阅读理解。     Robert and Peter study in the same university. They do everything toge

阅读理解。     Robert and Peter study in the same university. They do everything toge


     Robert and Peter study in the same university. They do everything together and help each other. But they
often play jokes on each other. The school year was over last month and they decided to travel through the
country in America. They drove a car and could stop wherever they were interested in and started whenever
they wanted. Of course they enjoyed themselves. It was very hot one day and they were both hungry and
thirsty. They stopped in front of a restaurant by the road. They came in, sat down at a table and ordered some
dishes. Robert looked around and found there was a small bowl on the table. He thought there was some ice
cream in it and took a spoonful of it and put it into his mouth. Immediately he knew it was mustard (芥末), but
it was too late. Tears ran down his face, but he pretended nothing had happened. The other young man, seeing
his friend crying, asked,"What are you crying about, Robert?"
     "I"m thinking of my father who was hanged twenty years ago," was a reply. 
     After a while Peter made the same mistake. Tears ran down his cheeks, too. And his friend asked him why. "I wonder why your father hadn"t been hanged before he got married!"

1. Robert didn"t tell Peter it was some mustard in the bowl because _____. A. he wanted his friend to repeat the mistake
B. he didn"t know his friend hated it
C. he thought his friend knew what it was
D. he thought his friend was interested in it 2. Peter made the same mistake because _____. A. he often took some mustard
B. he was too hungry to wait for their dishes
C. he was much braver than his friend
D. he wasn"t afraid to be played a joke on 3. What do Peter"s last words mean? A. Robert"s father would be hanged earlier.
B. It was wrong to play a joke on a friend.
C. He must give his friend a lesson.
D. His friend shouldn"t be born. 4. The writer mainly wants to tell us _____ in this passage. A. not to trust your friend
B. a joke
C. not to mistake mustard for Ice cream
D. it"s wrong to lie to friends
1-4: ABDB
完形填空。     When I was a boy of twelve, something stopped me forever from putting any wild creatures in a cage.
     We lived in a village. Every evening the mockingbirds (仿声鸟) would come and   1   in the trees and sing.
No musical instruments can produce a more   2   sound than the songs of the mockingbird.
     I decided to   3   a young bird and keep it in a cage so that I would have my own private   4   .
     Finally I managed to catch   5   and put it in a cage. At first, the bird moved wildly about in the cage, but at
last it   6   in its new home. I felt very pleased   7   myself and looked forward to some beautiful   8   from my
little musician.
     On the second day, my new pet"s   9   flew to the cage with something in her mouth. the baby bird  10   
everything she brought to it. I was pleased to see this.   11   , the mothe r knew better than I about how to  12
 her baby. the following morning   13   I went to see how my bird was doing, I was shocked to find it on the
floor of the cage,  14   I had taken good care of it, but  15  had happened?
     Arthur Wayne, a famous scientist, happened to be visiting my fathe r at the time. Hearing me crying over
the death of my bird, he  16  what had happened."A mothe r mockingbird, finding her young in a cage, will
sometimes bring it   17  food. She thinks it better for her young to 18  than to live in a cage."
        19   the n I have never caught any living creature and put it in a cage. All living creatures have a   20   to
live free.
题型:山东省月考题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. laugh       
(     )2. A. healthy     
(     )3. A. change      
(     )4. A. musician    
(     )5. A. it          
(     )6. A. settled down
(     )7. A. to          
(     )8. A. looking     
(     )9. A. sister      
(     )10. A. refused    
(     )11. A. Fortunately
(     )12. A. feed       
(     )13. A. when       
(     )14. A. crying     
(     )15. A. how        
(     )16. A. asked    
(     )17. A. delicious  
(     )18. A. grow       
(     )19. A. After      
(     )20. A. right      

B. rest               
B. beautiful     
 B. steal              
B. gardener         
B. that            
B. dressed up    
B. with              
B. dancing            
B. friend            
B. found             
B. Particularly     
B. love            
B. after               
B. dead             
B. why          
B. talked                 
B. dangerous       
B. die               
B. Before          
B. chance                          

C. sleep               
C. meaningful  
C. catch          
C. actress          
C. this              
C. set up       
C. by             
C. singing        
C. mother        
C. drank              
C. Probably     
C. teach        
C. before          
C. mad            
C. when        
C. explained              
C. poisonous    
C. give           
C. Until           
C. mother    

