Apologizing is both an Art and a Science. The Art lies in the manner in which th

Apologizing is both an Art and a Science. The Art lies in the manner in which th

Apologizing is both an Art and a Science. The Art lies in the manner in which the apology is delivered while the Science is the recipe that forms the apology itself. A proper apology should always include several ingredients. Now let’s take a closer look at these ingredients.
Give a detailed account of the offense, and make sure both you and the other person are talking about the same thing. Whether you make it in secret or public doesn’t matter, but your apology should be focused on the particular event.
Next, by acknowledging the hurt or damage done, you are making the recipient (接受者) begin to sense that you understand the situation. It is important to rebuild your relationship because it makes them feel their anger is understandable.
Don’t try to defend yourself by offering any excuses, which is important to let them know that you understand the event and you actions do cause them harm. The apology is all about THEM and how they feel. It doesn’t matter if the actions were intentional or not, the end result is the same and that is what needs to be focused on when learning how to say, “I’m sorry”.
Give a sincere statement of regret such as “I apologize” or “I’m sorry”. Above all, tell them it won’t happen again. After all, there is no value in apologizing for something that you will do again and again.
Finally, asking for forgiveness at the end of the apology gives the power back to the recipient. It tells them, that you have done all that you can do by apologizing and providing whatever form of restitution(补偿)you can. The next move is up to them.
By including all these ingredients and applying them to your situation, you will know exactly how to say “I’m sorry” next time you need to.
小题1:The passage mainly tells readers ____.
A.the importance of apologizing
B.the process of apologizing
C.how to apologize effectively
D.how to repair a broken friendship
小题2:How will the recipient react when you admit hurting them?
A.They will be sorry for being angry with you.
B.They will treat you differently right away.
C.They will understand the situation better.
D.They will think their former reaction normal.
小题3:When you make an apology, you should concentrate on ____.
A.finding out better excuses
B.taking responsibility for the event
C.defending yourself from more harm
D.understanding the current situation
小题4:What is the key to any apology?
A.A sincere statement of regret.
B.Giving the recipient more power.
C.A promise that you won’t repeat your wrongdoings.
D.Giving the recipient a detailed account of the event.



小题1:C 主旨大意题。根据文章第一段The Art lies in the manner in which the apology is delivered while the Science is the recipe that forms the apology itself. A proper apology should always include several ingredients. Now let’s take a closer look at these ingredients.可知本文主要讲述的道歉的艺术,也就是如何才可以更加高效的道歉。故C正确。
小题2:D 细节题。根据文章第3段最后一句It is important to rebuild your relationship because it makes them feel their anger is understandable.可知当你承认你给对方带来伤害的时候,他们会认为自己之前的反应是正常的,因为自己的确受到了伤害。故D正确。
小题3:B 推理题。根据文章倒数第2段It tells them, that you have done all that you can do by apologizing and providing whatever form of restitution(补偿)you can. The next move is up to them.可知当我们道歉以后,我们要承诺做适当的补偿,这样会让对方感觉你很负责任,很有诚意。故B正确。
小题4:C 细节题。根据文章第5段第2句Above all, tell them it won’t happen again. After all, there is no value in apologizing for something that you will do again and again.可知最重要的是你要告诉对方你再也不会做这样的事情了。故C正确。
US military is attempting to develop a new style “insect robot” to replace the human soldier to go wherever he can’t. The greatest trouble this project has fallen across is how to enable the robot to fly freely like an insect, said an official of the Pentagon(五角大楼).
The Pentagon is seeking for the cooperation with scientists in hope of developing a new technique by which people can control the insect’s flight direction and pass on the information its eyes or other organs catch through the equipment set in its body, the official said.
It is thus designed that a tiny controlling chip will be equipped in an insect’s body when it is in chrysalis(蛹). As the insect grows, the cut made when fixing in the chip will be recovered. The chip will exist in forever. Scientists believe this won’t influence the insect, sound growth or the functions of internal organs.
The terminal target of the project is to set up a global system, in which the insect robots will be stationed in all parts of the world and stick to their posts till a new instruction is received. At that time the military can receive from all over the world clear image information within about 5 meters of the insects and that of a special target within 100 meters.
Years ago, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency of US DOD(国防部) spent $3,000,000 carrying out a plan for training bees to detect landmines. But, no new progress has so far been made.
“According to the scientists, there is still enormous difficulty in technology in turning it into reality, such as the insects reproduction(繁殖), their adaptation to the surroundings and temperature and so on. However, this project is really challenging. If successful, it is equal to making countless small drone(无人机),”said the official of DOD.
小题1:According to the description of the passage, what is an insect robot like?
A.An insect made of a certain metal.
B.A robot looking like an insect.
C.An insect with a chip in its body.
D.A tiny flying robot.
小题2:As for the design that an insect robot can receive and send information, how do you infer(推测) it works?
A.There must be a controlling chip well connected with the insect’s brain.
B.The insect’s eyes and other organs must be replaced by some special equipment.
C.All the insect’s concerned organs must be controlled by a chip.
D.The insect must be so well trained as to make full use of its organs.
小题3:When the project is completed, US military will    .
A.have a clear picture of almost every part of the world
B.have insect robots from all over the world
C.see clearly the things within 10 to 100 meters
D.get many insects which obey their orders
小题4:Of the following technical problems, which is the one the scientists can’t solve so far?
A.They can’t keep sound growth of the insects.
B.They can’t ensure the insects to produce their young.
C.They can’t fix a chip in an insect.
D.They can’t make sure the internal organs function well.
小题5:What does the underlined word “terminal” in the fourth paragraph mean?

