I got tired of living the life that everybody told me I “should” be living, so o

I got tired of living the life that everybody told me I “should” be living, so o

I got tired of living the life that everybody told me I “should” be living, so one day I decided to start living life in my own ways. Frustrated(挫败)with my job, I came home, put on my shoes, and just started running. It felt so good to be free. That first day I ended up running 30 miles without stopping. Yes, I had rediscovered my old passion ( 酷爱的事物) — and it felt so good that I set a goal to support myself and my family from my running alone.
I trained hard every day. Since I wanted to be the best I could be, I knew I would have to set some clear goals for myself. A couple of my goals were: run a 135-mile ultra-marathon(超级马拉松) across Death Valley, win the Badwater Ultra-Marathon, and run a marathon to the South Pole.
I had no idea how I was going to achieve these goals, but they certainly encouraged me to work hard. Today, I am really grateful to say that I have achieved all of them. Shortly after completing these goals, I set another goal: to run fifty marathons, in fifty states, in fifty days. Nobody had done anything like this before. To be honest, I was not quite sure if I could. But there was only one way to find out…so I just started training and preparing to give it my best try.
I completed that goal one year ago, and it felt great! But for me, life is not all about achieving goals. Sure, it feels good to succeed, but the greatest reward for me was learning more about myself and what I was able to do.
Only by stepping out into the unknown and stretching(使倾注全力) ourselves can we really discover what our true potential(潜能) is。
小题1:Which played an important role in the author’s success?
A.Setting goalsB.Learning from others.
C.Being honestD.Keeping on reading .
小题2:According to Paragraph 3, before achieving the goals the author felt _____________
A.very gratefulB.not quite confident
C.quite afraidD.not very satisfied
小题3:What does the underlined part “that goal” in Paragraph 4 refer to?
A.Win the Badwater Ultra-Marathon.
B.Run a marathon to the South Pole.
C.Run fifty marathons, in fifty states, in fifty days.
D.Run a 135-mile ultra-marathon across Death Valley.
小题4:The author probably agrees that____________.
A.life means achieving goals
B.success is the greatest reward
C.sports help develop our potential
D.everyone may have great potential.



小题1:A 推理题。根据文章第二段Since I wanted to be the best I could be, I knew I would have to set some clear goals for myself.可知在我的成功中,目标是很重要的一环,正是因为设立了目标,所以我们才会向着自己的目标努力,最后才会完成目标。故A正确。
小题2:.B 细节题。根据文章第三段倒数第2行To be honest, I was not quite sure if I could.可知我也不确定自己是否会成功,故B正确。
小题3:C 推理题。这里的that goal 是承接第三段中的树立的I set another goal: to run fifty marathons, in fifty states, in fifty days.这个目标,我在一年之前就已经完成了。故C正确。
小题4:D 推理题。根据文章最后一段Only by stepping out into the unknown and stretching(使倾注全力) ourselves can we really discover what our true potential(潜能) is。可知当我们全力以赴的时候,我们就能发挥出我们全部的潜能。故D项表述是正确的。
Zoology(动物学)is the part of science that deals with the study of the animals’ growth, home and behavior. It has nothing to do with people, so many students are left wondering why they have to learn it.
Our nature includes not just humans but plants and animals as well. Everything in our environment is connected in a complex cycle. If you have a better understanding of how animals would behave and work with us, then you would value nature better.
Some animals are actually misunderstood by people like sharks and snakes. These creatures are thought of as human killers, and this is mainly because we don’t understand why they behave that way. In zoology you would be able to learn natural behavior as well as their homes so you would completely understand why they would behave in a defensive(防御的) manner when they seem to be threatened. Studying zoology would help people achieve clearness over the common myths we have on different wild animals.
Studying zoology would help people know the real facts about animals. One of the negative facts is the decreasing numbers of some species of animals. It makes people realize that there is a need for nature to be always balanced. We need animals to keep the balance in our environment and for humans to survive as well. It would help us learn the needs that animals lack and we can respond by thinking of solutions we can give to the endangered species of animals.
Modern progress is needed for a country to grow in terms of its economy; however, it should not force us to destroy our rainforests and oceans. People should realize that our modern lives should include the lives of the animals that live with us. They should not be contained in zoos but in their natural homes as well. We will learn that every living creature on the earth has the right to own a home and we need to fight for them to have permanent(永久的) homes.
小题1:According to the text, nature should be       .
A.left aloneB.treated seriously
C.taken for grantedD.taken lightly
小题2:It is implied in Paragraph 4 that animals play a role of        .
A.making our world beautifulB.protecting species of plants
C.providing food for humansD.keeping nature in balance
小题3:To animals, humans should act as        .
小题4:The best title for the passage may be “     ”.
A.The Ways of Protecting Animals
B.The Importance of Studying Zoology
C.The Introduction to Zoology
D.The Advantages of Learning Zoology

