Many ESL (English as a Second Language) students in the United States enroll in

Many ESL (English as a Second Language) students in the United States enroll in

Many ESL (English as a Second Language) students in the United States enroll in (注册学习) academic preparation programs and are in their late teens or early twenties. This is often a time when students are looking back on childhood in a different way. Their childhood memories and their viewpoint on those memories can be very useful for the production of wonderfully creative writing.
For this project, the students began in class by closing their eyes and trying to return to their childhood years in order to bring early memories to their mind. After imagining for a few minutes, they began to tell each other what they remembered about those years and tried to describe a particular incident that stood out in their memories.
That evening they wrote in their journals about the incident, embellishing (润饰) the story as much as possible. The next day, they read the story to a different partner and got feedback (反馈意见). The partner’s job was to: ask more questions to bring back the writer’s memory; help the writer make sure that past tense verbs were used correctly, focusing on the difference between those things that were still true and needed present tense and those things that belonged specifically to the past. Two days later, students made necessary changes or additions and turned in a typed copy of their story. I then made my own comments about their work and asked them to revise their work. The third draft (稿子) produced some very good work.
小题1:The author’s purpose of writing this passage is to _____. readers the difficulty he had in his work
B.explain his idea of English learning readers how ESL students live and study
D. tell readers how he taught his ESL students to write
小题2:What did the author ask his students to write about?
A.What they saw around them.
B.Their predictions for the future.
C.Their childhood memories.
D.Their opinions of the United States.
小题3:In what order do the students write their compositions according to the passage?
a.share their writing with their classmates their memories
c.write their stories
d.ask for others’ feedback
e.  make some changes to their compositions and have them typed
f.  corrected by the teacher
g.  recall their stories
小题4:A partner may help do the following things EXCEPT _____.
A.make the memory more complete
B.find spelling mistakes
C.check the tense of the verbs
D.give some feedback



小题1:主旨题。从最后一段I then made my own comments about their work and asked them to revise their work. The third draft (稿子) produced some very good work.可知,本文主要讲述了作者是教那些母语为非英语的学生如何来写作的事情,故选D
小题2:细节题。从文章the students began in class by closing their eyes and trying to return to their childhood years in order to bring early memories to their mind. 可知作者同学们写他们童年的记忆,故选C
We find that bright children are rarely held back by mix-ability teaching. On the contrary, both their knowledge and experience are enriched. We feel that there are many disadvantages in streaming pupils. It does not take into account the fact that children develop at different rates. It can have a bad effect on both the bright and the not-so-bright child. After all, it can be quite discouraging to be at the bottom of the top grade!
Besides, it is rather unusual to grade pupils just according to their intellectual ability. This is only one aspect of their total personality. We are concerned to develop the abilities of all our pupils to the full, not just their academic ability. We also value personal qualities and social skills, and we find that mixed ability teaching contributes to all these aspects of learning.
In our classrooms, we work in various ways. The pupils often work in groups: this gives them the opportunity to learn to co-operate, to share, and to develop leadership skills. They also learn how to deal with personal problems as well as learning how to think, to make decisions, to analyze and evaluate, and to communicate effectively. The pupils learn from each other as well as from the teacher.
Sometimes the pupils work in pairs; sometimes they work on individual tasks and assignments, and they can do this at their own speed. They also have some formal class teaching when this is proper. We encourage our pupils to use the library, and we teach them the skills they need in order to do this efficiently. And advanced pupil can do advanced work. It doesn’t matter what age the child is. We expect our pupils to do their best, not their least, and we give them every encouragement to obtain this goal.
小题1:By “held back” (the underlined part of the first sentence) the author means “______”.
A.drawn to their studiesB.prevented from advancing
C.made to remain in the same classD.forced to study in the lower class
小题2:The author argues that a teacher’s chief concern should be the development of the pupil’s ______. personalityB.intellectual ability
C.personal qualitiesD.communicative skills
小题3:Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the third paragraph?
A.Pupils also learn to develop their reasoning abilities.
B.Pupils also learn how to participate in teaching activities.
C.Group work gives pupils the opportunity to learn to work together with others.
D.Group work provides pupils with the opportunity to learn to be good organizers.

