完形填空。     Charlie Chaplin was the first international star of the modern art of

完形填空。     Charlie Chaplin was the first international star of the modern art of

完形填空。     Charlie Chaplin was the first international star of the modern art of movies. He was especially beloved for
his Little Tramp  1  . He was the first screen artist to write,   2   and perform in his own films; in fact, in some
cases, Charlie Chaplin even wrote the music for his movies. He was also the first artist to use his work to pass a   3   of equality and justice ( 正义) for all -   4   for the"little guy". Charlie Chaplin"s career and life made  5 
the first global icon (偶像); his too-small hat, his too large shoes and his trademark moustache were instantly
recognized by audiences from Chicago to China, from Iowa City to India. And they   6   are today. All of these
make Charlie Chaplin the first citizen of our global village.
     Chaplin, a native of London, was born in   7    on April 16, 1889 to music hall performers. Chaplin only
saw his   8   twice until the age of seven. The man   9   him and his mother about a year after Chaplin was
 10 . During Chaplin"s earliest years, his mother was a(n)  11  and performer. Then her voice gave out, her
stage career
  12  , and she began actively attending Church of England services. At the age of   13  , Chaplin"s mother was
considered as the insane and sent to Cane Hill lunatic asylum (疯人院), and the court sent Charlie and his
brother to live with his father,   14   had by then stopped all payments of child support.
     Charlie Chaplin lived with his father only a short time   15   his mother was released from the lunatic
asylum and then picked up Charlie and his brother, to live with her once again.
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(    )1. A. character 
(    )2. A. act       
(    )3. A. possibility
(    )4. A. generally  
(    )5. A. him       
(    )6. A. really    
(    )7. A. happiness 
(    )8. A. brother   
(    )9. A. taught     
(    )10. A. born     
(    )11. A. actor    
(    )12. A. ended    
(    )13. A. eight    
(    )14. A. which    
(    )15. A. then     
B. behaviour    
B. shoot           
B. message     
B. widely     
B. them           
B. still      
B. luck            
B. teacher  
B. left             
B. young        
B. artist       
B. began          
B. seven       
B. what          
B. when      
C. personality   
C. direct       
C. culture     
C. especially    
C. us            
C. always       
C. poverty         
C. mother     
C. loved      
C. ill           
C. dancer        
C. broke      
C. nine          
C. he            
C. before      
D. gentleman
D. edit     
D. promise  
D. totally  
D. it       
D. ever     
D. peace    
D. father   
D. expected 
D. old      
D. singer   
D. continued
D. ten      
D. who      
D. until    
1-5:  ACBCA   6-10:  BCDBA 11-15:  DABDC
                                                                             Jia Sixie
     Jia Sixie,an outstanding agronomist and the author of China"s first agricultural encyclopedia (百科全书),
was one of the leading agronomists in Chinese history. In the late years of the Northern Wei Dynasty (386-534), he wrote Qimin Yaoshu(Important Arts for the People"s Welfare). It is the earliest and most complete
agricultural encyclopedia still in existence in China. Jia Sixie was born in Yidu County (today"s Shouguang
County)in China"s Shandong Province.He completed the book amid (在……之中) chaos (混乱) caused by
wars during the years of 533 to 544. He saw the sufferings of the poor farmers in his hometown and other
places while traveling through North China"s Hebei and Shanxi provinces and Central China"s Henan Province.
With his profound knowledge on agriculture, he believed that the development of agriculture could help those
farmers out.
     The book, which has 92 chapters in 10 volumes and nearly 120 000 characters, covers a wide range of
topics and records on production experiences and methods. It includes advice on farming, forestry (林业),
animal husbandry (农牧业), fishery and sideline occupations.
