I have always really loved receiving my monthly pocket money form my dad. After

I have always really loved receiving my monthly pocket money form my dad. After

I have always really loved receiving my monthly pocket money form my dad. After getting the money I would be very excited and would rush off to my friend’s place where after much consideration we would decide what to do with it and where to spend it. Mostly it would go for the ice cream treats(请客;款待) or jam sessions with our favorite people around. Girls will manage to find some way of budgeting so the money we save can be used for other purposes.
I think that the best way to enjoy your pocket money would be to enjoy those treats that come occasionally. Since just mere pocket money would be not enough, many girls are doing a part time job of some form so that a larger amount of money can be collected. The best use of pocket money is to spend it in such a way that it involves lots of fun with your closest friends. Those treats are no fun if done alone. Company, especially good company can work wonders for providing you the best relaxation that you need. It is also best to spend your pocket money on things that otherwise parents end up refusing. When you use your pocket money to get this sense of achievement you will just feel so crazily happy.
I remember the time when a friend and I were just so tired of our everyday monotonous life that we decided to go out, have some great food and then head out to the beach and have those lovely grape and mango ice-creams. And we did exactly that. That day has just been one of the most refreshing days of my life. I think the true meaning of pocket money is to be able to maximize your fun at a minimal cost!
小题1:The writer thinks he can get greatest fun from pocket money by ________,.
A.spending it aloneB.treating good friends
C.travelling for funD.buying ice creams
小题2:We can tell from Paragraph 1 that ________.
A.the writer didn’t know where to spend his pocket money
B.girls used pocket money to buy ice creams
C.the writer got pocket money from his dad yearly
D.boys and girls may spend pocket money in different ways
小题3:What does the underlined phrase “monotonous” in the last paragraph mean?
小题4:We can know from the passage that ________.
A.children can’t spend our pocket money wisely
B.there would be no fun without pocket money
C.childhood happiness mainly comes from pocket money
D.we can enjoy ourselves with a little pocket money
小题5:What is the best title of the passage?
A.How to get much pocket money
B.Save pocket money as much as possible
C.Pocket money brings great fun
D.Pocket money means everything



小题1:B 推理题。根据第二段1,2行I think that the best way to enjoy your pocket money would be to enjoy those treats that come occasionally.说明作者认为最好的方法就是和朋友一起花掉这些零用钱,请朋友吃东西等。B正确。
小题2:D 推理题。根据文章第一段后4行Mostly it would go for the ice cream treats(请客;款待) or jam sessions with our favorite people around. Girls will manage to find some way of budgeting so the money we save can be used for other purposes.说明男孩子和女孩子花零花钱的方式是不一样的,故D正确。
小题3:B 推理题。根据本句I remember the time when a friend and I were just so tired of our everyday monotonous life that we decided to go out, have some great food and then head out to the beach and have those lovely grape and mango ice-creams.说明这里的monotonous life是指一些乏味的生活,我们厌倦这里这些乏味的生活,决定出去走走,享受快乐,故B正确。
小题4:D 推理题。通读全文可知,虽然父母给我们的零花钱可能不多,但是我们却能够从中得到很多的快乐,故D正确。
Michael Fish may soon be replaced as a weather forecaster by the shark (鲨鱼).
Research by a British biology student suggests that sharks could be used to predict storms. Lauren Smith, 24, is close to completing her study on shark’s ability to sense pressure. If her studies prove the theory, scientists may be able to monitor the behavior of sharks to predict bad weather.
Miss Smith had previously studied the behavior of lemon sharks in the Bahamas.
She then used their close relatives, lesser spotted dogfish, for further research at Aberdeen University.
Her work---thought to be the first of its kind to test the pressure theory ---- resulted from the observation that juvenile blacktip sharks off Florida moved into deeper water ahead of a violent storm in 2001.
Miss Smith said: “I’ve always been crazy about traveling and diving and this led me to an interest in sharks.”
“I was delighted to have been able to research in the area for my degree. I know there’s so much more we need to understand ---- but it certainly opens the way to more research.”
It has been discovered that a shark senses pressure using hair cells in its balance system.
At the Bimini Shark Lab in the Bahamas, Miss Smith fixed hi-tech sensors to sharks to record pressure and temperature, while also tracking them using GPS (Global Positioning System) technology.
In Aberdeen, she was able to study the effects of tidal (潮汐的) and temperature changes on dogfish----none of which were harmed. She also used a special lab which can mimic (模拟) oceanic pressure changes caused by weather fronts.
She is due to complete her study and graduate later this year. She says she will be looking for a job which will give her the chance to enrich her experience of shark research.
小题1:The passage is most probably taken from _______.
A.a short-story collection
B.a popular science magazine
C.a research paper
D.a personal diary
小题2:What do we learn from the first four paragraphs of the passage?
A.Sharks may be used to predict bad weather.
B.Sharks’ behavior can be controlled.
C.Michael Fish is not fit for his job.
D.Lauren Smith will become a weather forecaster.
小题3:Lauren Smith conducted her research by _______.
A.removing hair cells from a shark’s balance system
B.measuring the air pressure of weather fronts
C.recording sharks’ body temperature
D.monitoring sharks’ reaction to weather changes
小题4:What is the passage mainly about?
A.A popular way of forecasting weather.
B.A new research effort in predicting storms.
C.Biologists’ interest in the secrets of sharks.
D.Lauren Smith’s devotion to scientific research.

