完形填空。     Mrs Jones was very fond of singing. She had a good voice,   1    some

完形填空。     Mrs Jones was very fond of singing. She had a good voice,   1    some

完形填空。     Mrs Jones was very fond of singing. She had a good voice,   1    some of her high notes sounded like a gate
which someone had forgotten to  2   . Mrs Jones was very conscious (清楚的) of this   3  , and took every   4 
 she could find to  5   these high notes. As she lived in a small house, where she could not practise without   6 
 the rest of the family, she   7   went for a long walk along the country roads   8   she had time, and practiced
her high notes there. Whenever she   9   a car or a person coming along the road, she stopped and  10   until she
could no longer be heard   11   she started singing again. One afternoon, however, a fast open car came up
behind her   12   and so fast that she didn"t hear it until it was   13   a few meters from her. She was singing her
highest and most difficult notes at the time, and as the car   14   her, she saw an   15  expression suddenly come
over   16   driver"s face. He put his brakes (刹车) on, and as soon as the car stopped, jumped out and began to 
  17   all his tyres (轮胎) carefully. Mrs Jones did not dare to tell him  18   the noise he had heard had really
been,   19   he got back into his car and drove off as   20   as he had been when he stopped.
(     )1. A. except  
(     )2. A. close   
(     )3. A. weakness
(     )4. A. place   
(     )5. A. practise
(     )6. A. stopping
(     )7. A. seldom  
(     )8. A. since   
(     )9. A. knew    
(     )10. A.sang    
(     )11. A.before  
(     )12. A.silently
(     )13. A.quite   
(     )14. A.hit     
(     )15. A.obvious 
(     )16. A.her     
(     )17. A.mend    
(     )18. A.that    
(     )19. A.for     
(     )20. A.sad     
B. except that
B. shut      
B. trouble   
B. time      
B. sing      
B. disturbing
B. almost    
B. when      
B. watched   
B. danced    
B. while     
B. quickly   
B. about     
B. passed    
B. angry     
B. his       
B. check     
B. what      
B. yet       
B. puzzled   
C. except for    
C. repair        
C. matter        
C. chance        
C. learn         
C.  interrupting 
C. hardly        
C. unless        
C. heard         
C. hid           
C. after         
C. directly      
C. only          
C. left          
C. important   
C. its         
C. examine       
C. about       
C. but           
C. frightened  
D. except when  
D. oil          
D. mistake      
D. way          
D. write        
D. worrying     
D. usually      
D. whenever     
D. was told     
D. waited       
D. when         
D. loudly       
D. still        
D. struck       
D. anxious      
D. it"s         
D. repair       
D. why          
D. so           
D. disappointed 
1-5: BDACA      6-10: BDDCD      11-15: AACBD     16-20: CCBDB
     My dad was a used car salesman. Every   1   on Thursday, he would head off to Shreveport, LA to the
auction (拍卖).
     Once, I was riding with him on the highway when he   2   a hitchhiker (搭便车的旅行者) with a
backpack. As soon as Dad saw him, he pulled the car over and offered him a   3  .
     Dad asked him where he was going. The hitchhiker in front of me said he headed out to the west. Dad
told him we were heading to Shreveport so that was as far as we could take him. I can"t remember   4   but
he told Dad lots of things that made him decide to go to the west. I sat in the   5   seat and watched the scene
with   6   . I could see the hitchhiker changed his   7   as he could feel someone was really   8   him. It was
quite an exchange and I watched it carefully as if I were   9   notes in order not to miss one word. I did know
it was quite cold outside and the hitchhiker was very   10   to be able to stay in our car.
     We drove another forty-five minutes before we had to  11   the highway. We pulled over and Dad told him
to keep his head  12   and things would start getting better for him soon. He   13   his pocket and handed the
hitchhiker a twenty- dollar bill. The guy was very pleased now. His face   14   right there on the   15  , dark
      We  16   on and my dad didn"t say a single thing. I was   17   completely amazed by what I had just seen.
