疤痕,可他妈妈却愿意去,这事使得小男孩不快乐(enjoyment),不激动(excitement),不吃惊(surprise),而是很失望(disappointment),因为这样会让他尴尬,让他蒙羞。
2、语法规则 此句考查过去将来时态(would)。
3、前后照应词义比较 这将是第一次他妈妈与老师和同学会面(meet)。notice(注意到),greet(问候,打招呼),accept(认可,接受)都应该发生在meet动作之后,meet是先决起始动作。前文的his school’s first teacher-parent meeting已有所暗示。
4、常识运用前后照应词义比较 小男孩因为他妈妈的外表——脸上有块疤痕——而感到羞愧(ashamed),而不是恶心(sick),害怕(afraid),疲惫(tired)。后文的the little boy was still embarrassed (尴尬) and hid himself from everyone有所暗示。
5、词义辨析常识运用逻辑推理 妈妈的整个右脸上是一块明显的疤痕。疤痕在脸上不是包住(include)脸面,不是通过(pass)脸面,也不是遮蔽(shade)脸面,而是直接覆盖/铺在脸面上。include包住, 关住,包含, 包括;pass经过,通过;cover覆盖,铺,往往是物体与物体之间直接接触;shade遮蔽,使变暗,往往强调与物体之间有一定的空隙,使光变暗而形成遮蔽。
6、前后照应逻辑推理常识运用 小男孩很在乎(care about),也想过(think about),但没有听人说过(hear about),从来就不愿谈论(talk about)妈妈为什么又怎么得上的疤痕。
7、词义比较逻辑推理 家长会上,妈妈的自然的美貌和亲切的举动给到会的人留下了深刻的印象(impress)。impress使得深刻印象,打动;surprise使惊奇/惊讶;excite使兴奋, 使激动;comfort安慰, 使舒适。
8、词义比较逻辑推理 虽然(in spite of)妈妈脸上有疤痕,但这疤痕却掩饰不住妈妈的美丽和亲切。in sight of临近, 可被...望见;by means of通过,用,借助于;by way of 经由, 作为, 为了;in spite of虽然,尽管…仍,相当于though she had the scar on her face。
9、逻辑推理词义比较 但小男孩仍然感到尴尬难堪,而把自己藏(hide)起来,以免被大家看见。hide隐藏,掩饰,强调不被他人看见、发现;protect保护,强调不被他人伤害;separate分开, 隔离,使之不聚在一起;escape逃避, 避免,强调不被他人逮住而免去责任。
10    C    词、逻辑推理常识运用      他真的躲避了起来,却听到(hear)了妈妈和老师之间的一段对话。注意within(在……的范围内, 不超出……的范围)的意义。hear是先决起始动作,先有了hear,而后才会有understand(明白,了解)、learn(获悉)和remind(提醒,使想起)。
11、常识运用逻辑推理词义比较      老师询问的是妈妈脸上的疤痕,就肯定是小心谨慎地(carefully),而决不是、也用不着严肃认真地(seriously),紧张不安(nervously),忧虑不安地(anxiously)。
12、语句连贯词义比较      事情发生在小男孩还是婴儿的时候(when)。as当……时,通常指伴随着另一情况而发生;when当…的时候,指某一行为或情况发生之时,另一行为或情况也发生,通常是短暂行为;since自……以来,通常与现在完成时态连用;while当……的时候,通常指与另一情况的同时发生,表示持续行为。
13、句法结构      此题考查too…to do sth.的结构。
14、逻辑推理固定搭配      因为火控制不住(out of control),所以大家就都不敢闯进去救人。out of control不受控制,失去了控制;under control被控制住;in control在控制之下;over不与control搭配。
15、词义比较逻辑推理      妈妈被坠落的木头撞得失去了知觉(senseless)。helpless无助的, 无能的, 没用的;hopeless没有希望的, 绝望的, 不可救药;senseless不省人事的, 无感觉的;useless无用的, 无效的, 无益的。
16、词义比较逻辑推理前后照应      妈妈她用不着指着(point),擦揩(wipe)脸面,老师能够看得到,它也用不着展示(show),而是摸了摸(touch)她烧坏的右脸,有所感触。注意与后句的联系。
17、词义比较逻辑推理     这个疤痕很丑(ugly),很严重(serious),很恐怖(frightening),这都没有关系,问题是它会持久(lasting)而再也抹不去。 
18、词义比较逻辑推理常识运用     可即便是这样,且直到今天,我忘不了(forget),我也考虑(consider)了,我也认可(recognize)了,但我从来没有后悔(regret)过我所做的一切。
19、词义辨析逻辑推理      小男孩把妈妈楼在怀里,他感到了妈妈为他作出的牺牲的重大意义(sense)。honor尊敬,敬意,荣誉,光荣;sense意义,意味,意思;happiness幸福,快乐;pride自豪,骄傲。
20、词义比较逻辑推理      在这天余下的时间里,他不是突然地(suddenly),静静地(quietly),轻微地(slightly),而是紧紧地(tightly)握着妈妈的手。

One day in September we were doing repair work on my parents’ old house to get it ready for my youngest daughter’s wedding. We had to  36  a great climbing plant that had grown  37  a roof beam(房梁),so that we could repair the roof and   38  the walls.
