阅读理解。     It is difficult to imagine what life will be like without memory.The m

阅读理解。     It is difficult to imagine what life will be like without memory.The m

阅读理解。     It is difficult to imagine what life will be like without memory.The meanings of thousands of
everyday perceptions(感觉、知觉), the bases for the decisions we make, and the roots of our
habits and skills are to be found in our past experiences, which are brought into the present by
     Memory can be defined as the capacity to keep information available for later use.It includes
not only "remembering" things like arithmetic or historical facts, but also involves any change in
the way an animal typically behaves.Memory is involved when a rat gives up eating grain
because he has sniffed something suspicious in the grain pile.Memory is also involved when
a six-year-old child learns to swing a baseball bat.
     Memory exists not only in humans and animals but also in some physical objects and
machines.Computers, for example, contain devices from storing data for later use.It is
interesting to compare the memory-storage capacity of a computer with that of a human being.
The instant-access memory of a large computer may hold up to 100,000 "words"-ready for
instant use.An average U.S.teenager probably recognizes the meaning of about 100,000
words of English.However, this is but a fraction(部分、片断) of the total amount of
information which the teenager has stored.Consider, for example, the number of faces and
places that the teenager can recognize on sight.
     The use of words is the advanced problem-solving intelligence of human beings.A large
part of a person"s memory is in terms of words and combinations of words.
1.According to the passage, memory is considered to be ________.A.the basis for decision making and problem solving
B.an ability to store experiences of future use
C.an intelligence typically possessed by human beings
D.the data mainly consisting of words and combinations of words2.The comparison made between the memory capacity of a large computer and that of a human being shows that ________.A.the computer"s memory has a little bigger capacity than a teenager"s
B.the computer"s memory capacity is much smaller than an adult human being"s
C.the computer"s memory"s capacity is much smaller even than a teenager"s
D.both A and B3.The whole passage implies that _______.A.only human beings have problem-solving intelligence
B.a person"s memory is different from a computer"s in every aspect
C.animals are able to solve only very simple problems
D.animals solve problems by instincts rather than intelligence4.The topic of the passage is __________.A.What would life be like without memory?
B.Memory is of vital importance to life.
C.How is a person"s memory different from an animal"s or a computer"s?
D.What is contained in memory?
阅读理解     The Atacama Desert is located just west of the Andes, a 1000-km strip(狭长的地域) of land next to
the Pacific Ocean. In spite of its location beside the sea, several studies have shown that this region is the
driest place in the world. In the Antofagasta Region of the desert, the average annual rainfall is just 1 mm
and some weather stations have never received rain at all. Atacama is so arid that the surrounding
mountains that reach up to 6885 m, have absolutely no glaciers! In the region, the river beds have been dry for over 120,000 years.
     However, unlike the Sahara Desert,Atacama is surprisingly not that hot. It has an average daily
temperature between 0"C and 25℃! If you find that surprising, you"d be shocked to find out that this
desert has lakes!
     When there was rainfall in the region (many year ago), this accumulated water created what we now
know as the Salt Lakes. The name of these lakes was given as a result of the effect of the Atacama
environment: the long dry period makes the water evaporate(蒸发),resulting in the higher concentrations
of salt in the remaining water.
     This region has been tested by scientists to see if life is present in the Atacama soil with the same
instruments that would be used to detect life in the soil on Mars! As a result of the soil"s similarites to that
of Mars,the Atacama land is used to test instruments for future Mars missions. In addition, the region has
been used in movies as a set for filming Mars scenes, most famously in the television show Space Odyssey: Voyage to the Planets.
     The Atacama Desert is truly a unique place, due to its lack of rain as well as its similarities to Mars.
You would think that this place would be a bare ghost town (鬼域), but think again! Many people have
lived here for centuries, giving this desert its own culture and economic significance. 1. What does the underlined word "arid" in the first paragraph mean?A. Big.
B. Dry.
C. Hot.
D. Long2.Compared to the Sahara Desert, the Atacama Desert is _____.A. smaller
B. wetter
C. less famous
D. less hot 3.What is Paragraph 3 mainly about? A. origin of the Salt Lakes.          
B. rainfall in the Atacama Desert.
C. the weather in the Atacama Desert.  
D. The current situation of the Salt Lakes.4.The TV program mentioned in the text____.A. tells Atacama"s similarities to Mars  
B. focuses on the soil of Mars
C. explores life in Atacama            
D. was filmed in Atacama 5.According to the author, the Atacama Desert ___. A. is a very frightening place    
B. is as mysterious as Mars
C. is somehow livable          
D. has many poor towns
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
     Researchers from the University of Newcastle are leading a worldfirst study which builds on earlier
unpublished research that children are most likely to be guided by their father"s eating and exercise habits.
     The new study "Healthy Dads, Healthy Kids", led by Associate Professor Philip Morgan from the
designed to help fathers promote and demonstrate to their children positive behaviours related to physical
activity and healthy eating.
     "The earlier findings showed that children are more likely to follow the example set by their father than
their mother when it comes to eating and exercise, " said Morgan.
