ERATH WEEK---A DIARY OF THE PLANETEnduring StormsSeveral more rounds of severe s

ERATH WEEK---A DIARY OF THE PLANETEnduring StormsSeveral more rounds of severe s

Enduring Storms
Several more rounds of severe storms, tornadoes and flash flooding struck many parts of the American Midwest and Northeast as bad weather continued across the US for a second month.   

Monsoon Storms
A south-west monsoon has caused havoc in parts of Sri Lanka. Government meteorologists said that unexpected monsoonal winds blew directly across the country from the Southern Hemisphere at about 100km/h, producing several rounds of stormy weather. Nearly 250 houses in the capital Colombo were damaged.
Mt. Etna Erupts
Sicily’s Mount Etna volcano erupted shortly after midnight on July 1, shooting “bombs” of lava nearly 1.5 meters in diameter on the eastern side of the mountain. The 30-minute eruption could be seen for several miles, but did not threaten any nearby villages.
Hurricane Blas lost strength as it moved over cooler waters in the Pacific Ocean to the west of Mexico. Blas formed off southwest Mexico during the previous week, but squalls on the outer fringes of the storm lashed western Michoacan State, killing four people when their wood and cardboard home collapsed.
Monkey Repellent
After years of unsuccessful attempts to keep crop-eating monkeys out of Japanese fields, a Tokyo research team believes that it may have finally found a way to prevent the damage caused by the monkeys. Animal raids on crops were successfully prevented by shooting chilli powder into the air, irritating the eyes and noses of monkeys that passed in front of carefully-placed warning sensors. “We’ve tried al kinds of preventive measures, but the monkeys are smart enough to outwit the tricks, “said Toshiaki Wada, Director of the Tokyo Forestry Experiment Station in western Tokyo.
. According to the information, which of the following statements is TURE?
A. The eruption of Mt. Etna lasted thirty days.
B. Hurricane Blas was formed off the coast of Italy.
C. The American Midwest had fine weather throughout July 1998.
The eruption of Mt. Etna did not destroy local villages.
. According to the information, the monkeys in the Japanese fields ________.
A.destroy cropsB.kill unsuspecting humans
C.spread eye diseases to humansD.stop farmers from working
. The information in the “Earth Week” diary _______.
A.predicts future weather patterns advice on dealing with monsoons
C.shows that weather can be unpredictable
D.shows the effects that storms have on animals



What do you know about the sea? You may have seen it. Some of us have swum or bathed in it. It looks beautiful on a fine sunny day and it can be very rough when there is a strong wind. What other things do we know about it? Of course, the sea is very large. In the world there is more sea than land. The sea covers three quarters of the earth. The sea is also very deep in some places. It is not deep everywhere, some parts of it are very great. At one spot, near Japan the sea is nearly 11 kilometers deep! Just think of it, the highest mountain in the world is only about 9 kilometers high! If you have swum in the sea, you know that the water is salty. Rivers carry salt from the land into the sea. Some parts of the sea are more salty than other parts. Do you know the Dead Sea in Arabia? It is very salty. Swimmers cannot sink in it! Fish cannot live in the Dead Sea. It is a strange sea. In most parts of the sea, there are a lot of fishes and plants. Some live near the top of the sea. Others live deep down. No sunlight can reach the depth of the sea. So it is completely dark. Strange fishes live there. Some are blind. Some have their own lights. Some have great jaws. With their great jaws, they swallow fish larger than themselves. The sea can be very cold. Deep sea divers know this well. At the top of the water may be warm. Then as the divers go down, the sea becomes colder and colder.
Many scientists are now making a study of animal and plant life in the sea. They hope to find new resources for mankind.
小题1:. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.Land covers one fourth of the area of the earth.
B.The depths of the sea are different in different places.
C.The depth of a sea at one spot near Japan is nearly the height of the highest mountain.
D.The salt in the sea mainly comes from the land.
小题2:.. The Dead Sea is lifeless because ___.
A.the water in it is too coldB.the water in it is too salty for anything to grow
C.the water in it never sunlight can reach the bottom of the lake
小题3:. We can see the underlined word “rough” in this passage means ___.
A.uglyB.noisyC.coldD.not calm
小题4:.. Which of the following statements is true?
A.Some of the fish living in the depth of the sea can not see by themselves.
B.Some fish give out light for themselves.
C.Some fish live on other fish.D.All of the above
小题5:.. What does the writer intend to tell us in the last paragraph?
A.The necessity of the study of the sea.B.The purpose of man’s further study of the sea.
C.Man’s limited knowledge of the sea.D.The importance of new resources for man.

