第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在

第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在


第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
BEIJING (AFP) — Archeologists in China have uncovered more than 3,000 dinosaur footprints,state media reported,in an area said to be the world’s largest grouping of fossilized hones belonging to the ancient animals.
The footprints,believed to be more than 100 million years old,were discovered after a three-month excavation(发掘、出土) at a gully in Zhucheng in the eastern province of Shandong,the Xinhua news agency reposed.   
The footprints range from 10 to 80 centimeters (4 to 32 inches) in length,and belonged to at least six different kinds of dinosaurs,including tyrannosaurs,the report said Saturday.
Wang Haijun,a senior engineer at the Chinese Academy of Sciences,said the footprints faced the same direction.Xinhua said.
This indicated a possible migration or a panic escape by plant-eating dinosaurs after an attack by predators(食肉动物),Wang added.
Archeologists have found dinosaur fossils at some 30 sites in Zhucheng,known as“dinosaur city.”The region has seen two major digs since 1964,and experts say the discovery of so many dinosaurs in such a dense area could provide clues on how the animals became extinct millions of years ago.
Plans are being made to set up a fossil park in the area.
36.We can infer from the text that_____.
A.most of the footprints are more than 32 centimeters long
B.the footprints found belong to some predators
C.the dinosaurs were running in all directions because of an attack
D.the area is considered to be a perfect tour source
37.Which statement below is true according to the passage above?
A.The number of the footprints found is more than 3000.
B.The dinosaurs may live in an age 10,000,000 years ago.
C.The discovery of fossils may open a new age.
D.Archeologists still wish to find some more fossils.
38.The passage may be picked out from_____.
A.a magazine    B.a science book   C.a newspaper    D.a students’ textbook
36---38   DAC  


JIUQUAN, Gansu Province, Sept. 6(Xinhua) ---- China’s manned spacecraft Shenzhou-7 will be launched at an appropriate time between Sept. 25 and 30 from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwestern Gansu Province, a spokesman said here on Saturday. The mission will accomplish the first spacewalk by Chinese astronauts.
“All the major systems involved in the launching are now in the final preparation. The main tests for the spacecraft, the Long-March II-F rocket, suits for the space walk and a satellite accompanying the fly have also been finished, ” said the spokesman.
In addition, the ground control system is fully prepared, including the launch site, the landing site, and the communication for observation and control.
When Shenzhou-7 enters its orbit, one of the three taikonauts will conduct a space walk, said Zhao Changxi, a senior scientist with the project, earlier.
According to Zhao, cameras would be fixed outside and inside of the ship for live broadcasting of the space walk.
While the last mission of Shenzhou-6, with a crew of two, was aimed at several days of manned flight, this time the task might be more stringent as one of its main goals is the space walk.
Earlier reports said a crew of six astronauts had been chosen for the mission, with three manning the spacecraft and three substitutes. 
China successfully put two manned spacecrafts into orbit in 2003 and 2005 respectively, becoming the third country to send an astronaut into space after the United States and the former Soviet Union(now Russia).
56. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Shenzhou-7 is better equipped than the last two spaceships.
B. Shenzhou-7 will be more successful than the last two launches.
C. All the systems involved in the launching have been prepared.
D. China is ready for the launching of Shenzhou-7.
57. We can learn from the passage ________.
A. This will be the third time for Chinese astronauts to have a space walk
B. Three of the six astronauts chosen for the mission will walk in space
C. The space walk will be live broadcasted on TV
D. Everything has been prepared except communication system
58. The underlined word”stringent”most probably means
A. challenging   B. encouraging   C. interesting   D. moving
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GUANGZHOU: The successful Guangdong International Tourism and Culture Festival has become a perfect stage to showcase the popularity of Guangdong and Pan Pearl River Delta (PPRD) region as a tourism destination, said Tang Bingquan, vice-governor of Guangdong Province.
According to the provincial tourism administration of Guangdong, more than 40,000 people attended the opening ceremony of the festival. More than 1, 000 high-ranking officials from the central government and Guangdong provincial government, World Tourism Organization, consulates (领事馆) of various countries in Guangzhou, and other provinces of China, also showed up in the ceremony. The activities in the past few days attracted a large number of visitors from home and abroad.
