About the ConferenceThe Athletic Business Conference & Expo is a premier edu

About the ConferenceThe Athletic Business Conference & Expo is a premier edu

About the Conference
The Athletic Business Conference & Expo is a premier educational event for athletic, fitness and recreation professionals. Through thought-provoking(发人深省的) seminars(研究会), outstanding keynotes, a various trade show and great networking, attendees get the latest information on building, managing, operating and marketing sports, recreation and fitness facilities and programs.
The 2007 conference and trade show will take place at the Orange County Convention Center, Nov. 29~DeC.1 in Orlando.
Conference Seminars and Workshops
Wednesday, Nov. 28, through Saturday, Dec. 1.Workshops will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 28, while seminars will be held Nov. 29~Dec.1.A complete seminar schedule will be available in July.
Golf Classic, Tours
The ABC Golf Classic and tours of area sports and recreation facilities will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 28.
Exhibit Hall Hours
Thursday, Nov. 29
Trade Show Grand Opening
3:00 p.m. ~7:00 p.m.
Friday, Nov. 30
Early-morning workouts
6:30 a.m.~ 8:30 a.m.
Friday, Nov. 30
Show Hours
1:15 p.m. ~ 5:15 p.m.
Saturday, Dec. 1
Early-morning workouts
8:00 A.m. ~ 9:30 A.m.
Saturday, Dec. 1
Show Hours
9:30 a.m. ~12:30 p.m.
Welcome Reception
Thursday, Nov.29.Location to be announced.
* Workshops, tours, CEUs and the Golf Classic have an additional cost.
* $ 395 first person.
* $ 340 per person for 2nd and 3rd person from the same organization.  
* Multi-attendee discount: $ 160 per person for each additional person(4th and beyond) from the same organization.
Note: To receive multi-attendee discount, all attendees from the same organization must register at the same time and pay with one check or credit card. Workshops, tours, CEUS and the Golf Classic have an additional cost.
小题1:The above advertisement most probably appears in ______.
小题2:When should you arrive at the site of the conference if you want to attend the seminars?
A.On Wednesday.B.On Thursday.C.On Friday.D.On Saturday.
小题3:A party of 3 people and a registered party of 6 people will have to pay ____ in total for the admission.
小题4:______, is most probably interested in this advertisement?
A.The person, who majors in Sports Education in university
B.The person, who is considering losing some weight these days
C.The person, who does cleaning work in a barber shop
D.The person, who is going to invest in a recreation center



小题1:(解析:根据文中的句子“A complete seminar schedule will be available in July.”提供的
小题2:(解析:从广告中得知seminars将在Nov. 29举行,又得知Nov. 28是Wednesday,所以选项B是正确答案。)
小题3:(根据“Cost”栏提供的信息可知,a party of 3 people 的费用是:395+2×340=1075;a
registered party of 6 people的费用是:1075+4×160=1555,所以总费用是:1075+1555=2630。)
小题4:(解析:从“About the Conference”一栏提供的信息可知,选项D是正确答案。)
●12 April-29 May 2008
Young people explore how they have adapted to life in Oxford.
“When I first came here,” says one young African woman, “I just wanted to cry all the time. And now I have learned to laugh again.” Working with photographer Rory Carnegie and writer Nikki van der Gaag, young men and women explore their journey from the time they first arrived in a strange place to where they find themselves today. Organised by The Sunday Times Oxford Literary Festival (10-17 April 2008). Supported by the Maggie Black Trust and Oxford City Council.
Art activities for children every weekend during the exhibition in the Entrance Space from 2 p. m. to 4 p. m. Just drop in. Children must be led by an adult.
Thursday 7 April, 10:30 A.m. to 1:30 p. m.  
Looking at themes from the exhibition and exploring pictures based ideas through group discussion and using digital cameras. Led by Judie Waldmann.
The Drawing Book by Sarah Simblet is a practical approach to drawing the world around you. Sarah Simblet, who teaches at the Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art, University of Oxford, will be present to give a short talk about the development of her book. Special price of£18 on copies purchased in the evening.
Booking recommended on 01865 813802
Thursday 21 April, 5 p.m. to 7:30 p. m.
Lecture by Susan Bright, independent writer and lecturer, at 5:30 p. m. followed by an opportunity to view the exhibition. FREE Education Notes will be provided for teachers attending the evening.
Saturday 7 May, 10:30 A.m. to 1:30 p. m.
Workshop for primary teachers who would like to develop their practical art skill as well as gain an understanding of modern art practice. Led by Judie Waldmann, artist and former primary school teacher.
Exhibition talks and artist-led workshops to create work in response to the exhibition are available for pre-booked school groups. Suitable for primary and secondary schools, to check availability and discuss details call Sarah Mossop on 1865 813816.
小题1:If you are a teacher and interested in art, you probably would like to go to ________.
小题2:From the passage, we know that _______.
A.Susan Bright will give a short talk at the launch of the Drawing Book.
B.Sarah Mossop will teach young people how to take photos.
C.The workshop led by Judie is intended for the university students.
D.The children who go to the Modern Art Trolley must be led by an adult.
小题3:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.if you attend “BOOK LAUNCH”, you can get the book at a low price.
B.school groups can attend talks and workshops for them at any time.
C.All the young people have difficulty in adapting to life in Oxford.
D.TEACHERS’ EVENING is only accessible to teachers.
小题4:Which of the following is most probably the best title of the passage?