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Death Valley is one of the most famous deserts in the United States, covering a wide area with its alkali sand Almost 20 percent of this area is well below sea level, and Badwater, a salt water pool, is about 280 feet below sea level and the lowest point in the United States.
Long ago the Panamint Indians called this place “Tomesha”— the land of fire. Death Valley’s present name dates back to 1849, when a group of miners coming across from Nevada became lost in its unpleasantness and hugeness and their adventure turned out to be a sad story. Today Death Valley has been declared(宣告)a National Monument(纪念碑)and is crossed by several well-marked roads where good services can be found easily. Luckily the change created by human settlement has hardly ruined the special beauty of this place.
Here nature created a lot of surprise, almost like the sights on the moon, ever-changing as the frequent(频繁的)wind moves the sand about, showing the most unusual colors. One of the most surprising and variable(多变的)parts of Death Valley is the Devil’ s Golf Course, where it seems hard for one to tell reality from terrible dreams. Sand sculptures(沙雕)stand on a frightening ground, as evening shadows move and lengthen.
小题1:.. _______ is the lowest place in the desert.
A.TomeshaB.Death ValleyC.NevadaD.Badwater
小题2:.. The present name of the valley comes from _______. Indian name B.the death of the miners
C.the local people D.a National Movement
小题3:.. From the passage we can learn that _______. one had ever known the desert before the miners’s still not easy to travel across the desert
C.people can find gas-stations, cafes and hotels in the desert
D.people have changed the natural sight of the desert
小题4:. Devil Golf Course is famous for _______.
A.the frequent wind B.the colors of the sand
C.dream-like sights D.the sand sculptures
小题5:. From the passage we can see that the writer _______ the Death Valley. fearful tired of

