阅读理解。     SAN FRANCISCO - In the western U.S., Hawaii and elsewhere across the g

阅读理解。     SAN FRANCISCO - In the western U.S., Hawaii and elsewhere across the g

阅读理解。     SAN FRANCISCO - In the western U.S., Hawaii and elsewhere across the globe, moon watchers
were treated Saturday to a rare celestial phenomenon: a total lunar eclipse (月全食).
     For about 50 minutes starting at 6:06 a.m. PST, the moon was completely blocked by the Earth"s
     With only some indirect sunlight able to reach it after passing through the Earth"s atmosphere, the
moon took on a reddish glow. Since the atmosphere scatters blue light, only red light strikes the moon,
giving it a dark red color.
     Dally Sam, who runs a public relations firm in Hawaii, said it had been cloudy and rainy, but the
weather cleared just in time for the eclipse.
     Around 3 a.m., he awoke, as he usually does, and remembered to step outside the house in time to
catch the eclipse about a half hour later. No one else in the neighborhood was up.
     "It was turning that dark red color," Sayre, 47, said, "I"d better grab a camera. To be able to see it
just right outside our house was really cool."
     At the local observatory in Los Angeles, some 300 people, many clutching coffee cups in the cold
morning air, sat with blankets and chairs on the observatory"s great lawn.
    "It"s really a celestial festival out here," John Peter, 39, told the Los Angeles Times as he set up his
     Lying on a slope north of downtown near the Hollywood sign, the place offers clear views of the sky.
Observatory officials alerted the crowd when the eclipse began and spontaneous applause erupted when
the celestial event ended.
     A total lunar eclipse occurs when the moon goes through the long shadow cast by the Earth and is
blocked from the sunlight that brightens it.
     The last total lunar eclipse was on June 15 although that was not visible from the U.S. The next one is
on April 15, 2014, and will be seen in the U.S.1. What do we know about the lunar eclipse from the passage?A. The total lunar eclipse began at about 3:30 a.m.
B. The total lunar eclipse ended at about 6:56 a.m.
C. The lunar eclipse ended at about 6:56 in the evening.
D. The lunar eclipse began at about 6:06 in the evening.2. When a total lunar eclipse occurs, ________.A. the moon looks blue 
B. the light will hurt our eyes
C. nothing of the moon can be seen except some dark red light around its place
D. another planet comes between the earth and the moon 3. We can infer from paragraph 5 that at 3:30 a.m. Dally Sam ______.
A. found it was still raining heavily
B. saw a total lunar eclipse 
C. went out walking as he usually does
D. still had to wait for a long time to see a total lunar eclipse4. From the last but one paragraph, the following are true EXCEPT _______.A. a total lunar eclipse occurs when the moon is blocked by the sun
B. the source of moonlight is from the sun
C. the earth comes between the moon and the sun
D. with the sunlight, the earth casts its shadow over the moon5. What is the main purpose of the passage? A. To inform us of the next total lunar eclipse.
B. To tell us about a rare celestial event.
C. To alert us of the natural disaster.
D. To draw people"s attention to the news.

    Toyota Motor Corp, Japan"s biggest carmaker, said on Friday it will recall 1,489 Lexus sedans
(高级轿车) sold in China. "It will take us some time to ship the fuel tanks and vent pipes to China
to change those in these Lexus sedans for customers free of charge, if problems are found," said
Yang Hongjian, a spokes- woman of Toyota"s China representative office.
    The expected recall will affect Lexus LS430 sedans made in Japan from July 29, 2003 to January
14, 2004, the representative office said in a statement. Toyota has not received complaints from
Chinese customers, according to the statement. The move will be part of Toyota"s global recall of
18,200 Lexus LS430s. It will be the third car recall in China in two weeks. Although automobile
recall is a common practice in developed markets, it remains new to Chinese customers. The Chinese
government published long-awaited automobile recall rules on March 15, which will be officially carried
out at the beginning of October.
    China"s auto market is forecast to reach 10 million units by 2010. Automakers, especially Chinese
producers, will face greater pressure from automobile recalls, which could be very costly sometimes,
and should be in full preparations, according to the expert. The Japanese carmaker sold 1, 549 Lexus
vehicles on the Chinese mainland during the first five months of this year, according to Yang. Lexus
sales on the mainland reached 4,000 units last year, up from 1,600 units in 2002.