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Evening Classes for the Autumn Term
Advanced French Language
Thurs, 6:00-7:30 p.m.
This course is for people who have already done French for at least two years.There will be an examination at the end of the course, and a certificate for successful students.
Car Repairs
Thurs, 8:00-9:30 p.m.
This is a course for beginners.No experience necessary.Spend less money on garage bills by learning to look after your own car and doing simple repairs at home.
First Aid
Tues, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Why not study for a certificate in First Aid? People on this course will learn to deal with accidents in the home and at work; what to do in the case of burns, cuts and other common injuries.
Learning Spanish
Wed, 7:00-9:00 p.m.
Have fun learning Spanish for your holidays! It will be simple conversational Spanish — the chief purpose of the course is enjoyment.Previous knowledge of the language is unnecessary — anyone can join this course.
Discovering Our City’s History
Mon, Thurs, 6:30-9:00 p.m.
Are you curious to learn about the history which is buried beneath the streets of our city? The area has a fascinating history.This term the class will center on the first five hundred years of our city’s past.
Keep Up Office Skills
Tues, 7:00-9:00 p.m.
At least an opportunity to learn to use the latest electronic office equipment.Increase your typing speed, find out about new business methods and get to know how to run a modern office.
小题1:Nancy wants to work as a secretary in a French company.She will attend courses on _______.
A.Monday and Thursday
B.Wednesday and Thursday
C.Monday and Wednesday
D.Tuesday and Thursday
小题2:After reading the advertisement, one will choose the course on Car Repairs mainly because 
A.it takes a short time
B.it helps grasp good skills of repairing cars
C.it needs less money
D.it can make savings on car repairs
小题3:What information can we get from the text?
A.Most courses will last two hours.
B.Successful students can learn French.
C.Teachers will have classes online.
D.Beginners can learn Spanish.
小题4:Where might the text come from?
A.A travel guide.B.A newspaper.
C.A personal diary.D.A textbook.