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Speaking two languages rather than just one has obvious practical benefits in an increasingly globalized world.But in recent years, scientists have begun to show that the advantages of bilingualism (双语能力) are even more important than being able to converse with a wider range of people.Being bilingual, it turns out, makes you smarter.It can have a deep effect on your brain, improving skills not related to language and even protecting against a serious mental disorder in old age.
This view of bilingualism is different from the understanding of bilingualism through much of the 20th century.Researchers, educators and policy makers long considered a second language to be an interruption that prevented a child"s school work and ability to think and understand things.They were not wrong about the interruption: there is ample evidence that in a bilingual s brain both language systems are active even when he is using only one language, thus creating situations in which one system disturbs the other.But this interruption, researchers are finding out, isn"t so much a disturbance.It forces the brain to solve inside conflict, giving the mind a workout that strengthens its thinking muscles.
The key difference between bilinguals and monolinguals may be more basic: a heightened ability to monitor the environment."Bilinguals have to switch languages quite often—you may talk to your father in one language and to your mother in another language," says Albert Costa, a researcher at the University of Pompea Fabra in Spain.
"It requires keeping track of changes around you in the same way that we monitor our surroundings when driving." In a study comparing German-Italian bilinguals with Italian monolinguals on monitoring tasks, Mr.Costa and his colleagues found that the bilingual subjects not only performed better, but they also did so with less activity in parts of the brain involved in monitoring, showing that they did better in it.
小题1:From the passage we can learn that experts used to believe that ______.
A.interruption forced a bilingual"s brain to strengthen its thinking ability
B.a second language stopped children"s studying as well as mental development
C.using two languages annoyed the children who have trouble in learning skills
D.language systems were busy in a bilingual"s brain when he was using languages
小题2:The underlined word "switch" in Paragraph 3 probably means "______".
小题3:What is the author"s attitude towards bilingualism?
小题4:Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
A.How Bilinguals Use Languages
B.What Bilingualism Is Really about
C.Why Bilinguals Are More Intelligent
D.When People Learn a Second Language

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The Segway Human Transporter was invented by Dean Kamen.It is a two-wheeled vehicle designed for a single rider standing upright over its single axle(轴) and navigate using a set of handlebars resembling those on a bicycle.Electrically powered, it could travel over 15 miles on a single charge and reach speeds up to twelve miles per hour.Its speed and direction can be controlled by riders" changing their weights.
A college dropout and self-taught engineer, Kamen already held over 100 patents for his inventions when he developed the one he hoped would revolutionize short-distance travel.While still in college, Kamen started developing the medical devices (设备) that made his name.Later, he changed focus to the challenges faced by wheelchair users.His robotic wheelchair known as IBOT could climb stairs.This robot ended up paving the way for the Segway.
Before showing his most recent invention, Kamen had kept it a top secret for months.When it turned out to be little more than a motor scooter, many publicly expressed their disappointment.On closer examination, however, even his critics(批评家) had to admit that the vehicle was an engineering achievement.It answered the prayers of anyone who is worn out when walking downtown.Not everyone welcomed the Segway"s arrival, though.Some complained it was too expensive, while others said it would further weaken the average American " s fitness.A Japanese inventor even accused Kamen of stealing the idea for the Segway from him.
Despite the controversy, the U.S.postal service began using Kamen"s invention a month after its appearance, and a factory was built with plans to produce about 40,000 Segways every month.The argument is still on whether the Segway will be remembered as the greatest invention since the light bulb, or just another forgettable electronic device.Anyway, trips to the local supermarket will never be the same again.
小题1:Which statement best describes the critics" reaction to the Segway?
A.Nothing but an electrical device.
B.A disappointing engineering mistake.
C.An expensive and disappointing invention.
D.Disappointing, but still a successful device.
小题2:Which is not a feature of the Segway?
A.One person at a time can ride on it.
B.It has two wheels with a single axle.
C.It is powered by electricity and can go up to 12mph.
D.Riders increase the speed by moving the handlebars
小题3:Some people expressed dissatisfaction with the Segway because of its______.
A.high costB.danger to traffic
C.being difficult to useD.contribution to laziness
小题4:Shortly after the Segway appeared, there were _________.
A.hopes for a larger model of it
B.no plans to do anything more with it
C.some discussions on the unforgettable device
D.plans to make tens of thousands of them a month

