Recreational tree climbing is taking root in the ecotourism industry, and it"s s

Recreational tree climbing is taking root in the ecotourism industry, and it"s s

Recreational tree climbing is taking root in the ecotourism industry, and it"s sending guys like Tim Kovar to far off reaches of the globe. Kovar, a tree-climbing instructor, recently returned to the U.S. from Brazil, where he spent time developing a tree-climbing operation thanks to the "slow travel" movement.
Slow travel, is like the slow food movement, the practice of giving fast food in favor of homegrown cooking—the kind that takes hours to prepare and enjoy. Likewise, slow travel urges visitors to experience a place"s natural surroundings and learn about the ecology in a way not afforded by extreme games.
"Tree climbing is a slow activity," says Kovar. "It"s not something you do quickly and then you"re on to the next thing or event." There is no such thing as a quick climb, especially for beginners. This wasn"t a race against the clock or the fellow climbers. In fact, tree climbing is unlikely to ever become a feature of the extreme games. Many climbers refuse competition. There has already been so much competition in the world.
"When you stand below the tree, it can be amazing," Rusel DeMaria says, looking affectionately up at Michael"s Triumph, a 150-foot-tall tree. But reaching the treetop, he adds, is an entirely different feeling. Likewise, his wife, Viola Brumbaugh, kneels on the ground and asks Michael"s Triumph for permission to climb. "It goes a lot smoother that way, "She says.
And climbing has been included into many educational programs. New Tribe offers guided climbs through its school, Tree Climbing Northwest, where "we teach enough tree biology and forest ecology to raise awareness in our students," says New Tribe present Sophis Sparks. "We know that the tree climbing experience deepens personal appreciation for trees. After climbing, people value trees more and are motivated to support preservation. This is not just to preserve their playground."
Perhaps that is why he struggles with the term "recreational tree climbing," saying, "I prefer to call it inspirational tree climbing."
小题1:What do slow travel and the slow food movement have in common?
A.They take people a long time.B.They are related to the eco-tourism industry.
C.They advocate protecting nature.D.They cost people little money
小题2:What do we know about tree climbing from the passage?
A.People compete to see who can climb to the top first.
B.It favors the experience of enjoying nature.
C.It is a kind of extreme sport and needs a lot of effort.
D.People view it as a challenge to climb the tallest tree in a forest.
小题3:Brumbaugh kneels on the ground before climbing trees to ___________________.
A.beg for the safety of climbingB.Expect to climb faster than her husband
C.Show respect for the treeD.ask for permission of her husband
小题4:Sophia Sparks prefers the term "inspirational tree climbing" because it ____________.
A.provide people with more chances to play outside
B.bring a lot of pleasure to life
C.Deepens personal love between each other
D.Makes people realize they should protect trees
小题5:What"s the best title for the passage?
A.Tree-climbing travellingB.Slow travel movements
C.Dangers of climbingD.Respect for nature