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About ten men in every hundred suffer from color blindness in some way. Women are luckier, only about one in two hundred if affected in this matter. Perhaps, after all, it is safer to be driven by a woman.
There are different forms of color blindness. In some cases a man may not be able to see deep red. He may think that red, orange and yellow are all shades of green. Sometimes a person can’t tell the differences between blue and green. In rare cases an unlucky man sees everything in shades of green--- a strange world in deed.
Color blindness in human beings is a strange thing to explain. In a single eye there are millions very small things called “cones”. These help us see in a bright day and tell the differences between colors. There are also millions of “rods”, but these are used for seeing when it is nearly dark. They show us shapes(形状) but not color. Some insects have favorite colors. Mosquitoes like blue but do not like yellow. A red light will not attract insects but a blue lamp will. In similar way human being also have favorite colors. Yet we are lucky. With the aid of cones in our eyes we can see many beautiful colors by day and with the aid of the rods we can see shapes at night. One day we may even learn more about the invisible colors around us.
小题1:The passage is mainly about ______.
A.color and its surprising effects on drivers
B.women being luckier than man in that fewer of them are color blind
C.danger caused by color blindness
D.color blindness and how our eyes tell different colors and shapes
小题2:According to the passage, with the help of “cones” we can _____.
A.tell different colorsB.see in weak light
C.tell different shapesD.tell orange from yellow
小题3:Why do some people say it is safer to be driven by women?
A.Women are more careful.
B.There are fewer color blind women.
C.Women are fonder of driving than men.
D.Women are weaker but quicker in thinking.
小题4:Which of the following statements about color blind people is true?
A.Not all of them have the same problem in recognizing colors.
B.None of them can see deep red but all can tell blue from green.
C.None of them can tell blue from green but all can see deep red.
D.All of them are lucky enough to see everything in shades of green.

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Every electronic gadget (小玩意) needs good memory. A music player stores songs, albums and playlists. A computer holds schoolwork and programs and remembers how far a player has advanced in his or her favorite game. Mobile phones store names, numbers and hundreds of texts.
Now, scientists in California say they have come up with a way to turn a living cell into a memory device.
It can store only one tiny bit of information, but it’s a start. In the future, a cell-based gadget might travel through the body and record measurements. The benefit to human health could be big: the right tool, for example, might record the earliest signs of disease.
Doctors, scientists and other curious people want to know what is happening inside the body, even at levels that can’t be seen by the naked eye. So far, there is no device small enough to travel through the bloodstream.
If normal machines won’t do the trick, perhaps biology will. Scientists who work in the field of synthetic (合成的) biology are trying to find ways to turn living things into human tools. In the case of the new memory device, bioengineers from Stanford University used the genetic material inside living cells to record information.
This genetic material consists of DNA. Found in nearly every cell, DNA carries all of the information that keeps a living thing alive.
In the new experiment, the researchers turned DNA from bacteria(细菌) into a switch. They “flip (翻转)” a small section of DNA. Then, using the same procedure (过程) , the scientists flip the section again—returning it into its normal structure.
Using these DNA switches, “We can write and erase DNA in a living cell,” bioengineer, Jerome Bonnet, explained to Science News.
It might take years before his team or others identity whether a DNA-based memory device might be practical. Right now, it takes one hour to complete a flip. That is far too long to be useful. Plus, a flipped section has a very small little memory—less than what a computer uses to remember a single letter.
“This was an important proof that it was doable,” Bonnet told Science News. “Now we want to build a more complex system, something that other people can use.”
小题1:What is the aim of listing the electronic things in the first paragraph?
A.To make the passage more fashionable.
B.To show how electronic things have memory.
C.To discuss things in detail.
D.To make the subject of the text more understandable.
小题2:What is possible future benefit of the cell-based gadget for people?
A.To detect disease at the earliest point.
B.To help improve the memory.
C.To help people build a body.
D.To replace many electronic gadgets.
小题3:What is the object being researched?
A. The cells of bacteria.         
B. The DNA of bacteria.
C. A section of bacteria.         
C. The nucleus of bacteria.
小题4:What do we know about a flipped section of DNA?
A.It has a very small memory.
B.It can function as a computer.
C.It has one letter in it.
D.It takes a day to complete it.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Even though Danish students have equal access to education, their choice of studies is still influenced by social class. Young people from working class backgrounds are       by studies with a clear job profile侧面,半面,外形,轮廓and high income,       prestige and studies with a strong identity interest young people of parents with university degrees when choosing which studies to      . This is what researchers from the University of Copenhagen       in a new study. Students who have chosen to study medicine, architecture, economy and sociology often come from homes where the parents have         higher education, whereas business studies and pharmacy often       young people with a working class background. This is       by a research team from the University of Copenhagen and Aalborg University in a new study.
“There is a       between the studies chosen by young Danes and their       background. Even for the young people who have very good grades in their A-level exams, and who could successfully       admission to a large variety of studies, the parents’       of education and social class play an important role in their choice,” says Education Sociologist Jens Peter Thomsen, who is one of the researchers behind the study.
The study “The Educational Strategies of Danish University Students from Professional and Working-Class Backgrounds” is       60 interviews with Danish students from six different university level study programmes: Medicine, architecture, sociology, economy, pharmacy and business studies.
The young people bring with them the       they get from their families. If you grow up in a home with parents who are doctors or architects with a strong professional      , it is an obvious choice to follow the       path as your parents when you grow up.
“For young people whose parents are university educated,       such as fame and mastery of expert knowledge are important. They are       by an educational culture in which you are a diligent student, and where leisure activities are       to the identity that lies within your studies. These young people have also grown up with       discussions around the dinner table which also prepare them for their lives as students,” says Jens Peter Thomsen.
He also added, “Young people who come from a working class background, and have good grades have to       the full range of opportunities they have. But the effort to reach this goal must start early”.
A.subscribes toB.caters toC.sticks toD.appeals to
A.connected withB.based on C.committed toD.combined with
A.take charge ofB.take control ofC.take advantage ofD.take care of

