阅读理解     In the spring of 1926, Yan Qingbao,  a 43-year-old farmer, discovered a

阅读理解     In the spring of 1926, Yan Qingbao,  a 43-year-old farmer, discovered a

阅读理解     In the spring of 1926, Yan Qingbao,  a 43-year-old farmer, discovered a circular piece of jade(玉)  
while digging a hole. Driven by curiosity, he dug deeper and found a group of about 400 colourful jade
     At the time,  he had no idea that his discovery would be as important as other wonders of the world
such as China"s Great Wall and Egypt"s pyramids. Since then more than 10000 relics, dating back to
between 5000 and 3000 BC have been unearthed at Shanxingdui. These relics include gold, pottery,
bone tools and ivory objects. They prove that Shanxingdui contains the ruins of an ancient city that was
once thepolitical, economic and cultural center of the ancient Shu Kingdom-the old name for Sichuan.
     It has helped modern historians realize that Sichuan"s human history goes back more than 5000 years. And, located on the upper part of the Yangtze River, the site challenges the common. idea that Chinese
civilization rose from a single source-the Yellow River valley.
     Shanxingdui was named the Scientific Education Base for China"s Youth in March this year.
     But still, only four of the Shanxingdui Ruins 12 square kilometers have been uncovered.  Who knows
what other big surprises are waiting to be shown to the world.

1. The farmer dug a hole and found a group of about 400 colourful jade pieces because___.

A. he wanted to look for treasure
B. he was curious about it
C. he knew there were many relics in the hole
D. he wanted to be famous for doing so

2. The underlined word "challenge" here means___.

A. change
B. agree with
C. compete with
D. disappoint

3. The main idea of the passage is___.

A. Shanxingdui was named the Scientific Education Base for China"s Youth
B. Shanxingdui was once the political, economic and cultural center of the ancient Shu Kingdom
C. the importance of the discovery of Shanxingdui
D. it  has  helped  modern  historians  realize  that Shichuan"s human history goes back more than
    5000 years

4. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. About 10400 relics have been unearthed at Shanxingdui.
B. The farmer didn"t know his discovery would be as important as other wonders of the world.
C. Modern historians realize that Sichuan"s human history goes back more than 5000 years.
D. Chinese civilization rose from a single source-the Yellow River valley.
1-4: B C C D
阅读理解     Some time ago I discovered that one of my chairs had a broken leg. I didn"t think there would be any
difficulty in getting it mended, as there are a whole lot of antique (古董) shops near my home. So I left
home one morning carrying the chair with me. I went into the first shop expecting a friendly reception.  I
was quite wrong.  The man wouldn"t even look at my chair.
     The second shop,  though slightly more polite,  was just the same,  and the third and the fourth- so I
decided that my approach must be wrong. I entered the fifth shop with a plan in my mind.  I placed the
chair on the floor and said to the shopkeeper,  "Would you like to buy a chair?" "Twenty pounds," I
said.  "OK,"he said. "l"ll give you twenty pounds." "It"s got a slightly broken leg," I said.  "Yes, I saw that.  
It"s nothing."
     Everything was going according to the plan and I was getting excited.  "What will you do with it?" I
asked.  "Oh, it will be easy to sell once the repair is done. " "I"ll buy it," I said.  "What do you mean?
You"ve just sold it to me," he said.  "Yes,  I know but I"ve changed my mind.  I am sorry. I"ll give you
twenty-seven pounds for it."  " You must be crazy," he said. Then, suddenly the penny dropped.  "I
know what you want. You want me to repair your chair."
     "You"re right," I said.  "And what would you have done if I had walked in and said,   "Would you
mend this chair for me?"" "I wouldn"t have agreed to do it," he said.  "We don"t do repairs, not enough
money in it and too much trouble.  But l"ll mend this for you.  Shall we say for a fiver?" He was a very
nice man and was greatly amused by the whole thing.