     Qimin Yaoshu was first distributed mainly among common people. In the Northern Song Dynasty
(960-1127),it became an official guiding book on agriculture. In the late Tang Dynasty (618-907),the book was
introduced to Japan who now still has the earliest incomplete (不完全的) version of the Northern Song
Dynasty. Now, the book has been translated into several languages. Qimin Yaoshu is considered as an important summary of farming knowledge. At present, it is still studied by Chinese farmers and students majoring in
What do you think of Jia Sixie?   
In my view _____________________________________________________________________________.
                                                  Yuan Longping, China"s Most Famous"Farmer"
     It says every scientist cherishes a childhood dream indicating his or her future success, but for Yuan
Longping, dubbed (授予称号) as "father of hybrid rice", the dream is that he cultivates rice as plump as peanuts, and farmers can relax in the cool shadow of big rice plants.
     Yuan,71,won a 5 million yuan State Supreme Science and Technology Award today, known as the Nobel
Prize in China, for his outstanding achievements in breeding high yield-Hybrid rice, which has substantially
increased China"s grain output.
     Yuan came up with the idea of hybridizing rice for the first time in the world in 1960s.Since then,50
percent of China"s total rice cultivation fields have grown such rice, which added some 300 billion kilograms to
the country"s grain output.
      Furrows (皱纹) grown on his sunburnt face, a slim figure and coiled-up trousers legs would confuse
foreign reporters who came to interview the most famous scientist in China, who would rather be called "a
farmer". Indeed, like many Chinese farmers, Yuan in his 70s and has devoted most of his life growing rice in
paddy fields, but unlike those farmers, he reaps the seed from experimental fields only for hybridizing rice.
     The urbanite-turned-farmer graduated from Southwest Agriculture College in 1953 has his name related to
the world"s most advanced agricultural technology. Four minor planets, a listed seed company"s and a science
college in China were named after him, which were the first time that a Chinese scientist"s name is valued for its intellectual assets.
     By lending his name to the Longping High-tech, a seed company, Yuan obtained a 5 per cent stake, or 2.5
million shares worth 2 million yuan, in the firm. However, Yuan said his research requires the lifestyle of a
farmer, or rather a migrating farmer, as he has conducted extensive research related to the cultivation of new
strains of hybrid rice"Super Hybrid Rice" in some 10 provinces.
     In the year 1999,more than 300 billion kilograms of grain were increased from about 240 million hectares
(公顷) of hybrid rice, which signified the success of his research. And this made Yuan firmly believe that
China can surely feed her 1.2 billion population with her limited cultivated land.
     The "Super Rice" yields are 30 percent higher than those of common rice. The record yield of 17 055
kilograms per hectare was registered in Yongsheng County in Yunnan in 1999.But even after that achievement
Yuan won"t take a break. He has a dream, more realistic than that of his young age, that popularizing new
strains of grain with higher yields around the world, can eliminate starvation on earth.
      The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has vowed to get involved in the work of spreading the
coverage of Yuan"s high-yield hybrid rice, which it considers the best way to increase the world"s grain output.
     The FAO"s 1991 statistics show that 20 percent of the world"s rice output was yielded from 10 percent of
the world"s rice fields, which grow hybrid rice."If the new strain was sown in the rest of the rice acreage, the
present grain output around the world can be more than doubled. This can be a solution to the grain shortage,"
the unselfish scientist.
     In 1980,Yuan went to the United States at the invitation of the International Rice Research Institute to share
his knowledge about the cultivation technology of hybrid rice. He was also employed in 1991 as the chief
consultant of FAO to bring his research methods to other countries. With the help of Chinese scientists, the
acreage (面积) of hybrid rice in Viet Nam and India increased to 200 000 hectares and 150 000 hectares in
1999, respectively.
     The rice research costs time to prove its value. At the age of 43,Yuan cultivated the world"s first hybrid
rice. At that time the country"s grain yield was about 4500 kilogram per hectare."The natural disaster and policy miscarriage further deteriorated starvation in China by then," Yuan recalled tearfully.
     This is his motivation to stimulate his research. Largely due to his scientific progress, China"s total rice
output rose from 5.69 billion tons in 1950 to 19.47 billion tons last year. The growth rate of rice output far
exceeded the population growth speed.