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One day, Mr. Arnold was teaching a lesson, and things were going as normally as ever. He was explaining the story of mankind to his pupils. He told them that, in the beginning, men were nomads; they never stayed in the same place for very long. Instead, they would travel about, here and there, in search of food, wherever it was to be found. And when the food ran out, they would move off somewhere else.
He taught them about the invention of farming and keeping animals. This was an important discovery, because by learning to cultivate(耕作)the land, and care for animals, mankind would always have food steadily available. It also meant that people could remain living in one place, and this made it easier to set about tasks that would take a long while to complete, like building towns, cities, and all that were in them. All the children were listening attracted by this story, until Lucy jumped up:
“And if that was so important and improved everything so much, why are we nomads all over again, Mr. Arnold?”
Mr. Arnold didn’t know what to say. Lucy was a very intelligent girl. He knew that she lived with her parents in a house, so she must know that her family were not nomads; so what did she mean?
“We have all become nomads again,” continued Lucy, “The other day, outside the city, they were cutting the forest down. A while ago a fisherman told me how they fish. It’s the same with everyone: when there’s no more forest left the foresters go elsewhere, and when the fish run out the fishermen move on. That’s what the nomads did, isn’t it ?
The teacher nodded, thoughtfully. Really, Lucy was right Mankind had turned into nomads. Instead of looking after the land in a way that we could be sure it would keep supplying our needs, we kept developing it until the land was bare. And then off we would go to the next place! The class spent the rest of the afternoon talking about what they could do to show how to be more civilized.
The next day everyone attended class wearing a green T-shirt, with a message that said “I am not a nomad!
And , from then on, they set about showing that indeed they were not. Every time they knew they needed something, they made sure that they would get it using care and control. If they needed wood or paper, they would make sure that they got the recycled kind. They ordered their fish from fish farms, making sure that the fish they received were not too young and too small. They only used animals that were well cared for, and brought up on farms.
And so, from their little town, those children managed to give up being nomads again, just as prehistoric men had done, so many thousands of years ago.
小题1:From Paragraph 2, we can know that______ .
A.people got tired of living in the same place
B.people gradually got used to living in cities
C.people tended to settle down after learning farming
D.people spent a long time in learning to keep animals
小题2:In the teacher’s opinion, Lucy’s argument was______
小题3:Which of the following agrees with the message “I am not a nomad” (Paragraph 7)?
A.People eat young fish for its delicious taste.
B.Foresters leave the place where wood is not available.
C.Fishermen move elsewhere when there is no fish left.
D.People use recycled materials as much as possible.
小题4:The writer tries to make us believe that ______.
A.mankind has been progressing mainly through traveling about’s unwise for mankind to use the land in an uncontrolled way’s quite good for students to learn more about the history of mankind the beginning men were nomads.

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We live in a dangerous world. The figures for crime go up year by year. If you were attacked in the street, would you be able to defend yourself? Not very well probably, especially if someone was pointing a gun at you. We all see a lot of violence of films, but recently some programs on television showed how people can defend themselves without guns. For example, in one film a woman was attacked from behind. She threw the man, who was heavier and stronger than she was, over her head. Then she held him tightly on the ground. How? She knew Judo.
Jiu-jitsu, as judo is sometimes called, means "muscle science" in Japanese. The student of judo needs to learn a lot about the body, its bones and muscles. Judo uses a number of "falls", "holds" and "throws". Someone who does not know judo cannot defend himself against them. If you know judo you can defend yourself against a person who is stronger than you. You had better not practice judo on your friends unless they can fall without hurting themselves! Being strong is one thing, but using the body wisely is another. In judo, you use the other person"s body to help you. You "throw" him to the ground and "hold" him there, so that he cannot move. Of course, it takes time and practice, but knowing judo is useful. In a violent world you ought to be able to defend yourself.
小题1:According to passage, in fact "judo" is ______.
A.the same as "Jiu-jitsu"B.a kind of fighting
C. a kind of muscle helpful to a strong man
小题2:Why does the writer say the world is dangerous?
A. The number of violence and crime is increasing every year.
B.Because many people carry guns.
C.Because there too many films.
D.Because people are not able to defend themselves.
小题3:Which of the following statement is true about the woman in the passage?
A.The woman held the man over her head.
B.The woman was heavier than the man.
C.The woman was able to defend herself.
D.The woman attacked the man from behind.
小题4:If a man knows judo, he ______.
A.will be good at muscle science.
B.will be able to avoid being attacked from his back.
C.may defeat any strong person.
D.can help himself by using the other person"s body
小题5:What"s the best title for this short passage?
A.How to defend oneselfB.Violence in films
C.How to practise judoD.Something about judo