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  If there is one thing I’m sure about, it is that in a hundred years from now we will still be reading newspapers. It is not that newspapers are a necessity. Even now some people get most of their news from television or radio. Many buy a paper only on Saturday or Sunday. But for most people reading a newspaper has become a habit passed down from generation to generation.
The nature of what is news may change. What basically makes news is what affects our lives—the big political stories, the coverage of the wars, earthquakes and other disasters, will continue much the same. I think there will be more coverage of scientific research, though. It’s already happening in areas that may directly affect our lives, like genetic(基因)engineering. In the future, I think there will be more coverage of scientific explanations of why we feel as we do—as we develop a better understanding of how the brain operates and what our feelings really are.
It’s quite possible that in the next century newspapers will be transmitted(传送)electronically from Fleet Street and printed out in our own home. In fact, I’m pretty sure how it will happen in the future. You will probably be able to choose from a menu, making up your own newspaper by picking out the things you want to read—sports and international news, etc. .
I think people have got it wrong when they talk about competition between the different media. They actually feed off each other. Some people once foresaw that television would kill off newspapers, but that hasn’t happened. What is read on the printed page lasts longer than pictures on a screen or sound lost in the air. And as for the Internet, it’s never really pleasant to read something  just  on  a screen.
. What is the best title for the passage?
A The Best Way to Get News
B The Changes of Media
C  Make Your Own Newspaper
D The Future of Newspaper
In the writer’s opinion, in the future,_____.
A. more big political affairs, wars and disasters will make news
B. newspapers will not be printed in publishing houses any longer
C newspapers will cover more scientific research
D more and more people will watch TV
From the passage, we can infer____.
A newspapers will win the competition among the different media
B newspapers will stay with us together with other media
C television will take the place of newspaper
D the writer believes some media will die out
. The phrase “feed off” in the last paragraph means____.
A depend on       B compete with                   C fight with       D kill off
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The biggest safety threat(威胁)facing airlines today may not be a man with a gun ,but the man with portable(便携式)computer in business class .In the past 15 years ,pilots have reported about over 100 incidents that could have been caused by electro-magnetic interference(电磁干扰) .The source of this interference remain unclear ,but increasingly ,experts are pointing the blame at portable electronic devices(设备)such as portable computers ,radio and mobile telephones .
RTCA ,an organization which advises the aviation industry ,has suggested that all airlines ban, such devices from being used during “key” stages of flight ,particularly take-off and landing .Some experts have gone further ,calling for a total ban during all flights .Nowadays ,rules on using these devices are left up to airlines. And although some airlines ban passengers from using such equipment during take-off and landing ,most are not willing to exercise a total ban ,if many passengers want to work during flights .
The difficulty is understanding how electromagnetic fields might affect an aircraft’s computers .Experts know that portable devices give off radiation which affects those wave lengths which aircraft uses for communication .But because they have not been able to reproduce these effects in a laboratory ,they have no way of knowing whether the interference might be dangerous or not .
The fact that aircraft may be in trouble because of the interference raises the danger
that some people may use radio systems in order to damage navigation(导航)equipment .As worrying ,though ,is the passenger who can’t hear the instruction to turn off his radio because the music is too loud .
.What is said about over 100 aircraft incidents in the past 15 years ?
A They may have taken place during take-off and landing .
B They have been caused by the damage to the radio systems .
C They were said to have resulted from electro-magnetic interference .
D They were caused by the passengers’ portable computers .
. Few airlines want to refuse a total ban on their passengers because ____ .
A they have other effective safety measures to fall back on
B they don’t believe there is such a danger as radio interference
C the effect of electromagnetic interference is yet to be proved
D most passengers refuse to take a plane which bans the use of radio 
. Why is it difficult to see the effects of electromagnetic fields on computers ?
A Experts lack proper equipment to such research .
B It is dangerous to carry out such research on an airplane .
C It remains a question what wave lengths are to be interfered with .
D Scientists are not able to produce the same effects in laboratory .
It can be inferred from the passage that the author ___ .
A hasn’t formed his own opinion on this problem
B has fully understood the danger of electromagnetic interference
C regards it is as unreasonable to exercise a total ban during flight
D is in favor of banning passengers’ use of electronic devices
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Who’s in control of your life? Who’s pulling your strings? For the majority of us,it’s other people—society,colleagues,friends,family or our religious community.We learned this way of operating when we were very young,of course.We were brainwashed.We discovered that feeling important and feeling accepted was a nice experience and so we learned to do everything we could to make other people like us.As Oscar Wilde puts it,“Most people are other people.Their thoughts are someone else’s opinions,their lives a mimicry,their passions a quotation.”
So when people tell us how wonderful we are,it makes us feel good.We long for this good feeling like a drug—we are addicted to it and seek it out wherever we can.Therefore,we are so eager for the approval(赞同)of others that we live unhappy and limited lives,failing to do the things we really want to.Just as drug addicts and alcoholics live worsened lives to keep getting their fix(一剂毒品),we worsen our own existence to get our own constant fix of approval.
But,just as with any drug,there is a price to pay.The price of the approval drug is freedom—the freedom to be ourselves. The truth is that we cannot control what other people think.People have their own agenda,and they come with their own baggage and,in the end,they’re more
interested in themselves than in you.Furthermore,if we try to live by the opinions of others,we will build our life on sinking sand.Everyone has a different way of thinking,and people change
their opinions all the time.The person who tries to please everyone will only end up getting exhausted and probably pleasing no one in the process.
So how can we take back control? I think there’s only one way—make a conscious decision to stop caring what other people think.We should guide ourselves by means of a set of values—not values imposed from the outside by others,but innate values which come from within.If we are driven by these values and not by the changing opinions and value systems of others,we will live a more authentic,effective,purposeful and happy life.
小题1:.What Oscar Wilde says implies that        
A.we have thoughts similar to those of others
B.most people have a variety of thoughts
C.other people’s thoughts are more important
D.most people’s thoughts are controlled by others
小题2:.What does the author try to argue in the third paragraph?
A.Changing opinions may cost us our freedom.
B.We may lose ourselves to please others.
C.We need to pay for what we want to get.
D.The price of taking the drug is freedom.
小题3:.It can be concluded from the passage that         
A. it’s better to do what we like
B.we shouldn’t care what others think
C.we shouldn’t change our own opinions’s important to accept others’ opinions
小题4:.The author tries to persuade the readers to accept his arguments mainly by      
A.analyzing causes and effectsB.providing examples and facts
C.discussing questionsD.making suggestions

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