When my husband was taking the plant away, he found a  39  of a blackbird that had made its home in the leaves. He then  40  something  41  among that mass of earth and straw of the nest. He broke the earth around it into pieces with his finger tips and, to his  42  ,saw glittering gold. It was a child’s bracelet(手镯). He ran into the house to  43  me.
“You won’t believe that the   44  blackbirds not only steal the best fruit we   45  to feed on,” he said,“but they also want their children to  46  in a cradle(摇摆)of gold!”
When my daughter came over on the eve of the  47  ,we told her about this   48  occurrence.
“Don’t you remember, Mother?” she said with a loud   49  .“When I was eight, you gave me a bracelet that I   50  a few days later while out playing in the yard? It was this one!”
As the bracelet no longer  51  its owner and was dirty, I decided to take it into my safekeeping.
In December of the following year, the young couple’s baby son was baptized(受洗礼).Among the   52  the newborn baby received, I placed his mother’s bracelet, now shining like  53  . I hope that if my grandson  54  loses it, one of the   55  that live in my backyard is somewhere nearby.
36.A.remove                   B.cover                      C.grow                      D.water
37.A.beyond                   B.over                       C.across                     D.through
38.A.build                      B.paint                      C.rescue                     D.print
39.A.nest                        B.baby                       C.body                      D.egg
40.A.moved                    B.got                         C.picked                    D.noticed
41.A.nice                       B.colorful                  C.shiny                      D.special
42.A.horror                    B.surprise                  C.delight                    D.disappointment
43.A.ask                         B.tell                         C.show                      D.give
44.A.working                 B.cheating                  C.dreaming                D.thieving
45.A.buy                        B.plant                      C.store                       D.collect
46.A.lie                          B.sing                        C.listen                      D.wait
47.A.party                      B.Christmas               C.birthday                  D.wedding
48.A.important               B.strange                   C.terrible                   D.funny
49.A.cry                         B.sigh                        C.laugh                      D.sound
50.A.hid                         B.threw                            C.lost                        D.broke
51.A.fitted                      B.satisfied                  C.matched                  D.interested
52.A.jewels                    B.toys                        C.clothes                    D.presents
53.A.attractive                B.new                        C.modern                   D.golden
54.A.almost                    B.just                        C.even                       D.ever
55.A.blackbirds               B.grandchildren          C.neighbors                D.mice
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One spring afternoon five years ago, Jimmy Liao was crying in the hall of Taipei’s Sherwood Hotel, Life seemed  36  . The people who laughed as they walked past were taking their   37 
for granted, just as he  38  himself. Now, however, he felt  39  —and he couldn’t even show his disappointment in his  40  .
Seeking more personally satisfying  41  , he had just left a successful job as a commercial artist when it seemed that fate(命运)played a cruel  42  on him. It was at this time that he developed cancer and was  43  to work. But that moment in the hotel was a turning point for Jimmy. He began to  44  the fact that there is no such a thing as fate, only  45  . Since then, he has published several imaginative, illustrated(带插图的)books.
According to Jimmy, you are  46  you choose to be. You can give up or you can work to be a happier person. Jimmy realized that, while the world  47  seems unfair, your choice can change your life.
This idea can be   48  in Jimmy’s books, where his characters show the powerlessness they feel   49  making their choices. The message that goes with Jimmy’s drawings, however, is 50 .
Though the world may make us feel small, we must be  51  . Everything will be all right for us—as it is for the“small people”in Jimmy’s books—if we make choices that are   52  for us.