In the past 30 years, Guangdong Province has been one of the leaders in the nation in terms of economic development. Its average annual economic growth maintained a rate of 13.8 percent, according to Tang.
Last year, Guangdong’s gross domestic product (GDP) hit 330 billion, accounting for one-eighth of the total of the country. The province’s import and export volume hit 527.2 billion, accounting for one-third of the country’s total foreign trade volume.
Guangdong Governor Huang Huahua earlier predicted that the province’s GDP will surpass that of Taiwan by the end of this year.
“Guangdong is also leading the development of the whole country’s tourism industry,” Tang said.
Last year, Guangdong’s tourism revenue (年收入) hit 212.5 billion, occupying one-fourth of the country’s total tourism income. The net profit of the province’s tourism industry was 7.5 billion, which was one fifth of the nation’s total.
Tang noted that the tourism festival will give a further boost (促进) to the tourism development of Guangdong and the entire PPRD region.
The closing ceremony of the festival will take place tonight in Foshan, a city in Guangdong Province.                                          (China Daily Nov. 30, 2007)
56. What would be the best title for the passage?
A. Event to boost Guangdong’s tourism industry.
B. Guangdong -- China’s leading city in economy.
C. The increase in Guangdong’s tourism revenue.
D. The development of Guangdong’s tourism industry.
57. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. The past 30 years have seen Guangdong’s fast development in economy.
B. Guangdong is one of the leading provinces in national tourism industry.
C. Guangdong’s GDP makes up almost 13% of the total country last year.
D. Guangzhou will be the host city for the closing ceremony of the festival.
58. Which of the following word is the closest to the underlined word in the text?
A. replace       B. survive       C. overtake     D. succeed
59. What is the writer’s attitude towards the event?
A. indifferent  B. neutral            C. opposed          D. supportive
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Tailors English Language Preparation 2010
Taylorscollege. edu. au/ telp
If you need additional help to gain the high level of English language necessary for academic study, Taylors English Language Preparation (TELP)is the perfect solution. Throughout your TELP studies you will be an active language learner. You will be surrounded by opportunities to communicate in English, with friends, teachers, families and local people. You will gain English language skills which you will keep for life.
English: the language of Taylors College
Strong English language skills are necessary for success in your chosen Taylors program. The TELP program, delivered in 12 week terms, is specifically designed to provide language training for academic study. Our teachers are fully trained English Language Teaching professionals, who will assist you in a caring and supportive classroom atmosphere.
TELP focuses on:
·Language studies   ·Formal writing styles
·Note taking     ·Assignment writing
·Intensive listening  ·Reading
Progressing to our High School or Foundation Programs
Upon completion of TELP, you do not take an IELTS test before you begin our High School or Foundatin programs.
TELP term dates
Students are encouraged to enroll(注册)at the start of a term; however, TELP courses allow for entry every four weeks.
2010 dates
·18 January –9 April          ·12 April –2 July
·5 July-24 September       ·27 September-17 December
2010 Summer School
·20 December-14 January 2011
60.The TELP program         .
A.is popular and thought highly of by students
B.is aimed at those who have passed an IELTS test
C.makes sure students have a communicative atmosphere
D.makes sure students learn the English language for four months
61.It can be inferred from the text that       .
A.TELP courses permits students to have lessons at any time
B.start date of the first term in 2011 is probably January 17th
C.students who study from 20th December to 14th January have cold weather
D.High School and Foundation programs at Taylors college have no entry requirements
62.What information will probably be provided following TELP term dates?
A.TELP fees            B.TELP descriptions     
C.TELP courses               D.TELP term dates in 2011
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Chinese reports say the country’s vast pool of cheap labor is getting smaller, which could hurt an economy that heavily depends on labor-intensive manufacturing.
The academy’s research shows that China’s rural labor surplus, the source of migrant workers for the country’s factories, is about 50 million people—far less than the previously estimated 150 to 200 million.
Jonathan Unger, director of the Contemporary China Center at the Australian National University, says fewer rural residents are willing to leave their farms today. This is partly because there are more employment opportunities in rural areas, and because agricultural prices have gone up.
“And at the same time taxes in the countryside, fees in the countryside have gone down because of new sets of government policies,” he explained. “So people are not eagerly forced in the way they were five, six years ago to leave the farm in order to earn enough money for their families.”
