完形填空(共20分)It’s a question anyone might ask in the future: Should your household

完形填空(共20分)It’s a question anyone might ask in the future: Should your household

It’s a question anyone might ask in the future: Should your household robot be cool? Or practical? For Sony Corporation, robots ought to be entertaining. The company’s 41 robot, SDR—4 X, can sing and dance.
But for automaker Honda Motor Co Ltd, such 42 should perform useful tasks for their 43 masters.
“It is in the end a machine, a 44 ,” said Masato Hirose, Honda’s chief engineer.
Sony’s chief researcher Toshi Doi said robots performing such tasks as 45for ill or disabled people would not necessarily need a human 46  .
“The attractiveness of the SDR—4 X is its 47”, he said.
“It has feelings. It has instincts(直觉).” Drawing from its 48of 60,000 words, an SDR—4 X robot 49 last week that it can ask a 50 in a high voice: “Please 51still for a minute while I memorize your face.”
It also 52 off its ability to walk on uneven(不平的)floors, and come to its owner when it’s 53. While Honda’s robot is 54 used mainly for entertainment, it is 55 that one day it will be a useful companion. So its robot have been 56to be 120cm tall – more than twice the height of the SDR—4 X. Hirose said 120cm is the 57a robot that moves around a home should be.
“If you are going to have something that can move with 58 in a human surroundings(环境), then it is better to 59 the robot like a human,” he said.
Hirose said that he hopes the robot will be 60 enough so that he can buy one for himself and let it get him a beer.
41. A. earliest           B. latest            C. coolest                            D. smallest
42. A. matters          B. people          C. machines              D. inventions
43. A. human            B. own               C. creative                 D. all
44. A. tool                  B. robot             C. toy                          D. slave
45. A. looking            B. working        C. leaving                   D. caring
46. A. form                B. character     C. job                           D. ability
47. A. appearance   B. purpose        C. personality           D. material
48. A. storage           B. use                C. making                   creation
49. A. said                  B. announced  C. showed                  D. imaged
50. A. friend              B. partner                  C. servant                  D. guest
51. A. hold                 B. lie                   C. take                        D. make
52. A. left                            B. showed        C. put                          D. dropped
53.A. tired                 B. called            C. controlled             D. made
54.A. also                   B. still                C. again                      D. even
55. A. sure                 B. hoped           C. reported                D. described
56. A. expected        B. raised           C. proved                   D. designed
57 A. cheapest         B. dearest                  C. smallest                D. biggest
58. A. ease                B. care               C. difficulty                D. foot
59. A. buy                   B. use                C. invest                     D. design
60. A. useful              B. smart            C. cheap                     D. small
41-45 BCAAD 46-50 ACACD 51-55 ABBAB 56-60 DCADC

It was the time when the telegraph was the fastest method of long-distance communication. A young man  36 for a job as a Morse Code(摩尔斯电码)operator.
Having answered an ad in the newspaper, he went to the office address that was  37 .When he arrived, he entered a large, busy   38  filled with noise and clatter, including the sound of the telegraph in the background. A   39  on the wall told job applicants to fill out a form and wait until they were   40  to enter the inner office. The young man filled out his form and sat down with the seven  41 applicants in the waiting area.   42 a few minutes, the young man stood up suddenly,   43   the room to the door of the inner office, and walked right in.   44  the other applicants came alive, wondering what was   45   . They whispered among themselves that they hadn’t been told to come yet and thought that the young man made a   46   and wouldn’t be accepted.
  47 , when the employer went out of the office with the young man, he said to the other applicants , “Gentlemen, thank you very much for coming, but the   48   has just been filled .”
The other applicants began   49   and one of them   50   , “Wait a minute, I don’t understand. He was the   51  to come in, and we never even got a chance to be   52   . Yet he got the job. That’s not fair!”
The employer said, “I’m sorry, but   53   you’ve been sitting here, the telegraph has been  54 the following message in Morse Code: If you understand this message, then come right in. The job is yours.  55  of you heard it or understood it. This young man did. The job is his.”