1. What can we learn from the text?A. Chinese customers are not satisfied with Toyota Lexus LS430 sedans.
B. Chinese car market has seen car recalls three times so far.
C. Toyota will have a worldwide recall of Lexus LS430 sedans.
D. Toyota Motor start to recall Lexus Sedans due to the problems with fuel tanks.2. The carmakers were unwilling to recall their cars in the past mainly because ______.A. they were not fully prepared
B. they couldn"t afford the cost for their car recalls
C. their products could not meet the required standard
D. there were no related rules and little pressure3. It is implied in the passage that ______.A. sales of homemade automobiles will grow even faster
B. automobile recalls will take place in China more frequently
C. China"s car market is forecast to be the biggest by 2010 in the world
D. Toyota is likely to sell the most Lexus Sedans in China in the future4. Which of the following is the best tide of this passage?A. Toyota to Recall Its Lexus Sedans Sold in China
B. China Prepares to Recall Cars
C. The Problems in China"s Car Market
D. Costly Japanese Car Recalls
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阅读理解。     LONDON (Reuters)-New faces given to a Chinese man after a bear tore off part of his face
and a FrenchCaribbean man disfigured by a rare tumor show that such transplants can work and
are not medical oddities (怪异),researchers said.
     The findings give hope to some people with severe facial disfigurement and suggest the transplants
could prove longlasting without major problems.Despite the tissue rejection in the first year after their
transplants,neither men had psychological problems accepting their new faces and have been able to
rejoin society,they reported.
     Only three people have received face transplants.The world"s first was carried out on French
woman Isabelle Dinoire in November 2005 after she was disfigured in an attack by her dog.In 2007,
her doctors reported that she had recovered slowly and steadily,overcoming two periods of rejection.
     In 2006,Chinese doctors performed a face transplant on a 30yearold hit by a bear.While there
were some complications with tissue rejection following the operation,two years later the man was
doing well,his doctors said."This case suggests that facial transplantation might be an option for
restoring a severely disfigured face,and could enable patients to bring themselves back into society,"
Shuzhong Guo and colleagues at Xijing Hospital in China wrote.
     A French team described their work on a 29yearold man who suffered from Von Recklinghausen
disease,an illness that changes the shape of his face."The man,who was not named,was given a new
nose,mouth and chin in a 2007 operation.He began to work 13 months after the transplant has more
function in his face and has not rejected the new tissue," his doctors said.
     "Our case confirms that face transplantation is practical and effective for the correction of specific
disfigurement," Dr.Laurent Lantieri and colleagues at the HenriMondor hospital outside Paris wrote.1.What"s the main idea of this passage?A.Face transplants can work.
B.Face transplants help regain confidence.
C.Three people have received face transplants.
D.Disfigured people need face transplants.2.What happened to the Chinese patient mentioned in the passage?A.He got a strange illness when he was young.
B.He received several operations in hospital.
C.He was the first person to receive a face transplant.
D.He was once attacked by an animal.3.From the passage we can learn that ________.A.doctors have different opinions on facial disfigurement
B.patients could regain selfconfidence after face transplants
C.the new face of every patient has more functions than expected
D.it is easy for disabled people to be accepted by society4.The underlined word "restoring" in Paragraph 4 means "________".A.removing  
D.rejecting5.What problem resulted from the facial operations?A.The patients wouldn"t accept the facial change.
B.It was hard for the patients to get along with others.
C.It took some time for the patients to recover from the operation.
D.The patients usually suffered from tissue rejection.
题型:江苏模拟题难度:| 查看答案

      In 1933 an unknown American called Clarence Nash went to see the film-maker Walter Disney.
He had an unusual voice and he wanted to work in Disney"s cartoon film for children. When Walter
Disney heard Nash"s voice, he said, "Stop! That"s our duck!"
       The duck was the now-famous Donald Duck, who first appeared in 1934 in the film, The Wise
Little Hen. Donald lived in an old houseboat and worn his sailor jacket and hat. Later that year he
became a star after an eight minute Mickey Mouse film. The cinema audiences liked him because he
was lazy and greedy, and because he lost his temper very easily. And they loved his voice when he
became angry with Mickey"s eight nephews. Soon Donald was more popular than Mickey Mouse
himself, probably because he wasn"t a goody-goody, like Mickey.
      In the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s, Donald and his friends Mickey, Goofy and Pluto made hundreds
of Disney cartoons. He also made educational film about the place of the USA in the world, and safety
in the home. Then in 1966 Donald Duck and his voice disappeared-there were no more new cartoons.
      Clarence Nash died in February, 1985. But today"s children can still see the old cartoons on the
television and hear that famous voice.