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WHEN an Iraqi journalist threw a shoe at former US President George W.Bush at a news conference last December,the president’s bodyguards quickly moved to protect him.
Those bodyguards were from the US Secret Service.Their job is to protect the president.Now America’s first black president Barack Obama also has the same people at his side.Here are some details about these mysterious men and women.
◇The Secret Service is known today for protecting public officials and their families.
However,when it began in 1865,it was started to protect money.A third to a half of all US money during the Civil War was fake (假的).President Abraham Lincoln created the United States Secret Service to find those responsibly.
◇The first 25 presidents had no special protection.That changed after President William Mckinley was murdered in 1901.
Who gets protection?
About 30 people get full-time protection in the United States (more in an election year).
Included are:
◇Presidents and vice-presidents and their wives,for up to 10 years after leaving office,and their children up to age 16.Anyone can decline protection after leaving office.Richard Nixon did.  ◇Candidates for president and vice-president,their wives and children at a cost of $500,000 a month for 30-plus special agents (特工).
◇The Secretary of State,National Security Adviser and others.The Secret Service also protects 80 to 200 visiting foreign political leaders every year.
Getting around
Rules for president
◇Limousines (豪华轿车) that can withstand a missile are used.
◇Entering and exiting are never done on a street.
◇Exact travel plans are kept secret.
◇Bulletproof reading stands for speeches are used.
Agent’s task
◇Teach the president how to wave and move.
◇Test his food for poison.
◇Use special radio channels for the police and the Secret Service.
◇Use X-ray checks before allowing entry to secure areas,and search bags.
◇Check lists of hundreds of people known to be dangerous.
◇Keep files on thousands of people who have made even vague threats.
◇Be part of counter-sniper (反狙击) teams.
小题1:What’s the purpose of writing the passage?
A.To tell us how to be a bodyguard.
B.To introduce the US Secret Service to us.
C.To give us some information about US
D.To inform us of the incident at a news
conference. 
小题2:Which is the special agent’s task according to
the US Secret Service?
A.Have dinner with the president’s family.
B.Teach the president to behave politely in
C.Keep a record of possible murderers.
D.Check people carrying bags with X-ray.
小题3:What do you know about the US Secret
Service from the passage?
A.It is made up of 30 people.
B.It protects only US presidents.
C.It is responsible for the safety of all
D.It was created to protect money.
小题4: Which of the following can be inferred from
the passage?
A.The bodyguards from the US Secret
Service have no privacy.
B.The US Secret Service bodyguards’ job is
full of challenges.
C.No one knows the exact travel plan of
D.Every president in American history has a
bodyguard. 
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Everyone has good habits and bad habits.
Unfortunately,while identifying(识别) our bad habits is easy,changing them is not.Here are some tips to help you develop good habits to achieve your goals.
1. Identify Your Bad Habits
You should be able to understand your own  
behavior and how they can either help or
hinder(阻碍)your success.To help you out,
think about how others act and about how   
you react.Then identify those actions that
anger,upset,or annoy you. 
2. Write Them Down
Once you have identified the behavior you    
wish to improve,write them down on a piece
of paper.Choose one,two at most,and focus
only on those.Make notes about them,and
post those notes in prominent(显眼的) places
to serve as a constant reminder to you to
correct your behavior in those areas.
3. Live for Today
Try not to think of what you have to do
tomorrow,next week,or next  month.
Instead,focus on what you are doing right  
now.Give each person you deal with your
undivided attention,and try not to let other
aspects of your life interfere(打扰).
4. Seek Help
Let your family and friends know about the 
changes you wish to make in your life.Ask
Them _____ .Sometimes learning to accept advice is a new habit in and of itself.By receiving advice from people you trust,you will be able to learn whether or not you will be successful in building new habits. Change is 
not easy.It takes effort,hard work,and determination. As you begin to build new habits, you will need to think about them constantly to prevent the old habits from taking over. With time and practice,you will have developed new behavior that can lead you to success.
1. What is the best title of the passage?(Please  answer within 10 words.)
2. Which sentence in the passage is the closest in meaning to the following one?
You should concentrate on those bad habits you have that you most want to get rid of.
3. Please fill in the blank in the fifth paragraph with the proper words.  (Please answer within
6 words.)
4. What’s your own opinion on getting rid of bad habits?  (Please answer within 20 words.)
5. Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese.
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City Varieties
The Headrow, Leeds.Tel.430808
Oct10-11only A Night at the Varieties. All the fun of an old music hall with Barry Cryer, Duggle Brown, 6 dancers,  Mystina, Jon Barker, Anne Duval and the Tony Harrison Tri- o. Laugh again at the old jokes and listen to your favourite songs.
Performances:8pm nightly.
Admission:£5;under 16or over 60:£4.
York Theatre Royal
St Leonard"s Place, York.Tel.223568
Sept23-Oct17 Groping for Words - a comedy by Sue Townsend. Best known for her Adrian Mole Diaries, Townsend now writes about an evening class which two men and a woman attend. A gentle comedy.
Admission: First night, Mon:£2:Tues-Fri:£3.25-5.50;Sat:£3.50-5.75.
Halifax Playhouse
King"s Cross Street, Halifax.Tel.365998
Oct 10-17 On Golden Pond by Ernest Thompson. This is a magical comedy about real people. A beautifully produced, well-acted play for everyone. Don"t miss it.
Admission:£2.Mon:2 seats for the price of one.
Grand Theatre
Oxford Street, Leeds.Tel.502116
Restaurant and Café.
Oct 1-17 The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, Aged 13. Sue Townsend"s musical play, based on her best-selling book.
Performances: Evenings 7:45October 10-17, at 2: 30pm. No Monday performances.
Admission: Tues-Thurs:£2-5;Fri&Sat:£2-6.
64.Which theatre offers the cheapest seat?
  A. Halifax Playhouse. B. City Varieties.
  C. Grand Theatre.     D. York Theatre Royal.
65. If you want to see a play with old jokes and songs, which phone number will you ring to book a seat?
  A.502116                     B.223568               C.365998                     D.430808
66. We may learn from the text that Sue Townsend is ____.
  A. a writer             B. an actress          C. a musician         D. a director
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