     Some people estimate Yuan"s actual fortune might amount to more than 100 million yuan (12 million
U.S.dollars),making him one of the richest people in China. But he doesn"t know for sure himself, for he seems
not to care about his own assets than the rice harvest. Some people asked him to move the focus of his
research from improving amounts of hybrid rice to the quality and taste, which would be easier to do. But, the
stubborn academician (学者) insisted that the amount of hybrid rice"s per unit yield still outweighs the quality,
for his foremost task is to improve the grain reserve in developing countries.

【个性思考】 Why do you think Yuan Longping can achieve so much?   
  In my view___________________________________________________________________________ .
                                                         Walt Disney: A Short Biography
     Walt Disney was born on December 5,1901 in Chicago Illinois, to his father Elias Disney, and mother
Flora Call Disney. Walt was one of five children, four boys and a girl. 
     After Walt"s birth, the Disney family moved to Marceline Missouri, Walt lived most of his childhood here.
     Walt had very early interests in art, he would often sell drawings to neighbors to make extra money. He
pursued his art career, by studying art and photography by going to McKinley High School in Chicago.
     Walt began to love, and appreciate nature and wildlife, and family and community (社区), which were a
large part of agrarian (农业的) living. Though his father could be quite stern (严格的), and often there was
little money, Walt was encouraged by his mother, and older brother, Roy to pursue his talents.
     During the fall of 1918, Disney attempted to enlist (入伍) for military service. Rejected because he was
under age, only sixteen years old at the time. Instead, Walt joined the Red Cross and was sent overseas to
France, where he spent a year driving an ambulance (救护车) and chauffeuring (驾驶) Red Cross officials.
     Once Walt returned from France, he began to pursue a career in commercial (商业的) art. He started a
small company called Laugh-O-Grams, which eventually fell bankrupt (***). With his suitcase and twenty
dollars, Walt headed to Hollywood to start anew.
     After making a success of his "Alice Comedies", Walt became a recognized Hollywood figure. OnJuly13,
1925, Walt married one of his first employees, Lillian Bounds, in Lewiston, Idaho. Later on they would be
blessed with two daughters, Diane and Sharon.
     In 1932, the production entitled Flowers and Trees (the first color cartoon) won Walt the first of his
studio"s Academy Awards. On December 21, 1937, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the first full-length
animated (有生命的) musical feature, premiered (最初的) at the Cathay Theater in Los Angeles. The film
produced at the unheard cost of $1 499 000 during the depths of the Depression (不景气).
     Walt Disney"s dream of a clean, and organized amusement park, came true, as Disneyland Park opened
in 1955.Walt also became a television pioneer, Disney began television production in 1954,and was among
the first to present full-color programming with his Wonderful World of Color in 1961.
     Walt Disney is a legend (传奇); a folk (民间的) hero of the 20th century. His worldwide popularity was
based upon the ideals (理想) which his name represents: imagination, optimism, creation, and self-made
success in the American tradition. He brought us closer to the future, while telling us of the past, it is certain,
that there will never be such as great a man, as Walt Disney.
【个性思考】 Walt Disney"s bases on his imagination, optimism, creation as mentioned above. If you want
make your career in the future, what experience can you learn from him?
     In my view ___________________________________________________________________________
                                                         The influential Charlie Chaplin 
     Charlie Chaplin is irresistible (无法抵御) because he is one of the first and most enduring (持久的) movie
stars, because he quickly gained creative and financial control (创作权和财政权) of his movies, because he
invented such a fascinating (引人入胜的) series of comic (喜剧的) films, because he experienced such a
stormy personal life, and because his 40-year filmmaking career in the United States was such a rollercoaster
ride of boom and bust.