D. jump                    
D. funny             
D. buy                  
D. doctor            
D. one                    
D. turned down    
D. for                 
D. talking           
D. daughter          
D. ate                     
D. Surely          
D. visit             
D. until              
D. dying             
D. what                
D. spoke                    
D. serious           
D. sleep               
D. Since              
D. friend        
     Sharon wrote this when she was 16 and in the llth grade. Her goal is to become an international diplomat (外
交官) and peace-maker. It was my first day at school. I felt   1   and scared. I went to all my classes with no
  2  .
      It felt like no one   3  . I listened anxiously to all the lessons and waited for lunch   4   at 1:00. Then finally
the bell rang. It was time to talk and have   5   .
     In the lunch line I met a new friend who wore a hijab (穆斯林妇女戴的面纱) on her head, and though I am   6   , we got along fine, and I was so   7   when she said,"Sit with us, at our table." She pointed to the one
next to the door.
     So I    8   , and took my tray and was   9   to walk with her across the floor, when suddenly I felt a jog.
"Hey, I saw you on the bus," said a tall girl in a long skirt."I see your Jewish star necklace. You  10  sit with
     At that moment I looked around, and that"s when I   11   , to my surprise, the nations of the world,  12  
 themselves. That"s what I saw through my own eyes.
     The Spanish only sat with Spanish, the Hindus only with Hindus, the Russians always with the Russians,
and   13   the Arabs with the Jews.
     I saw the reason why   14   got started. Everyone   15   to their own kind. The   16   was just like a map of
the world, where there should never have been so much separation among nations. But why was everyone so
  17  ?
     And so I turned   18   this girl, and went with the first, and there was no offence, I built a  19   between
two worlds when I sat with those   20   from me.
题型:福建省月考题难度:| 查看答案

(     )1. A. nervous  
(     )2. A. relatives
 (     )3. A. cared    
(     )4. A. hours    
(     )5. A. rest      
(     )6. A. Spanish  
(     )7. A. curious  
(     )8. A. allowed  
(     )9. A. about    
(     )10. A. might    
(     )11. A. saw      
(     )12. A. developing
(     )13. A. only    
(     )14. A. dialogues
(     )15. A. stuck    
(     )16. A. school  
(     )17. A. quiet    
(     )18. A. down    
(     )19. A. stage    
(     )20. A. opposite 

B. generous   
B. teachers   
B. mattered   
B. stop       
B. fun       
B. Arab       
B. relieved   
B. adopted   
B. ready     
B. would     
B. noticed   
B. expanding 
B. always     
B. friendships 
B. insisted  
 B. classroom 
B. blind     
B. towards   
B. platform   
B. different 