In spite of his new  53  and wealth, Jimmy prefers working  54  at home with his wife and daughter. He spends his mornings drawing. To Jimmy, living a life as he chooses means much more than money and fame could  55  .
36.A.unhappy                 B.unusual                   C.unfair                     D.uneasy
37.A.health                     B.wealth                    C.happiness                D.illnesses
38.A.ought to                 B.had to                     C.needed to                D.used to
39.A.ashamed                 B.disappointed            C.helpless                  D.endless
40.A.crying                    B.painting                  C.imagination             D.consideration
41.A.home                            B.condition                C.situation                 D.work
42.A.game                      B.trick                       C.role                        D.part
43.A.unable                    B.impossible              C.unfit                       D.difficult
44.A.understand              B.face                        C.refuse                     D.recognize
45.A.failures                   B.efforts                    C.choices                   D.interests
46.A.that                        B.what                       C.which                     D.whoever
47.A.always                    B.seldom                   C.sometimes               D.usually
48.A.found                     B.drawn                     C.written                   D.accepted
49.A.after                       B.about                      C.with                       D.before
50.A.powerful                B.hopeful                   C.useful                     D.successful
51.A.great                      B.strong                     C.brave                      D.equal
52.A.scientific                B.basic                      C.right                       D.simple
53.A.product                  B.fame                      C.name                      D.job
54.A.rapidly                   B.separately               C.slowly                    D.quietly
55.A.offer                      B.gain                       C.gather                     D.earn
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The Florida sun baked my shoulders as I worked along the I-595 freeway near Fort Lauderdale, picking up rubbish. I paused to  36  the sweat off  my forehead and look up at the cloudless blue sky.“  37  can’t it rain?” I thought. That would   38  things down.
I thought about my  39  , who were probably sitting in an air-conditioned  40  right now. I’d had some problems in school,   41  my parents decided to let me  42  full-time with my dad, We both worked for my uncle, who had taken  43  of a maintenance(道路养护)company. It was up to us to keep the roads  44  of rubbish. The job was  45  and dirty, especially on hot days  46  this. I wondered why I ever agreed to do it.
We continued our  47  route along the I-595,   48  for the overpass bridge. Then I noticed an area where some  49  were broken on the ground. It wasn’t like that before.
“Dad! Pull over! I want to  50  something out.”
I jumped off the truck and rushed to the bridge. Something was telling me to  51  …there wasn’t much time.  52  I saw a Toyota that   53  upside down in the tree. Maybe it was a stolen car that somebody  54  there, I thought. Then, just at that   55  , I noticed something moving. It was a bloody leg poking out of the driver’s side window!
“Heeeelp!”a lady moaned.
36. A.wipe                     B.cut                         C.put                         D.send
37. A.When                   B.How                       C.Why                       D.Where
38. A.turn                      B.keep                       C.make                      D.cool
39. A.parents                 B.school-times            C.friends                    D.school yards
40. A.office                   B.classroom               C.restaurant                D.living room
41. A.but                       B.or                          C.for                         D.so
42. A.work                    B.study                      C.stay                        D.spend
43. A.business                B.possession               C.position                  D.place
44. A.away                    B.from                      C.far                         D.clear
45. A.easy                            B.lonely                     C.smelly                    D.noisy
46. A.for                       B.like                        C.after                       D.as
47. A.regular                 B.common                 C.unusual                   D.normal
48. A.reaching               B.going                            C.looking                   D.heading
49. A.cars                      B.bottles                    C.branches                 D.glasses
50. A.check                  B.help                       C.take                        D.bring
51. A.decide                  B.hurry                      C.consider                  D.stop
52. A.Above                  B.Behind                   C.Ahead                    D.Below
53. A.hung                    B.trapped                   C.caught                    D.fell
54. A.stored                   B.deserted                  C.lost                        D.hid
55. A.bridge                  B.tree                        C.moment                  D.way
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I was cleaning out an old box when an old card caught my eye : Queen City Casket Company . “What is it ?” I wondered . I   36     it over . There , in faded ink , was a hand-scrawled(手写的)   37     . Immediately my mind traveled     38    many years .
I was nine years old , walking down the cold , wet streets of Springfield , with a bag of magazines on my shoulder . On my    39     that day , I came to that Company finally , whose owner , Mr Rader , had always taken me there to ask his workers    40     they wanted any magazines .