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As they migrate, butterflies and moths choose the winds they want to fly with, and they change their body positions if they start floating in the wrong direction. This new finding suggests that insects may use some of the same methods that birds use for traveling long distances. Scientists have long thought that insects were simply at the mercy of the wind.
Fascinating as their skills of flight are, migrating behavior has been difficult to study in insects because many long distant trips happen thousands of feet above ground. Only recently have scientists developed technologies that can detect such little creatures at such great heights.
To their surprise, though, the insects weren"t passive travelers on the winds. In autumn, for example, most light winds blew from the east, but the insects somehow sought out ones that carried them south and they positioned themselves to navigate directly to their wintering homes.
Even in the spring, when most winds flowed northward, the insects didn"t always go with the flow. If breezes weren"t blowing in the exact direction they wanted to go, the insects changed their body positions to compensate(补偿, 弥补). Many migrating birds do the same thing.
The study also found that butterflies and moths actively flew within the air streams that pushed them along. By adding flight speeds to wind speeds, the scientists calculated that butterflies and moths can travel as fast as 100 kilometers an hour. The findings may have real-world applications. With climate warming, migrating insects are growing in number. Knowing how and when these pests move could help farmers decide when to spray their crops.
小题1:What"s the main idea of the text?
A.Insects migrate with the seasons.
B.The wind helps insects greatly in migrating.
C.Windsurfing insects have real direction.
D.Scientists have trouble in observing insects.
小题2:Scientists originally thought that _____.
A.insects always waited for their favorable winds
B.insects chose the winds they wanted to ride
C.insects were just blown about by the wind
D.insects positioned themselves in the winds
小题3:It is not easy to study the migrating behavior of the insects because ______.
A.the little creatures can fly very fast
B.their flight is long and high above ground
C.the wind"s direction is hard to forecast
D.they have no regular migrating courses
小题4:According to the passage, the findings can ____
A.increase insects in number
B.instruct farmers when to spray their crops
C.prevent climate warming protect insects

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Over the past decade, cheating—an act of academic dishonesty—has become more and more common.
The latest statistics shows more than two thirds of high school students admitted cheating on an exam last year, and—even more surprising—often the best students cheat to get to the top of their class—and they don’t think it is wrong. It’s not a big deal. Everybody is doing it.
It is a big deal! Cheating is basically wrong and must be punished.
If students easily get away with it, they might be encouraged to do it again. They won’t realize that this—in the broadest sense—is an attack on our society, which is based on values like honesty and fairness. The present spreading of cheating indicates a loss of those values and cannot be tolerated. An appropriate punishment for cheating incidents would make students aware of their misbehavior.
If no one were punished for cheating, who would ever study for an exam? Tons of papers would be lifted from websites, writing crib sheets would be more important than reviewing the subjects, and highly sophisticated cheating arts would be invented. Knowledge would only exist on the Internet and on cleverly created cheat sheets, but not in the minds of the students—a rather bad precondition to enrich our society wisely and intelligently.
Students have to learn that they have to learn. Only doing what’s right will bring them a feeling of pride and accomplishment and create self-confidence—the building blocks for a successful and satisfying life and a society that keeps its values.
小题1:What is more surprising is that       .
A.cheating is very common in schools
B.over 2/3 of the students cheat last year
C.even the best students cheat on exams
D.teachers are not aware of the problems
小题2:How do they make the students realize their misbehavior?
A.By letting them getting away with it.
B.By telling them what is right.
C.By catching them on the spot.
D.By giving them some punishment.
小题3:How can students create self-confidence?
A.By knowing they have to learn.
B.By doing what is right.
C.By learning the right things.
D.By being punished when cheating.
小题4:What does the underlined word “lifted” mean?

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