36. A. allowed               B. applied              C. cared                           D. stood
37. A. listed                     B. proved                C. named                         D. formed
38. A. market                 B. school                 C. office                            D. clinic
39. A. letter                    B. book                    C. mirror                          D. sign
40. A. persuaded             B. refused              C. forced                          D. ordered
41. A. another                B. other                  C. others                          D. else
42. A. Since                     B. Before                C. After                            D. For
43. A. tied                        B. left                      C. crossed                       D. cleaned
44. A. Surprisingly         B. Strangely           C. Regularly           D. Naturally
45. A. going on               B. going for            C. set aside                     D. set up
46. A. difference            B. mistake              C. decision                     D. point
47. A. Therefore            B. However            C. Otherwise                  D. Moreover
48. A. job                         B. room                   C. seat                              D. gap
49. A. working                B. cheering            C. complaining               D. hesitating
50. A. spoke aloud         B. carried out       C. asked for                     D. told of
51. A .first                       B. best                    C. worse                          D. last
52. A. checked                B. interviewed      C. informed                     D. invited
53. A. at times               B. all the time       C. ahead of time            D. at one time
54. A. ticking out           B. knocking out     C. pointing out               D. showing out
55. A. Some                     B. None                   C. Any                                D. Each
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We’ve all heard the saying “Go Green”, but is it important? Can one person really make any difference? These may all be questions you’re asking yourself.
Our main source of energy, at the moment, is fossil fuels. We’ve been using fossil fuels for decades now, so why stop? You see, fossil fuels are created over time by the earth, and can only be replaced over time by the earth, but we were using them faster than the earth could produce them. On top of stripping(剥夺)the earth of her natural resources, we’re also damaging the atmosphere by burning things like coal, oil, and natural gases. That’s the greenhouse effect, which occurs when the burning of these fossil fuels help trap the sun’s energy inside the earth’s atmosphere, causing the temperature to rise over time.
With all the people in the world, how could you possibly make a difference? Well, here are a few things to think about.
How many lights do you use in your house?
How many miles do you drive to work?
How many electronics do you use, which you don’t need?
If you were to stop and think about it, you’re able to make a bigger difference than you might realize.
So many times you’ll hear people say, “So what? I won’t be around for it when things go bad.” But bad times are coming quicker than you might like to believe. It’ll be you children, or maybe even your grandchildren. With the temperature ever-rising, the polar ice caps are melting and water begins taking over land, so many people will crowd into so little space.
As you can see, this is no laughing matter. It’s time to take action. Don’t let your children or grandchildren live in a world without hope. One person at a time, we can begin to save this earth.
60. The passage is mainly to _______.
A. introduce what “Go Green is”
B. call on us to “Go Green”
C. warn us of the danger of burning fossil fuels
D. introduce the greenhouse effect
61. According to the author, if we want to “Go Green”, we should _______.
A. use natural resources             
B. make the temperature to be lower
C. stop the greenhouse effect         
D. try to avoid using fossil fuels
62. According to the author, some people don’t take “Go Green” seriously because they think ______.
A. it will cost them a lot             
B. its harm won’t fall on them
C. they haven’t grandchildren at all    
D. it is only a laughing matter
63. According to the author, which is the right order of the following things happening?
a. The rise of temperature.
b. The greenhouse effect.
c. The reduction of land.
d. The rising sea level.
e. The melting polar ice caps.
f. The using of fossil fuels.
A. f,b,e,d,a,c      B. b,a,f,d,c,e      C. f,b,a,e,d,c     D. b,a,e,d,c,f
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Sam and Joe were astronauts. There was once a very dangerous trip and the more experienced astronauts knew there was only a small chance of coming back alive. Sam and Joe, however, thought it would be exciting though a little dangerous. “We’re the best men for the job,” they said to the boss. “There may be problems, but we can find the answers.” “They’re the last people I’d trust,” thought the boss. “But all the other astronauts have refused to go.”
Once they were in space, Joe had to go outside to make some repairs. When the repairs were done, he tried to get back inside the spaceship. But the door was locked. He knocked but there was no answer. He knocked again, louder this time, and again no answer came. Then he hit the door as hard as he could and finally a voice said, “Who’s there?” “It’s me! Who else could it be?” shouted Joe. Sam let him in all right but you can imagine that Joe never asked to go on a trip with Sam again!