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Monkeys , face to face
DISCOVER magazine once reported on a curious event in the woods : a group of monkeys applied mud (泥) to their faces in order to keep away insects , but when they were done they seemed to have lost their ability to recognize each other ---two monkeys that were supposed to be friends even started fighting.
“Faces are really important to how monkeys and apes (猿)can tell one another apart,” explained Michael Alfaro, a biologist at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), to the New York -based International Science Times . This is quite different from many other animals , which depend heavily on smells.
Since faces play such a crucial part in the social lives of monkeys , could this explain why certain monkey species have such colorful faces while others have simpler, plainer ones ?
To test this theory , a group of researchers from UCLA studied 139 monkey species , mainly from Asia and Africa, and analyzed hundreds of headshot (头像)photos of those monkeys from their databases.
It was found that species that live in larger groups have faces with more complex color patterns than those that live in smaller groups. According to Live Science, researchers believe that this is nature’s way of making it easier for monkeys to recognize each other since those living in larger groups have to distinguish between a greater number of faces.
This is actually not that hard to understand . Just imagine if there were 10 people standing in front of you, all wearing white clothes. It would be much more difficult to tell them apart than if they wore clothes with colorful patterns. However, if there were only two people that you had to identify, a lack of color wouldn’t be much of a problem.
Apart from the need to recognize group members , researchers found that geography and environment also affect monkeys’ facial colors. Species that live closer to the equator in thick, humid (潮湿的)forests were found to have darker faces than those who live in dry areas further away from the equator. This is because darker faces help camouflage (伪装)the monkeys in the woods so that they go unnoticed by predators (捕食者).
小题1:We can learn from the article that monkeys mainly recognize each other by their __.
A.SmellsB.Facial appearancesC.body shapesD.Voices
小题2:Which of the following statements about monkeys’face patterns is TURE according to the article ?
A.Larger monkeys have more complex face color patterns.
B.Monkeys with colorful face patterns usually take higher social positions within groups.
C.Monkeys living in smaller groups usually have simpler, plainer face patterns.
D.Colorful face patterns keep monkeys safe from predators.
小题3:What is article mainly about?
A.The social lives of monkeys.
B.How monkeys tell each other apart.
C.A comparison between the face patterns of monkeys and those of human beings.
D.The different factors that determine monkeys’ face patterns.

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Julie was preparing for a trip when her phone slipped into a sink full of water. Panic moment! She quickly picked up the wet phone and tried to turn it on, but nothing worked. Her first reaction? She got dressed, drove to the nearest store, and bought a new model at full price.
A new study finds that fear of losing your phone is a common illness. About 66 percent of those surveyed suffer from nomophobia or “no mobile phone phobia”. Interestingly, more women worry about losing their phone than men.
Fortunately, there’s a solution.
The first step is to figure out if you have nomophobia. Checking your phone too often is one thing, but the true sign of a problem is that you can’t conduct business or go about your routine when the fear becomes so severe.
Do you go to unusual lengths to make sure you have your phone? That’s another sign of a problem. If you find you check your phone plenty of times per hour, or a total of an hour per day, there may be a problem.
Some of the treatments are similar to those for treating anxiety attacks: Leaving the phone behind and not checking e-mail or text messages, and then learning to tolerate the after anxiety. Even if this leads to a high level of worry and stress, the solution is to push through the fear and learn to deal with not having your phone. 
Of course, there are also technological alternatives. Luis Levy, a co-founder at Novy PR, says he uses an application called Cerberus that can automatically track the location of his phone. To find it, he can just go to a Web site and see the phone’s location.
He also insures his phone through a service called Asurion. The company’s description of its product reads like a prescription for anxiety: “60 million phones are lost, stolen or damaged each year. You’ll have complete peace of mind knowing that your phone is protected and you can quickly reconnect with family, friends and work, as soon as the very next day!”
小题1:Why does the author mention Kelly’s experience in the first paragraph?
A.To inform us that mobile phones are useful.
B.To introduce the topic for discussion.
C.To warn us that we should be careful.
D.To tell us we should get phones ready for a trip.
小题2:The underlined word “nomophobia” in Paragraph 2 means ________.
A.Fear of losing mobile phones.
B.Habits of using mobile phones
C.Eagerness for new mobile phones.
D.Independence of mobile phones.
小题3:Which of the following is a way to treat nomophobia?
A.Avoiding using phone for some time
B.Learning more about modern technology.
C.Protecting one’s phone against any damage.
D.Not using a mobile phone in one’s daily work.
小题4:Why can the service called Asurion help to treat nomophobia?
A.It lets you know other people also lose their phones.
B.It will give you a new phone through insurance.
C.It enables you to reconnect with your acquaintance.
D.It gives you a prescription to treat nomophobia.
小题5: What is the passage mainly about?
A.Solutions to nomophobia.B.New mobile phone technology.
C.Disadvantages of mobile phone.D.Attitude toward mobile phone.

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