SYDNEY 2005-01-01 08:30—Mother of two, Jillian Searle, had to choose between her

SYDNEY 2005-01-01 08:30—Mother of two, Jillian Searle, had to choose between her

SYDNEY 2005-01-01 08:30—Mother of two, Jillian Searle, had to choose between her children when she made a life—or—death decision.
Swept up by mountainous tsunami waves at a Thai resort, she could not hold on to both her young sons and survive. Fighting to stay above the waters, she had to choose which one would have to take his chances in the swirling torrent.
“I knew I had to let go of one of them and I just thought I’d better let go of the one that’s the older,” she told Sky News television in a report broadcast on Thursday. She said she was accompanied by the two, Lachie, 5, and two—year—old Blake, and their father, Brad, who had watched the drama helplessly from their first-floor hotel room, when the waves struck.” And I was screaming, trying to find him, and we thought he was dead.”she told reporters on arrival back in Australia.
Lachie was found alive about 2 hours later clinging to a door and looked uninjured as his mother spoke to reporters.
British surfer Martin Markwell is also a lucky man. He had always dreamed of catching that perfect wave—but when it finally came along, it was a nightmare. He was on his surfboard when he was swept up by a tsunami wave.
“It was really terrible because I was surfing, I was really surfing on a wave I wasn’t supposed to be on,”he said. “As an experienced surfer, when I saw the wave come I realized something was wrong, but I couldn’t escape because my surfboard was tied to my ankle.”
His wife, Vicki and son Jake looked on in horror from a hotel balcony as he crashed towards the shore. Luckily, he stayed atop his board until he reached the hotel, jumped off and got to safety as the ocean rolled back to feed a much larger tsunami wave on its way. The family regrouped and ran to safety just minute before a giant tsunami wave 10 meters high.
小题1:When the waves struck ,the father Brad________.
A.reported the disaster to Sky News television
B.was watching a drama on TV in the hotel
C.tried to find his son lost in the waters
D.watched things going on, unable to do anything
小题2:The underlined word”him” refers to ______ old manB.LachieC.BradD.Blake
小题3:Which is not true about Lachie and Martin?
A.They and their family were at the resort when the disaster happened.
B.They both survived from the high waves when tsunami struck.
C.They were both travelers from Europe on holiday in Thailand.
D.They were both alive owing to their proper judgment and determination.
小题4:Which of the following is the best title?
A.Narrow EscapeB.Disaster Caused by Tsunami
C.Exciting Surfing ExperienceD.Struggle Against Tsunami



小题1:细节题:根据第三段中“their father, Brad, who had watched the drama helplessly from their first-floor hotel room, when the waves struck.”可知灾难发生的时候,爸爸在旅店的房间看着但是无能为力。故选D。
小题2:推理题:从后面的句子“Lachie was found alive about 2 hours later clinging to a door and, looked uninjured as his mother spoke to reporters.”前面说我尖叫着,想找到他,以为他死了,后面说两个小时后,他被发现还活着,可知him指的是lachie。故选B。
小题3:细节题:根据第三段中“she told reporters on arrival back in Australia.”可知 lachie是来自澳大利亚的,不是来自于欧洲的。故选C。
Guide dogs are going to be available for the children who are unable to see normally in the UK for the first time, as the age limit is to be removed. The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association is to begin training dogs to help blind people under the age of 16.
The association says too many youngsters with impaired eyesight are lacking in independence. They have only a limited social life because of their disability. Giving some of them guide dogs at a younger age is intended to help them to widen their range of activities and to improve their sense of self-confidence and independence. Guide dogs for these teenagers will begin to be provided from next year. There has been an experimental project to test the use of guide dogs with younger people.
Charlotte, aged 14, was among the youngest guide dog owners. She had been gradually losing her eyesight since the age of eight, and lost her eyesight completely this year. She has been assisted by a two-year-old guide dog. Charlotte used to have a long stick to help her move around, but having a guide dog allows her much more freedom and makes her feel safer.
However, the association says there is a worryingly patchy supply of services for the young blind people across the UK, and it calls for national standards to be introduced. As with adult blind people, only a small number of them are likely to be considered suitable for a guide dog. Most will continue to rely on extra help and training from education and social services.
小题1:We can learn from the text that owning guide dogs     .
A.may meet with difficulties sometimes beneficial to blind children’s development
C.became possible in the UK recently quite universal in the UK
小题2:According to the text, Charlotte’s example proves that     . is necessary to carry out the experimental project dogs can get along well with disabled people
C.the association’s opinion is not quite right
D.youngsters need companions and friends
小题3:What does the underlined word “patchy” in the last paragraph probably mean?
小题4:What is the main idea of the text?
A.Blind people need guide dogs’ assistance in their daily life.
B.Age limit for the blind to have guide dogs is to be removed.
C.More guide dogs will be trained in the UK.
D.The project of using guide dogs is to begin.

