完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。     On a hot summer day in south

完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。     On a hot summer day in south

完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。     On a hot summer day in south Florida a little boy decided to go for a swim in the lake behind his
house.  In a hurry to dive into the cool water, he ran out, __1___ behind shoes, socks, and shirt as he
went. He flew into the water, not realizing that __2___ he swam toward the middle of the lake, a
crocodile was swimming toward the __3___. His mother, in the house, __4___ saw the two as they
got closer and closer together. In complete fear, she ran toward the water, yelling to her son as loudly as
she could.          
     Hearing her voice, the little boy became __5___ and made a return to wim to his mother. It was too
__6___. Just as he reached her, the crocodile reached him. The mother grabbed(抓住)her little boy
__7___ the arms just as the crocodile snatched his legs. That began a(n) __8___ tug-of-war(拔河;拉锯战) between the two. The crocodile was much stronger than the mother, but the mother was much too
__9___ to let go. A farmer happened to drive by, heard her screams, raced from his truck, took aim and
__10__ the crocodile.           
     Surprisingly, after weeks in hospital, the little boy __11___. However, his legs were extremely scarred(留下疤痕)by the violent attack of the animal and on his arms were deep scratches where his mother"s __12___ dug into his flesh in her effort to __13___ the son she loved.  A newspaper reporter asked the
boy __14___ he would show him his scars. The boy lifted his pants. And then, __15___, he said, "But
look at my arms. I have great scars on my arms, too. I have them __16___ my mom wouldn"t
     We each have scars, too, mostly just the scars of a painful past. __18___ of those scars are not
pleasant to look at and have caused us deep regret.  But, some wounds, my friends, are because God
has__19___ to let go. In the midst of your __20___ in life, He"s been there holding on to you.      
(     )1. A. left             
(     )2. A. while             
(     )3. A. house             
(     )4. A. accidentally       
(     )5. A. interested         
(     )6. A. late             
(     )7. A. by               
(     )8. A. unsuitable         
(     )9. A. fortunately         
(     )10. A. shot at         
(     )11. A. came to himself     
(     )12. A. fingernails       
(     )13. A. hang on to         
(     )14. A. when             
(     )15. A. taking a deep breath
(     )16. A. although           
(     )17. A. let out         
(     )18. A. All             
(     )19. A. refused           
(     )20. A. entertainment      
B. had left     
B. if       
B. truck       
B. curiously     
B. alarmed     
B. astonishing   
B. with       
B. disagreeable
B. passionate   
B. shouted at   
B. survived     
B. footprints   
B. keep away from  
B. how         
B. with a deep regret
B. because     
B. let go     
B. None       
B. agreed     
B. struggle   
C. leaving        
C. because         
C. hospital       
C. nonverbally       
C. stiff         
C. amusing         
C. on           
C. moveable         
C. considerate       
C. shot         
C. was on his feet     
C. fingerprints     
C. put her hands on   
C. if           
C. bursting out laughing
C. in case         
C. get rid of them     
C. Some           
C. permitted       
C. process         
D. having leaving    
D. as                
D. shore              
D. Particularly      
D. strong            
D. early              
D. to                
D. unbelievable      
D. deliberate        
D. shouted            
D. suffered          
D. footsteps          
D. get close to      
D. unless            
D. with obvious pride
D. due to            
D. lose face          
D. Many              
D. aided              
D. ceremony         
1-5 CDDAB    6-10 AADBC  11-15 BAACD      16-20 BBCAB
     Last week I went to a supermarket. After I   1  the bill and was passing through the door, the alarm
suddenly started to ring. Suddenly, a young guard ran toward me and ordered me to   2  him. I felt so
upset and   3  . He took me to a small room, but I was   4   frightened that I stopped at the door. Finding
me   5  to enter the room, he shouted that I had to go into the room.
     He closed the door. I thought he was going to hurt me. Suddenly, a   6   voice said in my ear: "Take
out the things you"ve stolen!" "I stole nothing." I said. "Do as I tell you. If we find them, you"ll be in trouble." "There is nothing." I answered. "I didn"t take anything." I said, taking everything out of my pockets and bag.
  7   this point, a guard came in and asked a salesgirl to   8   me.   9  , they found nothing.
