完形填空。     The wisdom my 77-year-old father has passed on to me came more through

完形填空。     The wisdom my 77-year-old father has passed on to me came more through

完形填空。     The wisdom my 77-year-old father has passed on to me came more through osmosis (潜移默化)
than lectures. My dad"s   1   shines through all my life.
     Old age hasn"t   2    him, mainly because he doesn"t think almost-80 is old. He had ever trained for a
charity (慈善)   3    across the Hudson River in New York. He wore his custom-fitted diving suit, but he
still got so   4  . We warmed him and wrapped him in a sleeping bag. "Oh,   5  , it isn"t that bad," he"d
say, "I am fine. " He always is. He did   6    the Hudson swim a month later.
     If you ask my father whether or not his life has been hard, he will say he is   7  . He means the kind of
happiness that comes from   8    a well-cooked family meal, taking a good long run or growing a perfect
tomato. Did I mention that he used to run marathons before his knee replacement surgery? He"s the one
who   9   me I could do it, too. "  10   can run a marathon," he said, "as long as you keep training. "
     My father was born in 1933. His childhood took a   11  at the beginning of World War Ⅱ : His
father joined the French Army and was  12   by the Germans and spent the war in a prison camp. My
dad and his mother and sister were shipped off to New Jersey to live with relatives. His mother  13  
from depression, and Dad went to boarding school in New England from the sixth grade on. Yet in all
Dad"s dinner table    14  , there have been many times when he turned them into  15   stories.
     After a family dinner the other night, Papa Bob advised us to try the skydiving  16 "Sixty-five seconds
of free falling," he said. "I  17   it. I should have been a paratrooper"
     He loves getting cards in the mail, and usually I"m  18 , so instead I call him on Father"s Day. But this
year I"ve  19   to be early for once. I want to let him know how much he  20   to me. Dad, thank you-for
all of it and mostly for your enduring faith that everything will be OK.(     )1. A. ability      
(     )2. A. comforted    
(     )3. A. swim          
(     )4. A. warm          
(     )5. A. come out      
(     )6. A. complete      
(     )7. A. ordinary      
(     )8. A. sharing      
(     )9. A. informed      
(     )10. A. Anyone      
(     )11. A. step        
(     )12. A. killed      
(     )13. A. resulted    
(     )14. A. experiences  
(     )15. A. foolish      
(     )16. A. chance      
(     )17. A. loved        
(     )18. A. late        
(     )19. A. refused      
(     )20. A. occurs       B. gentleness
B. slowed    
B. donation  
B. sad        
B. come back  
B. stop      
B. young      
B. containing
B. appointed  
B. Someone    
B. turn      
B. caught    
B. judged    
B. manners    
B. great      
B. adventure  
B. hated      
B. early      
B. permitted  
B. possesses  C. optimism      
C. punished      
C. volunteer    
C. calm          
C. come over    
C. delay        
C. disabled      
C. destroying    
C. insisted      
C. None          
C. sigh          
C. driven        
C. suffered      
C. stories      
C. short        
C. visit        
C. used          
C. noisy        
C. allowed      
C. means         D. humor        
D. accused      
D. activity    
D. cold        
D. come on      
D. celebrate    
D. lucky        
D. buying      
D. convinced    
D. Others      
D. dream        
D. fired        
D. separated    
D. news        
D. aggressive  
D. movement    
D. assessed    
D. quiet        
D. decided      
D. proves      
1-5: CBADD  6-10:  ADADA  11-15:  BBCCB  16-20: BAADC 
完形填空。                                                                The Best Holiday
     I was unbelievably proud of my nine-year-old daughter, Emily.    1    to buy a mountain bike, she"d
been saving her pocket money all year, as well as doing small jobs to earn extra money.
     By Thanksgiving , she had collected only $49. I said, " You   2    have your pick from my bicycle
  3  ". "Thanks, Daddy. But your bikes are so old. " She was right. All my girls" bikes were 1950s models , not the kind a kid today would   4  choose.
     As Christmas  5  near, Emily and I went bike shopping . As we left one store, she  6  a Salvation
Army volunteer standing next to a big pot. "Can we give something, Daddy?" She asked. "Sorry, Em,
I"m out of  7 . "
     Throughout December, Emily continued to work hard. Then one day, she made a  8  announcement. "You know all the money I"ve been saving?" she said hesitantly. "I"m going to give it to the poor people.
" So one cold morning before Christmas, Emily handed her total savings of $58 to a volunteer who was
really very   9  .
