阅读理解。     Every day at 8:00 a. m., Lucy was served breakfast in bed by Guido, he

阅读理解。     Every day at 8:00 a. m., Lucy was served breakfast in bed by Guido, he

阅读理解。     Every day at 8:00 a. m., Lucy was served breakfast in bed by Guido, her cook. Next came a quick fitness
period with Olga, her personal trainer. Lars, her secretary, would be waiting in the study and at 10:00 a. m.,
Lucy would be there. At noon, Lucy would drive to meet her old friends. As Lucy returned at 4:55 p. m., Olga
would have already set up the massage (按摩) table.
     However, today was a little different: Lucy took her diamond necklace to Manhattan for a good clean. She
threw it into her purse and left.
     On the way, she sensed she was being followed. Then as she joined the shoppers, Lucy felt a pull. Within
a second, a man on skates (冰鞋) sailed past her, grabbing her purse.
     Lucy went to the police station and returned home an hour late. The ice in the welcome-home cocktail (鸡
尾酒) Lars had mixed had already melted. Olga hurriedly set up the massage table and mixed the oils.
     Two hours later, Lucy lay in bed, lost in thought.
     "It was an inside job. The person obviously knew I was carrying that necklace cleaned."
     "Guido"s cousin owns an in-line skating store in Manhattan."
     "I always arrived home at 4:45 p. m. and Olga was always ready with the table set up and the oils ready.
But today, Olga didn"t prepare the massage for me until I walked through the door. Why? Because she knew
I would be late. Realizing that I would be taking the necklace to Manhattan, Olga telephoned her boyfriend who
waited in Manhattan, ready to skate and rob."
     And soon Olga and her boyfriend were both arrested. 1. Which one is the most suitable topic sentence for Paragraph l? A. As a woman of business, Lucy was always very busy.
B. As a woman of business, Lucy lived a comfortable life.
C. As a woman of leisure, Lucy kept a demanding (苛刻的) schedule.
D. As a woman of leisure, Lucy had enough spare time. 2. Which conclusion can NOT be drawn from the passage? A. Lars would be waiting in the study for Lucy at 10:00 a. m.every day.
B. Guido needn"t prepare dinner for Lucy every evening.
C. The cocktail had been prepared for Lucy when she returned today.
D. Today, Olga didn"t prepare the massage for Lucy as usual. 3. What time was it when Lucy went to bed tonight? A. At 4:55 p. m.
B. At 5:55 p. m.
C. At 6:55 p. m.
D. At 7:55 p. m. 4. Who could NOT work with the robber in Lucy"s opinion? A. Her cook.
B. Her friend.
C. Her trainer.
D. Her secretary.
1-4 C B D B
阅读理解。     As my dad unwrapped the new bicycle helmet (头盔) that I got him for his birthday, I realized that a
number of people ride their bicycles every day without the protection of a helmet.
     Due to cold winters across the country, riding has become increasingly dangerous as many roads have
potholes and are torn-up (磨损的). Not everyone realizes that there are laws requiring the wearing of helmets
in many places.
     Where I live, there has been a law in place since October l, 1992 stating that cyclists of all ages are required
to wear helmets. Unfortunately, accidents can happen to the best of riders. My dad has been a cyclist for many
years, and he often rides around my county and to Rockland Lake State Park.
     One afternoon, as he was just entering the park, he lost control of his bicycle and flew off and landed on a
nearby patch of grass, breaking his helmet into pieces and losing consciousness. When he was just awakening,
a lovely couple found him and brought him back to our house, where he attempted to recap the events leading
up to his fall. Later that day, a CAT scan revealed that he had a concussion(脑震荡). That evening, while my
dad was showing me the pieces of his broken helmet, we both came to a shocking realization.
     If he had not worn his helmet, he probably would have cracked his skull and perhaps died. Today, when
my dad and I go out cycling, the wearing of our helmets is not even a question. Regardless of age, everyone
should wear a helmet whenever they get on a bicycle. 1. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TURE? A. Young men needn"t wear helmets.
B. The writer"s father didn"t wear a helmet until the writer bought him one.
C. People don"t have to wear helmets on smooth surface roads.
D. Accidents do not happen to the best cyclists. 2. In the writer"s opinion, why should people wear bicycle helmets? A. Because a law requires them to do so.
B. Because many people like wearing bicycle helmets.
C. Because people have realized the importance of wearing helmets.
D. Because the conditions of roads are very poor and it is dangerous to ride on them. 3. The underlined part "we both came to a shocking realization" in Paragraph means "____". A. we understood how lucky the dad was to have worn a helmet
B. we were shocked to see the broken helmet
C. we realized that young people needn"t wear helmets
D. only old people should wear helmets 4. From the accident that happened to the writer"s dad, we can infer that ____. A. the cyclists should follow the law
B. his dad was not worried about this accident
C. it is necessary for cyclists to wear helmets
D. everyone should care about life
题型:期末题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     The week I turned 50, my marriage came to a sudden end. My house, furniture and everything I"d owned
was sold to pay debts that I didn"t even know I had. In a week I had lost my husband, my home and my
parents who had refused to accept a divorce (离婚) in the family. I"d lost everything except my four teenage
children. I used every penny I had to buy five plane tickets from Missouri to Hawaii. Everyone said I was crazy
to think I could just run off to an island and survive. I was afraid they were right.