1. Who made Donald Duck cartoons? A. Mickey Mouse.
B. Clarence Nash.
C. Walter Disney.
D. Pluto2. When did the first Donald Duck film appear? A. In 1933  
B. In 1934
C. In 1966  
D. In 1965 3. Who was Clarence Nash? A. A cartoonist.
B. A writer.
C. A film maker.
D. The man who made the voice for Donald Duck. 4. Where do today"s children see Donald Duck cartoons? A. In new cartoons.
B. At the cinema.
C. On television.
D. In the theatre. 5. Why did people like Donald better than Mickey Mouse? A. Probably because he was lazy and greedy.
B. Probably because he wasn"t a goody-goody like Mickey.
C. Probably because he lost his temper very easily.
D. Probably because he became angry with Mickey"s eight nephews.
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     New York times, Nov, 24,2011-It is not just any bug, but the native nine-spotted ladybug.
And its reappearance is something of a relief, because it is the official New York State insect,
even though the last recorded sighting of it in New York was 29 years ago.
     Its absence had not gone completely unnoticed. There was a moment in 2006 when the State
Assembly, realizing that the state insect had left the state, tried to replace it with a different species
of ladybug, an attempt that fortunately gave in to law.
     And now-after all these years-the state insect has been found. Like so many other New Yorkers,
it was seen summering in Amagansett. Peter Priolo, a volunteer participant in an effort called the
Lost Ladybug Project, found the ladybug on July 30 in a patch of sunflowers during a group search
he had organized.
     "I didn"t realize it was a nine-spotted when I found it," Mr. Priolo said. He was on his way to do
an end-of-the-day ladybug record, so, he said, "I put it in my jar and hurried back to meet with
     If the ladybugs are making a comeback, it is only beginning. The lost Ladybug Project started
surveys in 2000. As of 2006, only five nene-spotted ladybugs had been found in North America in
the previous 10 years, none of them in the East. Then one lone ladybug was found in Arlington,
Va. None had been found in the East since, and only 90 have been reported in North America.
     After scientists at Cornell confirmed Mr. Priolo"s find, they went to the Amagansett farm in
mid-August to lead a search that turned up about 20 more of the bugs. An area between rows of
carrots and beans turned out to be a hot spot. "We found a lot of them on cosmos and zinnias," said
Dr. Losey said, an insect expert. The farm is part of the 10,000-acre Peconic Land Trust in Amagansett,
and it is organic. For ladybugs, Dr. Losey said, "you couldn"t design a better place."
     Dr. Losey wants to find out if it makes sense to reintroduce this strain of the ladybug in other areas.
And he expects volunteers to be back out in the field when ladybug season starts again in the spring.
Now, he said, "we need to find out more places where there are just as many."

1. The last time the New Yorkers saw their state insect in            .A. 2000
B. 2006
C. 1998
D. 19822. The New Yorkers are so delighted to see the insect because           .A. it has some bright spots on its back
B. it is the official insect of the city
C. it had been out of sight for quite some time
D. it is a new species unknown to New York3. What does the second paragraph of the passage imply?A. It"s against the law to bring new insects to New York.
B. The State Assembly don"t like to live with Ladybugs.
C. The absence of the state insect had never been known.
D. The state insect had to leave because of a new species.4. From the last two paragraphs we know that       .A. only some insect experts are really interested in ladybugs
B. Dr Losey is quite confident about the future of the insect
C. most ladybugs have m moved to live in the down area
D. more vegetables will be grown to welcome the state insect
题型:四川省模拟题难度:| 查看答案

                                          The True Story of Treasure Island
     It was always thought that Treasure Island was the product of Robert Louis Stevenson"s
imagination.__1__,recent research has found the true story of this exciting work.
     Stevenson,a Scotsman,had lived __2__ for many years.In 1881 he returned to Scotland for
a __3__.With him were his American wife Fanny and his son __4__.
     Each morning Stevenson would take them out for a long __5__ over the hills.They had been
__6__ this for several days before the weather suddenly took a turn for the worse.Kept indoors
by the heavy rain,Lloyd felt the days __7__.To keep the boy happy,Robert asked the boy to do
some __8__.
     One morning,the boy came to Robert with a beautiful map of an island.Robert __9__ that the
boy had drawn a large cross in the middle of __10__. "What"s that?" he asked. "That"s the __11__
treasure," said the boy.Robert suddenly __12__ something of an adventure story in the boy"s __13__.
While the rain was pouring,Robert sat down by the fire to write a story.He would make the __14__
a twelve year old boy,just like Lloyd.But who would be the pirate(海盗)?
     Robert had a good friend named Henley,who walked around with the __15__ of a wooden leg.
Robert had always wanted to __16__ such a man in a story.__17__ Long John Silver,the pirate with
a wooden leg,was __18__.
     So,thanks to a __19__ September in Scotland,a friend with a wooden leg,and the imagination of
a twelveyearold boy,we have one of the greatest __20__ stories in the English language.

(     )1.A.However    
(     )2.A.alone      
(     )3.A.meeting    
(     )4.A.Lloyd      
(     )5.A.talk        
(     )6.A.attempting  
(     )7.A.quiet      
(     )8.A.cleaning    
(     )9.A.doubted    
(     )10.A.the sea    
(     )11.A.forgotten  
(     )12.A.saw        
(     )13.A.book      
(     )14.A.star      
(     )15.A.help      
(     )16.A.praise    
(     )17.A.Yet        
(     )18.A.read      
(     )19.A.rainy      
(     )20.A.news       B.Therefore
B.next door
B.the house
B.love      C.Besides  
C.at home  
C.real-life D.Finally      
D.the island  
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