      10  by Emily"s selflessness, I decided to contribute   11    of my old bicycles to a car dealer who was
collecting used bikes for poor children.  12  I selected a shiny model from my collection, however, it
seemed as if a second bike took on a glow. Should I contribute two? No, one would be enough. But I
couldn"t  13  the feeling that I should give a second bike. When I later  14  the bikes, the car dealer said, "You"re making two kids very  15 , sir . Here are your tickets. For each bicycle contributed, we"re   16  
away one chance to win a girl"s mountain bike. "
     Why wasn"t I surprised when that second ticket proved to be the   17 ? I like to think it was God"s
way of  18   a little girl for a sacrifice   19  her year--while giving her dad a lesson in the  20   .(     )1.A. Promised    
(     )2.A. need        
(     )3.A. collection  
(     )4.A. seldom      
(     )5.A. drew        
(     )6.A. observed    
(     )7.A. work        
(     )8.A. disappointing
(     )9.A. agreeable
(     )10.A. Moved      
(     )11.A. one        
(     )12.A. While      
(     )13.A. express    
(     )14.A. returned    
(     )15.A. sweet      
(     )16.A. putting    
(     )17.A. present    
(     )18.A. greeting    
(     )19.A. under      
(     )20.A. process    B. Amazed      
B. should      
B. contribution
B. likely      
B. became      
B. sensed      
B. charge     
B. surprising  
B. hopeful    
B. Shocked    
B. some        
B. As          
B. describe    
B. delivered   
B. healthy    
B. giving      
B. harvest    
B. praising    
B. before      
B. project    C. Determined
C. must      
C. shop      
C. slightly  
C. went      
C. watched  
C. time    
C. formal    
C. thankful  
C. Persuaded
C. two      
C. Because  
C. explain  
C. chose    
C. happy     
C. storing  
C. winner    
C. sheltering
C. beyond    
C. struggle  D. Organized        
D. can                
D. club             
D. merely          
D. pulled            
D. noticed            
D. change            
D. public           
D. pitiful          
D. Demanded          
D. any                
D. Though            
D. shake              
D. shared            
D. fair              
D. signing            
D. chance            
D. rewarding          
D. within            
D. communication    
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阅读理解。     There has been an outpouring of love for, a 23-year-old disabled woman whose dog was killed in 
front of her while a groomer (美容师) tried to trim (修剪) its claws.    
     Calls and e-mails came from as far away as the Upper Peninsula and Arizona as well as Oakland 
and Macomb counties, offering Laurie Crouch, who uses a wheelchair because of multiple sclerosis (硬
化症), everything from dogs to money, such as that from Jason Daly of Roseville who said, " I would like
 to buy her a new dog." 
     A story about the death of Crouch"s pet, Gooch, was printed on the front page of Macomb Daily. 
Crouch said a man sat on the dog to trim its nails. Gooch died after one claw was trimmed. 
    Crouch yelled at the groomer to stop when she saw Gooch was struggling to breathe, but she said 
she was ignored. "If I could have walked, I would have put my hands on her and pulled her off my dog
 and physically stopped her, but I can"t do that." Gooch was not a trained service animal, but naturally
 helped Crouch by picking up things for her.
      "This case is absolute animal abuse ( 虐待)," Larry Obrecht, division manager of the Oakland 
County Animal Shelter in Auburn Hills, said.  
     People who read the story contacted Oakland Press to offer help. A message, from Rebecca Amett 
of Giggles N Wiggles Puppy Rescue, in Roseville, said, "We have puppies to donate … and want to help
 the young woman who lost her service dog."
     "When Gooch was with me, I was happy," Crouch said, "I think I can be happy again but no animal
 can replace Gooch. There"s never going to be another Gooch out there but I think I will find a dog that 
can bring me joy again." 1. What does the passage mainly tell us?A. A disabled woman"s service dog. 
B. A cruel groomer killed a disabled woman"s dog. 
C. People"s love for a disabled woman who lost her dog. 
D. Disabled woman loves to have the dog as company.   2. People called and emailed to ____. A. offer help and care to Laurie Crouch.
B. give their angry voice to the groomer. 
C. offer a cure for Crouch"s disease.
D. tell Crouch how to punish the groomer. 3. Gooch died mainly because _____   . A. the groomer was careless. 
B. the groomer sat on the dog with another man. 
C. the dog was wearing a collar.
D. the groomer didn"t know how to trim the dog"s nails 4. We can infer from the passage that  ____  .  A. Crouch refused to take another dog.
B. Crouch must be sad after losing her dog. 
C. Crouch has accepted another dog from a stranger. 
D. Crouch can live well without a dog"s company.
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阅读理解。     A disheveled (头发凌乱的) man appeared in court Thursday on charges of murdering a Chinese
woman whose fight with her attacker was seen on webcam (摄像头) by her boyfriend in China. Police
refused to release any details about the crime or its possible motive.