I was always told by everyone to never   18   up a hitchhiker and yet my dad did it every time he saw one. He
always gave them money even if he did not have very much of his own. I learned a lot about my dad and  19  .
     I learned that just one single kind act can   20   someone"s life.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. afternoon    
(     )2. A. guided       
(     )3. A. meal         
(     )4. A.why           
(     )5. A. first        
(     )6. A. patience     
(     )7. A. plan         
(     )8. A. laughing at  
(     )9. A. taking       
(     )10. A.sorry        
(     )11. A. choose      
(     )12. A.off          
(     )13. A. turned into 
(     )14. A. lit up      
(     )15. A. cold        
(     )16. A. lived       
(     )17. A. often       
(     )18. A. set         
(     )19. A. cost        
(     )20. A. change      
B. Christmas    
B. persuaded    
B. ride         
B. when         
B. back         
B. smile        
B. language     
B. running after
B. comparing    
B. happy        
B. find         
B. in           
B. reached into 
B. fell down    
B. cool         
B. drove        
B. never        
B. bring        
B. travel       
B. push         
C. morning       
C. spotted       
C. map           
C. where         
C. last          
C. delight       
C. attitude      
C. falling behind
C. reading       
C. sad           
C. exit          
C. down          
C. thought of    
C. gave in       
C. new           
C. talked        
C. still         
C. put           
C. life          
C. decide        
D. night       
D. invited     
D. present     
D. how         
D. front       
D. amazement   
D. seat        
D. listening to
D. sending     
D. proud       
D. enter       
D. up          
D. came across 
D. grew up     
D. narrow      
D. held        
D. also        
D. pick        
D. news        
D. start       
     One year ago today, seven patients shared their stories of illness and recovery on the New York Time Well
(a blog), according to a report published in April,2009.
     They were the first Patient Voices, a regular series that offers a first person (第一人称的) description of
the challenges patients face as they deal with different kinds of health problems. Since the first Patient Voices
appeared, New York Times producer Karen Barrow has continued to give a voice to a lot of patient stories.
     We heard from Jacqueline Castine of Bloomfield Hills, Mich,who had bipolar disorder (躁郁症), and whose
son also suffered from mental (精神的) illness."I could not save him," she said."I could not fix (惩罚 ) him.
He leaves a beautiful daughter and a very sad mother."
     And there is runner Alyssa Johnson,43,who was training for the Boston Marathon in 2003 when she began
showing the first signs of Parkinson"s disease." Sometimes when I"m running I"ll come to a long downhill, and
my legs work the way they used to work and my arm swings (摆动) the way it used to. It"s like running before Parkinson"s, and that"s the best feeling.
     And then there"s the voice of Robin Grinsted, 50, of Swansea, S. C.,who has H. I. V. She is refused by her
church and feels lonely."They"re not accepting," she said." But I know there will be people putting their arms
around me some day."
      To hear more from these patients and the many others wh. have taken part in the series, explore the links (链接) below to all the Patient Voices we"ve heard from in the past 12 months.
1. When did the seven patients begin to share their stories of illness?
A. In 2009.
B. In 2008.
C. In 2003.
D. In 2002.
2. According to the passage, Patient Voices refers to ______ .
A. a series of suggestions from patients
B. a magazine published by patients
C. a series of patients" stories
D. a blog shared by patients
3. From what Jacqueline Castine said, we know her son  _____.
A. might have killed himself
B. died of bipolar disorder
C. was killed in an accident
D. didn"t want to stay at home
4. What do we know about Alyssa Johnson?
A. She tried hard to fight Parkinson"s disease.
B. She is preparing for the Boston Marathon.
C. She was depressed at the thought of Parkinson"s disease.
D. She didn"t like running before she had Parkinson"s.

     Tom is a worker in my factory and he is a little bit dirty. I have been taking   1   of him for years and years:
he always wears an old red hat and carries a   2   bag. He usually spends his break time and his lunchtime by
walking around to   3   the unused tins around.