1. We can learn from the text that in the first shop the writer___.

A. was rather impolite
B. was warmly received
C. asked the shopkeeper to buy his chair
D. asked the shopkeeper to repair his chair

2.  The underlined word "approach" in the second  paragraph means___.

A. plan for dealing with things
B. decision to sell tings
C. idea of repairing things
D. way of doing things

3. The expression "the penny dropped" in the last paragraph means the shopkeeper____.

A. changed his mind
B. accepted the offer
C. saw the writer"s purpose
D. decided to help the writer

4. How much did the writer pay?

A.  5.
B.  7.
c.  20.
D.  27.

5. From the text, we can learn that the writer was___.

A. honest
B. careful
C. smart
D. funny
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阅读理解。    In 1937, Disney"s cartoon, Snow White and Seven Dwarfs, was produced. It was the first full-length
movie cartoon ever made. The film remains popular today. Snow White was followed by a number of other
cartoon films, including Pinocchio, Fantasia and Bambi. 
    In 1950, Disney"s company began to make non-cartoon films of the best novels in the world for young
people. The company became not only one of the main producers of films but also a publisher (出版商) of
books for children. 
    In 1955, Disney opened a large amusement park called Disneyland in Los Angeles. Very quickly the park
became an attractive place for both men and women, young and old. 
    Disney died in 1966. He didn"t live to see the opening of another Disney amusement park. The new park,
opened in Florida in 1971, is called Walt Disney World. It is even larger than Disneyland and has become one
of the world"s most popular holiday places.
    In both of the parks, visitors can ride, walk, or boat as they like. There is fairyland (仙境), where you can
meet the characters from fairy tales and Disney"s cartoons and films. If you want something more exciting,
you may experience your own adventures (冒险).
    Since its opening, Disney World has been made larger and larger. It is made up of several wonderful and
magic parts. Besides, Disney amusement parks have been built in other parts of the world. Tokyo Disneyland,
for example, was opened to public in 1983. 1. Disneyland was successful, because ______. [     ]
A. it became an attractive place for both men and women, young and old
B. Snow White and Seven Dwarfs was popular
C. people could not only see films but also read books there
D. there were few amusement centers at that time 2. Which of the following words can be used to describe Disney? [     ]
A. Nervous.
B. Common.
C. Successful.
D. Unknown. 3. Which of the following is true? [     ]
A. Disney died before the 1960s.
B. Disney died before Walt Disney World was set up in Florida.
C. Snow White and Seven Dwarfs were not produced by Disney.
D. Walt Disney world is smaller than it used to be. 4. "Both of the parks" in Paragraph 5 refers to parks ______. [     ]
A. in New York and in Los Angeles
B. in Los Angeles and in Florida
C. in Florida and in Tokyo
D. in Tokyo and in Los Angeles
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阅读理解。     Here"s an unusual story: a diamond ring was recently found in an egg. The magician, Liu Qian, discovered
it, in front of an audience of millions at CCTV"s Spring Festival Gala. Liu"s magic tricks have made the
centuries-old art of magic fashionable once again, and made him the hottest magician in China.
     As a seasoned young magician from Taiwan, Liu is popular worldwide for his magic shows. Countries he
has performed in include the United States, Japan, South Korea and the UK Witnessing something impossible
happen right before your eyes is the root of people"s love for magic. 
     Liu is known for his interaction with his audiences. He has a unique understanding of showmanship (演出
     "It"s actually thinking rather than one"s manipulation (操作) skills that is more important to achieving a
successful magic show. We think carefully about how to design the shows creatively to make them appear
more interesting." Liu said. 
     Liu Qian"s success dated back to his childhood. Born in 1976 in Taiwan, he found himself attracted to a
magic toy in a shop when he was seven years old. At the age of 12, he won Taiwan"s Youth Magic Contest,
which was judged by the great American magician, David Copperfield.
     Yet, Liu never planned on becoming a professional magician. He studied Japanese literature at university
and only hoped to be an amateur (业余的) magician in his spare time. However, his failure to find a proper job
after graduation pushed him towards magic as a career.
     To refine his performing skills, he has performed on streets, roads and fields, for passersby, policemen and
    "Street shows are the biggest challenge for us magicians. We have to deal with unexpected situations and
tough crowds," Liu said. 1. The story is about ______. [     ]
A. why people love magic
B. what magic tricks are
C. how fashionable magic is
D. how Liu Qian became China"s hottest magician 2. People love to watch magic because ______. [     ]