     Knowing that no one in the world was going to help us, I rented a cheap apartment. I worked 18 hours a
day and lost 30 pounds because I lived on one meal a day. One night as I walked alone on the beach, I saw the
red orange glow of the lava (火山岩) pouring out of Kilauea Volcano in the distance. It was time to live my
     The next day, I quit my job and invested my last paycheck in art supplies and began doing what I loved. I
hadn"t painted a picture in 15 years. I wondered if I could still paint. My hands trembled the first time I picked
up a brush. But before an hour had passed, I was lost in the colors spreading across the canvas (画布) in front
of me. And as soon as I started believing in myself, other people started believing in me, too. The first painting
sold for $ 1500 before I even had time to frame it.
     The past six years have been filled with adventures. My children and I have gone swimming with dolphins,
watched whales and hiked around the crater (火山口) edge of the volcano. We wake up every morning with
the ocean in front of us and the volcano behind us. The dream I had more than 40 years ago is now reality. I"m
living freely and happily ever after. 1. It can be inferred from the passage that ____. A. the writer didn"t expect her marriage had ended in divorce
B. the writer"s parents encouraged her to divorce
C. the writer"s husband took away most of her property
D. there was something wrong with the writer"s nerves 2. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true? A. The writer was sure she could survive in Hawaii.
B. The writer with her children met with many difficulties when they first arrived in Hawaii.
C. The writer had ever done paintings before.
D. The writer doubted if she could paint well at first. 3. The writer"s dream was to ____. A. live in nature with animals
B. live near volcanoes and oceans
C. become a successful painter
D. live a free life 4. The best title for this passage is "____". A. My broken marriage
B. My life after divorce
C. Adventures over 6 years
D. Hard life in Hawaii
题型:期末题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空。     I don"t often lose things and I"m especially careful with money. So I was quite   1   when I   2   for my
wallet and it wasn"t there.   3   I thought it was   4   that I could have   5   it at home. Then I remembered
taking it out to   6   the taxi. So I knew I had it with me just before I walked into the   7  . I wondered if it
was possible that it could have slipped (滑) out of my pocket while I was eating dinner. Thinking about that
possibility, I   8   and walked back to the table where I had been sitting. I asked the waiter to go around the
table to see if my wallet was on the   9  . While the waiter was looking for it, the manager of the restaurant
came up to me and asked me if  10  was  11 . I didn"t want to get lots of people involved (卷入) in the  12 ,
but I knew I had to get the wallet back. I told the  13  what had happened. He  14  me to describe (描绘)
the wallet to him and then he insisted I  15   the missing wallet to the police. But I didn"t want the police to
involve in it;  16 , I was in a hurry  17  I had an appointment (约会) with my doctor in just a few minutes.
I explained to him that my great  18  at the moment was how I could pay the bill. He told me not to worry
about that. He had me put  19  my name and  20 , and he said he would send me a bill.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. sad         
(     )2. A. reached     
(     )3. A. First       
(     )4. A. natural     
(     )5. A. forgot      
(     )6. A. pay         
(     )7. A. bank        
(     )8. A. turned around
(     )9. A. taxi        
(     )10. A. it         
(     )11. A. wrong      
(     )12. A. incident   
(     )13. A. taxi driver
(     )14. A. suggested  
(     )15. A. report     
(     )16. A. except     
(     )17. A. because    
(     )18. A. interest   
(     )19. A. out        
(     )20. A. car number 
B. angry       
B. went        
B. At first    
B. certain     
B. left        
B. pay for     
B. taxi        
B. turned back 
B. pocket      
B. what        
B. unfair      
B. accident    
B. policeman   
B. hoped       
B. tell        
B. besides     
B. before      
B. worry       
B. off         
B. phone number
C. surprised    
C. asked        
C. First of all 
C. impossible   
C. remained     
C. spend on     
C. dinning-room 
C. returned     
C. floor        
C. something    
C. missing      
C. problem      
C. waiter       
C. asked        
C. give         
C. however      
C. until        
C. disappointment
C. away         
C. address      
D. calm         
D. hoped        
D. Above all    
D. possible     
D. put          
D. use for      
D. restaurant   
D. returned back        
D. table        
D. anything     
D. lost         
D. question     
D. manager      
D. let          
D. hand in      
D. and          
D. so that      
D. anger        
D. down         
D. house        
     When I was growing up, I was embarrassed to be seen with my father. He was badly crippled (跛脚),
and when we would walk together, his hand on my arm for balance, people would stare and I would be
ashamed of the unwanted attention. If ever noticed or bothered, he never let on.