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More than two decades ago, a 10-year-old schoolgirl threw a bottle into the sea off the coast of Hull as she went on a ship on a family holiday, hoping to get a response from a stranger in a faraway land. Inside the bottle was a scrawled letter from Zoe Lemon, a youngster with a love of "ballet, playing the flute and the piano", who had just boarded a ship heading for a holiday in Germany.
She told her expected recipients of her pet hamster and fish, both called Sparkle, and her parents who were both teachers.
Miss Lemon, of Salford, Greater Manchester, soon forgot about her act of fantastic, eventually marrying and having a child herself.
But this Christmas she was extremely surprised to receive a reply after 23 years.
It turned out to be a reply to her letter from Piet and Jacqueline Lateur from near Rotterdam. Mr Lateur was walking his dog in the Oosterschelde dykes(坝), near where he and his wife live in Serooskerke, when he found the bottle with Zoe’s letter inside.
Mrs Averianov, 33, who works in a jewellery shop, said: “It’s been a bit crazy really. My parents came to visit on Christmas day and they had this letter from Europe addressed to my maiden name, Lemon.
Since receiving the letter, Mrs Averianov has been in contact with Mr Lateur via email and asked to see photographs of where the bottle was found.
He told her: “I am keeping your little letter on my piano. I know you are no longer a little girl but you asked me to write you so I have.”
Mrs Averianov’s father, John Lemon, 68, had encouraged his daughter to throw the message into the sea on a family holiday and now she is considering doing the same for her five-year-old son Maksim.
She said: “I’ll probably wait until he’s a bit older and can understand and write a letter, but maybe we’ll do it by attaching it to a balloon.”
From, (Jan,2014)
小题1:When did Zoe Lemon write the letter?
A.In 1990.B.In 1991.C.In 2013.D.In 2014
小题2:What does the underlined phrase in paragraph 6 mean?
A.her given nameB.her nick name name used before name used after marriage
小题3:What can we know about the letter written 23 years ago?
A.Its reply was received by Zoe herself.
B.It is still carefully kept by Mr Lateur.
C.Zoe was sure it would be replied one day.
D.Zoe’s father discouraged her from writing it.
小题4:Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?
A.An Unexpected LetterB.A Reply Waited for Long
C.A Reply from a StrangerD.A Letter from a Faraway Land

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America"s child movie star Shirley Temple Black died late Monday evening at the age of 85. Her fans in China are also deeply saddened. Temple is just one example of movie stars that China adored, and still adores. Here"s our editor"s pick of the top movie stars who have influenced China.
1. Sylvester Stallone
Oh, Rambo! The first strong American man that China knew. His accented English, easily recognizable even for someone who doesn"t speak English, and his eyes that never seemed to smile, makes him someone whom cannot be forgotten. He represented the strong American image, and even stirred a boxing and bodybuilding fever in China.
2.Charlie Chaplin (April 16, 1889 – December 25, 1977)
In the 20th century, it is not too much to say that Einstein made the greatest contributions to science, and not many would disagree that Chaplin did the same for film. He was the first actor that introduced comedy to most Chinese viewers, and politically, he was also a close friend of China’s. His silent films broke the barrier of language and his form of art was recognized by all. It will be a difficult task to find a person in China who does not recognize Chaplin, even today.
3. Shirley Temple ( April 23, 1928 – February 10, 2014)
When Chinese audiences saw this adorable child star for the first time on screen, Shirley Temple had already lived for more than half a century. In her movies, she was always alone or in trouble, but this adorable little blonde(金发女郎) could always resolve anything with her kindness, push away the fogginess and bring about light. The brand "Shirley Temple" was a product of the Great Depression. People watched her act to forget their hardships as Temple entertained the poor, the rich, adults and children alike. Several decades later, when her films were screened in China, the effects were the same.
4. Audrey Hepburn( May 4, 1929 – January 20, 1993)
She will forever be the princess in Chinese people"s hearts. Even to this day, a large number of tourists go to Rome to visit the Mouth of Truth with their lovers and eat ice cream on the Spanish Steps. Her sense of style seems to never go out of style. When she was alive, she was living perfection. Even after her death, she has remained an icon. That"s something that only Audrey Hepburn is capable of.
小题1:According to the passage, who was most known for comedy in China?
A.Sylvester StalloneB.Charlie ChaplinC.Shirley TempleD.Audrey Hepburn
小题2:What can we learn from the passage?
A.Sylvester Stallone taught boxing and bodybuilding and caused a fever in China.
B.Charlie Chaplin was China’s close friend because he introduced comedy to China.
C.Audrey Hepburn’s movie made the Mouth of Truth and the Spanish Steps popular.
D.Shirley Temple’s works can only help Americans forget hardships and enjoy life better.
小题3:What does the underlined word “icon” mean in the passage?
小题4:In which part can we most probably read this passage?
A.ArtB.ColumnsC.Music & TheaterD.Film &TV