     But they didn"t believe that I hadn"t stolen anything. So the young guard ordered me to pass through the
door alarm again.
     I was   10  when it rang again. I felt   11   and burst into tears. I didn"t know how to prove   12   I was
     They made me go into the small room again.
     "Take out the stolen things quickly,  13   we will dial 110." They said.
     "OK, call the police. I" m not afraid." I said   14  .
     Suddenly,  they  15   their tone. After a while, a salesgirl asked me to raise my feet. I did   16   she had
told me. There was a label (标签) on the bottom of my shoe. That was it! That was the   17  thing that had brought me such great trouble. But it   18  my innocence.
     After that, they   19   to me in the small room, But they should have apologized  20  , shouldn"t they? A
lot of people were there when I was taken away. What did they think of me?
题型:黑龙江省月考题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. buy            
(     )2. A. obey            
(     )3. A. angry          
(     )4. A. very            
(     )5. A. disagree       
(     )6. A. high            
(     )7. A. On              
(     )8. A. look at        
(     )9. A. Needless to say
(     )10. A. fraid          
(     )11. A. ronged        
(     )12. A. hat            
(     )13. A. nd            
(     )14. A. nhappily      
(     )15. A. hanged        
(     )16. A. ike            
(     )17. A. nly            
(     )18. A. ested          
(     )19. A. aid            
(     )20. A. oudly          
B. paid        
B. beg        
B. excited    
B. much        
B. unwilling  
B. low        
B. In          
B. watch      
B. So far      
B. frightened  
B. upset      
B. whether    
B. but        
B. forcefully
B. raised      
B. as          
B. last        
B. showed      
B. apologized  
B. together    
C. passed      
C. follow      
C. happy      
C. such        
C. voluntarily
C. sound      
C. At          
C. examine    
C. On one hand
C. shocked    
C. scared      
C. that        
C. or          
C. terribly      
C. increased  
C. according to
C. very        
C. proved      
C. agreed      
C. politely    
D. paid for      
D. listen to      
D. puzzled        
D. so            
D. willingly      
D. sharp          
D. From          
D. keep          
D.  As a result of
D. sad            
D. unpleasant    
D. how            
D. so            
D. widely        
D. closed        
D. as if          
D. just          
D. gave          
D. promised      
D. in public      
     This little story I"m about to tell you happened when I was 11 years old, and I"ll never forget it.
     It was at my friend Jenny"s house after   1   one day, and we were doing our homework. While I was
there, a friend of Jenny"s mom came over to   2   I didn"t know her name or   3   what her face looked
like. I just   4    her hands, her voice and the lesson I   5   from her.
     I can"t forget that she   6   her hands to introduce herself. It was so   7  , I thought, rich fine skin; then
I heard her saying, "Oh no, that is not   8   you shake hands. Let me teach you." She didn"t do that at all
in a condescending (屈尊的) manner.   9    that, I just remember her voice explaining the   10   of a
good handshake of conveying (传达) a   11  sense of self-belief, of looking the other person in the eyes,
and of making a warm   12  . Hearing her friendly words, I first understand what being   13  meant.
     I admired her for  14    time to teach me about one of the important things in life. I was grateful for her
not talking down to me   15   I was 11 and didn"t know much. I also felt somewhat admired by the way
she 16 me. It felt good to be talked to as a(n)   17   , rather than as an 11-year-old child. I also   18   her
telling me that if someone isn"t aware of something you should show him or her the right direction; don"t
be afraid to   19   your knowledge.
     I think of her every time I meet someone   20   , and I"m so thankful for her little lesson.