     Morgan saw striking results in a previous trial involving 165 overweight children.He found children
who lost the most weight had fathers who were engaged in the new eating and exercise plan.
     "We might think mothers are the main influence on children"s diet and health, but the reality may be
different, " said Morgan. "The roles of fathers are changing.More families have two parents working and
more fathers are involved with food preparation and food shopping than in the past."
     "Fathers influence the food and physical activity habits in the home through their behaviours, attitudes
and approach to food and eating, and act as a role model to their children, " said Morgan.
     Researchers are inviting fathers who would like to reduce their weight to join the "Healthy Dads,
Healthy Kids" program.Participation involves attending eight sessions (讲习班) at the University of
Newcastle over six months where the men will receive information, have weightrelated measurements
recorded and complete questionnaires.
     Cooking healthy food with the kids and creating a backyard fitness circuit (循环训练场) are among
the assignments (课外作业) for fathers taking part in the study.1. What do we learn about the  "Healthy Dads, Healthy Kids" program?A. It aims to build close family relationships.
B. It involves fathers who want to lose weight.
C. It will last more than eight months.
D. It offers free online courses for parents.2. Morgan finds a link between children"s weight loss and________.A. their parents" efforts  
B. regular sports training
C. balanced diets  
D. their father"s influence3. According to the earlier research, children seem to ________.A. copy their father"s diets and exercise habits
B. develop healthy eating habits by themselves
C. grow taller if their parents often do exercise
D. help their parents to form exercise habits4. Which of the following facts causes the change of fathers" roles?A. That kids have more time to spend with family.
B. That more kids need their father"s help in learning.
C. That there are more working mothers than before.
D. That fathers become much busier than before.
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阅读表达     [1] Nowadays, researchers from the University of Maryland found that nearly four in five students have depression,panic,confusion and extreme isolation when they are forced to keep away from technology for a day.The study concluded that "most students failed to go the full 24 hours without media". They have
been addicted to the modem technology.
     [2] In this research, almost 1,000 university students from 12 campuses in 10 countries, including
Britain, America and China, have been interviewed. Most of them were unable to avoid technology for one full day. The researchers concluded that, college students at campuses across the globe admitted being
"addicted" to modem technology such as mobile phones, laptops and televisions as well as social
networking such as Facebook and Twitter. An American college student told of his great desire when he
was forced to keep away from the media. He even said it           "cocaine addiction".
     [3]The research also found students used "nearly the same words to describe their reactions when they were away from the media". These included emotions such as confusion,anxiety, insecurity, jealousness,
anger, loneliness, dependence and depression.
     [4] Professor Susan Moeller, who led the research, said technology had changed the students"
relationships. "Students talked about how seary(可怕的) it was when there is no technology, how
addicted they were to it," she said. "They expected the frustration without the media. But they didn"t
expect to have the psychological effects, to be lonely, to be panicked, the anxiety, literally heart
palpitations (心悸). Technology provides the social network for young people today and they have spent their entire lives being "plugged in " . " 1.What"s the main idea of the text? (no more than 10 words)
2.How will most students feel if they keep away from technology for 24 hours? (no more than 9 words)
________________________________ ____________________________________________
3.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words. (no more than 4 words)
4.What does the underlined word "These" in Paragraph 3 probably refer to? (no more than 10 words)
5.Complete the following statement with proper words. (no more than 2 words)
The youth have access to social network nowadays with the help of ________which they are addicted to and can"t get away from.
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完形填空     When your kids were six or seven, you sent them to school. Did you ever wonder what goes through
a teacher"s   1    as he or she tries to teach your kids? Did you ever wonder what the teacher   2   from
you,  the parents?
      Parents can be   3  or suspicious. They can be of great help to the teacher    4    be in need of help
themselves. Some teachers think parents are too   5    on their children. Here is   6   one teacher puts it.
     "I usually have the   7    of parents coming in and     8   me how much they care about the kids"
education and how they really   9   their kids. They tell me they stand and    10   them closely when they
do their homework. Sometimes the    11   offer help with the kids" lessons as if they were teachers. They
check their school work, and are too sensitive to  12  . They blame the kids on everything having to do 
  13   school. When a parent asks me how his or her kid is getting on in my class, my answer usually is"
Well, you know,  he is   14   a good kid. He is fine in my class. Maybe you don"t have to be so   15   
with your kid.""
      Teachers want parents  to  know that  they are professionals  at    16    with  children.  They  have
   17    many children and even parents. Because of this, teachers can be   18    at educating children.
Teachers are   19    that parents want their children to do well, but they know more about what children
should be able to do at different ages and   20  .
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题型:模拟题难度:| 查看答案