36. Most of the astronauts were unwilling to go on a trip because _______.
A.there was little chance of being selected      B.they weren’t experienced enough
C. they thought they might get killed         D. it wasn’t exciting enough
37. Why were Sam and Joe chosen?
A. The boss wanted them to get more experience.
B. The boss trusted them more than anyone else.
C. They were the last people who wanted to go.
D. They were the only men who offered to go.
38 Joe didn’t want to work with Sam again probably because he thought Sam _______.  
A. was very slow and possibly deaf     B.didn’t know how to operate the door
C. was less experienced than he was   D. didn’t know how to do repairs
39. The writer tells this story to _______.
A. show the dangerous side of the astronauts’ life   B. make people laugh
C. show the funny side of the astronauts’ life    D. make people think
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The fiddler crab (蟹) is a living clock. It indicates the time of day by the colour of its skin, which is dark by day and pale by night. The crab’s changing colour follows a regular twenty-four hour plan that exactly matches the daily rhythm of the sun.
Does the crab actually keep time, or does its skin simply answer to the sun’s rays, changing colour according to the amount of light which strikes it? To find out, biologists kept crabs in a dark room for two months. Even without daylight, the crab’s skin colour continued to change exactly on time.
This characteristic probably developed gradually in answer to the daily rising and setting of the sun, to help protect the crab from sunlight and enemies. After millions of years it has become completely controlled inside the living body of the crab.
The biologists noticed that once each day the colour of the fiddler crab is especially dark, and that each day this happens fifty minutes later than on the day before. From this they discovered that each crab follows not only the rhythm of the sun but also that of the tides (潮水). The crab’s period of greatest darkening is exactly the time of low tide on the beach where it was caught!
40. The crab’s changing colour _______.
A. tells the crab what time it is 
B. protects the crab from the sunlight and enemies
C. keeps the crab warm            
D. is of no real use
41. When the fiddler crabs were kept in the dark, they _______.
A. did not change colour          B. changed colour more quickly
C. changed colour more slowly     D. changed colour on the same timetable
42. The crab’s colour—changing ability was probably developed _______.
A. in the process of evolution (进化)   B. over millions of years
C. by the work of biologists          D. both A and B  
43. The best title for this selection would be _______.
A. The Sun and the Tides             B. Discoveries in Biology
C. A scientific Study                 D. A Living Clock
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Have you ever picked a job based on the fact that you were good at it but later found it made you feel very uncomfortable over time? When you select your career, there’s whole lot more to it than assessing your skills and matching them with a particular position. If you ignore your personality, it will hurt you long-term regardless of your skills or the job"s pay. There are several areas of your personality that you need to consider to help you find a good job. Here are a few of those main areas:
1) Do you prefer working alone or with other people?
There are isolating(使孤立) jobs that will drive an outgoing person crazy and also interactive jobs that will make a shy person uneasy. Most people are not extremes in either direction but do have a tendency that they prefer. There are also positions that are sometimes a combination of the two, which may be best for someone in the middle who adapts easily to either situation.
2) How do you handle change?
Most jobs these days have some elements of change to them, but some are more than others. If you need stability in your life, you may need a job where the changes don"t happen so often. Other people would be bored of the same daily routine.
3) Do you enjoy working with computers?
I do see this as a kind of personality characteristic. There are people who are happy to spend more than 40 hours a week on a computer, while there are others who need a lot of human interaction throughout the day. Again, these are extremes and you"ll likely find a lot of positions somewhere in the middle as well.
4) What type of work environment do you enjoy? 
This can range from being in a large building with a lot of people you won"t know immediately to a smaller setting where you"ll get to know almost all the people there fairly quickly.
5) How do you like to get paid?  
Some people are motivated by the pay they get, while others feel too stressed to be like that. The variety of payment designs in the sales industry is a typical example for this.
Anyway, these are a great starting point for you. I"ve seen it over and over again with people that they make more money over time when they do something they love. It may take you a little longer, but making a move to do what you have a passion for can change the course of your life for the better.
49.This passage mainly talks about the importance of _______.
A.different jobs      B.personalities    C.personal skills     D.job’s pay
50.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Isolating jobs usually drive people mad.
B.Interactive jobs make people shy easily.
C.Extreme people tend to work with others.
D.Almost everyone has a tendency in jobs.
51.What is the missing word about a job search in the following chart?
A.Design   B.Skills     C.Cooperation    D.Hobbies
52.What is the best title for this passage?
A.Lifestyles and Job Pay    B.Jobs and Environment
C.Job Skills and Abilities    D.Personalities and Jobs
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