A. they can"t figure out the secret of magic
B. it arouses their curiosity
C. they love watching magicians make the impossible happen
D. it is a centuries-old art 3. Which of the following is the key reason that Liu Qian decided to make magic his career? [     ]
A. He was interested in magic when he was little.
B. He couldn"t find an acceptable job after graduation.
C. He became all amateur magician in his spare time.
D. He had won Taiwan"s Youth Magic Contest. 4. What does the word "seasoned" in Paragraph 2 mean? [     ]
A. 经验丰富的
B. 刚出道的
C. 季节性的
D. 职业的
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阅读理解。    Taiwanese singer Stefanie Sun (孙燕姿) looks just like any other young girl. She has short hair, a clear
face and a sweet smile. However, there is something about her that makes her very special: her voice. No
one else can sing like her. Now, Sun is a bright star. She has released many albums (专辑).
     Sun was born in Singapore. When she was a child, her father told her: "A person should always be good
at something in life, so they have something to do for a hobby." Sun chose to learn to play the piano when
she was only five. Then, she took up kick-boxing (搏击操) because she felt she was thin and wanted to
make herself stronger.
     She often sings about the pain and happiness of growing up. The simple but true feelings in her music
are loved by teens. "Sun may be a star, but she seems like a normal girl. She is close to us," said Zhu Liying,
15, a Beijing student. "Her songs give me courage." 
    Eventually, the star was tired because she had worked so hard. She stopped singing for a while and had
a one-year holiday to travel. "I won"t give up singing. I just want a rest and to try something new. I hope to
make better music when I come back," Sun said then.
    Now she is working hard again to let her fans hear more beautiful music. 1. Which is NOT true about Sun? [     ]
A. She has short hair.
B. She always has sweet smiles.
C. Her face looks clear.
D. She is a very famous actress. 2. The underlined word "released" in the first paragraph means ______. [     ]
A. made sth. public
B. set free
C. let out
D. made up of 3. Sun learned kick-boxing when she was still a child because ______.[     ]
A. she wanted to be a dancer
B. she wanted to get stronger
C. she enjoyed dancing
D. she wanted to be famous 4. Teenagers love Sun"s songs because ______. [     ]
A. her songs are about the pain of growing up
B. she looks clear and is kind to all her fans
C. the feelings in her songs are simple but true
D. her songs are about love and friends
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阅读理解。     John H. Johnson was born in a black family in Arkansas City in 1918. His father died in an accident
when John was six. He was reaching high school age, but his hometown offered no high school for blacks.
     Fortunately (幸运地) he had a strong-willed, caring mother. John remembers that his mother told him
many times, "Son, you can be anything you really want to be if you just believe." She told him not to be
dependent on others, including his mother. "You have to earn success," said she. "All the people who work
hard don"t succeed, but the only people who do succeed are those who work hard."
    These words came from a woman with less than a third-grade education.She worked hard as a cook for
two years to save enough money to take her son-then 15-to Chicago.
     Chicago in 1933 was not the promised land (乐土) that black southerners were looking for. John"s
mother and stepfather could not find work. But here John could go to school, and here he learned the power
of words-as an editor (编辑) of the newspaper at Du Sable High School. His wish was to publish a magazine
for the blacks.
     While others discouraged him, John"s mother offered him more words to live by: "Nothing beats a failure
but a try
." She also let him pawn (典当) her furniture to get the $500 he needed to start the Negro magazine.
     It is natural the difficulties and failures followed John closely until he became very successful. He always
keeps his mother"s words in mind: "Son, failure is not in your vocabulary." Now John H. Johnson is one of
the 400 richest people in America. 1. Why did John"s mother decide to move to Chicago? Because           . [     ]
A. John"s father died in his hometown when John was very young
B. life was too hard for them to stay on in their hometown, while life in Chicago would be better for them
C. there were no schools in their hometown
D. John needed more education and he could go to high school there 2. What"s the best title of the passage? [     ]
A.How John H. Johnson became somebody
B.The mental (精神的) support from a great mother
C.The importance of a good education
D.The key to success for blacks 3. The underlined sentence in the fifth paragraph means           . [     ]
A. if you try, you will succeed in the end
B. a failure is difficult to beat, even if you try
C. a try is always followed by a failure
D. nothing but a try can help you out of failure
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