C. frightened 
C. friends    
C. understood
C. period    
C. chat      
C. Russian    
C. worried    
C. agreed    
C. willing    
C. could      
C. knew      
C. separating
C. sometimes  
C. wars      
C. turned    
C. restaurant
C. deaf      
C. off        
C. bridge    
C. strange    
D. excited     
D. classmates  
D. helped      
D. break       
D. breakfast   
D. Jewish      
D. serious     
D. admitted    
D. likely      
D. should      
D. recognized  
D. defending   
D. never       
D. arguments   
D. listened    
D. lunchroom   
D. tough       
D. up          
D. path        
D. apart       
     I played a racquetball game against my cousin Ed last week. It was one of the most   1   and tiring games
I"ve ever had. When Ed first phoned and   2   we play, I laughed quietly, figuring on an   3   victory. After all,
Ed"s idea of   4   has always been nothing more   5   than lifting a fork to his mouth.   6   I can remember, Ed"s
been the least physically fit member in the family, and   7   proud of himself. His big stomach has always
ballooned out between his T-shirt and trousers. Although the family often   8   about that, Ed refused to buy
  9   T-shirt or to lose weight. So when Ed  10  for our game not only with the bottom of his shirt gathered
inside his trousers but also with a stomach you could hardly  11 . I was so surprised that I was  12 . My cousin
must have made an effort to get himself into shape.  13 , at the point in our game when I"d have predicted (预
计) the score to be about 9 to 1 in my favor, it was  14  7 to 9 and Ed was  15 . The sudden realization was
painful. We  16  to play like two mad men. When the score was 16 up. I was having serious  17  about staying
alive until 21 years old. Let alone  18  that many points. When the game finally ended, both of us were lying flat
on our backs, too tired to  19 . In a way, I think we both won: I the game, but cousin Ed my  20 .
题型:河北省期中题难度:| 查看答案
题型:河北省期中题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. encouraging  
(     )2. A. declared    
(     )3. A. unforgettable 
(     )4. A. exercise    
(     )5. A. time-saving  
(     )6. A. As soon as  
(     )7. A. strangely    
(     )8. A. cared        
(     )9. A. clean        
(     )10. A. set out    
(     )11. A. notice      
(     )12. A. nervous    
(     )13. A. After all  
(     )14. A. mistakenly  
(     )15. A. leading    
(     )16. A. pretended  
(     )17. A. thoughts    
(     )18. A. scoring    
(     )19. A. play        
(     )20. A. friendship  
B. hopeless  
B. mentioned  
B. unexpected 
B. preparation 
B. comfortable 
B. As long as
B. personally 
B. forgot    
B. larger    
B. got ready  
B. admire    
B. curious    
B. As a result 
B. then      
B. coming    
B. stopped    
B. doubts    
B. completing      
B. start      
B. respect    
C. surprising 
C. persuaded  
C. easy      
C. joy        
C. suitable  
C. When      
C. reasonably    
C. quarreled  
C. straight  
C. arrived    
C. believe    
C. careless  
C. Above all  
C. instead    
C. waiting    
C. continued  
C. situations 
C. receiving  
C. sleep      
C. support    
D. regular     
D. suggested   
D. early       
D. fitness     
D. effort-making          
D. Since       
D. eagerly     
D. joked       
D. darker      
D. returned    
D. measure     
D. speechless  
D. At last     
D. naturally   
D. counting    
D. decided     
D. problems    
D. keeping     
D. move        
D. favor       
     It was the first snow of winter-an exciting day for every child but not for most teachers. Up until now,
I had been old enough to dress myself, but today would need some help. Miss Finlayson, my kindergarten
teacher, had been through first snow days many times, but I think she may still remember this one.
     I managed to get into my wool snow trousers. But I struggled won my jacket because it didn"t fit well.
It was a hand-me-down from my brother, and if made me wonder why I had to wear his ugly clothes, At
least my hat and scarf were mine, and they were quite pretty. Finally it was time to have Miss Finlayson
help me with my boots (靴子).
     In her calm, motherly voice she said, "By the end of winter, you will all be able to put on your own boots."
I didn"t realize at the at the time that this was more a statement of hope than of confidence (信心).
     I handed her my boots and stuck out my foot. Like most children, I expected grown-ups to do all the
work. After much pushing, she managed to get first one into place and then, with a sigh, worked the second
one on too.
     I announced, "They"re on the wrong feet."
     She struggled to get the boots off and went through the joyless task of putting them on again.
     "They"re my brother"s boots, you know," I said. "I hate them".
     Somehow, from long years of practice, she managed to act as though I wasn"t an annoying (烦人的) little
girl, She struggle with me, she asked, "Now, where are your mittens (连指手套)?"
     I looked into her eyes and said, "I didn"t want to lose them, so I hid them in the toes of my boots."
1. The little girl was more satisfied with her _____.
A. trousers
B. jacket
C. boots
D. hat
2. Miss Finlayson had difficulty with the girl"s boots mainly because _____.
A. the girl got them from her brother
B. the girl put something in them
C. they were on the wrong feet
D. they did not fit the girl well
3. Why does the author Miss Finlayson would remember that first snow day?
A. Because the little girl was in her brother"s clothes.
B. Because it was the most exciting day of the winter.
C. Because the little girl played a trick on her.
D. Because the little girl wore a pretty scarf.
4. We can learn from the text that Miss Finlayson _____.
A. was losing confidence in the little girl.
B. gradually lost patience with the little girl.
C. became disappointed with the little girl.
D. was getting bored with the little girl.
     Paul Carson, a music teacher, was driving along a country road with his sister Nora.   1   he saw a
man in a big American car who _2  the man wanted by the police.  3  by a reward (奖赏) of fifty pounds,
the sister and brother _4  to catch the criminal(罪犯) by following him  5  .  As soon as the man entered
Seldon Manor, a _6  belonging to Paul"s friend Mr. Lightfoot, Paul shut him in and then drove to   7  .
Realizing that Paul had made a _8  because the criminal had been put into prison that morning , the police
officer set off immediately with Paul to set the man free. The man who was _9 up in the house was really
an American visitor from    10   City. Paul and Nora felt very much    11    for what they had done. This
  12  action of theirs would surely make them the laughing-stock of the whole town. But a letter from the
American   13  changed the situation. _14  blaming(责怪) him, the American visitor thanked Paul for
shutting him up in his 
  15  house. It  16  that Seldon Manor was the American ancestors" home. He had come  17 to England
to look for it. In order to show his 18 , he offered the sister and brother a check 19 fifty pounds. Paul
and Nora got the 20  in the end, though in a quite different way.
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(     )1. A. Clearly        
(     )2. A. looked like      
(     )3. A. Feared          
(     )4. A. wondered          
(     )5. A. closely        
(     )6. A. factory        
(     )7. A. the railway station 
(     )8. A. mistake        
(     )9. A. pulled          
(     )10. A. London        
(     )11. A. joyful        
(     )12. A. rude          
(     )13. A. president        
(     )14. A. Instead of      
(     )15. A. small          
(     )16. A. turned out      
(     )17. A. all the time    
(     )18. A. anger          
(     )19. A. as          
(     )20. A. honor          
B. Finally
B. cared about
B. Attracted
B. promised   
B. anxiously 
B. garden   
B. the city   
B. choice   
B. shut     
B. New York   
B. ashamed   
B. kind     
B. couple   
B. As well as
B. own     
B. turned up 
B. all the way
B. thanks   
B. to     
B. gift     
C. Quickly  
C. hunted for     
C. Moved  
C. decided    
C. separately    
C. farm      
C. his home    
C. joke      
C. brought    
C. Paris       
C. pleased  
C. worthy      
C. visitor    
C. In case of      
C. new    
C. turned on  
C. all the same
C. pity      
C. for      
C. position    
D. Suddenly           
D. called on          
D. Shared             
D. struggled          
D. excitedly          
D. house              
D. the police station 
D. adventure          
D. sent               
D. Cairo              
D. disappointed       
D. clever             
D. policeman          
D. As a result of     
D. big                
D. turned down        
D. by chance          
D. interest           
D. of                 
D. reward