     The body of York University student Liu Qian, 23, of Beijing, was found Friday in her apartment in
Toronto a few hours after her boyfriend witnessed the attack, police said.
     She was found undressed from the waist down but there were no obvious signs of sexual attack or
trauma (创伤) severe enough to kill her. Police say it may be weeks before the results of an autopsy (尸
体解剖) are known.
     Brian Dickson, 29, stood before the court in a wrinkled white shirt and blue jeans as a charge of
first- degree murder was read out. He did not enter a plea. His case was held over until April 26.
     Dickson was arrested Wednesday. Police only announced his name and his age and asked the media
not to publish any photos of Dickson, saying it could compromise the investigation. Toronto police spokesman Tony Vella declined to respond to the request further.
     Liu"s father, Liu Jianhui, who arrived from China after being informed of his daughter"s death, thanked
authorities for their quick action.
     "I sincerely thank the people concerned with my daughter"s case," he told reporters after the arrest.
"Our daughter was studying very hard."
     Police released no motive or details about Dickson, but one friend described the Toronto man as an
aspiring actor
     Patricia Tomasi, a friend of Dickson"s, told The Associated Press that she acted in a play at a local
theater in Toronto with Dickson in 2007.
     "He doesn"t seem like the type but that"s what they always say," Tomasi said. "He"s tall with boyish
good looks. I don"t know much about him except that he wanted to be an actor."
     Dickson attended York University where he studied global politics, but did not earn a degree from
     He later worked for the Atlantic Council of Canada (ACC), where he served as an assistant to the
president Juilie Lindhout. According to his biography on a newsletter from the Atlantic Council of
Canada, Dickson has also been a running instructor and has been involved with Developments in
Literacy, a Pakistani aid organization that raises money for children in Pakistan.
     A statement from the Atlantic Council of Canada on Thursday said it was not council policy to
comment on staff, but it confirmed that Dickson had been an intern(实习生) with the council from
September 29, 2008, until March 27, 2009.
     Liu was chatting with her boyfriend, Meng Xianchao, by webcam at about 1 am. Friday when a man
knocked on the door, police said.
     Meng reported seeing a struggle break out between the two before Liu"s webcam was shut off. Meng
contacted other friends in Toronto who in turn called police.
   The victim"s father, Liu Jianhui, said his daughter studied at Beijing City University before moving to
Canada, where she met Meng.
     Liu Qian"s laptop computer, webcam and mobile phone were taken from the apartment the night of
the attack, police said. Police said the online chat was on a live streaming camera and was not recorded,
though investigators were trying to figure out if there was any way they could recover it.
     York University, whose campus is located near one of Toronto"s rougher neighborhoods, is one of
Canada"s largest universities with more than 53,000 undergraduate and graduate students. About 3,200
of York"s students come from more than 150 foreign countries, the university"s website says.1. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?A. York University students come from over 150 foreign countries.
B. Dickson was a graduate of York University where he studied global politics.
C. The passage does not mention the reason why Dickson murdered Liu Qian.
D. ACC wouldn"t make any comments on staff even if they committed a crime.2. The underlined word in paragraph 8 probably means ______.A. a successful actor    
B. a gifted actor  
C. a common actor
D. an ambitious actor3. Why did police ask the media not to publish any photos of Dickson?A. Worrying about bad influences on the investigation.
B. Not intending to give out any information about Dickson.
C. Not confirming whether Dickson had killed Liu Qian.
D. Wanting to protect their citizen for fear of losing face.4. What can be inferred from the text?A. Developments in Literacy raises money for all children
B. Seeing the struggle, Meng contacted Toronto police.
C. Dickson had no bad records before the murder.
D. Investigators could recover the chat record online.
题型:黑龙江省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空。     Cindy Green had a serious telephone problem. The brand-new $100 million Ribrock Plaza Hotel
opened nearby and had  1    almost the same telephone number as Cindy"s. From the moment the hotel
opened, Cindy was   2   by calls not for her. Since she had the same phone number for years, she felt
that she should   3    the hotel management to change its number.  4  , the management refused. The
phone company was not  5  , either. It argued that a number was a number, and the fact that a customer
was getting someone else"s  6  twenty-four hours a day didn"t make it   7  .
     After her request fell on deaf ears, Cindy decided to take 8   into her own hands. At 9 o"clock the
phone rang. Someone from Memphis was calling the hotel and  9  a room for the following Tuesday.
Cindy said, "No 10  . How many nights?"
     A few hours later a secretary called and said that she wanted a suite (套房) 11  two bedrooms for a
week. Cindy replied that the Presidential Suite was  12    for $600 a night. The secretary said that she
would  13   it.