题型:山东省月考题难度:| 查看答案
题型:山东省月考题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. breakfast        
(     )2. A. read              
(     )3. A. even              
(     )4. A. watch            
(     )5. A. learned          
(     )6. A. raised up        
(     )7. A. pale              
(     )8. A. whom              
(     )9. A. After            
(     )10. A. necessity        
(     )11. A. weak            
(     )12. A. friend          
(     )13. A. respected        
(     )14. A. having          
(     )15. A. when            
(     )16  A. treated          
(     )17. A. boy              
(     )18. A. hated            
(     )19. A. test            
(     )20. A. healthy          
B. work      
B. check      
B. certainly  
B. remember  
B. selected  
B. hung up    
B. beautiful  
B. why        
B. Before    
B. style      
B. positive  
B. voice      
B. noticed    
B. taking    
B. but        
B. protected  
B. student    
B. minded    
B. share      
B. smart      
C. sleep      
C. visit      
C. ever        
C. hold        
C. wanted      
C. reached out
C. rough      
C. when        
C. During      
C. importance  
C. different  
C. heart      
C. served      
C. arranging  
C. because    
C. encouraged  
C. teacher    
C. appreciated
C. increase    
C. familiar    
D. school      
D. live        
D. simply      
D. seize        
D. discovered  
D. put out      
D. small        
D. how          
D. Through      
D. rule        
D. special      
D. atmosphere  
D. praised      
D. keeping      
D. so          
D. required    
D. adult        
D. understood  
D. control      
D. new          
     "Hey, Jenna, do you think we"ll still be friends when we"re eighty-two?" I asked my friend. It was clear
that she was wondering where I had come up with such a question. Losing Jenna would be like losing a
very close sister. We hung out together. We gave each other advice.
     "Of course, we"ll still be friends when we"re eighty-two." Jenna announced loudly.
     The next year, in the fourth grade, we met Jamie. The three of us soon became close friends. We
played together almost every day. I thought even time couldn"t pull us apart, but I was sadly mistaken.
     The three of us started fighting a lot. Before Christmas, we had a really big fight, and Jamie and Jenna
were against me, both saying I was bossy. I felt helpless and lonely. I thought Christmas would be horrible!
     I was surprised when Jenna came to my house and gave me an awesome Christmas card she had made for me. I was so sure that she was still disappointed with me.
     "Wow, " I said, breaking the silence as we stood on either side of my front door. "Thanks."
     "Okay…well…I have to go," she said softly.
     "Okay. See you later then…and I closed the door.
     "Who was that at the door?" my mum asked.
     The card started off with "Merry Christmas", but then it said, "I am so glad we"re friends. I am sorry
about what I said when we were fighting. A fight won"t stop us from being friends. Besides, we said we
were going to be friends even when we"re eight-two."
     I stopped reading and started laughing. I couldn"t believe I had forgotten what she said that day in her
back yard. I couldn"t believe I had been so selfish in trying to get even and making my friends feel sorry
for me that I had forgotten about real friendship.
1. How would the author and Jenna get along with each other after Christmas?
A. They would be close friends again.
B. They would not speak to each other.
C. They would lose touch with each other.
D. They would go on fighting with each other.
2.The underlined sentence "I was bossy" in the fourth paragraph means "_________".
A. I looked like a boss
B. I acted as a boss
C. I was fond of giving orders
D. I was fond of fighting
3.Which of the following is the right time order according to the passage?
a. Jamie became our friend.
b. I felt lonely and unhappy.
c. Jenna, Jamie and I fought a lot.
d. Jenna brought me a Christmas card.
e. I was sorry for what I did to her.
f. Jenna and I promised to be lifelong friends.
A. f a b c e d      
B. a c f b d e        
C. a b c f e d        
D. f a c b d e
4.The author was delighted when she read the card from Jenna because _________.
A. what Jenna wrote was funny
B. Jenna would be her friend again
C. she was happy about the coming Christmas
D. she was happy to receive a Christmas card
     Several days ago my family and I went sledding(雪橇)and as I watched my children climbing up the
slope (斜坡), I started thinking.
     Many people believe that most of today"s social  1   are because of the "me" generation; teenagers just
care about themselves and pay no  2   to others. Some even think today"s teenagers won"t do anything   3  
there is something in it for them.
     Yet, while watching, I saw a    4   side of teenagers. I watched my two oldest children take my youngest by the hand to help her  5   up the slope. They would have been  6   without her,  7   not once did they try
to set off without her. And when the sled    8   my two daughters was aimed  9   the embankment (路堤), it was my five-year-old son who ran to them to stop them from falling and   10   themselves.
     Don"t get me wrong; these children sometimes  11   among themselves to get the things they want. But I
can take them to the shop and know that they won"t   12   anything, I can talk to them about the   13   and
know that they will offer to send some of their own money to  14   the people in the disaster area, and I
can ask them to  15   with those children left alone and know that they will do their best to befriend them.