小题1:细节理解题。根据第二段 … the kind that takes hours to prepare and enjoy可知,答案为A。
小题1:推理判断题。根据第二段Likewise, slow travel urges visitors to … not afforded by extreme games可推断,答案为B。
小题1:细节理解题。根据第四段 … Michael’s Triumph, a 150-foot tree和Viola Brumbaugh kneels on the ground and asks Michael’s Triumph for permission to climb可知,答案为C。
小题1:推理判断题。根据第五段After climbing, people value trees more and are motivated to support preservation可推断,答案为D。
Some kids start to drink alcohol (酒精) at a young age. They think it is part of becoming an adult.They also think drinking is not that bad because so many people do it.They feel it is not as bad as taking drugs (毒品). It is easy for kids to get liquor(酒精饮料)by using fake identification (伪造证件).
Parents may start to notice a change in their child’s behavior if the child starts drinking. Kids who drink sometimes stop doing things they normally liked to do.They may keep telephone calls and meetings a secret and not want anybody to touch their things.They act moody(喜怒无常) and do not have the same eating and sleeping habits.
Parents need to stay involved (牵涉) in their kids’ lives. They should talk to their children about their problems to be aware of any changes.
Parents can be the best protection. Children who get a lot of love can feel good about themselves. It helps them resist(抵抗) doing bad things even when other kids are doing them. Parents can also help set a good example by not drinking and driving. They can have firm rules in the home that everyone follows.
Give the children good ideas on how to say “no” to drinking, even when they are at a party. Try not to overreact or panic (惊慌) if the child tries alcohol. How you handle it can affect their attitude. It may be helpful to talk to other parents about setting up curfews (宵禁令) and rules about parties or other events.
小题1:Which of the following is NOT the reason why some kids have an early start of drinking?
A.They want to show their maturity (成熟) by drinking alcohol.
B.Drinking alcohol is much cooler than taking drugs.
C.They are affected by many other people around them.
D.They can get liquor easily.
小题2:According to the passage, what changes may happen to the kids who start drinking?
A.Nothing serious will happen to them.
B.They keep the same eating and sleeping habits.
C.They can control their moods quite well.
D.Sometimes they act secretly.
小题3:According to the writer, if parents find their children try alcohol, they had better ________.
A.punish them at once
B.ask the police for help
C.ask their children’s friends for help
D.set up curfews and rules about parties or other events with other parents
小题4:Which is the main subject discussed in the passage?
A.Teen health.B.Teen education.
C.Teen drinkingD.Parents’ worries.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
It was a village in India. The people were poor. However, they were not unhappy. After all, their forefathers had lived in the same way for centuries.
Then one day. Some visitors from the city arrived. They told the villagers there were some people elsewhere who liked to eat frog’s legs. However, they did not have enough frogs of their own, and so they wanted to buy frogs from other places.
This seemed like money for nothing. There were millions of frogs in the fields around, and they were no use to the villagers. All they had to do was catch them. Agreement was reached, and the children were sent into the fields to catch frogs. Every week a truck arrived to collect the catch and hand over the money. For the first time, the people were able to dream of a better future. But the dream didn’t last long.    
The change was hardly noticed at first, but it seemed as if the crops were not doing so well. More worrying was that the children fell ill more often, and, there seemed to be more insects around lately.
The villagers decided that they couldn’t just wait to see the crops failing and the children getting weak. They would have to use the money earned to buy pesticides(***虫剂) and medicines. Soon there was no money left.
Then the people realized what was happening. It was the frog. They hadn’t been useless. They had been doing an important job---eating insects. Now with so many frogs killed, the insects were increasing more rapidly. They were damaging the crops and spreading diseases.
Now, the people are still poor. But in the evenings they sit in the village square and listen to the sounds of insects and frogs. These sounds of the night now have a much deeper meaning.
小题1:From paragraph I we learn that the villagers __________.
A.worked very hard for centuries
B.dreamed of having a better life
C.were poor but somewhat content
D.lived a different life from their forefathers
小题2:Why did the villagers agree to sell frogs?
A.the frogs were easy money
B.They needs money to buy medicine
C.they wanted to please the visitors
D.the frogs made too much noise
小题3: What might be the cause of the children’s sickness?
A.the crops didn’t do well
B.there were too many insects
C.the visits brought in diseases
D.the pesticides were overused
小题4:What can we infer from the last sentence of the text?
A.Happiness comes from peaceful life in the country
B.Health is more important than money
C.The harmony between man and nature is important
D.good old day will never be forgotten