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

At the moment, there are two reliable ways to make electricity from sunlight. You can use a panel of solar cells to create the current directly, by liberating electrons from a semiconducting material such as silicon. Or you can concentrate the sun’s rays using mirrors, boil water with them, and employ the steam to drive a generator.
Both work. But both are expensive. Gang Chen of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Zhifeng Ren of Boston College therefore propose an alternative. They suggest that a phenomenon called the thermoelectric(热电)effect might be used instead—and they have built a prototype(原型)to show that the idea is practical.
Thermoelectric devices are not new. They are used, for example, to capture waste heat from car engines. They work because certain materials generate an electrical potential difference within themselves if one part is hotter than another. That can be used to drive a current through an external circuit.
The reason thermoelectric materials have not, in the past, been applied successfully to the question of solar power is that to get a worthwhile current you have to have a significant temperature difference. (200℃ is considered a good starting point.) In a car engine, that is easy. For sunlight, however, it means concentrating the heat in some way. And if you are going to the trouble of building mirrors to do that, you might as well go down the steam-generation route, which is a much more efficient way of producing electricity. If the heat concentration could be done without all the equipment of mirrors, though, thermoelectricity’s inefficiency would be balanced by the cheapness of the equipment.
In their view, three things are needed to create a workable solar-thermoelectric device. The first is to make sure that most of the sunlight which falls on it is absorbed, rather than being reflected. The second is to choose a thermoelectric material which conducts heat badly but electricity well. The third is to be certain that the temperature gradient(梯度)which that badly conducting material creates is not wasted by poor design.
小题1:The following methods can be adopted to make electricity from sunlight EXCEPT         .
A.putting a panel of solar cells into use
B.concentrating sun’s rays with mirrors
C.creating a solar-thermoelectric device
D.building a practical solar prototype
小题2:Why was the application of thermoelectric materials a failure in the past?
A.Because it’s hard for them to build enough mirrors to make it work.
B.Because 200℃ was hard to reach at that time even in a car engine.
C.Because of the failure of having a significant temperature difference.
D.Because it was hard to focus the sun’s rays with equipment of mirrors.
小题3:Which of the following is the best title for this passage?
A.Thermoelectric Device --- the Best Method of All
B.A New Method of Making Electricity from Sunlight
C.How to Create a Workable Thermoelectric Device
D.Solar Power --- a New Energy Trend in the Future

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