     Perhaps it"s not the "me" generation that   16   many of society"s problems - not the teenagers who
want  17   ,but the adults in their lives who have taught them to  18   think only of themselves and to want
everything. Most young children want to help. We can  19   that feeling to continue into adulthood by
teaching the lesson my children learned while sledding: Life is a slippery slope, but we can all make it to the
  20  if we remember to help others.
题型:浙江省月考题难度:| 查看答案
题型:浙江省月考题难度:| 查看答案


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(     )1. A. problems    
(     )2. A. money      
(     )3. A. until      
(     )4. A. different  
(     )5. A. sign        
(     )6. A. happier    
(     )7. A. but        
(     )8. A. knocking    
(     )9. A. across      
(     )10. A. supporting
(     )11. A. share      
(     )12. A. care about
(     )13. A. dream      
(     )14. A. help      
(     )15. A. quarrel    
(     )16. A. cause      
(     )17. A. nothing    
(     )18. A. politely  
(     )19. A. force      
(     )20. A. origin    
B. troubles  
B. worry    
B. unless    
B. same      
B. hold      
B. faster    
B. so        
B. making    
B. beyond    
B. running  
B. shout    
B. ask for  
B. weather  
B. favor    
B. struggle  
B. provide  
B. something
B. selfishly
B. request  
B. top      
C. matters    
C. care        
C. although    
C. strange    
C. climb      
C. slower      
C. and        
C. dropping    
C. towards    
C. crying      
C. fight      
C. look for    
C. reason      
C. treat      
C. play        
C. act        
C. everything  
C. generously  
C. remember    
C. realism    
D. difficulties  
D. attention      
D. when          
D. similar        
D. clean          
D. higher        
D. for            
D. carrying      
D. around        
D. hurting        
D. talk          
D. think about    
D. earthquake    
D. relax          
D. deal          
D. shake          
D. anything      
D. usefully      
D. encourage      
D. start          
     The cars were honking (鸣叫) on the road one morning as I was walking to the park. I walked on
and soon found the cause - a little taxi that had got stuck in the middle of the road. There was sweat on
the driver"s face as he tried to start the engine again and again - nothing happened. "No petrol," I said to
myself and then found myself getting angry. "Why doesn"t the fool move his taxi to the side?" I thought,
so did all the others who honked and shouted.
      He got up tiredly, and the passenger in the taxi got out. He was a young man in a white shirt, who
watched the driver try to push it to the side. "Stupid guy!" I said. "Can"t he lend a helping hand?"
      I watched as the poor driver pushed it to the side. Cars, buses and trucks went past cursing (咒骂)
the poor man. The young man took another taxi and went off.
      The taxi driver began mending his taxi. "Stupid passenger!" I said to him. "He didn"t help you!" The
taxi driver slowly got up. "Sir!" he asked, "Did you?" I looked at him guiltily, then looked away, and
walked away fast, asking myself, "Did I help the poor man push his taxi?"
       What had I been doing as the traffic jam took place? How had I helped deal with the problem? Did
I help the poor man push his taxi? I"d done my bit, with my mouth. But never had I moved to solve the
problem. I was shocked with guilt as I heard him asking, "Sir! Did you?"
1. Why did a traffic jam happen on the road when the author was walking to the park?     
A. There was too much traffic in the street.
B. Truck drivers attempted to go ahead of others.
C. A taxi driver couldn"t start his engine.
D. A young man wasn"t good at driving.
2. The author"s attitude toward the passenger is that of __________.   
A. anger                  
B. respect        
C. sympathy                        
D. guilt
3. Why did the author feel guilty?     
A. Because he blamed the driver wrongly.
B. Because he didn"t help the driver, either.
C. Because he tried to help but failed in the end.
D. Because he didn"t persuade the passenger to help.
4. From the incident, the author learnt a lesson that we should_________.
A. criticize those who don"t help      
B. hurt the self-respect of others no more
C. think more of those who are in need      
D. stop talking and start to help
5. In this passage, the writer mainly ______ .
A. describes the traffic jam one morning
B. criticizes the your passenger
C. describes what he learns from an accident
D. tells us what we should do in the jam