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(     )1. A. heart    
(     )2. A. reflects  
(     )3. A. effective  
(     )4. A. but       
(     )5. A. hard      
(     )6. A. where    
(     )7. A. problems    
(     )8. A. advising  
(     )9. A. help with  
(     )10. A. connect  
(     )11. A. even    
(     )12. A. marks  
(     )13. A. at       
(     )14. A. nearly  
(     )15. A. satisfied  
(     )16. A. working    
(     )17. A. fed      
(     )18. A. pleased  
(     )19. A. content  
(     )20. A. stages  
B. mind        
B. results      
B. attentive    
B. or            
B. keen          
B. how          
B. contracts    
B. examining    
B. deal with    
B. guide        
B. already      
B. efforts      
B. beyond        
B. really        
B. careful      
B. playing      
B. observed      
B. worried      
B. doubtful      
B. classes      
C. soul    
C. benefits  
C. supportive  
C. thus      
C. dependent  
C. when      
C. accidents  
C. telling  
C. make up  
C. watch      
C. still      
C. pains      
C. in        
C. seldom     
C. strict    
C. staying    
C. attended  
C. disappointed
C. aware      
C. schools    
D. spirit            
D. expects          
D. positive          
D. as                
D. crazy            
D. why              
D. agreements        
D. instructing      
D. give up          
D. inspire          
D. merely            
D. words            
D. with              
D. hardly            
D. cautious          
D. joking            
D. greeted          
D. experienced      
D. suspicious        
D. projects          
     We may all have had the embarrassing moment:Getting halfway through a story only to realize that
we"ve told this exact tale before to the same  person. Why do  we  make  such  memory mistakes?
     According to the research published in Psychological Science, it may have to do with the way our
brains process different types of memory.
     Researchers Nigel Gopie, of the Rotman Research Institute in Toronto, and Colin Macleod, of the
University of Waterloo, divided memory into two kinds. The first was source memory,  or the ability to
keep track of where information is coming from. The second was destination memory,  or the ability to
recall who we have given information to.
     They found that source memory functions better than destination memory, in part because of the
direction in which that information is travelling.
     To study the differences between source memory and destination memory, the researchers did an
experiment on 60 university students, according to a New York Times report. The students were asked
to associate (联想) 50 random(随意的) facts with the faces of 50 famous people. Half of the students
"told"each fact to one of the faces, reading it aloud when the celebrity"s(名人的) picture appeared on a
computer screen. The other half read each fact silently and saw a different celebrity picture afterward.
     When later asked to recall which facts went with which faces, the students who were giving
information out(destination memory)scored about 16 percent lower on memory performance compared
with the students receiving information(source memory).
     The researchers concluded that outgoing information was less associated with its environmental
context (背景)-that is,  the person-than was incoming information.
     This makes sense given what is known about attention. A person who is giving information, even little
facts, will devote some mental resources to thinking about what is being said. Because our attention is
limited,  we give less attention to the person we are giving information to.
     After a second experiment with another group of 40 students, the researchers concluded that
selffocus is another factor that undermines destination memory.
     They asked half the students to continue giving out random information, while the other told things
about themselves. This time around, those who were talking about themselves did 15 percent worse
than those giving random information.
     "When you start telling these personal facts compared with nonself facts, suddenly destination
memory goes down more, suggesting that it is the selffocus component (成分) that"s reducing the
memory."Gopie told Live Science.

1. The point of this article is to ________.

A. give advice on how to improve memory
B. say what causes the memory to worsen
C. explain why we repeat stories to those we"ve already told them to
D. discuss the differences between source memory and destination memory

2. What can we learn from the article?

A. Source memory helps us remember who we have  told the information to.
B. One"s limited attention is one of the reasons why those reading aloud to the celebrity"s pictures    
     perform worse on the memory test.
C. Silent reading is a better way to remember information than reading aloud.
D. It tends to be more difficult for people to link incoming information with its environmental context
     than outgoing information.

3. The underlined word"undermines" probably means________.

A. weakens    
B. benefits
C. explains  
D. supports

4. What did the scientists conclude from the second experiment?

A. Destination memory is weaker than source memory.
B. Focusing attention on oneself leads to relatively poor source memory performance.
C. Associating personal experience with information helps people memorize better.
D. Selffocus is responsible for the reduction of destination memory.