Shaking off the     41    like a wet dog , I entered Mr Rader’s office . After a quick glance he     42    me over to the fire-place . Noticing the     43    in the top of my     44    , he said , “ Come with me !” pulling me into his pickup    45     . We pulled to a stop before a shoe store . Inside , a salesman    46     me with the finest pair of Oxfords I had    47     seen . I     48    about 10 feet tall when I got up    49     them . “ We’d like a pair of new socks too,” Mr Rader said .
Back in his office , Mr Rader took out a     50    , wrote something on it , and handed it to me . With    51     eyes , I read , “ Do to others as you would have them do to you .” He said affectionately (深情地), “Jimmy , I want you to    52     I love you”.
I said good-bye , and for the first time I    53     a flicker of hope that somehow things would be    54     . With people like Mr Rader in the world , there was hope , kindness and love , and that would always make a    55     .
36.A.read                             B.thought                  C.turned                    D.passed
37.A.address                  B.list                        C.message                 D.information
38.A.forward                 B.so                          C.ahead                     D.back
39.A.return                    B.rounds                   C.trip                        D.arrival
40.A.if only                   B.how                       C.whether                 D.why
41.A.dust                       B.sweat                     C.tail                         D.rain
42.A.led                        B.followed                C.watched                 D.carried
43.A.hole                             B.mud                             C.water                     D.cover
44.A.magazine                  B.shoe                         C.sock                         D.bag
45.A.truck                     B.factory                   C.home                     D.store
46.A.dressed                  B.fitted                     C.showed                  D.comforted
47.A.ever                             B.already                  C.never                     D.hardly
48.A.appeared                B.seemed                  C.looked                   D.felt
49.A.for                        B.with                             C.on                         D.in
50.A.pen                       B.paper                     C.card                       D.notebook
51.A.tearful                   B.unbelievable           C.curious                  D.puzzled
52.A.admit                    B.know                     C.consider                 D.express
53.A.sensed                   B.received                 C.lost                        D.gained
54.A.mistaken                B.right                      C.all right                 D.possible
55.A.deal                       B.fortune                  C.choice                    D.difference
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Like most people, I was brought up to look upon life as a process of getting. It was not until in my late thirties that I made this important  36  : giving-away makes life so much more exciting. You need not worry if you  37  money.
This is how I   38  with giving-away. If an idea for improving the window display of a neighborhood store  39  to me, I step in and make the suggestion to the   40  . If an accident takes place, the  41  of which I think the local police could use, I  42  him up and tell him about it, though I am not in   43  here. One discovery I made about this world is to give  44  getting something back, though the  45  often comes in an unexpected form.
One Sunday morning the local post office delivered an important  46  letter to my home, though it was   47  to me at my office. I wrote the postmaster a note of   48  . More than a year later I needed a post-office box for a new business I was  49  . I was told at the window that there were  50  boxes left, and that my name would have to go on a long  51  list. As I was about to  52  , the postmaster appeared in the   53  .“Wasn’t it you that wrote us that letter a year ago about delivering a special delivery to your home?” I said it was. “Well, you certainly are going to have a box in this post office  54  we make one for you. You don’t know what a letter like that means to us. We usually get  55  but complaints(投诉).”
36.A.decision                  B.research                  C.speech                    D.discovery
37.A.earn                       B.lack                        C.spend                     D.steal
38.A.experienced            B.connected               C.combined                D.agreed
39.A.happens                  B.flashes                    C.sticks                      D.leads
40.A.postmaster              B.headmaster              C.storekeeper             D.policeman
41.A.story                      B.damage                   C.challenge                D.material
42.A.call                        B.hold                       C.break                      D.pick
43.A.need                       B.trouble                   C.common                 D.charge
44.A.within                    B.without                   C.for                         D.before
45.A.process                   B.goal                       C.return                     D.concern
46.A.curious                   B.immediate               C.special                    D.heavy
47.A.realized                  B.addressed                C.forgotten                D.brought
48.A.invitation                B.apology                  C.instruction                     D.appreciation
49.A.dealing                   B.providing                C.operating                D.starting
50.A.enough                   B.some                      C.no                          D.more
51.A.admitting                B.relating                   C.examining               D.waiting
52.A.leave                      B.shout                      C.guess                      D.conduct
53.A.window                  B.doorway                 C.library                    D.yard
54.A.in case                   B.now that                 C.even if                    D.as if
55.A.anything                 B.everything                     C.nothing                   D.something
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