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The home of the future won’t be completely different and we will be living in houses and flats just as we do today.But people will want to shape their homes to match their dreams.No two homes will be the same.People will be able to buy “house kits” containing a basic house structure, with movable walls, doors and windows.They will put together the different parts to create the home they want.
Many jobs that we do today will disappear, others will still exist but will change and new jobs will be created. Skilled workers such as builders, gardeners and electricians won’t disappear because machines can’t replace them. Teachers will still exist because students need human contact. But they will be using modern technology in class more and students will be working more from home. The medical technology revolution and space travel will create new jobs which we can only imagine today.
Space holidays will develop in the future, but these holidays won’t be for everyone because they won’t be cheap. Short space trips will develop first, then space hotels will orbit the earth where it will be possible to have a longer vacation. By the end of the next century, there will be holiday centres on the moon with leisure facilities for families.
Paper won’t exist in the future. Instead, there will be e-paper which people will be able to use over and over again. This will develop in order to save natural resources. E-newspapers and e-magazines will replace traditional newspapers and magazines and we will download information and news articles from the Internet every day onto our reuseable paper.
The laws of physics tell us that the earth is going to disappear some time in the future.This isn’t going to happen tomorrow but scientists predict that it will happen in five billion years when our sun explodes (爆炸).We will have to explore the universe and find another home. At some point in the distant future, either we stay on the earth and die with it, or we leave and move to another planet. There won’t be any other choice.
小题1:Homes of the future will ________.
A.be completely different from those of today
B.be very similar to our homes
C.all be different from one another
D.be movable as you want
小题2:Space trips and staying in space hotels will ________.
A.become a very common way to spend a holiday
B.be the best holiday option for families
C.attract a lot of people
D.still only be for very rich people
小题3:E-paper will replace traditional paper because ________.
A.we will use it again
B.it won’t waste natural resource
C.it will be cheaper to produce
D.it will be convenient to carry
小题4:We will have move to another planet ________.
A.if we want to save the human race
B.when the sun explodes
C.when the earth disappears
D.when the earth is too crowded to fill people on

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
When I was at University I studied very hard. But a lot of my friends did very little work. Some did just enough to pass exams. Others didn’t do quite enough. Fred Baines was one of them. He spent more time playing than working in the library.
Once at the end of the term, we had to take an important test in chemistry. The test had a hundred questions. Beside each question we had to write “True” or “False”. While I was studying in my room the night before the test, Fred was watching TV. Fred usually worried a lot the night before a test. But on that night he looked perfectly calm. Thenhe told me of his plan. “It’s very simple. There are a hundred questions and I have to get fifty correct to pass the test. I’ll just toss(掷)the coin to decide the answers. That way, I’m sure I’ll get half the questions right.”
The next day, Fred came happily into the exam room. As he sat tossing a coin for half an hour he marked down his answers. Then he left, half an hour before the rest of us.
The next day, he saw the chemistry professor in the corridor. “Oh, good,” he said to the teacher, “Have you got the result of the test?” The teacher reached into his pocket and took out a coin. He threw it into the air, caught it in his hand and looked at it.
“I’m terribly sorry, Fred,” he said, “You failed!”
小题1:This story mainly wants to tell us          .
A.chemistry is really hard to learn
B.there are many questions for students to prepare.
C.good exam results really need studying hard
D.tossing a coin can not always decide the result
小题2:Fred Baines was one of those who          .
A.did just enough to pass an exam
B.didn’t work hard enough for their studies
C.had more important work to do than study
D.were quite good at passing exams
小题3:Fred came happily into the exam room because          .
A.he had got ready for the exam
B.he knew the answers already
C.one excellent student would help him
D.he had his special way to finish the exam
小题4:Which of the following about the chemistry exam is TRUE?
A.The chemisty exam was not very difficult at all.
B.It in fact took an hour to finish the chemisty exam
C.The chemisty exam had more than one hundred questions.
D.The chemisty exam needed to be done by tossing a coin.
小题5:The professor tossed a coin to tell Baines that          .
A.he was satisfied with Baines’ way for the exam
B.he wanted to make friends with Baines
C.Baines’ way for the exam would never work
D.the exam result depended on the coin