     Every few weeks outside the movie theater in virtually any American town in the late 1910s,stood the life-
size card board figure of small tramp-outfitted in tattered (破旧的), baggy (肥大的) pants, a cutaway coat
and vest(背心), impossibly large, worn-out shoes, and a battered derby (扁顶) hat-bearing the inscription (印
象) "I am here today." An advertisement for a Charlie Chaplin film was a promise of happiness, of that precious,
almost shocking moment when art delivers what life cannot.
     In a 1995 worldwide survey (调查) of film critics, Chaplin was voted the greatest actor in movie history.
He was the first, and to date the last, person to control every aspect of the filmmaking process-founding his
own studio, United Artists, with Douglas Fairbanks, Mary Pickford, and D.W. Griffith, and producing, casting
(演员挑选人), directing, writing, and editing the movies he starred in.
     In the first decade of the twentieth century, when weekly movie going was a national habit, Chaplin more
or less invented global recognizability (世人的赞扬) and helped turn an industry into an art. In 1916, his third
year in films, his salary of $10 000 a week made him the highest paid actor-possibly the highest paid person-in
the world.
     By 1920, "Chaplinitis" accompanied (伴随) by a flood of Chaplin dances, songs, dolls, comic books and
cocktails, was rampant. Filmmakers Mack Sennett thought him "just the greatest artist who ever lived". Other
early admirers included George Bernard Shaw, Marcel Proust, and Sigmund Freud. In 1923 Hart Crane, who
wrote a poem about Chaplin, said his pantomime"represents the futile gesture (无用的) of the poet today".
     Later in the 1950s, Chaplin was one of the icons of the Beat Generation. From 1981 to 1987, IBM used the
Tramp as the logo to advertise its venture (冒险精神) into personal computers.
     He has been called the single most influential artist in the history of motion pictures; certainly no other
movie star enjoyed the international, iconographic (象征性的) status (地位) he attained early in the silent era
and maintained (保持) well past the coming of sound. And certainly no other creative talent did as much as he
to elevate (提高) screen comedy to a high art.
【个性思考】 Do you know why Charlie Chaplin can be called the single most influential artist in the history
of motion pictures?
     In my view ____________________________________________________________________________
     Catherine Destivelle is a rock star. She loves rock, but she can"t sing or play the guitar! She is a rock
climber and a big star in France and Italy. She is the most famous woman climber in the world because she
climbs without ropes. She climbs in many countries but most often in the French Alps near Chamonix, where
she lives. She started climbing near her home in Paris when she was five. Then, at fourteen, she joined the
French Alpine Club to learn more, but immediately she climbed better and more quickly than the older members
of the club. She won her first competition in Italy in 1995.
     Three years ago she found a new route up the Dru Mountain near Chamonix The climb took eleven days
and for four days the snow was so heavy that she could not move. Last year other climbers tried to follow the
new Destivelle Route, but they failed. They are going to try again this year.
     People always ask her about her climbing. She says, "I climb because I"m in love with mountains. I like
touching the rock and reading the face of the rock. I like it a lot. I felt at home on the side of a mountain. I
prepare well before I go, so I"m never worried."
     Catherine chooses new mountains from books-like buying from a shopping catalogue (目录)! "I see a nice
mountain and I go to climb it!" Her next mountain is in Pakistan. She is going there next month:"It"s much
bigger than the Dru, so it"s going to take longer to climb. An American climber, Jeff Lowe, is coming with me
to help."
1. Catherine Destivelle is called "a star" because _____.
A. she won a competition in 1995
B. she has a talent for rock music
C. she is a famous woman climber
D. she found a new route up to the Dru Mountain
2. She had great trouble finding a new route up the Dru Mountain because _____.
A. she lost her way
B. the climb took 11 days
C. she needed help from an American climber
D. there was a heavy snow
3. On the side of a mountain she feels _____.
A. worried
B. easy and happy
C. like going home
D. well
4. We can infer from the passage people often ask her "_____".
A. Why do you like climbing?
B. Are you in love with an American climber?
C. Do you enjoy reading books on mountains?
D. What do you do before you go climbing?