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The Lunar New Year, which starts in late January this year, is the most important festival for Chinese people as most of them drop any business at hand to go back to their hometown to see their families. It is a tradition that has been cherished since ancient times, but as social mobility increases in modern times, the road to family reunions has become very uneasy.
It is not the higher travel costs, nor the expected big spending on gifts and other festival items, but the train ticket that has driven many travelers mad. I’ve heard some colleagues complain that they have tried every means to secure a train ticket, only to find it a mission impossible. Some of them have turned to the latest software to aid online booking; others have sought help from friends to increase the possibility of successful booking.
No doubt chunyun, the Spring Festival travel season, is the largest-scale annual human migration in the world. Last year, 220 million passengers traveled by train during the Spring Festival season, which usually lasts 40 days. It is a huge jump from 10 years ago, when the number was 128 million.
With the big sudden increase in demand, the railway company has increased investment in railway construction; still, it cannot bridge the supply gap, leading to fierce public complaints and criticism.
Admittedly, it is almost impossible for the railway company to suddenly improve its capacity to meet the explosive demand during the Spring Festival holiday. Moreover, any temporary increase in capacity would become unnecessary after the holiday and mean great commercial losses during the off season.
What the company can reasonably do is gradually improve its capacity while focusing on better distribution of its existing resources during the special peak season. At any rate, however, the problem cannot be solved overnight.
小题1:Compared with ten years ago, the percentage of passengers last year increased by________.
小题2:Which of the following does the author probably agree with?
A.Social mobility in modern times hasn’t changed much in these years.
B.The latest software may increase the possibility of successful booking.
C.Higher travel costs discourage travelers from reunions with families.
D.People nowadays cherish reunion with their families more than before.
小题3:Which word can be used to best describe the way to solve the problem only by increasing capacity?
小题4:What’s the tone of the whole passage?

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We might not be alone in the universe. Actually, it may be confirmed as a very crowded place by new computer models developed to help identify habitable planets.
Estimates of places where life can exist have been based on the possibility of them having surface water. But software recently developed by the Aberdeen University allows researchers to identify planets with underground water kept liquid by heat from planets.
Water is fundamental for life and planets too close to the sun lose water to the atmosphere through evaporation. On the other hand, planets located in distant reaches from their star have their surface water locked away as ice.
Sean McMahon, who is carrying out the work, explained: "Traditionally people have said that if a planet is in this Goldilocks zone—not too hot and not too cold—then it can have liquid water on its surface and be habitable."
But this concept might change when considering that planets can receive two sources of heat—heat direct from the star and heat generated deep inside the planet.
It is easy to observe it in our own planet. As you go down through the crust (壳) of the Earth, the temperature gets higher and higher. Even when the surface is frozen, water can exist below ground.
There could be immense quantities of water in fact—full of primitive life.
Professor John Parnell, also from Aberdeen University said: "There is a significant habitat for microorganisms below the surface of the Earth, extending down several kilometres".
"And some believe that the majority of life on Earth could even reside in this deep biosphere."
So the Aberdeen team are developing models to predict which distant planets might harbour underground reservoirs of liquid water with the possibility of alien life.
小题1:What is considered as the symbol of life existence traditionally?
A.Solid water on its surface.B.Solid water below ground.
C.Liquid water below ground.D.Liquid water on its surface.
小题2:Why did John Parnell mention the fact about Earth?
A.To prove that there is majority of life on Earth.
B.To prove that life may also exist in other planets.
C.To prove that there is primitive life down through Earth.
D.To prove that there is a habitat for microorganisms below Earth.
小题3:What theory is the Aberdeen team’s study based on?
A.Planets can lose water through evaporation.
B.Planets can receive heat direct from the star.
C.Planets can have their surface water locked away as ice.
D.Planets can receive heat generated deep inside the planet.
小题4:What can we know about the computer models?
A.They will help identify planets where there is life.
B.They will help researchers find Goldilocks zones.
C.They have helped find some significant discoveries.
D.They have already located some habitats for life.

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