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Reading to dogs is an unusual way to help children improve their literacy skills (读写能力)With their shining brown eyes, wagging tails, and unconditional love, dogs can provide the nonjudgmental listeners needed for a beginning reader to gain confidence (自信心) , according to Intermountain Therapy Animals (ITA) in Salt Lake City. The group says it is the first program in the country to use dogs to help develop literacy in children, with the introduction of Reading Education Assistance Dogs (READ).
The Salt Lake City Public Library is sold on the idea. “Literacy specialists admit that children who read below the level of their fellow pupils are often afraid of reading aloud in a group, often have lower self-respect, and regard reading as a headache,” said Lisa Myron, manager of the children’s department.
Last November the two groups started “Dog Day Afternoon” in the children’s department of the main library. About 25 children attended each of the four Saturday-afternoon classes, reading for half an hour. Those who attended three of the four classes received a “pawgraphed” book at the last class.
The program was so successful that the library plans to repeat it in April, according to Dana Thumpowsky, public relations manager.
小题1:What is mainly discussed in the text?
A.Children’s reading difficulties.B.Advantages of raising dogs.
C.Service in a public library.D.A special reading program.
小题2:Specialists use dogs to listen to children reading because they think _______.
A.dogs are young children’s best friends
B.children can play with dogs while reading
C.dogs can provide encouragement for shy children
D.children and dogs understand each other
小题3:By saying “The Salt Lake City Public Library is sold on the idea”, the writer means the library_______.
A.uses dogs to attract children
B.accepts the idea put forward by ITA
C.has opened a children"s department
D.has decided to train some dogs
小题4:A “pawgraphed” book is most probably _______.
A.a book used in Saturday classesB.a book written by the children
C.a prize for the childrenD.a gift from parent

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Human beings are the most intelligent of all animals because we are gifted with the ability to think and reason logically. Scientists and even common people with special intelligence have made a lot of inventions and contributions to modern lifestyle in the past. “Houses” have been the most popular area for discoveries and inventions in the past and even now.
Many household items have been the result of inventions of people who desired better functioning of the existent products. Every individual has intelligence and if it is used properly for the right purpose it leads to invention of a new tool or device. Many new household inventions are made almost every day and there are specific companies, which particularly keep a record of all these inventions.
A lot of inventions have been made recently in the household field. These products are patented(专利的)and have trade mark licenses(许可). The patented sliding cinch is a very simple but effective method to prevent shoulder stress and injury for those who work before computers all day long. Vanity PC is a type of computer furniture that specifically hides all the computer wires and keeps a clean and good look. All the outdoor dust, mud and snow can be kept out of the house by installing(安装)the dirt drain(排水管)at the entrance of the door. Another important invention is the automatic toilet night-light, in which a small light starts when the lid of the toilet seat is opened and closes as soon as the lid is closed.
These are some of the new household inventions invented mostly by common people. Thus, a variety of new household items are invented every day, which helps in a better functioning of household chores and in a more useful manner.
小题1:The first paragraph tells us the importance of _________.
A.the particular changes in houses
B.human beings’ role in making inventions
C.the advantages of modern lifestyle
D.the difference between human beings and animals
小题2:What plays the most important role in causing people to invent new things?
A.To earn more money and gain awards.
B.To be recorded by some special companies.
C.To improve the present living conditions.
D.To meet the new demands of new science.
小题3:It can be inferred that the sliding cinch is used to _________.
A.prevent your shoulder from being over-pressured
B.keep your shoulder safe and sound when you are in an accident or an operation
C.help you practice your shoulder more often and reduce shoulder pains
D.cover your shoulder and make it stronger to resist the outside strike
小题4:Common people can also make good inventions because __________.
A.wisdom and inspiration sometimes come from everyday life
B.some inventions are easy to be made and can be mastered by common people
C.common people have a strong desire to do something for science research
D.success is often connected with hardship and bitter experience of common people
小题5:The passage is mainly talking about _________.
A.the correct use of household facilities
B.different ideas about household inventions
C.the history of household inventions
D.household inventions and their influence

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