     Once I saw him by his   4   ,with a lot of rubbish bags, which were full of aluminum (铝) tins. He threw
them into the back of his car and then   5   the car. Being very curious, I got into my car to   6   him. He drove 
  7   he reached the entrance to a wide, empty parking area, but did nothing more.
     Today, I was   8   one of the broken machines during lunchtime when this "tin man" came along with his
bag. As usual, he   9   the tins around the place. My   10   ,who was worried about how the   11   caused by
the machine would affect production, was standing there watching me.
     When I finished my job, my manager asked the"tin man" about what he would   12   the tins that he had
collected. I had   13   even thought about asking this kind of question,   14   I had always thought that this "tin
man" would sell the   15   to the recycling place. 
      16  ,this "tin man" answered, "I will give them to my neighbor,   17   has epilepsy (癫痫症) and is unable
to work."I was   18   to hear this, and I asked him," you  19   you are collecting all those tins just to help your
     "I know it doesn"t help very much," he said,"   20   try my best to help him."It was the most beautiful
moment in my life and made me feel very humble (卑微的).

题型:期末题难度:| 查看答案
题型:期末题难度:| 查看答案
(      )1. A. hold         
(      )2. A. plastic    
(      )3. A. collect    
(      )4. A. house        
(      )5. A. got out of   
(      )6. A. follow     
(      )7. A. since        
(      )8. A. decorating   
(      )9. A. turned up    
(      )10. A. manager     
(      )11. A. power     
(      )12. A. do with   
(      )13. A. seldom      
(      )14. A. unless    
(      )15. A. machines    
(      )16. A. Certainly 
(      )17. A. who         
(      )18. A. shocked     
(      )19. A. announce  
(      )30. A. instead   

B. care        
B. rubbish     
B. find        
B. store       
B. broke up    
B. block       
B. until       
B. performing  
B. put up      
B. workmate  
B. delay     
B. deal with   
B. always      
B. because     
B. cars        
B. Briefly     
B. whom        
B. interested  
B. mean        
B. however   

C. charge          
C. paper           
C. hide            
C. machine         
C. jumped into   
C. inspect         
C. when            
C. repairing       
C. set up          
C. neighbor        
C. signal          
C. go with       
C. nearly          
C. though          
C. tins          
C. Surprisingly    
C. which           
C. satisfied       
C. say             
C. but           
D. notice      
D. metal       
D. spread      
D. car         
D. settled down
D. catch       
D. after       
D. selecting   
D. picked up   
D. friend      
D. harm        
D. put up with 
D. never       
D. if          
D. bags        
D. Fortunately 
D. that        
D. concerned   
D. declare     
D. and         
     Rem Koolhaas founded the Office for Metropolitan Architecture ( OMA) in 1975 together with three other
people. Koolhaas graduated from the Architectural Association in London. He worked as a joumalist before
becoming an architect (建筑师). In 1978 he finished Delirious New York. In 1995,his book S,M,L,XL
presented the work of OMA and established connections between modem society and architecture.
     Koolhaas is a professor at Harvard University, where he carries out the Project on the City, a research
program examining the changing city conditions around the world. Recently,OMA has completed several
famous buildings, among which the Seattle Library was chosen by TIME as The Best Architecture for 2004.
     In April,2005,the Casa da Musica concert hall in Porto was completed and was already voted as one of the
most important concert halls in the world by The New York Times.
     The same year Koolhaas received the Mies van der Robe Award for the Netherlands Embassy,Berlin.
OMA"s design was selected for its very unusual relationship established with its surroundings. In Asia,work
finished on CCTV in 2008-a 575,000 m2 headquarters (总部), studio, and cultural center. CCTV is OMA"s
largest building till now. In October,he was invited to help design the future European Union ( EU).