     It was difficult to walk together-and because of that, we didn"t say much as we went along. But as we
started out, he always said, "You set the pace. I will try to follow you."
     Our usual walk was to or from the subway, which was how he got to work. He went to work even in
bad weather. He almost never missed a day, and would make it to the office even if others could not. It was
a matter of pride for him.
     When snow or ice was on the ground, it was impossible for him to walk, even with help...Such times
my sister or I would pull him through the streets of Brooklyn, N. Y., on a child"s sleigh to the subway entrance.
Once there, he would try to grasp handrail until he reached the lower steps that the warmer tunnel air kept
ice free. In Manhattan the subway station was the basement of his office building, and he would not have to
go outside again until we met him in Brooklyn on his way home.
     When I think of it now, I am surprised at how much courage it must have taken for a grown man to suffer
from shame and disability. And I am also surprised at how he did it-without bitterness or complaint.
     He never talked about himself as an object of pity, nor did he show any envy of the more fortunate or able. What he looked for in others was a "good heart", and if he found one, the owner was good enough for him.
     Now that I am older, I believe that is a proper standard by which to judge people, even though I still don"t
know exactly what a "good heart" is. But I know the times I don"t have one myself.
     He has been away for many years now, but I think of him often. I wonder if he sensed my reluctance to
be seen with him during our walks. If he did, I am sorry I never told him how sorry I was, how unworthy I
was, how I regretted it. I think of him when I com- plain about my troubles, when I am envious of another"s
good for-tune, when I don"t have a "good heart".
1. How did the man treat his father when he was young?
A. He helped his father happily.
B. He never helped his father.
C. He helped his father, but not very happily.
D. He only helped his father take a walk after supper.
2. As a disabled man, his father ____. 
A. didn"t work very hard
B. didn"t go to work from time to time
C. hated those who had good fortune
D. was happy and satisfied, and never lost hope
3.What does the underlined word "reluctance" mean in the article? It means ____.
A. anger
B. sadness
C. happiness
D. unwillingness
4. How did the father get to work usually?
A. By subway.
B. By bus.
C. By wheelchair.
D. By bike.
     It was already late when we set out for the next town,   1   according to the map was about fifteen miles
away on the other side of the   2  . There we felt   3   that we would find a bed   4   the night. Darkness fell
soon after we left the village, but luckily we met   5   as we drove fast along the narrow winding road that 
  6   the hills. As we climbed   7  , it became colder and rain began to fall,   8   it difficult at times to see the
road. I asked John, my companion, to drive more   9  .
     After we had traveled for about twenty miles, there was still no sign of the town which was  10  on the
map. We were beginning to get  11 . Then without warning the car stopped. A quick  12  showed that we
had run out of petrol (汽油). Although we had little food with us, we decided to  13  the night in the car.
     Our meal was soon over. I tried to go to sleep at once,  14  John, who was a  15  sleeper, got out of the
car after a few minutes and went for a walk  16  the hills. Soon he came back. From the top of the hill he
had seen, in the valley below, the  17  of the town we were looking for. We at once unloaded (卸) all our
luggage (行李) and with a great effort (努力),  18  to push the car to the top of the hill. Then we went back
to the luggage, loaded the car again and set off down the hill.  19 . less than a quarter of an hour we were in
the town, where we found a  20  quite easily.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案


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(     )1. A. which     
(     )2. A. rivers    
(     )3. A. surprised 
(     )4. A. at        
(     )5. A. everybody 
(     )6. A. got to    
(     )7. A. taller    
(     )8. A. getting   
(     )9. A. certainly 
(     )10. A. marked   
(     )11. A. excited  
(     )12. A. attention
(     )13. A. spend    
(     )14. A. since    
(     )15. A. quick    
(     )16. A. across   
(     )17. A. lights   
(     )18. A. ought    
(     )19. A. For      
(     )20. A. policeman  
B. it         
B. hills    
B. afraid           
B. in   
B. somebody    
B. arrived       
B. higher   
B. thinking    
B. carefully     
B. set      
B. worried   
B. operation     
B. live       
B. though     
B. fast      
B. through    
B. map         
B. tried      
B. In         
B. friend 
C. where          
C. towns           
C. pleased        
C. through          
C. nobody        
C. led to              
C. lower     
C. causing        
C. slowly           
C. built          
C. cold           
C. examination  
C. spare          
C. so              
C. poor           
C. down          
C. bus              
C. succeeded    
C. Since           
C. hotel       
D. that           
D. villages       
D. sure             
D. for              
D. anybody      
D. belonged to   
D. faster         
D. making           
D. surely               
D. drawn          
D. warm       
D. information                  
D. stay             
D. but           
D. heavy       
D. up              
D. situation        
D. managed       
D. At               
D. cinema