The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences says another reason for the reduced labor pool is the country’s population policy, which allows city residents to have just one child, and farmers up to two if the first one is a girl.
A UN study predicts that China’s workforce will reach its top in 2015 and then gradually drop. Some of China’s major manufacturing areas, such as Guangdong Province, already face labor shortages.
Some economists think these shortages are, at least for now, a regional rather than a national problem. Sun Mingchun, an economist with investment bank Lehman Brothers in Hong Kong, points out that there are still millions of people in China who can not find work.
57. According to the academy’s research, China’ rural labor surplus today is about _______.
A. 150 million      B. 50 million      C. 200 million      D. 175 million
58. The reason why many rural residents don’t leave their farms today is ________.
A. the farmers are older than before.
B. the farmers are lazier than before
C. the farmers have much more money
D. there are more employment opportunities and agricultural prices have gone up
59. Which of the following is TURE according to the passage?
A. A study of UN estimates China’s workforce will come to the top in 2015.
B. No a study shows millions of people can’t find work in China.
C. The country’s population policy isn’t a reason for the reduced labor.
D. Five years ago, few farmers left their homes to earn money for supporting their families.
60. According to some economists, the shortage of Chinese workforce __________.
A. is a national problem                     B. is a regional problem
C. is not a problem                         D. can be solved easily
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Beijing: The highly anticipated Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway will begin operation next year, and is expected to cut travel time to four hours, railway officials said.
The high-speed railway between China"s two most important metropolises was scheduled to open in 2012 but will now open one year ahead of time, said Zheng Jian, chief planner with the Ministry of Railways.
Wang Zhiguo, vice-minister of railways, said that it would be a four-hour journey from Beijing to Shanghai, and only three hours from Beijing to Nanjing, capital of East China"s Jiangsu province.
At present, it takes about 10 hours to travel from Beijing to Shanghai and Nanjing by train. A new-generation bullet train that will travel up to 380 kilometers per hour (kph) is now under development for the high-speed rail link.
It will be rigorously tested this year, and engineers want the train to run at a top speed of 420 kph to guarantee a safe operational speed of 380 kph, Huang Qiang, chief researcher with the China Academy of Railway Sciences told the Beijing News.
Vice-Minister Wang Zhiguo said it was expected that high-speed trains would one day take passengers from Beijing to most capital cities within eight hours, except for Haikou, Urumqi, Lhasa and Taipei.
It is expected that an 110,000-km railway network will be completed by 2012, including 13,000 km of high-speed rail, he said.
China already has 6,552 km of rail track in operation --- the longest amount of high-speed rail track in the world.
At present, at least 10,000 km of high-speed rail line is under construction in China. About 3,676 km of new track for running trains at speeds up to 350 kph have already been laid and put into operation. Another 2,876 km of old tracks have been upgraded to run trains of 200 to 250 kph. .
Ultimately, China plans to construct a 120,000-km railway network, including 50,000-km of high-speed rail track, by 2020.
The Ministry of Railways wants to export China"s high-speed railway technology to North America, Europe and Latin America.
Wang said, “State-owned Chinese companies are already building high-speed lines in Turkey and Venezuela. Many countries, including the United States, Russia, Brazil and Saudi Arabia, have also expressed interest.”
56.When will the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway come into use?
A. In 2012.                   B. In 2013.                   C. In 2011.           D. In 2010
57. How much time will a passenger save by train from Beijing to Shanghai after the high-speed railway is open? 
A. 4 hours.                          B. 6 hours.                   C. 10 hours.          D. 3 hours.
58. Which of the following countries owns the longest railway in the world ?
A. China.                            B. America.                 C. Canada.            D. Russia.
59. Which city, in the opinion of vice-minister Wang Zhiguo, can passengers from Beijing reach  in high-speed trains within 8 hours ?
A. Haikou.                          B. Urumqi.                   C. Lhasa .             D. Changsha.
60. What can we learn from the last two paragraphs?
A. The Ministry of Railways wants to increase GDP by exporting railway technology.
B. China’s railway technology is superior to that of many other countries.
C. Countries in North America have already imported the railway technology of China.
D. The United States also wants to build high-speed railways in Turkey and Venezuela.
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