      Koolhaas is seen as one of the most important thinkers of the last ten years. Nicolai Ouroussoff, critic (评
论家) for Los Angeles Times, proves his importance by:"There is little question that Rem Koolhaas is one of
the most influential architects of the last twenty years. His approach to design has informed the profession that
his fingerprints can be found on the work of almost any young architect today."
     The work of Rem Koolhaas and OMA has been celebrated as well by several international awards.
1. Which is the correct order of the events happened to Rem Koolhaas?
a. He was invited to design the EU.
b. He worked as a journalist.
c. He and his partners founded the OMA.
d. He showed the work of OMA in his book.
A. a,b,c,d
B. a,c,d,b
C. b,c,d,a
D. b,d,c,a
2. Why was Koolhaas given the Mies van der Robe Award?
A. Because he thought of the surroundings in his design.
B. Because he is one of the most influential architects.
C. Because his design was particular.
D. Because his design was modern.
3. The underlined sentence in the passage probably means Koolhaas  _____.
A. put his fingerprints on young architects" works
B. has a great effect on young architects
C. is the most important thinker
D. has achieved a lot
4. When talking about Koolhaas"s achievements, the author _____.
A. is doubtful
B. is surprised
C. is rather moved
D. thinks highly of him
     It was a busy morning, about 8:30, when an elderly gentleman in his 80s came to the hospital. I heard him
saying to the nurse that he was in a hurry for all appointment (约会) at 9:30.
     The nurse had him take a   1   in the waiting area,   2   him it would be at least 40 minutes   3   someone
would be able to see him. I saw him   4   his watch and decided, since I was   5   busy-my patient didn"t   6   
at the appointed hour, I would examine his wound. While taking care of his wound, I asked him if he had
another doctor"s appointment.
     The gentleman said no and told me that he   7   to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his   8  . He
told me that she had been   9   for a while and that she had a special disease. I asked if she would be  10  if he
was a bit late. He replied that she  11  knew who he was, that she had not been able to  12  him for five years
now. I was  13 , and asked him, "And you  14  go every morning, even though she doesn"t know who you
     He smiled and said, "She doesn"t know me, but I know who she is." I had to hold back  15  as he left.
     Now I  16  that in marriages, true love is  17  of all that is. The happiest people don"t  18  have the best of
everything; they just  19  the best of everything they have.  20  isn"t about how to live through the storm, but
how to dance in the rain.
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(     )1. A. breath         
(     )2. A. persuading     
(     )3. A. if             
(     )4. A. taking off     
(     )5. A. very           
(     )6. A. turn up        
(     )7. A. needed         
(     )8. A. daughter       
(     )9. A. late            
(     )10. A. lonely         
(     )11. A. so far         
(     )12. A. recognize      
(     )13. A. moved          
(     )14. A. only           
(     )15. A. curiosity      
(     )16. A. realize        
(     )17. A. agreement      
(     )18. A. necessarily    
(     )19. A. learn          
(     )20. A. Adventure      
B. test        
B. promising   
B. before      
B. fixing      
B. also        
B. show off    
B. forgot      
B. wife        
B. well        
B. worried     
B. neither     
B. answer      
B. disappointed     
B. then        
B. tears       
B. suggest     
B. expression  
B. completely  
B. make        
B. Beauty      
C. seat         
C. understanding    
C. since        
C. looking at   
C. seldom       
C. come on      
C. agreed       
C. mother       
C. around       
C. doubtful     
C. no longer    
C. believe      
C. surprised    
C. thus         
C. words        
C. hope         
C. acceptance   
C. naturally    
C. favor        
C. Trust        
D. break        
D. telling      
D. after        
D. winding      
D. not          
D. go away      
D. happened                  
D. sister       
D. there        
D. hungry       
D. already      
D. expect       
D. satisfied    
D. still        
D. judgment     
D. prove        
D. exhibition   
D. frequently   
D. try          
D. Life