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
LONDON: What could possibly be wrong with planting trees? The benefits are obvious; they  firm the soil, soak up (摄取) extra water and take carbon dioxide (二氧化碳) out of the atmosphere.
However, it now turns out that planting trees could add to global warming.
Tree roots do a great job of keeping soil firmly on the ground and out of the wind’s power. The problem is that some of those dust clouds play an important part in taking in carbon dioxide.
Huge dust storms blow out over the oceans from dry parts of North Africa and central Asia. Tons of dust are lifted and left as a thin film over the ocean surface. The dust fuels oceanic life.
Dust from China is carried east and left in the Pacific Ocean. If a tree-planting programme there is successful and the dust supply reduced, the final result may be that less carbon dioxide gets locked away in the ocean.
Andy Ridgwell, an environmental scientist from the University of East Anglia, has spent the past few years studying dust and says his work “shows clearly the complexity of the system and the importance of not tinkering(粗劣地修补) with it without understanding the results. For this reason the need is to focus(集中) on cutting carbon dioxide giving off rather than monkeying (瞎弄) about with the land surface.”
An American scientist, Robert Jackson, has shown that when native grassland areas are invaded(侵入) by trees, carbon is lost from the soil. “We are studying why the soil carbon disappears, but one theory is that trees do a lot more of their growing above ground compared to grasses, so less carbon goes directly into the soil from trees, ” says Jackson.
In wet areas of the world, the gain from trees absorbing carbon dioxide above ground seems to be outweighed(超过) by the loss of carbon from the soil below ground. Countries that plan to combat global warming by planting trees may have to think again.
Solutions to environmental problems are often more complex than they first appear, and understanding the Earth’s climate is a very great challenge.
小题1:People usually hold the opinion that_____________.
A.huge dust storms can destroy carbon dioxide
B.huge dust storms can destroy the oceans on the earth
C.huge dust storms can’t do anything beneficial for man
D.planting trees is the only way to control huge dust storms
小题2: Andy Ridgwell, the environmental scientist, believes that_____________.
A.dust plays a more important part than trees
B.trees shouldn’t have been planted in dry places
C.carbon dioxide is harmful to everything on the earth
D.environmental problems are more complex than expected
小题3: Robert Jackson’s experiment proves that_____________.
A.grassland areas should be covered by forests
B.trees hold more carbon than grasses
C.carbon can turn grass into dust
D.less carbon can make trees grow faster

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Knowing about yourself not only means finding out what you’re good at and what you like,but also means discovering what you’re not good at and what you don’t like.Both help you to see your aim in life.
Although most students would be unhappy if they failed a very difficult physics examination,they have in fact learned a lot about themselves.They know that they should not become engineers or physical scientists.So failing can help a student to live a happier life if he  learns something from it.They may then decide on their aims and choose the work they like and are fit for.
It is impossible to decide whether you like something until you have tried it.If you decide to play the piano,you need to take more than one lesson before knowing whether you are really interested in it or able to do well.It is not enough if you want to be a great pianist.You also have to like the hard practice and long training.If you enjoy being a great pianist but hate the work,forget it.
It’s a good plan to try as many ideas as possible when you are young.Then you will find out what your true interests are.
小题1:If you say you really know yourself, know what you don’t like know what you are good at have no interest in your work’ve got the whole picture of yourself
小题2:Failing can turn into something good      
A.if you have aim in lifeB.if your decision is fight
C.if you lead a happier life D.if you learn something from it
小题3:What can we learn from the second paragraph?
A.Failure is a better mirror
B.Success is more helpful
C.No one is fit for the job of a physical scientist
D.Physics can help students live a better life

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Many Chinese students who have learnt English for more than ten years are still unable to speak English very well when they meet a foreigner. They seem to have mastered the basic language structure(结构), but a conversation in English will make them feel uneasy. They are afraid that other people might find out their mistakes.
It"s uncommon that many students who are bad speakers of English can write English perfectly. This proves that they are unable to organize their idea in English. The center of the problem is that they lack practice and confidence (自信).
Why should you be afraid? Do you fear those foreigners with whom you are speaking? Don"t be shy, they will not laugh at you just for a little mistake you make. The best way to get rid of trouble is to learn to speak by speaking more. I am sure that constant practice will help you succeed.
小题1:What"s the best topic for the passage?
A.How to Speak to ForeignersB.How to Study English Well
C.How to Organize the Idea in EnglishD.Practice Speaking English All the Time
小题2: Many Chinese students can write English very well, but they cannot speak English fluently because _______________.
A.they seldom meet foreigners
B.they seldom practice speaking English
C.they had no chance to speak English
D.they think it"s enough to master the basic language structure only
小题3:So many Chinese students are afraid to speak to foreigners because __.
A.they are afraid they can"t understand foreigners
B.they don"t think their English is poor
C.they worry about making mistakes in their speaking
D.they didn"t like speaking to foreigners
小题4:According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?
A.We can speak English fluently by doing more speaking.
B.If you can write English perfectly, you are able to organize your idea in English.
C.If you can write good English composition, you can speak English very well.
D.Any Chinese students can"t speak English fluently because they are afraid of making mistakes.
小题5:In the last paragraph, the expression "get rid of" means_______.  
A.throw oneself fromC.give with

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