     The next day was a   14    one for Cindy. In the morning, she booked a car producer"s conference
for Memorial Day weekend. Her biggest 15  came in the afternoon-a mother called to book the ballroom
for her daughter"s wedding in June. Cindy hesitated for a while, but still   16   the woman that it would be
no problem.
     Within a few months, the Ribrock Plaza Hotel was a disaster area. People kept  17    for weddings,
reunions (聚会) and parties, and were all   18  that there were no such events.
Soon after, she read in a  19    that the hotel might go bankrupt (***).Her phone rang, and a manager
from Marriott said, "We"re prepared to   20    you $2 million for the hotel." Cindy replied, "We"ll take it,
but only if you change the telephone number."(     )1. A. required       
(     )2. A. bothered       
(     )3. A. expect         
(     )4. A. Interestingly  
(     )5. A. blamed         
(     )6. A. answers       
(     )7. A. changeable      
(     )8. A. matters       
(     )9. A. sought for      
(     )10. A. way            
(     )11. A. plus          
(     )12. A. comfortable    
(     )13. A. order          
(     )14. A. lucky        
(     )15. A. challenge      
(     )16. A. promised      
(     )17. A. turning around
(     )18. A. informed    
(     )19. A. note          
(     )30. A. lend          B. acquired    
B. embarrassed
B. force      
B. Amazingly  
B. patient  
B. calls      
B. guilty     
B. deals      
B. asked for  
B. wonder      
B. instead of  
B. reasonable  
B. reserve  
B. new        
B. adventure  
B. reminded    
B. turning up  
B. impressed  
B. brochure    
B. present   C. confirmed  
C. disappointed
C. encourage  
C. Naturally  
C. involved  
C. messages  
C. responsible
C. events    
C. called for  
C. problem    
C. next to  
C. available  
C. purchase  
C. difficult  
C. fortune    
C. convinced  
C. turning over
C. guaranteed  
C. poster      
C. offer      D. dialed        
D. frightened    
D. persuade      
D. Curiously      
D. helpful        
D. numbers        
D. shameful      
D. requests      
D. waited for    
D. doubt          
D. with          
D. affordable    
D. register      
D. busy          
D. business      
D. comforted      
D. turning back  
D. discouraged    
D. newspaper      
D. award          
题型:湖北省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Just over a year ago, life as an orphan (孤儿) girl in Tilinanu, southern Malawi, was uncertain. Relying
on the kindness of the poor villagers for a roof over their head, many had to sleep in a room that held as
many as fifteen people, eating a diet mainly of porridge. Their classroom for daily lessons was an open
space in the bush.
     Now 34 of them have comfortable beds in a smart new home, with a community hall and medical
centre next to it. Another 175 village children eat there daily, with the adults coming in to learn English; it"s an amazing transformation. Even more amazing is that the person behind it is just 21.
     When Alice Pulford was waiting to get into university, she took a five-month teaching position in
Malawi. She loved the place, and returned in the spring of 2009 to visit her friend Zulu in Tilinanu. His
aunt Mercy owned land there and was doing her best to provide an education for the orphans, many of
whom had lost parents to AIDS or malaria (疟疾).
     But after helping Mercy out for some time, Alice realised that what the girls in particular really needed was a safe and permanent place to live. There was a derelict (年久失修的) church on Mercy"s land.
"If you give me the church, I"ll set up a home for these children," Alice told her.Mercy agreed.
     Alice phoned home and told her family about her plan. The family had already helped Alice raise £
1,800 to assist the orphans. After they received Alice"s call, they threw themselves into raising another £6,000, organising theatre trips and special parties and dinners.
     Alice found Malawian builders, selected materials and even helped with the brick-laying. In ten
weeks, the church became a dormitory with toilets and a living area. In spring last year, Alice raised
another £19,000 to build the medical centre and two new dormitories.
     The girls are happier-and so is Alice, who has been spending around four months in Malawi a year.
"The orphans think they"re gaining from me, but when I see their smile, it transforms me," she says.1. Over a year ago, the orphans didn"t have _______.A. a classroom   
B. a teacher    
C. shelter    
D. food2.What is known about the home Alice has built for the orphans?A. It looks like a community hall.
B. It depends on the villagers" help.
C. It provides a place for recreation.
D. It benefits both the children and adults.3. The  Pulfords" family are _______.A. short of money                
B. fond of entertainments
C. supportive of each other        
D. unaware of Alice"s plan4.What has Alice learned from her experience? A. Money-raising is a family business.
B. Winning orphans" smile calls for skills.
C. AIDS has made many children parentless.
D. Helping others brings changes in a person.
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